What do you silently judge people for?

Hmm...I guess I probably silently judge several things. But I don’t judge out loud or give anyone trouble. There’s lots of things that I would do differently, but I figure each person has a right to live their life their own way. Still there are things I internally roll my eyes at...

Overprotective parents...I’m out and about with kids a lot and I hearing other parents being overprotective makes me so sad for those kids. I hate being at a park and hearing a mom tell their kid they can’t climb up this or that cause they’re not big enough, just let the kid try.

Messy people...I have to have everything in order and put away or I feel very out of control. I never have to straighten up my house because I always set things back down where I got them from. When people post pics on social media and their house is trashed behind them I do silently judge that, just because I know the kind of anxiety it would give me to live like that. It seems so trashy to me.

Smoking...I have always been disgusted by smoking. As a kid my moms parents smoked (both died of lung cancer) and my mom HATED smoking. I guess she trash talked it all the time to me when I was little because I do instantly judge anyone I see smoking.
Ignorance, sloth, and greed and well uhm sometimes I’m not that quiet about it.
Oh well, nobody is perfect.
A friend of mine likes her own Facebook posts and comments. I haven't said anything to her but I do silently judge. This has been really bugging me so it's nice to finally tell someone.
That’s a completely valid reason to judge someone. I have one of those too. Makes me nutty
Their reaction/response to bad behavior from their children. I wish everyone had to take ABA classes before becoming parents. I never would have been introduced to the world of ABA if I hadn't had a child on the spectrum, and that's a darn shame because it makes sense and is effective.
I thought of a couple more petty ones - -

Adults who are extremely picky eaters & have very limited & plain palates... and I say this as someone who can be a little picky sometimes (I refuse to eat anything w/ mayonnaise)... but I’m talking about someone who doesn’t ever eat vegetables or only likes very, very plain food or only likes things like pizza, grilled cheese, french fries, & chicken nuggets & won’t even consider trying anything new or a little bit different

Adults who go to bed really early... now, if you have to get up really early, I may give you a pass... but, still... If I’m going to get judged for being a night owl & sleeping late, I’ll judge someone else for going to bed early.
@Wendy31, I wanted to take my DNiece to London when I took my DD in 2019. I gave her a year to try food that wasn’t Mac and Cheese. She refused to try anything new, so she stayed home. I’d have given my arm for an aunt to take me to Europe, but she was 15 and was certain that nothing tasted as good as Mac and Cheese and bread.
She regretted it when we came home.
Doesn’t change the fact that it is a horrible human trait. Horrible.
I do understand where you're coming from, but I also feel that a LACK of judging or any reasonable expectation of decent, respectful behavior in society is what is driving so much ugly, "all about me - who cares about you" selfish, nasty attitudes and actions these days. Not that long ago, people acted more decently and respectfully in public - because society wouldn't tolerate anything less. Whether it's kids screaming at the top of their lungs and ruining other guests' meals (and parents thinking it's cute or no big deal) to people talking loudly and using their phone during a film or theatre performance...to things far worse, it seems like today, anything goes and too bad if you don't like it.
Count me in for grammar & spelling.

And where we live I hear "I seen" instead of "I saw" way too often. DH even says it sometimes. Drives me up a wall.

can we PLEASE get a group together to protest this ridiculous "woah" mispelling that somehow has caught on as an "alternate" option to replace "whoa"? I'm sorry...this drives me nuts.
People that let their little kids become obese. They are setting that kid up for a lifetime of trouble.

Along those lines I also think you did something wrong if your kid only eats 5 things and can't name a vegetable.

I work part time as an online shopper at a local grocery store. No joke, yesterday one of the teens that works there also asked me what the difference was between a cucumber and a zucchini. He said that he has never had either one. I asked what his mom fed him growing up and he said not much, that he was "picky." How can you be picky if you don't have options?
Smokers don't bother me. The only smokers that I judge are the ones who smoke directly in their kids faces or in the car with their kids. It bothers me a lot. Especially with all of the education by we have today.


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