Something About Nothing............ #14

Well, he`s on his 3rd Mercedes, so I`m not sure what one he had when we last saw you.....this one is the best one yet. He has inherited his fathers desire to change his car every 2 to 3 years ::yes::

He ordered it last August last year and was lucky to get it from Germany in November before the delivery backlog started. Bit more powerful than he (anyone) needs, but he isn`t a silly boy racer and drives the way any mum would approve of......he does have his moments though........usually when some little oik with a souped up junk machine thinks they can pass him and stick up a middle they`re usually compensating for

He loves it though and takes very good care of it.

Have you still got the same car, I think you were maybe changing it soon?

I`m trying to imagine the size of your aircon yes, wouldn`t be without it in the South. Mine would be like yours and macs....never off. I know some folks don`t run it all the time, but wow....I would!

Enjoy that Chinese favourite kind of takeout!
3rd MB huh? Very nice. The last picture I saw was the Black one he was picking up from the showroom. I don't remember the name of it.

I traded my car in April this year...mainly because of the mileage and a mysterious oil leak the dealer could never find. A/C unit is quite large...too large of my house really but they made me a good deal on it so I'm happy. Now if I can just pay it off.
3rd MB huh? Very nice. The last picture I saw was the Black one he was picking up from the showroom. I don't remember the name of it.

I traded my car in April this year...mainly because of the mileage and a mysterious oil leak the dealer could never find. A/C unit is quite large...too large of my house really but they made me a good deal on it so I'm happy. Now if I can just pay it off.

His first was black, then he got the same one in grey, again bigger engine than the first, and now black again with this one. It`s very nice.....I get an occasional drive in it, but he enjoys chauffering us which suits us, especially as he doesn`t drink, so designated driver is nice.

Ours is an SUV type so driving in his car you feel as your dragging along the ground as it`s sleek. Getting back into ours is like mountain climbing after that!

Oh nice to have a change.......bit worrying they couldn`t find the issue with the oil leak! Hope you`re happy with the new one.

Gave in and ate dinner a little earlier than usual. It was lovely.......I did give in and have some bread for the remnants of the sauce....couldn`t resist!

Cloudy and dull now, and very misty, can`t see the sea anymore. Should be ok tomorrow, just not sunny.

Going to make a pot of tea and have a slice of lemon cake I baked earlier......I`ll never be skinny!!
Thank you Pumpkin.

Lynne I love French Onion soup but onions off the menu at the moment!

Schumi the bin wars are definitely a thing. We have lovely neighbours around here except for one - a rental property to our left. The man used to work for the farmer who owns the house but we’ve noticed doesn’t anymore. His argument to anyone complaining about noise, behaviour or bins was always “good luck with that I’m mates with my boss”. Not one other property leaves the bins out. Now we have four it’s ridiculous they leave them permanently at the edge of our driveway. Just feel sorry for the lovely couple who join on to them. There home and garden is immaculate.

With the prospect of rain arriving I helped Kev in the garden today - well just holding ladders etc he did the strenuous part. Managed to get finished before heavy rain arrived but dried up again now and still very warm.

Finally received a delivery that was supposed to arrive on Tuesday. Lots of phone calls and chasing as they are fragile mirrored cabinets we imagined being thrown around in a van! Going to unpack them tomorrow to check all ok.

Looking forward to Friday and the weekend ahead.

Early evening for us now so we will be sitting down to watch the cycling Tour of Britain which was around our area today. Start this morning was from my old workplace at Alderley Park. We were invited to our favourite pub to watch it pass them this afternoon but timings didn’t work with the school pick up with road closures.
:wave2: Finally a quick stop in

Lots of paper shuffling this morning...we will see how the afternoon pans out. DH was too tired to open gifts last night. Tonight he gets to open 3 for working out of town. He laughed and said he is really liking all the gifts ( even the little ones - filler ones like air fresheners for his truck :laughing: ) and would miss them when it was all said and done. I was listening on the radio this morning and they were talking about " Cameo" where you can pay a celebrity to do a personalized message. I found a nascar driver ( one who dh likes ) and am going to get him to wish him a happy birthday and tell him about his tickets to the Daytona 500.

