Back to School during the pandemic ...a discussion thread

For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.
So sorry about your uncle. It’s so hard on families in long term care.

Why are visits not allowed? In June, outdoor visits in Ontario long term care homes started back up and in July, you could visit indoors as long as you had tested negative for the virus within the prior two weeks. This was put out by the Ford government. Just curious if it’s the home saying that.
We have been in phase one until about 2 weeks ago. The rest of the province might have this under control, but we are not very urban and have had consistently higher numbers than the GTA. The outbreak in the other LTCH earlier is a sister home, owned by the same company. The only thing we can figure is they were sharing staff.
For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.
Once I go back to teaching and my kids go back to school next month, we will definitely avoid visiting my dad and mother in law, at least for the first 3 months or so. Then we’ll see what COVID numbers are like, and decide if it would be safe to visit at that point. That makes the most sense to me.
We have been in phase one until about 2 weeks ago. The rest of the province might have this under control, but we are not very urban and have had consistently higher numbers than the GTA. The outbreak in the other LTCH earlier is a sister home, owned by the same company. The only thing we can figure is they were sharing staff.

Such a shame since they were told, although not until later on in the pandemic, that they couldn’t share staff. This pandemic has definitely brought light to the issues in LTC.
Bubble rejection is what it's called.

My son and daughter in law are in my *Bubble*
and work from home,,their companies are saying at least until next Jan/Feb 2021.

If I go back to the school environment I am out of their *Bubble*.....:sad1:
I can't imagine Christmas without them???????????????????????????
Once I go back to teaching and my kids go back to school next month, we will definitely avoid visiting my dad and mother in law, at least for the first 3 months or so. Then we’ll see what COVID numbers are like, and decide if it would be safe to visit at that point. That makes the most sense to me.

That seems like the wisest thing at this point. That gives time to assess how things are going. It’s so hard to take a step back from hugging our favourite little people.

I do not envy any of you parents having to make decisions about your children’s schooling during this. It is so difficult for all of you and I can’t even imagine the stress involved.
For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.

The only other people in our bubble are my parents. Who are in there 80s and at high risk. Even though we are in the same “bubble” I’m still careful. No hugging and try to not sit right beside each other, we also maybe only visit with them every couple weeks (was like that before). Part of me was thinking I should avoid seeing them after ds goes back to school but instead I may just cut down a little more on visits and keep just a little more distance. My parents are basically like my kids who won’t listen and keep going out and doing things even though they are at high risk. So I kind of gave up on being really careful with them.
Bubble rejection is what it's called.
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My son and daughter in law are in my *Bubble*
and work from home,,their companies are saying at least until next Jan/Feb 2021.

If I go back to the school environment I am out of their *Bubble*.....:sad1:
I can't imagine Christmas without them???????????????????????????

I totally understand that. It’s like we took a step forward to have a bubble and then went a giant leap back. Ugh!
Such a shame since they were told, although not until later on in the pandemic, that they couldn’t share staff. This pandemic has definitely brought light to the issues in LTC.
It definitely has. DH’s uncle’s LTCH is not currently listed as having an outbreak, but the sister LTCH is listed as “ongoing outbreak” on the public health site. It could just be community spread too. All of these workers live/shop/etc alongside us so who knows. I shouldn’t assume, because I am not sure. It’s a guess I suppose that since there is an ongoing outbreak in one that the did not allow visits in the other. Maybe the company made that decision. If so it was wise as the other greenhouse community 5 mins down the road still has one of their LTCHs listed as “outbreak ongoing” too.
The only other people in our bubble are my parents. Who are in there 80s and at high risk. Even though we are in the same “bubble” I’m still careful. No hugging and try to not sit right beside each other, we also maybe only visit with them every couple weeks (was like that before). Part of me was thinking I should avoid seeing them after ds goes back to school but instead I may just cut down a little more on visits and keep just a little more distance. My parents are basically like my kids who won’t listen and keep going out and doing things even though they are at high risk. So I kind of gave up on being really careful with them.

A friend of ours is in her 80’s and does her own groceries, walks in the park, etc. Won’t let her kids or anyone else help. When we tell her the risks, she keeps saying she is getting old and wants to live what life she has but will be careful. She won’t change her mind.

It is hard with family to not see each other so if you can at least distance, you’re lucky.
A friend of ours is in her 80’s and does her own groceries, walks in the park, etc. Won’t let her kids or anyone else help. When we tell her the risks, she keeps saying she is getting old and wants to live what life she has but will be careful. She won’t change her mind.

It is hard with family to not see each other so if you can at least distance, you’re lucky.

Yeah when all this started we were getting their groceries and would leave them at the door for them, picking up prescriptions etc. But I suspected they may still be going places. Which they were. So they just said we will get our groceries, and started going in the store not doing pickup (which we do), they went for haircuts as soon as they could, go shopping everywhere multiple times a week cause they “want to get out”.

