What do you eat on Christmas Eve?

The kids and I always choose a theme for Christmas Eve, then have our big fancy dinner on Christmas evening. Often it's a country or a region, but it might be something else. I try to cook and decorate according to the theme, and we do some research into whatever it is. One year I chose Scotland because I'd seen a tartan skirt I wanted an excuse to buy. So we investigated Scottish Christmas traditions, food, etc. We've done lots of countries. My favorite cooking experience was probably baking a bouche de Noel the year we did France--making marzipan mushrooms was so fun! Once we had a "Cheese and chocolate" Christmas Eve. This year my daughter wants the theme to be potatoes, because she loves them. So we're calling it our "Small Potatoes" Christmas Eve because it'll be just our nuclear family and no guests this year. I haven't looked into recipes yet, but I'll have to dig out my kids' old Mr. Potato Heads to decorate the table, and maybe use some potato sacking material as a table cover, and we can research the origin of potatoes and the potato famine, etc.

Anyone have any good potato recipes? My husband's company sent us a huge ham, so we'll have that too, haha.
My favorite potato and cheese recipe is French raclette! You’d have the excuse to buy a special raclette grill, too. It uses potatoes, a bunch of condiments, and a special French cheese that’s really deceptive- it smells very strong, but tastes creamy and mild! Even my unadventurous kids love it.
I found a recipe for Klonopin and Cheez-it, served with Olde English malt liquor. But instead I'm going to do one of the great ideas from this thread: lasagna, pizza, or Chinese.

My immediate family serves different things over the years, sometimes a turkey or ham. But you know how this year is, things will be different.
My favorite potato and cheese recipe is French raclette! You’d have the excuse to buy a special raclette grill, too. It uses potatoes, a bunch of condiments, and a special French cheese that’s really deceptive- it smells very strong, but tastes creamy and mild! Even my unadventurous kids love it.
I had to Google that. It looks amazing!
My favorite potato and cheese recipe is French raclette! You’d have the excuse to buy a special raclette grill, too. It uses potatoes, a bunch of condiments, and a special French cheese that’s really deceptive- it smells very strong, but tastes creamy and mild! Even my unadventurous kids love it.
:cloud9:...with sweet gherkin pickles (maybe a bit more Swiss than French) - sublime!
When we lived close to family the tradition was a huge spread of cold cuts & an open house. This will be our 5th Christmas of just the 4 of us. I tried to carry on that tradition of cold cuts, yet it just didn't have the same vibe with just us 4. Lasagna is our tradition now for Christmas Eve. It's a great, warm, oozing with cheese comfort food. Caesar Salad and Bread on the side. We eat late afternoon/early evening. Lasagna reheats well and leftovers for days. Dessert is cheesecake topped with cherries.
My favorite potato and cheese recipe is French raclette! You’d have the excuse to buy a special raclette grill, too. It uses potatoes, a bunch of condiments, and a special French cheese that’s really deceptive- it smells very strong, but tastes creamy and mild! Even my unadventurous kids love it.
I am definitely doing this! This reminds me of the raclette they serve at the Bavarian booth at Epcot's Festival of the Holidays, only I think that's more Swiss cheese than French. Either way, you can't go wrong with melted cheese! And I'll include some sweet gherkins like @ronandannette suggested. This will go well with the ham I'm serving, too.

Between the raclette, potato salad, Spanish potatoes, and the recipes my daughter wants to make, I think I've got this year's Christmas Eve menu covered. This thread makes me want to definitely do the Feast of the Seven Fishes next year when we have more company for Christmas--so many good options! I love the idea of adding sushi; my family loves sushi. Some of our older relatives do not, however, and the year we did Japan as our theme (I got so many great things at Epcot that year!) I did some research and learned that it's become common in Japan to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken on Christmas Eve--apparently KFC pulled off a hugely successful marketing stunt, haha. That solved my problem. I served sushi and other Japanese dishes, and KFC!
Prime Rib with au jus and mushrooms.
Gorgonzola Potatoes
Cranberry Salad.
Chocolate Pecan Pie.
Broccoli cheese casserole with spinach and artichoke hearts.
Corn casserole.
Stuffed celery.

Your Christmas Eve menu is mouth-watering. I really want to know what you make for Christmas Day!
For years we have visited Marie's cousin's home with the cousin's adult kids, spouses and their kids. About 15 people all together. I'm the only non-Italian there. The cousin always has fried shrimp and calamari, pizza, pasta, breads, Italian beef, and on and on. Tons of desserts, Italian and otherwise. Years back, when the kids were younger, Santa actually came to the house after dinner was over, but before dessert time. Wonderful memories.