After a rainy morning it cleared up and I decided to do some gardening, when I realized I got my recycling carts mixed up ack! I have the kitchen and garden waste in the mixed paper/plastics cart & visa versa. I don’t know what I’m going to do. These are BIG bins! Ugh!
We don't have bins here. Our city is too small. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if we would do a composting bin, DD when she lived in Calgary, and now Edmonton have started with the composting bins. I loved going to her house. So much less waste and garbage with a composting bin that is picked up curb side.
The Queen Charolotes are expensive....we would probably do Prince Rupert, Nanaimo/Tofino before the expensive one. Our bil has a family member in Nanaimo who provides fishing tours. So we are lucky that way.
Went to check chickens-usually try to hold and inspect each one every few days-but has been a while since I actually go to all of them. My talkative FAverolle has gotten chubby! Had son pick her up too as sure I was imagining it. Nope-the bugs must be good this year. Refilled the meal worm bucket, gave them some worms then put bucket away (forgot the bag which is still half full on stairs where I'd set it outside)-went to collect eggs and took eggs inside, then back out to sit with the monsters-they'd knocked bag off steps and piles of mealworms out! Greedy little parasites! not happy with me trying to scoop the worms back into bag.
Love your chicken stories. Your girls sure do have some great personalities! Hopefully no more snakes :scared1:
Honey mustard balsamic chicken tonight, will pop it in the oven later and it can simmer away, and will make a sourdough bread as I`ve been asked to do, they love it instead of potatoes/couscous for a change.
YUM!!!!!!!!!! Your meals alllllllllllllllllllllll sound so delicious!!!!
I looked up King of Donair, never heard of it. Was described as having a cult like following in Canada, lol!
They seem to be the favorite if the person is from Eastern Canada. I believe donairs are quite the thing there. Dh likes them. I haven't had one. I'm a burger girl :laughing:
DH got elk steaks from a friend who recently traveled to Wyoming. Making them for supper tonight. I've been searching online for a few ideas of preparation. I've never made elk steak before, so I want to get it right. Seems that it should ideally be done rare to med-rare.....elk is quite lean and will dry out if cooked too long.
Maybe some asparagus on the side? Or some German potato salad....the mention of it the other day has me craving it now, lol!
Elk is great...if it's cooked properly. I hope it turned out for you. I have marinated it years ago. We haven't had it for a few years. But....dh and ds were finally drawn to actually hunt one. Dh also knows someone who actually has them on his property. So I better get my elk cooking skills buffed up. I'm expecting a freezer full of wild meat this winter. They were drawn for elk and moose. So hopefully they can find and bring home both. We were raised on wild meat....I didn't have beef or beef steak until I was almost and adult. It was tooo expensive when we were young.
NCL tried docking in Prince Rupert the last year we did Alaska. That lasted one season. Let’s just say, for day guests such as us, there was little to do there (other than walking up to firehouse museum & watching the eagles). Not a single excursion set up by either the cruise lines or the locals to accommodate our time in port, a first, never ran into that as they are leaving some big $$$ on the table There.
I have never been there, but I do know it is a small community. Weird that some people didn't jump at the chance to do something for the cruisers. That story reminds me kind of what's happening in the Florida Keys. Such a beautiful place to visit...but all of a sudden, they don't want the huge $$$ that the cruisers and cruise industry would bring in. Hopefully one day we can cruise there again. I LOVED it there and would definitely go again.

Well, I should run and take a break for lunch...then shuffle more papers around again.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!!
Good afternoon. I'm having another boring day. Later today my excitement will be a walk to the end of the driveway to put out the trash and check the mail. We keep our garbage can in our garage and wheel it to the curb the night before garbage pick up.

I got a side of nice crispy seasoned Brussels Sprouts Instead of fries.
I have noticed brussels sprouts showing up on a lot of menus here. It seems to be the new "in" vegetable.

Charade glad to hear things are progressing. Do you feel you’ll have the stamina to go back next week for full days? Is it possible to go back gradually? Maybe start with half days?
I think I will be fine going back as normal next week. I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.

and since I didn’t want tomato soup, saw some onions still left, and a box of brown soup base, and a French onion soup was for me, but didn’t have the right cheese, so mozzarella it was. And toasted the almost hard piece of bread that was in the fridge, and chopped it up to toss in my soup.
That sounds good. I haven't had French onion soup in a long time.

Charade-I know people who took a few months to fully get the sense of taste back, others who it returned much faster. Hope yours is sooner!
Thank you. I would hate to go the Universal and still have no sense of taste.

Around here, the one smaller local college in the City, has gone to all virtual due to increasing virus numbers. While little one’s university is still a hybrid, older one’s county college is still virtual this semester.
B's university tried to go back as normal, but it lasted one week. Their Covid numbers are up, so they went back to online for at least 2 weeks. We don't know if they will still be online next week or not.

I used to be a sun worshiper. My dermatologist cured me of that....
I still long to be tan, even now
The sun and I are not friends. I am a firm believer in sunscreen.

I couldn't live w/o AC in the south but I was raised with central A/C growing up so I am truly spoiled.
Same here. I have lived in the south since I was 2.5 years old. I can't remember a time we didn't have central A/C.

I was listening on the radio this morning and they were talking about " Cameo" where you can pay a celebrity to do a personalized message. I found a nascar driver ( one who dh likes ) and am going to get him to wish him a happy birthday and tell him about his tickets to the Daytona 500.
What a great idea. Who is his favorite driver?

