Airmiles Armchair Chatter

EXACTLY! Covid-chic masks!! I can't wait for my machine to get home from the hospital so i can go get more Disney material, and fall stuff, and Halloween and and, and!!! Get the idea? I love having a choice for what to slap on before i head into a store and seeing the reactions from other people makes it worth the time.
I know I want to use my Halloween and fall material and make more masks. I also found some Christmas material in my stash so I will make some of them as well. One of my friends has asked me to make some masks for her teddies like I made for mine so I will do that first since I have enough masks for me right now. My sister keeps saying she wants me to make her some masks but she keeps forgetting to bring me the material.
YUP! Hubby was musing about possibly needing a webcam soon, i gave him a quick side-eye as I opened up the airmilesshop webpage and asked a ton of pointed questions :P
I found a webcam on New egg - $250
A nifty thing to wrangle all the tools that came with Sir Sucksalot on Amazon that i can add to my running list

And finally a BBQ cover from Rona that will let me use a targeted offer i have from them as well!

I'll finish up the actual transactions tomorrow and I should be able to pull in over 400 miles!!!!
Thanks! I decided to go to airmilesshops and see what I could do. They have a summer sale on SAXX boxers, so I picked up some for DH and DSs. Picked up a nice swim suit for one son. All for Christmas gifts. Then, on to Zwilling. Checked with daughter in law and confirmed that 2nd son would like knives (I recalled that he had mentioned he was looking at an expensive one at Costco.) Again, summer sale and Christmas gift. He's not getting Zwilling, but Henkels, which was my first good knife. Those two orders put me at ~260, so I went to Amazon and picked up something off my wishlist. But then I realized I have no idea what does/doesn't get airmiles from, off I went and picked up some things from The Children's Place. Fingers crossed I've calculated correctly and puts me over the $300. Being so close, I want the 300 airmiles! But hey! A few Christmas gifts bought and some cool Canada Day stuff for when my granddaughter gets to come next year.
That moment when you check your Airmiles account to see what transactions have posted (what used to happen at least once a day, some days more when waiting for bonus miles to appear now happens maybe twice a week) and you almost pass out at the number of miles beside the words BMO Mastercard. OMG, we're lucky if we get more than 10 miles a month unless there's an offer connected to using it because we rarely use it. This month?? 95 😱 I couldn't for the life of me figure out what on earth I had spent that much money on, there's been no discretionary shopping happening, we don't order any take-out, haven't filled the car up since May! Then I got ready for bed and it dawned on me as i stuck my new mouth guard in.

Remember those discussion about dental visits? I didn't mention mine but i knew i needed to head in because I'd managed to grind my front teeth to the point that they were all the same height and I react to the material used to make the drug store guards. I was told it was also time for my comprehensive cleaning,(BLECTH, I hate the dentist) so that meant close to 90 minutes in the chair. I have another appointment next week to get my VERY.FIRST.EVER. filling because i have apparently cracked one of my molars in half from the grinding THANKS Covid for ruining my record :P The dentist said he's going to put a very big, bold, all caps note in my file saying "Not Cavity Related" 🤣 So yeah, a $450 mouth guard plus the full appointment made for a very hefty MC charge!!!
I have another appointment next week to get my VERY.FIRST.EVER. filling because i have apparently cracked one of my molars in half from the grinding THANKS Covid for ruining my record :P The dentist said he's going to put a very big, bold, all caps note in my file saying "Not Cavity Related" 🤣 So yeah, a $450 mouth guard plus the full appointment made for a very hefty MC charge!!!
Airmiles-the only thing I smile about when going to the dentist. :)
WOW! Now this is how i wish online shopping promos worked EVERY TIME! I placed all 3 of my orders after 7 last night and i just got these postings!! My BBQ cover was ready to be picked up at 8:30 this morning, the stand for Sir Sucksalot will be here by Thursday and the Webcam left Richmond BC at 6:10 this morning!!!
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Ughhhh...good news/bad news. I'm finally reopening my business! I spent far too long today in a meeting discussing how things would be running. Now....I'm in total stress mode. There are a poop ton of things that I need to get organized and purchased by Friday. I've been on it for the last 4.5 hours straight so now I'm sitting with a cup of tea and came to the Dis for a wee mental break....or perhaps break down :confused3 I've got papers strewn all over my dinning room table and my fingers have been flying on the keys searching for the items I need to stock. In some areas I need 10X what I was using before :scared1:. I've got to make schedules in a completely different way that right now I can't even see being feasible. Those schedules need to be emailed out every day....24hrs in advance. I can't bring in my own staff....nightmare! I have to get Covid tested every 14 days. I think my biggest issue right now is finding a face shield.

