Something About Nothing............ #14

Good luck pumpkin......all good wishes to you this afternoon, hope it goes well!! And thank you, I have always enjoyed cooking, and one of the reasons I`m not slim!!

Happy Birthday to your son Lynne.

Dinner is over and it was delicious.....lamb was suitably pink and tender and we all cleared our plates.

Still so cold here, I was glad to be baking and cooking today.......lazy night ahead for us.......tea and lemon madeira cake coming up
Son, yeah I have a 7 too, and it’s starting to glitch and yeah, seems to have battery drain quickly, so thinking of getting the new phone this month. Waiting to see if any extras with the purchase is offered. I do save all to my cloud, but I find it quite annoying to set up my new phone with how my old phone looks. Hope you get your new phone soon, and hope DH phone works enough to get a new one before you leave. I started carrying my charging cord, and try to charge any time I can.

I was carrying my cord around too. Sometimes, the phone battery would drain to almost nothing overnight, while the phone was in airplane mode and cell/wifi off :confused3 Although, to be honest. the phone did this right after 1 year. I got a new battery for free from Apple back then, but it still would do it sometimes. Something lousy in the software I think, that's keeping it in an infinite loop and draining the battery.

Got my new phone last night. Set up was easy, once I ignored most of the instructions in the link that Apple sent. It's been working like a charm all day. If you get an Apple, just be sure to backup your old phone first. I thought I was going to have to transfer stuff from my computer to the new one; I don't use the cloud. However, it connected to my old phone and transferred stuff:confused3 If you pick a carrier, then you won't have to switch the sim card from your old phone. We did that, because the instructions said to do so. It got confused and thought I had 2 cell plans with the same phone number. Apparently, the new ones have a built-in sim and then one that can be removed. All of the 13s are on backorder. We ordered them on 10/21. I just got my mini; hubby's pro won't make it until Thanksgiving. Don't wait until your phone dies if you plan to buy the newest one.

Ooh, and I can say I now have a 24 year old boy. Was a glorious sunny day, when the doctor said he’s a fine looking boy, 24 years ago today. Older one is working tonight, so we’ll celebrate his birthday at lunch today. He wants Chinese, so sounds good to me. The place we use has a week day free small soup or egg roll with entree, so soup for me with my order. Yay!

Happy Birthday!! Mine is coming up soon too. So many November birthdays. I guess people really do get romantic on Valentine's Day:rotfl2:

@schumigirl Xmas in Scotland sounds wonderful!

@Pumpkin1172 Good luck on the next round!
:wave2: Quick late morning stop in!

Another crisp cold morning. The sun is shinning and should stay shinning all day. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. So I'll take the sunshine while it's here.

Surprisingly we have quite a huge asian population here - especially people from the Philippines. There are a couple of asian grocery stores here, that many people frequent because of the items they have.

Awwww poor Barney. Hopefully he recovers fast. It's hard as they get older to recover from things like that. Our furry guy had horrible teeth too. We struggled with keeping his teeth healthy.

It's great to donate baking...I also love to buy it as well ;) It can be a double edged sword.

Well, I should shuffle a few more papers. I have a few things to catch up on from doing next to nothing from a couple of headache days.
It seems the little dogs can be prone to bad teeth.....Barney is doing much better today, thanks for asking!
We even went on a short walk a few minutes ago. He seemed to enjoy it!

I`m laughing at your old man of our friends takes about 8 tablets a day with med....his wife often says it`s like a memory of her dad! with his pill container. Poor Barney.....hope he feels better in the next few days.

You`d love the ethnic stores place we ever visited for the same type of places was Birmingham in the UK, very ethnic area, but a chef`s paradise.

That is cold!!! if I ever visit, we`ll come in the summer lol.....we have a real feel of 36, but it`s actually 44f. Too cold for me. Nice job on the gifts......I`m getting ahead too, which I`m so pleased with myself!

Have a good evening.......

Usually we would buy as well as donate, but not so sure in the current climate....others however, seem happy to buy. I heard through friends they did do well with the sales today. They do this every month, so we`re always happy to donate some baked goods.

Hope the headaches have dissipated and you`re much better now.....headaches can be horrible.

Had a lovely day, made an afternoon tea as we had two friends drop in......not too fancy, but still nice. Tom made himself scarce as we were chattering like budgies....

Went for a snooze as I felt a headache come on, I think I got chilled on our walk yesterday, so wrapped up warm and cosy and had some cherry brandy tonight. Don`t plan to walk tomorrow at all.