I am hoping to get a text and or email today about the TSO ticket presale. I signed up as a verified fan, so hopefully I will be able to buy advanced tickets.
So disappointed we’ve just unpacked the delayed delivery and one of the mirrored bathroom cabinets is badly damaged. Now I’ve got to start the process of replacement and return. May end up just having a refund. On that note my peaceful evening is over I think I’ll distract myself with my book!
:coffee: Good morning! Coffee time and watching the morning news. Beautiful sunrise and now blue skies. Should be a nice day. 10am dentist appt for routine cleaning and check up.
Thinking about breakfast…..getting hungry! To bacon or not to bacon lol!
No plans today perhaps after dentist I’ll go to a local trail for a walk.

Keisha Hmmm, Rupert is an interesting choice for a cruise stop! Very strange if the cruise line decided to make it a stop that they wouldn’t set up any excursions. Was that restaurant a pub? Here underage kids aren’t allowed in pubs or bars. I’ll always remember the shock on my daughters face when we were out to dinner in the US and she couldn’t order a beer, she was 20! It was comical. I had totally forgot drinking age was higher in the US!

Paris yep, Donair is very popular here! Our place is a mom & pop operation. And very busy. Lovely couple, glad to see them succeed. The wife makes home made falafel to die for, always fresh. I’ve been to places where I see them taking pre made falafel balls out of freezer and microwaving Yuck.
Elk, it’s not for me, but we have a friend who’s a hunter and if he gets something we usually get some. Husband, brother-in-law and my youngest daughter love it! Me and oldest will have something else to eat!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Hope the dental appt went well!

Good morning all. Just stopped by while waiting for lunch to be delivered. Management ordered Chinese for us today!

Carole...does Kyle still have that sweet ride he bought not long ago or is he riding around in a Bugatti now? ;)

I couldn't live w/o AC in the south but I was raised with central A/C growing up so I am truly spoiled.

My A/C unit is about 3 1/3 years old and is as big as a small Kia car and it works great!

Have a good day!
I live in WI and would not make it without AC!
I told DH there is no way I've been reincarnated from years ago. I'd never make it a week in times when civilization truly 'roughed it'!!

Eh, I don’t mind browning the onions. It was good soup, I must say, Keisha. Though only made enough for me. Hence, not a large amount of onions. Yeah, we have large, heavy lid cans as we too have those raccoons and possums. As well as neighbors that leave their cats out. Hate that.

Sue, hope your dental visit goes well, and enjoy a walk after.

And so, while it looks bright out, phone says more rain coming. Oh well, will just make the following four days predicted to be full sunny days that much nicer. And getting warmer each day. So looking forward to not moving fast tomorrow morning. With older one also not working tomorrow, after his online class, we will do some shopping, and pick up an order I made the other day. And enjoy lunch out, where to be determined, though thinking will be a chick drive though and eat in car meal.
I'd love to make french onion soup, but DH Hates onions....
maybe I'll make it sometime and invite my parents over for supper and DH can have a pizza!

Food still sounded good Lori......sometimes the smallest places are the best. Yes, if that`s the biggest scandal we get I`ll be happy.....I like it quiet and peaceful, but yes, most bring them in straight away or when they come home at night.

Yes, no sitting in the sun for me, but I do like to walk in it but always with sunscreen, something that just wasn`t around when I was a kid......I was always brown as a berry apparently. Not anymore.

I`ve never tried elk, but would try it, Tom likes it I know that and he`s had elk burgers before. Hope you enjoy it.

We have lots of foxes around that sometimes leave the remains of rabbits and hares around, thankfully never had to deal with them ourselves, not a good job to have to do.

I miss onions!

Well, he`s on his 3rd Mercedes, so I`m not sure what one he had when we last saw you.....this one is the best one yet. He has inherited his fathers desire to change his car every 2 to 3 years ::yes::

He ordered it last August last year and was lucky to get it from Germany in November before the delivery backlog started. Bit more powerful than he (anyone) needs, but he isn`t a silly boy racer and drives the way any mum would approve of......he does have his moments though........usually when some little oik with a souped up junk machine thinks they can pass him and stick up a middle they`re usually compensating for

He loves it though and takes very good care of it.

Have you still got the same car, I think you were maybe changing it soon?

I`m trying to imagine the size of your aircon yes, wouldn`t be without it in the South. Mine would be like yours and macs....never off. I know some folks don`t run it all the time, but wow....I would!

Enjoy that Chinese favourite kind of takeout!