My phone has been pinging non stop for hours as word has gotten out. :badpc: All happy messages which I will say makes me feel good but I'm turning the phone off now.

So all that and I'm here with you.
WOW! Now this is how i wish online shopping promos worked EVERY TIME! I placed all 3 of my orders after 7 last night and i just got these postings!! My BBQ cover was ready to be picked up at 8:30 this morning, the stand for Sir Sucksalot will be here by Thursday and the Webcam left Richmond BC at 6:10 this morning!!!
Jeez I wish I had your luck with online airmiles posting. I am still waiting for my June one to post from Chapters. I think it was needed to earn bonus miles for 2 online shops. Amazon already posted but it seems that Chapters doesn't seem to post for me. Neither does the Source. Guess I will fighting for those measly little points. Like you most of my items have shipped so I would think the points should be forthcoming.
Wow I see that you even got part of the Christmas in July money already
I just checked my AM account and Sobeys and Foodland Bonus Boom AM (25AM) for using 95Cash AM just posted. Here's hoping the actual bonus from AM will be coming soon.

Just checked DH account and the Gatorade purchase which didn't show on the recipt finally posted as well as his Cash AM use.

Never thought I'd be so excited over getting 95AM (Bonus Boom for using 3 offers). The Big bonus hasn't posted yet but it can't be far behind. Ah, the depths to which I have sunk as a result of Covid.
Just got an email offer for my MC. Spend $750 between July 28 and Aug 3rd, get 40 AM's. Not a lot of AM's but I will reach that spend with no problem. Dentist on Thursday, not cheap. Shopping for a birthday dinner for number one son, which is also on Thursday :scared:. A will be doing a shop at Costco which we all know isn't cheap. Also my car/house insurances will be coming out in the next two days.
I should get the 40 AM's.
Ughhhh...good news/bad news. I'm finally reopening my business! I spent far too long today in a meeting discussing how things would be running. Now....I'm in total stress mode. There are a poop ton of things that I need to get organized and purchased by Friday. I've been on it for the last 4.5 hours straight so now I'm sitting with a cup of tea and came to the Dis for a wee mental break....or perhaps break down :confused3 I've got papers strewn all over my dinning room table and my fingers have been flying on the keys searching for the items I need to stock. In some areas I need 10X what I was using before :scared1:. I've got to make schedules in a completely different way that right now I can't even see being feasible. Those schedules need to be emailed out every day....24hrs in advance. I can't bring in my own staff....nightmare! I have to get Covid tested every 14 days. I think my biggest issue right now is finding a face shield.

My phone has been pinging non stop for hours as word has gotten out. :badpc: All happy messages which I will say makes me feel good but I'm turning the phone off now.

So all that and I'm here with you.

This is my first post, but I have been reading along literally for years and feel like I kind of know the regulars, lol.

@dancin Disney style based on your previous posts I think we may live in neighbouring cities. I just wanted to share that on the weekend I saw face shields at the Burlington Costco. No sure if they are what you are looking for but it may be worth a phone call :)

Thank you all for sharing your weekly airmiles finds and strategies. Every week I come here first before I even look at the flyer!

BMO has selected you to receive this week-long Bonus Offer to help you get closer to your next Reward:​


AIR MILES® Bonus Miles​
when you use Miles towards kitchen accessories, home electronics and more in the Dream Rewards catalogue by August 3, 2020.1​

So like does this mean anything in the Dream reward catalogue?



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