In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.
I'm talking more about how Florida has reacted to this. IMO once numbers started rising they should have pulled back on some openings and made masks mandatory. Instead they rushed to open in hopes the tourists would come and with cases rising they have stayed away.
According to the CDC, COVID 19 will end in the top ten causes of death in 2020. They won't know exactly where until we finish the year, but based on data from 2018, it looks like it'll come in around #3. I can't catch heart disease or cancer from other people. But I can catch this virus. And I also may end up with long term health implications from the virus. To me, that's pretty darned serious. I'm keeping everything in perspective.

  1. Heart disease (655,381)
  2. Cancer (599,274)
  3. Unintentional injury (167,127)
  4. Chronic lower respiratory disease (159,486)
  5. Stroke (147,810)
  6. Alzheimer's disease (122,019)
  7. Diabetes (84,946)
  8. Flu and pneumonia (59,120)
  9. Nephritis (51,386)
  10. Suicide (48,344)

Just to add to this post, unlike the others on the list, it only is going to have about 10 months to work with on the year. The others had 12 in 2018. And even more perspective. I can't catch heart disease or cancer from the person standing next to me. So it looks like Covid is going to be the leading communicable cause of death by far. Going down the list, I can't catch stroke, Alzheimer's, Diabedes, or Suicide from the person standing next to me either.

Further, we have spent boku bucks and resources over the years trying to mitigage all those other causes of death. So the idea that we shouldn't do anything about covid because those other causes exist is poppycock, particularly when Covid deaths are IN ADDITION to all the others and there is something easy we can do to mitigate it. You can't do a thing about Heart disease by wearing a mask.
So the poster throws up all this stuff, and says perspective, when in fact it is the poster's perspective that needs broadening.

I'm talking more about how Florida has reacted to this. IMO once numbers started rising they should have pulled back on some openings and made masks mandatory. Instead they rushed to open in hopes the tourists would come and with cases rising they have stayed away.
I would assert that In many states, it has been a refuse to learn as we go situation. Fortunately in Florida, some of the local areas are in fact doing things that seem to be at least starting to work even though the state doesn't seem to be doing much.
In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.

For the life of me, tell me why this matters so much? They thought one thing, then as science and the horrendous experience made them change their advice, they did.

You know what the advice is now. It could change, but why does it matter? Why can't people do what they think is necessary now until they devise a better plan?

Is it necessary to kill people because you feel like you were lied to?
That’s how science works. It changes over time.

I think, the reason masks weren’t pushed initially was because there wasn’t an adequate supply.
Yup and I think many of kinda felt that was the reason or at least questioned the information given to us. I try not to overly criticize but that was really bungled even whilst understanding that supply issue. I just can't help but think how much more compliance we would have now if we had just been more encouraged to make our own in Feb/March/April. Even though in March and April and parts of May you still had people under stay at home orders once places reopened I've kinda thought mask usage would have been more prevalent as people moved around and got out and about more rather than the message being drilled too late for many places.
The unemployment rate is also likely to drive up the number of suicides this year as well.

No doubt. It'll probably drive up heart disease as well, from the long term implications from COVID, and because lots of people have put on weight. In no way am I saying that this virus isn't causing other effects on our health unrelated to COVID itself. We all know that. But, if we were all out, no masks, just going full steam....COVID would be the number one cause of death for the year, no doubt about it. Our hospitals would be over run, and people would be dying at great numbers from other diseases and accidents as well. All that I know is most of us hadn't even heard of COVID until late January. Some not until February. And it looks very likely that we end up with 250-300K dead from this disease by the end of the year. I'm not sure what your mindset has to be to ignore those kinds of numbers, but good luck if you're in that category.
For the life of me, tell me why this matters so much? They thought one thing, then as science and the horrendous experience made them change their advice, they did.

You know what the advice is now. It could change, but why does it matter? Why can't people do what they think is necessary now until they devise a better plan?

Is it necessary to kill people because you feel like you were lied to?
I'm explaining what I've been observing as it relates to the PP's comment about enforcement in the beginning. There was no enforcement in the beginning because our top medical expert told us we didn't need to at that time when we didn't have symptoms. I don't see the point in making it about me personally and I'll assume that you were speaking about me personally because you didn't use "general you". I'm just explaining here.

To really understand you'd have to know how psychology works on people. Have you never had issues with trusting people once you've told one thing only turns out it was likely not that? Have you just always easily accepted something when presented with the opposite of what you were told? Have you never questioned what you were told? All rhetorical questions. I'm not about to make a claim that I haven't been like that. This issue may be one that I personally didn't feel that way but give me another issue and I could feel the complete opposite. And it works the opposite way too; in certain situations we can be too trusting to the point where we accept what someone says even if it causes harm to people (see Milgram's experiment for that) and ironically that is somewhat at play here with how people believe this and that about the virus.