Yes, pub is usually a very British saying, don`t hear many Americans use that term. We have some gorgeous pubs that have restaurants too, or some nice pubs that just have bar food and one menu. Ones with restaurants attached sometimes have two menus with more choices.....we avoid the ones themed for kids....they tend to be chain pubs and everything is frozen and not fresh. Idividually owned pubs and restaurants are always our first choice where everything is freshly cooked and not a frozen chip in sight.

Anything with a kids indoor play area with ball pits we avoid too ........too many rugrats around them.........😉

Had a lovely day with the weirdest weather.......friend came around and we sat outside with tea, then came in as the mist rolled in and it cooled, then sun came back out again and it was boiling hot again.

After she left I made some bread for tonight, and I`m trying to fill up by sniffing the aroma from the chicken.......not long to go till dinner.
I'm not sure if it's just a WI thing, but kids are allowed in bars with their parents. It's not unusual to see a kid sipping a root beer while sitting on a bar stool. You wouldn't really see it in a large city....but in smaller communities it's a normal occurrence.

German potato salad is made. Will start the grill when DH leaves work to make the elk....fingers crossed I prepare it well!

:wave2: Finally a quick stop in

Lots of paper shuffling this morning...we will see how the afternoon pans out. DH was too tired to open gifts last night. Tonight he gets to open 3 for working out of town. He laughed and said he is really liking all the gifts ( even the little ones - filler ones like air fresheners for his truck :laughing: ) and would miss them when it was all said and done. I was listening on the radio this morning and they were talking about " Cameo" where you can pay a celebrity to do a personalized message. I found a nascar driver ( one who dh likes ) and am going to get him to wish him a happy birthday and tell him about his tickets to the Daytona 500.

We don't have bins here. Our city is too small. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if we would do a composting bin, DD when she lived in Calgary, and now Edmonton have started with the composting bins. I loved going to her house. So much less waste and garbage with a composting bin that is picked up curb side.
The Queen Charolotes are expensive....we would probably do Prince Rupert, Nanaimo/Tofino before the expensive one. Our bil has a family member in Nanaimo who provides fishing tours. So we are lucky that way.

Love your chicken stories. Your girls sure do have some great personalities! Hopefully no more snakes :scared1:

YUM!!!!!!!!!! Your meals alllllllllllllllllllllll sound so delicious!!!!

They seem to be the favorite if the person is from Eastern Canada. I believe donairs are quite the thing there. Dh likes them. I haven't had one. I'm a burger girl :laughing:

Elk is great...if it's cooked properly. I hope it turned out for you. I have marinated it years ago. We haven't had it for a few years. But....dh and ds were finally drawn to actually hunt one. Dh also knows someone who actually has them on his property. So I better get my elk cooking skills buffed up. I'm expecting a freezer full of wild meat this winter. They were drawn for elk and moose. So hopefully they can find and bring home both. We were raised on wild meat....I didn't have beef or beef steak until I was almost and adult. It was tooo expensive when we were young.

I have never been there, but I do know it is a small community. Weird that some people didn't jump at the chance to do something for the cruisers. That story reminds me kind of what's happening in the Florida Keys. Such a beautiful place to visit...but all of a sudden, they don't want the huge $$$ that the cruisers and cruise industry would bring in. Hopefully one day we can cruise there again. I LOVED it there and would definitely go again.

Well, I should run and take a break for lunch...then shuffle more papers around again.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!!
The birthday that keeps on giving!!! It's so awesome that you and DH are getting such enjoyment from this!

I'll let you know if the elk is a success....

Good afternoon. I'm having another boring day. Later today my excitement will be a walk to the end of the driveway to put out the trash and check the mail. We keep our garbage can in our garage and wheel it to the curb the night before garbage pick up.

I have noticed brussels sprouts showing up on a lot of menus here. It seems to be the new "in" vegetable.

I think I will be fine going back as normal next week. I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.

That sounds good. I haven't had French onion soup in a long time.

Thank you. I would hate to go the Universal and still have no sense of taste.

B's university tried to go back as normal, but it lasted one week. Their Covid numbers are up, so they went back to online for at least 2 weeks. We don't know if they will still be online next week or not.

The sun and I are not friends. I am a firm believer in sunscreen.

Same here. I have lived in the south since I was 2.5 years old. I can't remember a time we didn't have central A/C.

What a great idea. Who is his favorite driver?

I am hoping to get a text and or email today about the TSO ticket presale. I signed up as a verified fan, so hopefully I will be able to buy advanced tickets.
Sorry to hear your DDs university is back to online. Hopefully after the 2 weeks all will be better!

So disappointed we’ve just unpacked the delayed delivery and one of the mirrored bathroom cabinets is badly damaged. Now I’ve got to start the process of replacement and return. May end up just having a refund. On that note my peaceful evening is over I think I’ll distract myself with my book!
UGH!! That's so disappointing!!!
A couple years ago, DH and I ordered a table and 4 chair set for our lake house. The table and 3 chairs were perfect, with 1 chair that was badly damaged.
It took over 6 months to get the 4th chair! Good thing we are a family of 3, lol!!

