Something About Nothing............ #14

We had that at the Yachtsman Steakhouse years ago when at Disney......put me right off the place......ironic thing was we saw him as a waiter in Longhorn several years not a very good one!
Same experience there a good 20 years ago, they lost our business
Not really a great memory. I get Facebook reminders of it every year.
That works too
Anyone going in late September or early October check your AP rates, they dropped pretty significantly, I just saved about $400.

RPR and HR I noticed have the biggest rate decrease.
hmm guessing I must e had a great rate already lol. Only $20 less a night for me but anything is appreciated

same as usual, rates I saw cheapest @ RP, then HR & PB
My guess is many have cancelled and Loews is trying to fill the rooms.
did ask the employee I worked with this morning if there is a chance of the hotels closing for my dates.

He said that’s an unknown but hopeful not the case.
That info above the pay grade of a CS rep who is probably working from home & gossiping with their cat vs coworkers


convention guests have ceased, either RP or PB will shutter for a bit. I’m hoping not until after holiday season!

If PB closes (larger & more expensive to operate) & RP stays open, can see SF going dark for a bit

HRHs corporate runs differently, possibly the first to shutter

Would be disappointing to those with reservations (Me included). You just can’t fault them circling the wagons to cut costs. Have to be positioned to be able to open up strong for spring/summer
I saw a post on Keishashadow’s AP thread on the discounted rates.

Up to now, AP bookings for specific dates weren’t included as low as it is now.

My guess is many have cancelled and Loews is trying to fill the rooms.

I did ask the employee I worked with this morning if there is a chance of the hotels closing for my dates.

He said that’s an unknown but hopeful not the case.

mac......thanks to your earlier "heads up email" from Keisha`s thread.....I passed it on to "you know who" and they now have a FABULOUS rate for their first stay at HRH!!!!

I think they may even extend their stay now by a few nights......

I hadn`t checked Keisha`s thread for THANK YOU again for the heads up....I`m sure everyone you let know was glad to read that email!!!
mac......thanks to your earlier "heads up email" from Keisha`s thread.....I passed it on to "you know who" and they now have a FABULOUS rate for their first stay at HRH!!!!

I think they may even extend their stay now by a few nights......

I hadn`t checked Keisha`s thread for THANK YOU again for the heads up....I`m sure everyone you let know was glad to read that email!!!
Yes, mAC sounded the alarm bells for me today too. Was in boonies out of cellphone range but she took the time to make multiple calls/texts to be sure I knew.

always looking out for her homies but typically shuns any recognition for it. Glad you brought it up!
Yep, thanks to Mac and then
DisneyLife. I always appreciate a heads up.

Okay, kids were sent out to get bread and tomatoes, as DH wanted a tomato sandwich. They came home with that, and more. Including a Panda Express’s teriyaki sauce. So, pork chops will be Chinese style. Fine with me. Though never was a fan of Panda Express restaurant, but hey, maybe their grocery shelf sauce is good. Will let ya know.
Hello all. Just got our power back this afternoon. It went out early Tuesday morning during the tropical storm. I don't think I have been so miserable. I guess the heat made it so much worse than previous outages. It was 87 degrees in our house. I had to go sit in the running car in the middle of the night to get some relief. No damage although there was a tornado down the street from my work. It damaged a few houses and businesses but no one was hurt, thankfully. No power at work yesterday. I just stayed home today.

We are having a thunder storm now, praying the power stays on.

This year has been awful. Whenever something bad happens my friend and I just say "2020." Just found out my cousin was T-boned yesterday. Crushed her hip and had to have it reconstructed last night. She will be in the hospital for a week. Poor thing, so thankful she will be okay.

Our School Board decides about the schools tonight. I am pretty certain they will go virtual for the first 9 weeks. I hope that is it though. My son needs face to face instruction and although he is very bright and maintains excellent grades, he hates school and will do anything to avoid his classwork. Of course he loves virtual learning, especially when mom and dad have to go to work all day and he has free run. I just ordered a new router with better parental control features. Hopefully, that will help to keep him off the video games all day.

So happy to read about everyone's good deals at UOR!!! Score!!!