So I gave up and figured they are probably more a risk to us lol.
So both my girls are in french immer, No chance at home schooling there. Neither my wife or I speak a lick of it. And I would say that is the same for 80% of the school. Plus close to 80% are bused in from all over. That is the bigger concern for me the busing. They have asked us to commit to the busing or not. Now we will probably say yes, but for 3 out of 5 days we will drive them since our work schedules allow us. The school has said if we say no to busing then we can not opt in again till Jan. Well I hate taking a space away from kids on half the days, we have no choice.

If you were considering homeschooling otherwise, don't count it out because of French. There are excellent French curriulum options out there, taught online/via computer, that do not require you to have any French knowledge :)
So sorry about your uncle. It’s so hard on families in long term care.

Why are visits not allowed? In June, outdoor visits in Ontario long term care homes started back up and in July, you could visit indoors as long as you had tested negative for the virus within the prior two weeks. This was put out by the Ford government. Just curious if it’s the home saying that.

It's up to each individual home, what they are comfortable with. The care home that my sister lives in is still not accepting visitors. One person only (not one at a time, but only one person approved), masked, gowned and gloves, and you can only visit through a screened window.
If my son goes back, then we will take ourselves out of the grandparent bubble. They are all over 65 and it’s not worth the risk in the least. Being able to still visit grandmas and grandpas is another bonus to not returning. But that will also depend on what the community looks like and what my nieces and nephews are doing. My parents won’t be doing in person visits with the kids that are going back to school ( and my mother is PHD health professional if that tells you anything ), but I’m not sure about my inlaws. So we will see.

The kids who return to school are also going to be in the community at stores and restaurants etc , so we will see more community spread as the virus hasn’t disappeared all of a sudden. So I really have to rethink my bubble strategy whether my child is in school or not. I don’t feel like I can wait to start seeing community numbers start climbing to determine it’s no longer safe to have indoor visits.

I am so sick of all of this.
For those with children heading back to school, will that change your “bubble”? The bubble of people you can hug? I know so many grandparents are wondering if they should limit visits with their grandchildren once school goes back. The kids were in their bubble but will now be seeing so many more people, it changes the parameters. I was trying to find the FAQ I had read where the health ministers said it was ok to continue that but it doesn’t make sense.

We homeschool, so perhaps moot. But, that said, they are involved in activities, that would increase their exposure. If (huge if right now) we pursue those, then we will limit our contact with grandparents, especially their great-grandmother and their grandfather, both of whom are in poor health. However, we ourselves are a higher risk family, so, we fully planned to limit our contact with everybody come cold/flu season (starts around November here normally), anyways. That all said, after what we personally went through this spring, there is no way in you-know-where, we will ever fully stop visits again, regardless of what the government decrees. Life is too short, and your loved ones can be taken from you in a second. I will not allow Covid to steal any more time from me. So for us, that will mean no overnight visits, no family dinners. However, we will still visit with grandparents, but socially distanced, with masks, outdoors as much as possible, that might even just mean visiting through an open door or window, and no visiting at all, if anyone has had any symptoms.
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Hi Hon
Yes driving them in when you can is a much better idea than busing at this point.
Just make sure they sit together on that bus.


They have told us that it is seperate and assigned seating, only same households with be sitting together. Not sure how this will happen as the bus was full before this.

If you were considering homeschooling otherwise, don't count it out because of French. There are excellent French curriulum options out there, taught online/via computer, that do not require you to have any French knowledge :)
No we both work anyways, I have been working straight thru as cant let things pile up at work here.:rotfl2:.
The french program where we are is 100% french for our youngest, and oldest in grade 8 is math and english in english, everything else french.
The french program where we are is 100% french for our youngest, and oldest in grade 8 is math and english in english, everything else french.

Sounds similar to here. Though they can't ever make up their mind on what they're doing in the elementary years for immersion. So it changes every couple/few years, LOL.
Day to celebrate..
I have been in contact with one of my students since March,,,he got sort of stuck in India.....medically fragile....bright, brillant, charming, cute as a button and just a great kind kid!! (grade 3).
Today he emailed that they are finally coming home to Canada Aug so relieved and happy!
Sorry just had to share!
I emailed the mom to let her know we are more than willing to pick up pharmacy /groceries needs and to have a safe trip home.
sorry just had to share something HAPPY!
Just very excited here!:dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance:
Day to celebrate..
I have been in contact with one of my students since March,,,he got sort of stuck in India.....medically fragile....bright, brillant, charming, cute as a button and just a great kind kid!! (grade 3).
Today he emailed that they are finally coming home to Canada Aug so relieved and happy!
Sorry just had to share!
I emailed the mom to let her know we are more than willing to pick up pharmacy /groceries needs and to have a safe trip home.
sorry just had to share something HAPPY!
Just very excited here!:dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance::dogdance:
Great news! Lots of Canadians got stuck in Asia! I had no idea some were still trying to get home!!


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