5 in one family have had the COVID, 4 of the adults are over 70 years old and I think all have 'underlying' conditions. This year, all 4 households will be celebrating at our individual homes. :( Not fun, but so necessary. Hopefully will be back to the 'routine' a year from now in 2021.
We don't have a tradition anymore. When I was a kid we went to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve and had a whole spread of Polish food, but since she died in '05 we never really stuck to anything. Sometimes we'd go to my uncle's house, sometimes we stay home. One year we just had Steakums, which seemed kind of wrong.
This weekend, I'll be making homemade pierogis for Christmas Eve. I'll drop some off on my parents' doorstep for them to have on Christmas Eve, too. Aside from that, we have a panoply of fish and I'll probably make a calamari sauce to serve over pasta.

If we were eating at my parent's house, Long John Silvers fish would be the main fish dish because my Mom learned to hate fish when she was growing up because my Gramma cooked it to death and it always stunk. She prefers LJS to well cooked, "real" fish. My BIL brings that with him and he always discusses the line that he waits in to get that. Sadly, this year, we won't be with them.

Then I'll start on homemade ravioli for Christmas Day to serve with prime rib.
Sometimes I make sauce from scratch and sometimes I just doctor up a jar sauce. Sometimes I use traditional lasagne noodles and sometimes I use bow tie pasta which gives a similar mouth feel and taste, but is easier to serve.

This year will probably be a doctored sauce. I take a jar of my favorite sauce (I like Prego or Classico, but any sauce will do), add a small can of tomato paste, about a teaspoon of rosemary and a tablespoon of oregano, although you can add to taste. I use about a pound and a quarter of good ground beef (not a lot of fat) and brown that with a large chopped onion and two or three chopped garlic cloves and a little salt and pepper. Once the meat is cooked, I add the jar sauce and the “doctoring”. It needs to be a fairly thick sauce so the lasagne is firm to cut, if using traditional noodles. You might need to add a little water depending on how thick the jar sauce was. Let it simmer while the pasta cooks. Then I layer in the casserole dish, starting with sauce, cooked pasta, mozzarella, Parmesan and ricotta cheeses. We like it cheesy! End with a cheese layer and bake until bubbly and the cheese is melted. Yum! I can make it the day before and refrigerate it until time to bake, which doubles the baking time to get it to the hot and bubbly stage.
Thank you! I am for sure going to make lasagna now. That just sounded so good. I think I will use a jarred sauce but splurge on Rao's because it's a special occasion. Might add some spinach to it as well so I have something green (can't often eat raw salad without... issues). Or maybe make some broccoli on the side. Garlic bread of course!

Now to figure out a dessert!

I am off all week so I can do something nicer.
Simply some kind of palatable FOOD as it is simply just another dinner.
Hoagie tray, chicken fingers with various dipping sauces, spinach dip, etc. Buffet stuff because we have a huge family gathering in our finished basement on Christmas Eve. This year, the gathering is going ahead despite my best pleadings so I'll be upstairs and likely hungry.
In normal times, my mom would do a full ham dinner for Christmas Eve. This year, we are having a zoom game night/drinking party.
That sounds SO good. Especially since I will most likely be solo both days anyway. Need to find a good recipe though so if you have anything, let me know. I have never made a traditional lasagna but have made a veggie with white sauce lasagna before. Do you do the sauce from scratch too? Meat? No meat? Lots of cheese?

Normally I would do a nice steak dinner, but I am doing a ribeye roast with twice baked potatoes, corn casserole, and bread for Yule so not going to do that again just a couple days later.

As a kid we went to my grandmother's house and had... food. I honestly don't remember which is a bit annoying now that I am TRYING to remember. Then we moved to another state and didn't do anything for Christmas Eve. Christmas Day was our big meal and it was always a roast. When my mom passed away, I moved to where I am now and we always did Olive Garden because there were a lot of us and again, we did the big home cooked meal on Christmas Day. The last couple of years though, my cousin and her family has spent Christmas Eve with her mother in law and the rest of us don't get together. So I don't have a tradition for myself.
Lol the sauce is the easiest part of lasagna (rarely use jarred).
I’m surprised at how few people here spend Christmas Eve with family. Extended family that is.

Just a friendly reminder, not everyone has extended family or lives close enough to spend the holidays with them.

On my side of the family it's just my mother and brother - neither of them really celebrate Christmas plus they are 8 hours away. On my DH's side it's just his 2 sisters who live 12 hours from us. One sister's husband works retail and DH almost always works Christmas eve or day so neither side can travel.

We usually eat appetizers/snacky stuff on Christmas eve. Things I can make ahead and just set out after church service.


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