Chiming in on an older food/beverage posts...I love bagels,
and cream cheese with strawberry jam. Also, mayo is a must with blt although as a southerner, I have to say, I am not a fan of Dukes mayo. I prefer Hellmans. 😆 I'm not a big wine drinker but when I do, I prefer the sweeter wines.
Stay safe, Cam. Sending well wishes to your friend. Scary to be in that type of accident. And yeah, my youngest niece is 6 and has a hard time with online learning all day. While I think for most kids it is important to be socializing and learning in person, there is no way should kids congregate all day, with hours inside with a whole class of kids. The risk of infecting many is way too high right now. So, I hear ya, as both my kids are enjoying gaming over the summer. Hope your thunder was like mine, loud and passed by quick without any damage.

Ah, sounds like food is wanting. Though hockey game still on, so older one may not be ready for chow yet.
@cam757 so glad you got your power back and hopefully it will stop on. My Mum used to love strawberry jam with Cheshire cheese on sandwiches - unusual but not much difference to a sweet pickle I suppose.

Letter from the conveyancing solicitor today with a host of questions I cannot answer - will have to ring them tomorrow to talk it through - things I never thought I’d need to know. Dad made sure I knew where everything was but no talk of when jobs were done or permissions given years ago.
Hope it doesn’t cause any issues.

DD has been out to eat with a friend tonight so I was on bedtime duties - I’ve normally bailed out by bedtime and we retire to our living room for some grandparents quiet time! Glad she has some really good girlfriends though - just very little face to face contact during these past months.

Nice to see so many doing well on their trip budgeting - really missing not having any plans in place.

Kev has made a good start prepping the furniture we are upcycling for J’s bedroom. Though he was shocked at the cost of the actual paint - similar to Annie Sloan - do you have that brand?

Dinner was burgers but I didn’t have the bread so feeling very virtuous (not).
Hello all. Just got our power back this afternoon. It went out early Tuesday morning during the tropical storm. I don't think I have been so miserable. I guess the heat made it so much worse than previous outages. It was 87 degrees in our house. I had to go sit in the running car in the middle of the night to get some relief. No damage although there was a tornado down the street from my work. It damaged a few houses and businesses but no one was hurt, thankfully. No power at work yesterday. I just stayed home today.

We are having a thunder storm now, praying the power stays on.

This year has been awful. Whenever something bad happens my friend and I just say "2020." Just found out my cousin was T-boned yesterday. Crushed her hip and had to have it reconstructed last night. She will be in the hospital for a week. Poor thing, so thankful she will be okay.

Our School Board decides about the schools tonight. I am pretty certain they will go virtual for the first 9 weeks. I hope that is it though. My son needs face to face instruction and although he is very bright and maintains excellent grades, he hates school and will do anything to avoid his classwork. Of course he loves virtual learning, especially when mom and dad have to go to work all day and he has free run. I just ordered a new router with better parental control features. Hopefully, that will help to keep him off the video games all day.

So happy to read about everyone's good deals at UOR!!! Score!!!

Chiming in on an older food/beverage posts...I love bagels,
and cream cheese with strawberry jam. Also, mayo is a must with blt although as a southerner, I have to say, I am not a fan of Dukes mayo. I prefer Hellmans. 😆 I'm not a big wine drinker but when I do, I prefer the sweeter wines.

Oh can I leave off the bagel......cannot abide them.....and YES.....Mayo has got to be Hellmans and got to be full fat.....none of that tasteless low fat stuff.....

Your son sounds very well adjusted.....have to admit I hate video games.....we were just talking today Kyle wasn`t given a games console till he was around 11 or 12.....he was too busy with other things, even as teen we limited him massively and thankfully he was happy to comply...despite his best friend back then who his mother allowed him to go on anytime... this boy also used to sneak on during the night.....unbelievable. But, glad your son is happy with the virtual learning he will have at home.......every kid is different and thrive in different ways.

Glad you had no damage to you during the storm.....can imagine the heat in your home without aircon....glad you had the car!!! Tornadoes are terrifying.....

Hope your cousin is ok!! How awful.....sounds nasty having hip reconstruction....I`ve never known anyone to have that before.....hope her recovery is quick and not too painful.

Good to see you....... :wave2:
That had to be miserable for you with no ac!
And resorting to sitting in the car last night for cooling off probably was the only way you could get relief.