Dogs walked and snoozing. Little one found a patch of sunlight on the carpet and is out for the count! He's too darn cute:dog:

Couldn't resist giving the German potato salad a taste test as it came out of the oven, It smelled so good!!
For science, right? wink, wink!! (it passed the yummy test)

Should do some laundry to pass the time before dinner....
I'd love to make french onion soup, but DH Hates onions....
maybe I'll make it sometime and invite my parents over for supper and DH can have a pizza!
I tend to cook enough to feed an army, JIK my boys stop by. If not, leftovers on day 2or I freeze portions. Wonder if onion soup (without the floater) would fare well?
I tend to cook enough to feed an army, JIK my boys stop by. If not, leftovers on day 2or I freeze portions. Wonder if onion soup (without the floater) would fare well?
Good idea!!
I feel like I cook like Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond.....just an Italian mamma wanting to feed everyone. I don't think I'm even Italian?? maybe should do one of those DNA swabs....could have Italian blood I'm not even aware of??

Or, our neighbor across the street has 4 kids, 3 of which are boys. She never turns down food that I bring over!
Well, DH came home first, what’s for dinner? Burgers with lots of sautéed vegetables. Put a cooked burger in the pan after he was done, as older one will be home soon, and will have the same question. Doubt any vegetables are left, but I have some of that potato salad left, and made spinach dip, which he enjoys. So, ready for the question.
Can't get to sleep tonight. I need to get my sleep cycle back on track.
I got a call from the state health department this afternoon. I guess they are tracking people's symptoms and recovery process.

So disappointed we’ve just unpacked the delayed delivery and one of the mirrored bathroom cabinets is badly damaged. Now I’ve got to start the process of replacement and return. May end up just having a refund. On that note my peaceful evening is over I think I’ll distract myself with my book!
How frustrating. I hope it doesn't take too long to get replaced.

Couldn't resist giving the German potato salad a taste test as it came out of the oven, It smelled so good!!
For science, right? wink, wink!! (it passed the yummy test)
Quality Control.

Today I am 3 weeks away from leaving fro my trip. 🙂
Good afternoon. I'm having another boring day. Later today my excitement will be a walk to the end of the driveway to put out the trash and check the mail. We keep our garbage can in our garage and wheel it to the curb the night before garbage pick up.

I have noticed brussels sprouts showing up on a lot of menus here. It seems to be the new "in" vegetable.

I think I will be fine going back as normal next week. I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.

That sounds good. I haven't had French onion soup in a long time.

Thank you. I would hate to go the Universal and still have no sense of taste.

B's university tried to go back as normal, but it lasted one week. Their Covid numbers are up, so they went back to online for at least 2 weeks. We don't know if they will still be online next week or not.

The sun and I are not friends. I am a firm believer in sunscreen.

Same here. I have lived in the south since I was 2.5 years old. I can't remember a time we didn't have central A/C.

What a great idea. Who is his favorite driver?

I am hoping to get a text and or email today about the TSO ticket presale. I signed up as a verified fan, so hopefully I will be able to buy advanced tickets.

Tom hates Brussel sprouts, but for years on the odd occasion I shred them up and stir fry them with pancetta and he does enjoy them that way. I think it`s from growing up when our mothers would boil all veg for 3 weeks before serving, nothign was appetising......

Hope your appetite springs back soon, especially before your trip!

Hope the dental appt went well!

I live in WI and would not make it without AC!
I told DH there is no way I've been reincarnated from years ago. I'd never make it a week in times when civilization truly 'roughed it'!!

I'd love to make french onion soup, but DH Hates onions....
maybe I'll make it sometime and invite my parents over for supper and DH can have a pizza!

I'm not sure if it's just a WI thing, but kids are allowed in bars with their parents. It's not unusual to see a kid sipping a root beer while sitting on a bar stool. You wouldn't really see it in a large city....but in smaller communities it's a normal occurrence.

German potato salad is made. Will start the grill when DH leaves work to make the elk....fingers crossed I prepare it well!

The birthday that keeps on giving!!! It's so awesome that you and DH are getting such enjoyment from this!

I'll let you know if the elk is a success....

Sorry to hear your DDs university is back to online. Hopefully after the 2 weeks all will be better!

UGH!! That's so disappointing!!!
A couple years ago, DH and I ordered a table and 4 chair set for our lake house. The table and 3 chairs were perfect, with 1 chair that was badly damaged.
It took over 6 months to get the 4th chair! Good thing we are a family of 3, lol!!