I told my guys I felt a little poorly..........


They did still eat the food I`d was lovely I have to admit, slow cookers do marvels with meat.

Having an early night tonight, and plan to sleep late, hopefully.

Hope everyone is having a lovely evening.......
Please do visit, open invite!!! Only a couple short hours plane ride north of Orlando!!

I should dress Barney as a little old man next Halloween, that would be a hoot! This year he was Superdog!

Man, it's cold and rainy here. It's only in the high 50sF here, but us Texans don't like that. Drinking hot tea to warm up. I had to pull out a bunch of warm clothes to sit outside in the morning waiting for my car's safety/state inspection. I could wait inside, but it's tight in there and not everyone wears masks. I went to get it Tuesday morning, but the parking lot was completely full. I thought it would be a long wait with so many cars, even if I could find a parking spot. Still need to get my Vespa inspected. I have to wait for a warm and dry day for that one; I don't like riding it in the cold or wet. I had let my 3 vehicles' inspections lapse during covid; now I am having to play catch up.

I bought some t-shirts and hoodies for my husband and son, but I haven't done any other xmas shopping. I did get some stuff for my mom a while ago and will pick up some niknaks and candy from the Japan pavilion at Epcot on our Thanksgiving trip. I have no idea what to get hubby. Son gave us a list, so we probably need to get crackin on it. We usually buy his birthday gifts at the same time, since it's in February. Otherwise, stuff hasn't restocked yet. I suspect this year will be even worse.

Back to eating good on Monday after splurging all weekend for Halloween. I am actually pretty sick of candy and sweets right now :rotfl2: Nothing like some good roasted brussel sprouts.

Hoping my new iPhone comes tonight. The new ones are all on backorder. Our iPhone 7s are cratering. The batteries are in rough shape. We thought we would get new ones fairly soon anyway, but Disney's new Genie junk has hastened that along. Unfortunately, DH won't get his until we are already on vacation. Having one new phone is better than nothing. DS's phone is kind of useless right now and old. He has a Samsung and put in a old SIM card from someone else's phone and a different cell provider. Now his can't use data or possibly take calls, just wifi and text. We have to sit on hold with ATT to fix it. He did this before not too long ago:sad2:, so we decided he would just have to live with it for a while.

@schumigirl & @Pumpkin1172 I hope the headaches go away.

@J'aime Paris I didn't catch it. Is Barney the dog? Well, whoever he is, I hope he gets to feeling better.

@Robo56 The family is adorable.
Yes, Barney is my 15 year old dog that had two teeth extracted during a dental the other day. He's doing much better now.

I may do some xmas shopping while in Florida as well. A couple of my nephews and godson likes the Billabong shirts.

What are your Florida dates again?

Yep, feeling much better today....a good sleep sometimes is all you need. I did indeed sleep late too which was lovely for a change.

No walking today, it is baltic outside, real feel of 2c (34f) planning a day of baking and cooking, days like this call for it. And thinking we might just go up to Scotland for Christmas this year, need to see if we can get the hotel we like booked. Although friends will be disappointed we won`t then be doing the Boxing Day get together we said we`d start back up this year if we weren`t going to Scotland. Anywhere between 30 and 40 folks would turn up, but some brought food and drinks with them too, so we weren`t doing everything. Maybe next year.

Definitely a warming soup for lunch, making some butternut squash, sweet, potato, carrots, leeks and sweet peppers along with an array of herbs and spices.....most of the veg is roasting in the Aga right now, then I`ll turn it all into the stock and voila.....creamy and spicy soup.

Dinner is lamb with red wine sauce........lush!!!




Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍸
Glad you are feeling better!!

It would be nice to spend Christmas in Scotland with family:love:

Ah yes, a Thursday is here. Glad you had a good night sleep and feeling much better, Schumi. Yep, time of year, I’m also at 33 degrees this morning. Clear sky so will be a nice sunny start, but by later in the morning, will be a cloudy day. I like this time of the year, as with the cooler temps, the home usually smells good with sweet baking and savory smells come the kitchen. I hope you do get to go to Scotland for Christmas this year. Nice to again enjoy holiday extended family time. I’m sure you can have a party next year.

Son, yeah I have a 7 too, and it’s starting to glitch and yeah, seems to have battery drain quickly, so thinking of getting the new phone this month. Waiting to see if any extras with the purchase is offered. I do save all to my cloud, but I find it quite annoying to set up my new phone with how my old phone looks. Hope you get your new phone soon, and hope DH phone works enough to get a new one before you leave. I started carrying my charging cord, and try to charge any time I can.