I'd like to think people understand science changes but science intentionally is without emotion so we may have learned more about mask usage over time but that initial set up can keep that lasting impression. Whether you and I agree with that lasting impression it can be there looming in people's minds.

When people go with the extreme, as you've used, "necessary to kill people because you feel like you were lied to" you end up tuning people off. It comes off as dismissive rather than what you may be really hoping for it to be informative.

In the comment you quoted I even said "once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June." So you've made an argument that I wasn't against :)
Yup and I think many of kinda felt that was the reason or at least questioned the information given to us. I try not to overly criticize but that was really bungled even whilst understanding that supply issue. I just can't help but think how much more compliance we would have now if we had just been more encouraged to make our own in Feb/March/April. Even though in March and April and parts of May you still had people under stay at home orders once places reopened I've kinda thought mask usage would have been more prevalent as people moved around and got out and about more rather than the message being drilled too late for many places.

Mask usage has become a political statement. Blows my mind. I never expected that to happen, nor did I expect protests during a pandemic.

I’m honestly more worried about 2021 than this year based on all of the economic updates I receive in my job. This is only the beginning.
I'm talking more about how Florida has reacted to this. IMO once numbers started rising they should have pulled back on some openings and made masks mandatory. Instead they rushed to open in hopes the tourists would come and with cases rising they have stayed away.
Sorry, you had said in the beginning that's what I was responding to. The beginning wouldn't be when cases are rising, by that point it would have been too late and by many people's opinions it would have been adopted too late in the game. Haven't many people been making the case that FL has time to do this and that when NY didn't if you're discussing specifically FL? That means masks would have been highly encouraged early on (like late March to a degree/April/May) and then moved to mandatory later on; not after already reopening. That's why I was discussing how the information was given to us.

I'm not professing it would have stopped everyone but we can become used to a lot of things. I think there would have been much more people just simply used to putting on a mask they made at home (or bought off etsy or their Nextdoor site or FB or whatever) if we had been told differently early on. And by the time places started reopening it could have become much more of a habit; well that's at least what I think would have been the case for people maybe a good amount. I remember how I felt when I first wore my masks out and about and it was like "this is weird" but I got used to it fairly quickly. I have a rotation of masks and always have 2 in my purse in a zip lock bag (separated from each other) and it just goes with me everywhere. But that may be more of a resistance for that habit making for people who feel conflicted on it all not because they are silly or because they are trying to kill someone.

I agree with you on rushing for sure.
Mask usage has become a political statement. Blows my mind. I never expected that to happen, nor did I expect protests during a pandemic.

I’m honestly more worried about 2021 than this year based on all of the economic updates I receive in my job. This is only the beginning.
Sadly I agree. I did expect some civil unrest, for better or worse we are a nation that at least feels comfortable at rebelling this or that but I'm not sure I was fully prepared for just how far it go when it comes to politics; its had its hand in so much of the decision making and I think I wasn't expecting that. That's as far as I could go in talking though given you know politics aspect.
I'm explaining what I've been observing as it relates to the PP's comment about enforcement in the beginning. There was no enforcement in the beginning because our top medical expert told us we didn't need to at that time when we didn't have symptoms. I don't see the point in making it about me personally and I'll assume that you were speaking about me personally because you didn't use "general you". I'm just explaining here.

To really understand you'd have to know how psychology works on people. Have you never had issues with trusting people once you've told one thing only turns out it was likely not that? Have you just always easily accepted something when presented with the opposite of what you were told? Have you never questioned what you were told? All rhetorical questions. I'm not about to make a claim that I haven't been like that. This issue may be one that I personally didn't feel that way but give me another issue and I could feel the complete opposite. And it works the opposite way too; in certain situations we can be too trusting to the point where we accept what someone says even if it causes harm to people (see Milgram's experiment for that) and ironically that is somewhat at play here with how people believe this and that about the virus.

I'd like to think people understand science changes but science intentionally is without emotion so we may have learned more about mask usage over time but that initial set up can keep that lasting impression. Whether you and I agree with that lasting impression it can be there looming in people's minds.

When people go with the extreme, as you've used, "necessary to kill people because you feel like you were lied to" you end up tuning people off. It comes off as dismissive rather than what you may be really hoping for it to be informative.

In the comment you quoted I even said "once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June." So you've made an argument that I wasn't against :)

Just wanted your perspective since you were the one who posted it. Didn't mean you weren't doing what was needed. I'm just responding to your post with my questions on your post.