Dogs walked and snoozing. Little one found a patch of sunlight on the carpet and is out for the count! He's too darn cute:dog:

Couldn't resist giving the German potato salad a taste test as it came out of the oven, It smelled so good!!
For science, right? wink, wink!! (it passed the yummy test)

Should do some laundry to pass the time before dinner....

Some pubs just ban children altogether, some let them in but never at the bar area which we like, and most have a curfew on no kids after X`s nice to have some places that are adult only.

Good idea!!
I feel like I cook like Marie Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond.....just an Italian mamma wanting to feed everyone. I don't think I'm even Italian?? maybe should do one of those DNA swabs....could have Italian blood I'm not even aware of??

Or, our neighbor across the street has 4 kids, 3 of which are boys. She never turns down food that I bring over!

lol.....I have a tiny amount of Italian, not much all German and Swedish apparently.....but we love Everybody Loves Raymond and Tom says sometimes a line from the show when I cook....Carole you`re a pickle away from being a like you, I love cooking.

One of my nieces thinks putting some chicken tenders and fries in the oven is cooking......I gave up with her years ago :confused3

Now I want to watch Everybody Loves Raymond......I think we have the box set somewhere in among all those dvd`s. I love those actors and think Doris Roberts is brilliant in her smaller role in Christmas Vacation. I remember her also in Remington Steele years ago with Pierce Brosnan. Very 80`s show, but a lot of fun.

We had some heavy rain last night, but this morning it`s just dull but still so humid.

I prefer walking with a little breeze, but when the wind starts on this coast, it forgets to stop, so we`ll enjoy it when we can.

Made some dinner reservations last night for our week in the Cotswolds for October. I saw someone mention on another board I read that they couldn`t get booked for somewhere they like near where we`re going, so as we know three places we want to go back to in the town we will stay, just got them booked last night. Will call another today and at least we`ll have the places we want and look at more soon.

Might have Tom drive to the next town tonight and get us fish and chips from the chippie for dinner, haven`t done it in a while. Friday is their busiest night so there`s always a line even if you call ahead, but we prefer to get it as freshly cooked as possible, so he`ll stand in line and you shout your order when you arrive. The owner is quite a character.

Hope your Friday is a good one......




Have a wonderful Friday.........:cheer2:
Eh, I don’t mind browning the onions. It was good soup, I must say, Keisha. Though only made enough for me. Hence, not a large amount of onions. Yeah, we have large, heavy lid cans as we too have those raccoons and possums. As well as neighbors that leave their cats out. Hate that.

Sue, hope your dental visit goes well, and enjoy a walk after.

And so, while it looks bright out, phone says more rain coming. Oh well, will just make the following four days predicted to be full sunny days that much nicer. And getting warmer each day. So looking forward to not moving fast tomorrow morning. With older one also not working tomorrow, after his online class, we will do some shopping, and pick up an order I made the other day. And enjoy lunch out, where to be determined, though thinking will be a chick drive though and eat in car meal.
Thanks dental appt went well. He’s the best dentist ever. Been going to him for over 35 yrs. Saw hygienist for cleaning, polishing, floride then him for checkup.

Good morning all. Just stopped by while waiting for lunch to be delivered. Management ordered Chinese for us today!

Carole...does Kyle still have that sweet ride he bought not long ago or is he riding around in a Bugatti now? ;)

I couldn't live w/o AC in the south but I was raised with central A/C growing up so I am truly spoiled.

My A/C unit is about 3 1/3 years old and is as big as a small Kia car and it works great!

Have a good day!
AC isn’t a thing in the pacific NW. We usually have nice summers, but not excessive heat. However the past few years we’ve broken temp records. The June heat wave lasted almost 2 weeks. One day was 104 in the shade 🔥 Then I heard we had another, shorter heat wave in Aug while I was in Wdw. We only have a portable unit. Lived in the basement! I think only 30% have AC but with climate changes more are getting it.

Food still sounded good Lori......sometimes the smallest places are the best. Yes, if that`s the biggest scandal we get I`ll be happy.....I like it quiet and peaceful, but yes, most bring them in straight away or when they come home at night.

Yes, no sitting in the sun for me, but I do like to walk in it but always with sunscreen, something that just wasn`t around when I was a kid......I was always brown as a berry apparently. Not anymore.

I`ve never tried elk, but would try it, Tom likes it I know that and he`s had elk burgers before. Hope you enjoy it.

We have lots of foxes around that sometimes leave the remains of rabbits and hares around, thankfully never had to deal with them ourselves, not a good job to have to do.

I miss onions!

Well, he`s on his 3rd Mercedes, so I`m not sure what one he had when we last saw you.....this one is the best one yet. He has inherited his fathers desire to change his car every 2 to 3 years ::yes::

He ordered it last August last year and was lucky to get it from Germany in November before the delivery backlog started. Bit more powerful than he (anyone) needs, but he isn`t a silly boy racer and drives the way any mum would approve of......he does have his moments though........usually when some little oik with a souped up junk machine thinks they can pass him and stick up a middle they`re usually compensating for

He loves it though and takes very good care of it.