I hope your cousin heals completely.
I can imagine the pain she is in.

Some communities are doing online learning while others are back in the classroom.
Hope your son’s school does open in a few months and
and he does well learning at home.

Dukes is in every store where I am and I detest it.
Hellman’s is the only mayo we buy.
We can get it in some local stores where I am.

Can’t get brand of bread we prefer so my sandwich days are over.
When one of my sons came to visit, I had him bring me a couple of loaves of bread with him for me.
I read good for a couple of weeks then.
Ah, wasn’t bad. The pork was delicious, though. And I put a ton of veggies in it. And we must like rice. as two cups of cooked rice were gone quick. Almost too sweet sauce, but all enjoyed it, so have half a bottle left. Teriyaki at another time. Maybe with chicken or beef.

Now all chilling and the AC is cranking. Cam, glad you got your power back. And Mac, glad you are back to being online too.

And yay!
Yep, thanks to Mac and then
DisneyLife. I always appreciate a heads up.

Okay, kids were sent out to get bread and tomatoes, as DH wanted a tomato sandwich. They came home with that, and more. Including a Panda Express’s teriyaki sauce. So, pork chops will be Chinese style. Fine with me. Though never was a fan of Panda Express restaurant, but hey, maybe their grocery shelf sauce is good. Will let ya know.

Glad to help out, kinda breezed through posts earlier on this thread only, and really been looking at the Pic thread and this one lately so didn’t even think if it was posted anywhere else, anyway was looking out for my homies I thought of first here that I know plan on going next month!!!
Good evening everyone. We are having a nice thunderstorm right now. No power loss thank goodness.

Cam - Good to see you and glad you are safe. Sorry about the power outage. No a/c this time of year is awful. Were you affected by the derecho we had several years ago? We were without power for several days. Prayers for your cousin. Hope the recovery is quick and as pain free as possible.

I used to live in NC where Duke's mayo is king. I usually get Hellman's or Kraft. I get whichever has the smallest bottle since we don't use much mayo.

We are having a lazy evening. DH has a baseball game on but I am not paying much attention. I don't care about either team. The Cubs are getting killed by Kansas City.

Guess I'll go ahead and turn the light on.

Waiting for the night crew to show up...

I was charging my phone and it slipped off my lap onto the floor.
The charger Insert broke off in the phone so gonna have to find a new charger in the morning.

Thought maybe my older charger might work but Mr Mac is sleeping and can’t turn the bedroom light on.
Rule #1 in a marriage, never wake up a spouse during the night because they yell telling you they won’t be able to go back to sleep...especially for something that can wait until morning to take care of.

Since the battery was done to about nothing, doubt I will be on the Dis very long tonight.

sweet dreams to all!
Morning all - another awesome night light that I’ve showed GS! Thanks @Charade67.

No rude awakenings this morning but Kev was up early to fill the pool for the GC so they can make the most of this beautiful day.

He intends to start painting the furniture in the shade of the house as tomorrow we are going to drive and have lunch with our friends (where we were going for the weekend before guidance changed).

I feel awful asking my hairdresser to come to the house again so I’m walking to a little place really near us - a cottage that’s been made into a salon - hope it’s ok - seems to be doing well.

The area where we live is only half a mile from the first house I ever bought in 76. That was a new build on land that had been a farm. That estate is still on the edge of open country but applications have gone in to build again on more farmland nearby. It seems to be happening a lot sadly. The area was much quieter then but we had a butcher, bakery, corner shop and fruit and veg shop then. Now there is a Tesco express, decorating shop (which is thriving during the last months), beauty salon and hardware shop. We’ve been able to get everything we need during lockdown except good meat which we get from a farm butcher. Got more lamb being delivered from the farmer today - they’re bringing new flavour sausages and burgers and meat for my curries!

@Cam hope your cousin is doing ok.
@macraven hope your power stays on.
@Lynne G great that you have helpers for shopping and menu ideas!
@schumigirl did your friend collect the puppy? Waiting for pictures!
Dukes is in every store where I am and I detest it.
Hellman’s is the only mayo we buy.
We can get it in some local stores where I am.

Can’t get brand of bread we prefer so my sandwich days are over.
When one of my sons came to visit, I had him bring me a couple of loaves of bread with him for me.
I read good for a couple of weeks then.

