What would you have done.....

Fair enough, but my brother has been sliding into depression since we lost our older brother at the end of June. A night out once in awhile does wonders for him. Covid isn't the only threat right now.


IMO, one should live life as seen fit taking precautions to NOT NEGATIVELY IMPACT others. My PCa (Prostate Cancer) is the level of "man killer" that only 5 of 100 men have. NOT going to let it impact my remaining life but also not going to put others in jeopardy by not being Socially Cautious. Will be very close to the top of the list for C-19 Vaccine and will jump on it because DW will not be there for a while and during our 47 years being married my goal has been to protect her in the best ways I can.
I was with my son and brother tonight having dinner at a family chain restaurant. We noticed a large party (about 7-8 people) that looked to all be in their 20s at a table 20ish feet from us being a bit loud but didn't think too much of it. But over about 30 minutes 2 -3 of the party started getting very loud/almost yelling and dropping F-bombs. Again this was a family place and two tables in the area had small children hearing this. To their credit, the rest of the party was trying to get the loud ones to quiet down. I am normally someone to live and let live, but it was getting out of hand, so I spoke to the manager, who then said something to the offending party. They did quiet down after that, but the loud ones made several pointed comments about "some people like to cause trouble" and "Karen needs to mind her own business". Didn't bother me to much, but I did wonder if maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut.
No, you should NOT have kept your mouth shut. But I am glad that you let management handle it and not take it upon yourself to be confrontational. You went there expecting to have an enjoyable meal with your family. I am sure there was no disclaimer on the door warning you that the family atmosphere could be compromised. Therefore, you were requesting to receive the atmosphere they advertised which does not include anything more or less than that. Personally, I would have handled it different when the 'after' comments started flying, but that's a story for another day. You did the right thing and don't let anyone STEAL your joy. You are a guest in an establishment and they have the responsibility to keep order in their place of business. You definitely did the right thing.
I don't think you did anything wrong OP. Personally, I probably would have just got up and left as it sounds obnoxious (and I've been known to be an F-bomb dropper but only in my certain group).

And I know you didn't ask for this part of my opinion, but all I can think about is that those loud people were participating in causing an "indoor superspreader" type of situation. That kind of loud talking is the WORST thing you can do indoors. It's a real pet peeve of mine. People forget that saying it is spraying it!! I've been in stores where employees are shouting/singing etc. Granted mostly with masks on but the masks aren't 100% effective. Ugggh. People.
When my kids were young I probably would’ve taken a “Hey guys” approach. I could usually talk to young people pretty well without being viewed as a “Karen”, lol. Truthfully I felt like these were teaching moments for my own kids.

Today I probably would not say anything. I think there is too much random violence today and you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into if you say something anymore. It’s not worth it.
Maybe I can't, but the people in charge can. Behave appropriately or leave. That's part of being an adult.
But it’s not your place to tell others how to act. It’s one night out. And again you’re not their parent.
No, you should NOT have kept your mouth shut. But I am glad that you let management handle it and not take it upon yourself to be confrontational. You went there expecting to have an enjoyable meal with your family. I am sure there was no disclaimer on the door warning you that the family atmosphere could be compromised. Therefore, you were requesting to receive the atmosphere they advertised which does not include anything more or less than that. Personally, I would have handled it different when the 'after' comments started flying, but that's a story for another day. You did the right thing and don't let anyone STEAL your joy. You are a guest in an establishment and they have the responsibility to keep order in their place of business. You definitely did the right thing.
Very nicely put.
But it’s not your place to tell others how to act. It’s one night out. And again you’re not their parent.

Management should have intervened earlier without being asked.

What would I have done if I was there with my kids? I’ve no tolerance for fools and bullies. If management would have been unable to get them settled down, I would have have approached the table and quietly and politely asked them to consider the effect they were having on the other families.

If they continued, my family would simply end our stay at the restaurant.
The mgmt should have handled this long before someone complained
I actually agree with this. People have tolerances but if they were this loud cussing that much you'd think other patrons noticed, you'd think wait staff as they milled about the restaurant noticed too. I know most people don't want to get involved (that's why I said I would have probably said something on the way out) but you'd think management would have wanted to do it sooner. At a bar? you probably expect that roudy behavior, but from the sounds of it it was just a normal restaurant.
I was with my son and brother tonight having dinner at a family chain restaurant. We noticed a large party (about 7-8 people) that looked to all be in their 20s at a table 20ish feet from us being a bit loud but didn't think too much of it. But over about 30 minutes 2 -3 of the party started getting very loud/almost yelling and dropping F-bombs. Again this was a family place and two tables in the area had small children hearing this. To their credit, the rest of the party was trying to get the loud ones to quiet down. I am normally someone to live and let live, but it was getting out of hand, so I spoke to the manager, who then said something to the offending party. They did quiet down after that, but the loud ones made several pointed comments about "some people like to cause trouble" and "Karen needs to mind her own business". Didn't bother me to much, but I did wonder if maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Go Jules from Pulp Fiction on her. I'm not a Karen. I'm THE Karen. Tell me I need to mind my own business again!!!!!! I dare you. I double dare you. Say mind my own business one more time!!!!

The lines were stolen from Pulp Fiction. "Say what again" with all the curse words removed.

Ok back to reality where we don't do such things. I'd do one of two things. Not sure which. But it would depend on how obnoxious she was being and whether I was in the mood to teach her a lesson. I'd have probably dropped things with miss potty mouth right there. Although to be honest I might have said I was minding my own business until you interrupted it with your loud potty mouth.
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OP, I would not have let it slide either. If it was just adults around, I would not have cared. But when children are present, it is time to take it down a notch. You weren't out to ruin anyones evening, but unfortunately they were the ones ruining it for others.

I most likely would have said, "Hey guys. I know you're having fun, but there are kids around so keep it down a little." But then again, I wasn't there so I could gauge how they would have taken it. So it is quite possible I would have spoken to someone in charge.

Why should the tables surrounding the one group have to be inconvenienced? They shouldn't. The server should have but the kibosh on it from the get-go.
If I remember correctly, OP is in Texas.
Indoor seating is a thing in Florida as well, but I would never sit inside a restaurant during the peak of the pandemic. A large number of people who get COVID report having eaten inside a restaurant in the previous two weeks.

Thankfully our weather in Florida allows for outside seating, as is the case for Texas most days.
If they were as loud as you say they were, for as long as you say I would have expected management to have already been aware of the issue. If they chose not to rectify it on there own, I would have asked for my check and left, letting the waitress or hostess know why. I then probably would not give said restaurant my business anymore.


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