But, as far as the psychology, thanks, but that's my degree.

I don't think I can put a person that has lied to me in the same boat as a scientist or medical doctor. Have you ever gotten a diagnosis from your doctor, but it didn't fix your symptoms? Do you ignore everything else he told you? Do you go find another doctor? When you get a second diagnosis and it's different than the first doctor, what do you do? What if what he told you didn't alleviate your symptoms? Are they both lying to you?

I'm sure my comment about killing people turns you off, but I don't think you can say it turns all people off that are on these boards. There are lots of people on this board that are just as frustrated as I am by the inability of many people here that bring up excuse after excuse for the situation we are in but offer no solutions. They argue death statistics, percent positives, hospitalizations, etc. and make comparisons that this is no big deal. I think 150,000 deaths, most of them needless is a big deal, whether the death rate is rising or falling in Florida or anywhere in this country.

So now you have a clearer picture of what I think.:)
Just wanted your perspective since you were the one who posted it. Didn't mean you weren't doing what was needed. I'm just responding to your post with my questions on your post.
Gotcha no problem there then!
But, as far as the psychology, thanks, but that's my degree.

I don't think I can put a person that has lied to me in the same boat as a scientist or medical doctor. Have you ever gotten a diagnosis from your doctor, but it didn't fix your symptoms? Do you ignore everything else he told you? Do you go find another doctor? When you get a second diagnosis and it's different than the first doctor, what do you do? What if what he told you didn't alleviate your symptoms? Are they both lying to you?

I'm sure my comment about killing people turns you off, but I don't think you can say it turns all people off that are on these boards. There are lots of people on this board that are just as frustrated as I am by the inability of many people here that bring up excuse after excuse for the situation we are in but offer no solutions. They argue death statistics, percent positives, hospitalizations, etc. and make comparisons that this is no big deal. I think 150,000 deaths, most of them needless is a big deal, whether the death rate is rising or falling in Florida or anywhere in this country.

So now you have a clearer picture of what I think.:)
With all due respect if this is your degree then I'm not sure why you would even be questioning why it matters. You know why it matters even if you personally don't agree with the whys behind it.

It's not that it turns me off it's that it's an easy go to to get a reaction. People are nuanced and IMO deserve more introspection and consideration for who they are as a person than a quick easy jab. Now is the time to bring people all together not aim at separating them out creating more friction and chances for someone to stick with their ways; give people more information on mask usage and its effects, coax more compliance by showing how it can become a habit, encourage them not "is it worth killing someone" venue. But that's just my opinion. Wouldn't this be a great study on how to get mask compliance? Which ways are more likely to gain compliance for this particular issue. I think so :) Who know maybe I could be totally wrong ::yes::
Gotcha no problem there then!
With all due respect if this is your degree then I'm not sure why you would even be questioning why it matters. You know why it matters even if you personally don't agree with the whys behind it.

It's not that it turns me off it's that it's an easy go to to get a reaction. People are nuanced and IMO deserve more introspection and consideration for who they are as a person than a quick easy jab. Now is the time to bring people all together not aim at separating them out creating more friction and chances for someone to stick with their ways; give people more information on mask usage and its effects, coax more compliance by showing how it can become a habit, encourage them not "is it worth killing someone" venue. But that's just my opinion. Wouldn't this be a great study on how to get mask compliance? Which ways are more likely to gain compliance for this particular issue. I think so :)

With all due respect, it matters because this has been going on for months now. I'm a little frustrated in trying to get that horse to drink.

Been there, done that. Just haven't gotten the t-shirt yet.
With all due respect, it matters because this has been going on for months now. I'm a little frustrated in trying to get that horse to drink.

Been there, done that. Just haven't gotten the t-shirt yet.
But from a psychology background you know at least several reasons why the initial message has led to certain reactions. You asked me why that initial reason matters. Well having that background should have already given you insight into why people are the way they are so yes bit confused why you were questioning that (that's neither here nor there don't really think we would want to go back and forth on that point any longer).

That said that didn't translate into being frustrated or not which wasn't your original point. If frustration was the original point then absolutely I'm frustrated too but my comment you were quoting was explaining how we got people out there who distrust this and that is important to why there wasn't a large enmasse early adoption to mask wearing; that's all :upsidedow And with that moving along personally speaking in the discussion no disrespect meant :)
But from a psychology background you know at least several reasons why the initial message has led to certain reactions. You asked me why that initial reason matters. Well having that background (which I have some as well) should have already given you insight into why people are the way they are so yes bit confused why you were questioning that (that's neither here nor there don't really think we would want to go back and forth on that point any longer). That didn't translate into being frustrated or not which wasn't your original point. If frustration was the original point then absolutely I'm frustrated too but my comment you were quoting was explaining how we got people out there who distrust this and that is important to why there wasn't a large enmasse early adoption to mask wearing; that's all :upsidedow

Initial reactions, yes. But we are 6 months wiser. If someone is still resistant to mask wearing today, I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with the initial advise or enforcement.