I don`t think I ever even noticed the Duke`s brand....but as we never buy real food on vacations I`d probably not notice that section.

I hear you on the bread......when we go up to Scotland we stock up on so many items you can`t get in England to take back......we take up as many large cool boxes as we have.....some of the checkout staff always find it humorous what we take back.....and of course as we have introduced friends to certain things.....they always ask us bring some back......and not one single item is healthy of

We have had two storms roll through our area.

I can live with that and deal with the ac off but can’t handle not having internet connections.

I’m finally back online.

Now playing ketchup on what I missed reading today.


Waiting for the night crew to show up...

I was charging my phone and it slipped off my lap onto the floor.
The charger Insert broke off in the phone so gonna have to find a new charger in the morning.

Thought maybe my older charger might work but Mr Mac is sleeping and can’t turn the bedroom light on.
Rule #1 in a marriage, never wake up a spouse during the night because they yell telling you they won’t be able to go back to sleep...especially for something that can wait until morning to take care of.

Since the battery was done to about nothing, doubt I will be on the Dis very long tonight.

sweet dreams to all!

Hope you find a spare till you can get a new one......Tom always jokes if I lost my ipad charger I`d be devastated......I keep two running and one is charging if I`m using the other......

Yes, let them

We have our gorgeous Friday that was promised to us today........sun is bursting and it is hot!!!

Will move down to the gazebo for the day........sun loungers just outside it if we want to sit in the sun and back into the gazebo where it is actually a little cooler, we have a fan in there too. I was glad Tom convinced me we needed electric down there.........

Will prepare food for the day and then we can just pick at it......Tom will grill the meat and that`ll be our`ll be nice. And one of our friends said she`ll drop by as she passes our area today.....I guarantee it`ll be lunchtime as she asked what we had planned for lunch know her so well!!! Friends are always welcome anytime in our home......and they know it ::yes::

Croissants with cream cheese and no grape jelly this morning......there are some places we can get American stuff, so need to make an order.........had a fruit salad too........just to balance things out.......:rolleyes1

Think it`s a sangria type of day later...........🍹






Have a wonderful and sunny friday........​

Yay! It is a Friday, so Good Morning to Real and Schumi.

Real’s house sounds busy, and nice you are trying to help your hair person. I have been to my salon twice now, and I feel comfortable enough. They have hand wash when you walk in, all are wearing masks and shields, no waiting seats, but there are chairs labeled for each worker, put all around the salon, so you are not close to anyone if you have to wait. And stations where hair done, are now only used every other one. When you get up out of your seat, they clean seat and area. I have yet to have my hair blown dry, but that is more my preference. So hope you have a haircut today, and pool time later. Sweet, to visit this weekend.

Schumi, yes, it is nice when you get used to area food items that you grew up with, can be taken back when visiting back. There is not much I miss when I travel, but since my state is more conservative in how alcohol is sold, I am always a little shocked at how alcohol is sold in the South. And mostly cheaper than my state’s prices, too. And yes, thankfully, both my kids do not mind doing a grocery run.

Well, it has been a long week. Last day to be up early and screen working.

Mac, that stinks to have a broken charger. Yeah, if I wake DH, he is not happy, but he does go back to sleep. if he wakes me, he knows I will go back to sleep quickly.

Yep, that tea is in my hand, and it’s overcast this morning, with the phone flashing a few minutes ago, flash flood warning expires in one hour. So, maybe a rain shower today? Yep, I have some good looking chances of getting rain, mostly looks like from noon on. Eh, keeps the heat down, high temp today is 80. No AC heard last night, or so far this morning.

That ever happy morning tea is being refilled in my cup. Hmm, cereal maybe.

So homies:

:wave2: Mac and Robo. Hope the coffee is good, and plenty of it.

Charade, hope storms are gone now. Older one would like your light. He’s a big SW fan. Phone just buzzed again, now flood warning for the next 24 hours. Stormy Saturday forecast too.
Morning Sans family :wave2:


Say thank you to their lawyers for that. At least Somebody has their thinking caps planted.

Our local Walmart’s here have an employee sitting outside by the door with masks to give people if they don’t have one when they approach the door.

