What do you eat on Christmas Eve?

Teared up a little bit just reading how lovely so many of your traditions sound and understanding how they will be dearly missed this year. The approach of winter, the holidays and missing everyone is really starting to hit me hard.

I'm serving Chicken Picatta, with garlic and herb green beans, roasted seasoned parmesan potatoes, various salads, Christmas cookies and chocolate mousse pie for dessert.

I'd love to try the tamales. I doubt I've ever had one that's truly well made, because they sound delicious and always end up missing the mark.
Your Christmas Eve menu is mouth-watering. I really want to know what you make for Christmas Day!

Christmas Day.
Roast Duck with apple citrus gravy.
Apple sage cornbread stuffing
German Potato Salad
Green Bean Casserole. Not the campbell's cream of mushroom kind.
Whipped sweet potatoes with Pecans, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
Green salad.
Apple Strudel.

I think you can guess the day after Christmas. :) Hint. Starts with L
We usually have prepared snacks during the day while we play games ("Reindeer Games" we call them). Dinner is a soup or stew we've had on the stove during the day before we go to Christmas Eve service at our church. (Going to miss that service this year....)
we always had ham on Christmas Eve (big extended family dinner) and turkey on Christmas Day. Cooking ham the night before means fried, candied ham for Christmas morning breakfast while we open presents!
We've always had tamales for Christmas Eve, and turkey on Christmas Day. This year, I'll have tamales (kids will be w/significant others) and on Christmas Day we're having brisket - slow-cooked with Claudes sauce, and the fixings. Our little family is opening gifts on Sunday, so Christmas Day we're going to spend time together, and watch Soul on Disney+, and enjoy a nice meal.
December 23rd used to be a big day for us. We used to live in a small town where Santa, the mayor and police on motorcycles would parade through town flashing their lights and playing their sirens. They would stop at the end of our street and the kids could visit Santa on the firetruck and get candy canes from the mayor. We'd usually invite some friends over with their kids to see the spectacle. We'd serve chili and cornbread. When the kids returned, we'd give them hot cocoa. I miss that a lot.

For Christmas Eve I serve pasta carbonara. My recipe is very simple but very decadent. I served it one year and my kids decided that we should eat it every year on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve we go to Mass in the late afternoon and then have drinks and dinner at a Japanese hibachi restaurant. We’ve been doing this for years and years. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to do either thing this year though. So sad.

For several generations, DH’s family has had the traditional Slovak Christmas Eve meal (pierogies, pea & potato soup, halushki, fish) with extended family on Christmas Eve. But about 15 years ago they started doing it on a weekend near Christmas versus on Christmas Eve so more family members could attend. This year it’s on Jan 2nd. I’m not sure it will happen though because PA just reduced gatherings to 10 people, and any out of state visitors (like us) have to get covid tests within 72 hours of travel.
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December 23rd used to be a big day for us. We used to live in a small town where Santa, the mayor and police on motorcycles would parade through town flashing their lights and playing their sirens. They would stop at the end of our street and the kids could visit Santa on the firetruck and get candy canes from the mayor. We'd usually invite some friends over with their kids to see the spectacle. We'd serve chili and cornbread. When the kids returned, we'd give them hot cocoa. I miss that a lot.

For Christmas Eve I serve pasta carbonara. My recipe is very simple but very decadent. I served it one year and my kids decided that we should eat it every year on Christmas Eve.
We just had Santa come through our neighborhood on a fire engine to pass out candy this morning! We do not live in a small town — quite the opposite — but all the fire departments in the city participate in getting Santa around to every neighborhood in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The kids thought it was great!
Teared up a little bit just reading how lovely so many of your traditions sound and understanding how they will be dearly missed this year. The approach of winter, the holidays and missing everyone is really starting to hit me hard.

I'm serving Chicken Picatta, with garlic and herb green beans, roasted seasoned parmesan potatoes, various salads, Christmas cookies and chocolate mousse pie for dessert.

I'd love to try the tamales. I doubt I've ever had one that's truly well made, because they sound delicious and always end up missing the mark.
I know. We have a new baby (granted she is our 5th), and that does play into it but our normal traditions aren't happening. We're big on family gatherings, baking, etc and I've done just a tad bit of baking but that is it. Next year I'm hoping to see some since of normalcy so we can have a big celebratory Christmas!!
I like making our big ham dinner on Christmas Eve. That allows me to get the work out of the way and enjoy Christmas Day. Ham sandwiches and leftovers on Christmas Day.
We just had Santa come through our neighborhood on a fire engine to pass out candy this morning! We do not live in a small town — quite the opposite — but all the fire departments in the city participate in getting Santa around to every neighborhood in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The kids thought it was great!
This year Santa will stay put and cars can drive by. Usually Santa arrives on the football field in a helicopter and hands out candy canes, plus drives around on a fire truck and hands out candy canes at about a dozen spots (50+ year traditions).
We like heavy apps on Christmas Eve. I'm looking for some new recipes to try this year.
We usually have Polish foods on Christmas Eve: pirogies, stuffed cabbage, kielbasa & sauerkraut, etc. Weekend of the 19th-20th I’ll make several dozen pirogies and freeze them. The stuffed cabbage gets made a day in advance and refrigerated to let the flavors meld. Kielbasa and kraut are store bought.

For Christmas Day we traditionally had ham, but I’m thinking of some type of shellfish meal this year instead. Maybe shrimp and scallops, or crabcakes.


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