Have you still got the same car, I think you were maybe changing it soon?

I`m trying to imagine the size of your aircon yes, wouldn`t be without it in the South. Mine would be like yours and macs....never off. I know some folks don`t run it all the time, but wow....I would!

Enjoy that Chinese favourite kind of takeout!

Yes, pub is usually a very British saying, don`t hear many Americans use that term. We have some gorgeous pubs that have restaurants too, or some nice pubs that just have bar food and one menu. Ones with restaurants attached sometimes have two menus with more choices.....we avoid the ones themed for kids....they tend to be chain pubs and everything is frozen and not fresh. Idividually owned pubs and restaurants are always our first choice where everything is freshly cooked and not a frozen chip in sight.

Anything with a kids indoor play area with ball pits we avoid too ........too many rugrats around them.........😉

Had a lovely day with the weirdest weather.......friend came around and we sat outside with tea, then came in as the mist rolled in and it cooled, then sun came back out again and it was boiling hot again.

After she left I made some bread for tonight, and I`m trying to fill up by sniffing the aroma from the chicken.......not long to go till dinner.
pubs are a thing here too. A leftover from our Brit Heritage?
I was always brown as a kid too. No sunscreen back then. There were Suntan lotions but no sunscreen in it! I recall my mom had Ban de Soiel not even sure of spelling. As young teens we used baby oil with iodine mixed in. The original self tanner!

:wave2: Finally a quick stop in

Lots of paper shuffling this morning...we will see how the afternoon pans out. DH was too tired to open gifts last night. Tonight he gets to open 3 for working out of town. He laughed and said he is really liking all the gifts ( even the little ones - filler ones like air fresheners for his truck :laughing: ) and would miss them when it was all said and done. I was listening on the radio this morning and they were talking about " Cameo" where you can pay a celebrity to do a personalized message. I found a nascar driver ( one who dh likes ) and am going to get him to wish him a happy birthday and tell him about his tickets to the Daytona 500.

We don't have bins here. Our city is too small. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if we would do a composting bin, DD when she lived in Calgary, and now Edmonton have started with the composting bins. I loved going to her house. So much less waste and garbage with a composting bin that is picked up curb side.
The Queen Charolotes are expensive....we would probably do Prince Rupert, Nanaimo/Tofino before the expensive one. Our bil has a family member in Nanaimo who provides fishing tours. So we are lucky that way.

Love your chicken stories. Your girls sure do have some great personalities! Hopefully no more snakes :scared1:

YUM!!!!!!!!!! Your meals alllllllllllllllllllllll sound so delicious!!!!

They seem to be the favorite if the person is from Eastern Canada. I believe donairs are quite the thing there. Dh likes them. I haven't had one. I'm a burger girl :laughing:

Elk is great...if it's cooked properly. I hope it turned out for you. I have marinated it years ago. We haven't had it for a few years. But....dh and ds were finally drawn to actually hunt one. Dh also knows someone who actually has them on his property. So I better get my elk cooking skills buffed up. I'm expecting a freezer full of wild meat this winter. They were drawn for elk and moose. So hopefully they can find and bring home both. We were raised on wild meat....I didn't have beef or beef steak until I was almost and adult. It was tooo expensive when we were young.

I have never been there, but I do know it is a small community. Weird that some people didn't jump at the chance to do something for the cruisers. That story reminds me kind of what's happening in the Florida Keys. Such a beautiful place to visit...but all of a sudden, they don't want the huge $$$ that the cruisers and cruise industry would bring in. Hopefully one day we can cruise there again. I LOVED it there and would definitely go again.

Well, I should run and take a break for lunch...then shuffle more papers around again.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!!!!
We have a 3 bin system. Garbage, kitchen & yard waste, then another for paper and plastics. Actually a 4th small container for glass. We aren’t a big city. Pop 33,551

Good afternoon. I'm having another boring day. Later today my excitement will be a walk to the end of the driveway to put out the trash and check the mail. We keep our garbage can in our garage and wheel it to the curb the night before garbage pick up.

I have noticed brussels sprouts showing up on a lot of menus here. It seems to be the new "in" vegetable.

I think I will be fine going back as normal next week. I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week.

That sounds good. I haven't had French onion soup in a long time.

Thank you. I would hate to go the Universal and still have no sense of taste.

B's university tried to go back as normal, but it lasted one week. Their Covid numbers are up, so they went back to online for at least 2 weeks. We don't know if they will still be online next week or not.

The sun and I are not friends. I am a firm believer in sunscreen.