When we dine at a stuffy steak house, the ‘extra’ tip hangs in the balance as to how snooty the sommelier/waiter when informed I want asti, moscato or a sweet Riesling.

my thots r if I want to be educated I’ll go to a wine tasting Have lived long enough to know exactly what I like

Well said.

lol.....I`m feeling relieved cruises aren`t looking like fun right now as Tom is still hankering after that 3 month cruise....despite hearing a firm NO on many ain`t happening!!!!

I would like to like cruising more, but I don’t. We did a cruise many moons ago and neither one of us wanted to do another one......this is coming from two people who have owned and enjoyed a few sail boats over the years...LOL

Sailing on the Lake I can do that....cruising on the Ocean no.

Well, made pasta.....I don`t see what the fuss is about. Won`t be in a rush to make it really is too short to stuff a mushroom or pasta!!! Sauce turned out well and only two or three of the pasta shapes opened up on cooking......did take a picture but not very appetising looking. Added some arugula on top but didn`t help......

I bet it was good.

I haven’t made homemade ravioli or spaghetti in years. It is a true labor of love for sure. My family likes homemade gnocchi. I make it once in a blue moon when my dad comes to visit.

We had a fantastic family run Italian restaurant we went to every Sunday when I was growing up. They made the best homemade pasta and gnocchi. Everything they prepared was delicious. Nona and Papa Valentino were good salt of the earth kinda folks. Fond memories.

Time to go make up some sides for dinner......made potato salad up earlier, will make some spicy and fruity cous cous, we all seem to like that and some salads. That`ll be dinner along with spicy bbq pork steaks, pork and apple sausages, chicken kebabs basted in teriyaki sauce. Have ribs marinading in the fridge for tomorrow night along with few other bits a bobs......yes, food is something we do get very organised with in this house :rolleyes1

Sounds yummy.

I am so ready to get away.

Me toooooooooooooooo

Just got our power back this afternoon. It went out early Tuesday morning during the tropical storm.

Sorry to hear your power outage during storm. 87 degrees in the house is hot for sure.

Just found out my cousin was T-boned yesterday. Crushed her hip and had to have it reconstructed last night. She will be in the hospital for a week. Poor thing, so thankful she will be okay.

So sorry to hear of your cousins accident. Sending prayers her way for healing.

Disneylife thanks for heads up on room rates.

DD has been out to eat with a friend tonight so I was on bedtime duties - I’ve normally bailed out by bedtime and we retire to our living room for some grandparents quiet time! Glad she has some really good girlfriends though - just very little face to face contact during these past months.

Glad to hear your daughter is getting some friend time....eveyone needs that now.

Your grandson will be over the moon on his surprise Xbox when he gets home.

I hear you on the bread......when we go up to Scotland we stock up on so many items you can`t get in England to take back......we take up as many large cool boxes as we have.....some of the checkout staff always find it humorous what we take back.....and of course as we have introduced friends to certain things.....they always ask us bring some back......and not one single item is healthy of

I do the same when I go up to visit my dad. I usually stop by the bakery in the neighborhood I grew up in and bring back some things. Also bring back some Marconi Italian bread...I used to stop at the local Italian butcher and bring back sausages, but they are no longer in business.

Yep, that tea is in my hand, and it’s overcast this morning, with the phone flashing a few minutes ago, flash flood warning expires in one hour.

Coffee in hand here.....hope your tea is tasty.

Mac thanks for looking out for your always do :hug:

Thank you everyone for your lovely happy birthday wishes and gif’s for my sweet hubby. We had a nice lunch out on Wednesday and he received calls from all the family. It was so nice.

I’am going over to watch great-nephew while my niece goes out for some shopping needs this morning. He is the sweetest baby.

Woke of with a raging headache at 3 am. Don’t get those very often. Not sure if it is the weather changing or what the deal is. It will pass. Thank goodness for extra-strength Tylenol and Advil.

We are waking up to mid 60’s weather in the morning that warms into the 80’s during the day. The humidity is still in the 80’s so makes tinkering in the garden sweaty, but once you sit down it’s down right comfortable.

Made masks yesterday. So that kept me busy. I enjoy making them. I’am focusing on children’s masks now before school starts here.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone doing what ever makes you happy.



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