I'm sorry you don't understand my frustration, but your judgement of it, isn't right or welcome.

Early adoption to mask wearing is irrelevant. What we should be focusing is on present mask-wearing and it is why I'm so frustrated. Your post reads like your saying you can understand why people aren't wearing them today, because they didn't advise them at first and they didn't enforce them at first.

My doctor analogy, which you don't address, is illustrating that your argument doesn't make sense to me, because it was advice given by doctors that have learned as the virus rages.

What is the reason to even bring up past mask-wearing advise? It's over. It's months behind us. If someone is still arguing about wearing masks because they weren't told to in the beginning, then they have another issue other than just being given wrong information 6 months ago.

As long as you are wearing a mask, social distancing and washing your hands, we are all good. If not......I can't be your friend.
Blah, blah, blah, blah. It still doesn't mean measures shouldn't be in place. Mandatory masks and physical distancing should still be in place. Had those been enforced at the beginning a lot of these deaths would be saved.
I would not say "a lot". Some, maybe, but not "a lot". A lot of lives would be saved, even now, if people would just use common sense and stop going to parties or other gatherings in someone else's home. like in Mississippi, where over 80% of COVID positive patients admitted they attended a social gathering. Or in Miami where the more COVID surged the more people partied. It's tempting to just call it a thinning of the herd, but those idiots need to get groceries at some point. That's why mask and physical mandates are needed, but the cases where someone working at a grocery store gets it are a very small minority by comparison, even before the mandates.
In the beginning we were told we didn't need to wear masks and the ill should be the ones to wear them (as in if you were exhibiting symptoms). We know they could have gone about it a different way and advised to make homemade masks and my guess is a lot of issues surrounding masks would probably have been mostly muted right now. It wasn't about being enforced it was about what we had been advise at least in the beginning. Now once that tune was adjusted yes more places should have jumped on board to at least really encourage masks and then later made them mandatory especially in May into June.

This whole thing has a been a "learn as you go"; things we thought were really high risk turns out not so much, things we didn't realize would be such a high risk turns out they were.
I really wish that more of what is being mandated would be based on what we've learned. Yes, masks and physical distancing works to control the spread, INDOORS. We have known since before it even started to be a problem in the US that it is not being spread OUTSIDE where there is plenty of ventilation. The other thing we need to remember is, even after all this time, only about 1%-2% of the population has tested positive. Yes, that means that this is far from over, but also that means you can stop freaking out and being the COVID cop every time someone's nose pops out from behind a mask. I've got no problem wearing a mask full time, indoors and out in a place like Disney where they are going above and beyond just to be open, but the mask shaming anywhere else has just brought out the worst in society. And yes, I think the uneven, sometimes nonsensical rules and mandates (and sometimes lack thereof) have a lot to do with that.
Saw my favorite "internet fact" today just a minute ago....

"CDC director says there's more suicides and over doses than all of Covid deaths, look up the transcript"

I look it up..............and.................

It was from a webinar where he says "among high schoolers"

And he is discussing rates.........

The truthers are really grasping at straws these days....I don't understand the confidence to say "look it up" and then apparently not knowing yet about google get proven wrong so fast. It's fascinating to watch.

Maybe they think we have to drive to a library or something and pull up film so we wont?
Really? For me, I think people deciding to not wear a mask or those deciding to wear a mask incorrectly, is the worst in our society.
It goes both ways. Yes, the knob who refuses to wear a mask in a grocery store is wrong. After all, everyone wearing a mask indoors is the right thing to do, and the only way the grocery store can be open. What about the people who are berating their neighbors because they aren't wearing masks while walking their dogs, or going to the beach, or really any setting outside where giving someone 6' distance (the length of a dog leash BTW) is almost hard not to do? They are equally wrong IMHO.
It goes both ways. Yes, the knob who refuses to wear a mask in a grocery store is wrong. After all, everyone wearing a mask indoors is the right thing to do, and the only way the grocery store can be open. What about the people who are berating their neighbors because they aren't wearing masks while walking their dogs, or going to the beach, or really any setting outside where giving someone 6' distance (the length of a dog leash BTW) is almost hard not to do? They are equally wrong IMHO.

People should wear a mask outside too.


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