Same here. I have lived in the south since I was 2.5 years old. I can't remember a time we didn't have central A/C.

What a great idea. Who is his favorite driver?

I am hoping to get a text and or email today about the TSO ticket presale. I signed up as a verified fan, so hopefully I will be able to buy advanced tickets.
Boring is good! Rest up. Brussels Sprouts I think you either love it or hate it! I love how they do it roasted and with crispy bits.
Despite my miss spent youth I wear sunscreen now! Lol. I grew up on a beach, I can only imagine how much sun damage I have! I’m only surprised I don’t look like an old dried up shoe!

I did take that walk, but much later in the day. After dinner in fact! By the time I got home around 1ish it was too hot to go. So we waited till it cooled down.
No plans tomorrow. Have to go get a few groceries and clean house. Exciting day.
Saturday going out for an outrigger paddle. An ex teammate who moved to Vancouver Island is coming over for the weekend so we’re getting together for a paddle and breakfast.
Also have to help daughter get her vaccine passport online. Since I’ve already done mine. Don’t know if I’ll need it flying home? But it’s done.

Does anyone know how to find the Universal Photos website or FB page. I tried looking for the page on FB. That’s where I found the packages to buy. Had good AP discount. Can’t find it anymore.
Another fan of Everybody Loves Raymond here. I’m a Christmas movie fan and love Doris in the Mrs Miracle movies. My favourite episode is the one when they go to Rome! That being our favourite city destination.

Same as you Schumi it’s our first Fishy Friday for a while. I ring the order through to George and then Em and I go to collect. The best one around us there’s always a queue at weekends. Not for me unfortunately but I’ve been into town for my hair done and called at the fishmonger and got a nice piece of plaice for me. Also some pesto from M&S that is Keto friendly so I’ll be having that with some courgetti too.

Quite a nice day here but not working in the garden today. Few things to sort out so after lunch I’ll get on with the paperwork.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Ah yes, a Friday is here, and a touch of Fall feeling today. But glorious sunshine has been shining through my windows since early. Love seeing the sun.

We have both pubs and bars. Most have a dining room, or a few tables and chairs, so as long as underage not sitting on a bar stool at the bar, kids are usually welcome.

Sue, a paddle and breakfast tomorrow sounds perfect. And yeah, as a kid, my mom used to use baby oil too.

I’m so pale, while I like the sun and warm, I use lots of suntan lotion, and wear a hat to shade more of my face. Still annoyed my kids both tan so nicely, they both got their dad’s dark tanning olive Mediterranean skin, with little one more closer to his color than older one. But since he’s been working outside, for the last month or so, he’s tan. And with little one outside most of this Summer, she’s very tan. She always gets so tan, what is not, looks so much lighter.

And with a lazy Friday here, a very quiet morning. And enjoying a cup of tea, as made bacon and eggs for DH and I. We both are early birds.

Charade, I hope you are feeling good now, and taste and smells have returned.

Nice Schumi and Julie both having a fish Friday dinner. Many around here, particularly in the Spring, fish Friday is a known dinner choice. Tonight? Not sure. Maybe pizza? Yeah, on Friday night, many go out to eat or take out. And while I do cook brussel sprouts, they are rarely on our meal menu. As expected, only little one won’t eat them. The other three of us will eat them.

Metro, I hope your weekend is not a washout. I know there was many concerned about the rain last night, as saw online many said going to HHN last night. Glad it was just a light rain.

Sue, try googling Amazing Pictures Orlando. Best I saw was around $135 for a year, no AP rates. Though they offer different sales all the time. I thought my photo pass I bought for two years, a great deal I had got, had expired in this August when I activated it two years ago. Well, I guess with the closings, it’s now got a this December expiration. As when I said can I add a new year to my photo pass card, when I went to a photo place in the parks, she said no need because it expires in this December. Surprised me, but yay, will get this month’s trip and also used it in our August trip. So I hope you find a good photo pass deal.

Tea for me, and ooh maybe will make some chocolate pudding, as bought fresh milk last night. Yay, a Friday here. Means the weekend starts early for me. Woot!

Have a Fabulous Friday and a most wonderful weekend. Smile homies, a favorite day of the week, a Friday is. Yay!
Well I still have the ac on day and night

Yesterday was not bad as temps held at 84 in the afternoon so left ac on

today will back to 90 so no turning ac off
This is not a complaint as ac I do like

it is nice when temps do drop and hold at one level
I do enjoy fresh air with windows opened

nice start for the weekend for many of you
And trips are becoming days closer for some homies here
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Saw that Metro, eh I’m one that doesn’t care about any vanity plate. I just have whatever letters and numbers the plates I got have. I thought about a zoo one, but nope. Plain old not interesting plates we have on our vehicles.


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