And so, with that cool start for me too, tea is what I drink, and think just a few graham crackers are left. Will be fine, as then will be on the list to restock kitchen.

That terrific Thirsty Thursday homies. Have a drink or two and enjoy, as can raise a toast with that cup or glass, to tomorrow being Friday. Yay!
DH switched to a 12 recently. He thought he'd miss the "home" button. Got used to being without it in a day and loves the larger screen!

:wave2:a quick early morning stop in.

It seems to be thirsty morning tea is tasting mighty fine and I know I'll be sad once it's gone and want another one lol.

I received a phone call earlier in the week asking for a second interview - which is this afternoon :cheer2: So I'm pretty excited, as this is a federal government job position. It's only for a 2 yr contract, as it is a new creation, but is very probably for it to be extended. So I'm super excited. I am ready to tackle a new position, new systems, and able to give my all to a new frontier. Hoping I can sell myself and answer what questions they may have!

I should have said that when we buy from a bake sale...we buy the really good items that I don't make that we LOVE...but our waistlines/pants don't like it when we buy those baked goods :rotfl: We had a discussion with the boys that they had to take the left over halloween candy downstairs, so we would quit eating it.

O.M.Gosh, that sounds scrumptious. I would love to be a fly in your kitchen to take notes on what you make...and how you cook. Your cooking sounds amazing! I'm glad your feeling better. You can't get sick now - especially since your trip is coming up...what is your countdown at?

My tea had a hole in the cup I think :rolleyes1 I hope your tea and crackers hit the perfect spot!

I think many people let things like that lapse during covid - especially given work places going remote and lay offs etc etc etc. It's nice that things are starting to return to more " normal" again.

Well, I should run, get started on shuffling all the papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!
Best of luck on the interview Pumpkin!!! I hope you get the job!!!!

Ooh, and I can say I now have a 24 year old boy. Was a glorious sunny day, when the doctor said he’s a fine looking boy, 24 years ago today. Older one is working tonight, so we’ll celebrate his birthday at lunch today. He wants Chinese, so sounds good to me. The place we use has a week day free small soup or egg roll with entree, so soup for me with my order. Yay!
Happy Birthday to your son!!!

Good luck pumpkin......all good wishes to you this afternoon, hope it goes well!! And thank you, I have always enjoyed cooking, and one of the reasons I`m not slim!!

Happy Birthday to your son Lynne.

Dinner is over and it was delicious.....lamb was suitably pink and tender and we all cleared our plates.

Still so cold here, I was glad to be baking and cooking today.......lazy night ahead for us.......tea and lemon madeira cake coming up
OOOOH! I like a good lemon dessert!

Had quite the busy day! I had to drive all the way to Madison to retrieve a very special Christmas gift for DH. He's gonna go bonkers over it, so I was glad to make the drive!

And my godson attends college at UW-Madison, so I took him out to lunch!! Always welcome to have a nice lunch when you're on a college budget.

Took the dogs out for a walk when I got home. They aren't used to being home alone for quite that many hours, but they did just fine.

I think I'm gonna take a page out of Schumi's book and begin wrapping some of the gifts i've gotten so far!
It seems the little dogs can be prone to bad teeth.....Barney is doing much better today, thanks for asking!
We even went on a short walk a few minutes ago. He seemed to enjoy it!

Please do visit, open invite!!! Only a couple short hours plane ride north of Orlando!!

I should dress Barney as a little old man next Halloween, that would be a hoot! This year he was Superdog!

Yes, Barney is my 15 year old dog that had two teeth extracted during a dental the other day. He's doing much better now.

I may do some xmas shopping while in Florida as well. A couple of my nephews and godson likes the Billabong shirts.

What are your Florida dates again?

Glad you are feeling better!!

It would be nice to spend Christmas in Scotland with family:love:

DH switched to a 12 recently. He thought he'd miss the "home" button. Got used to being without it in a day and loves the larger screen!

Best of luck on the interview Pumpkin!!! I hope you get the job!!!!

Happy Birthday to your son!!!
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OOOOH! I like a good lemon dessert!

Had quite the busy day! I had to drive all the way to Madison to retrieve a very special Christmas gift for DH. He's gonna go bonkers over it, so I was glad to make the drive!

And my godson attends college at UW-Madison, so I took him out to lunch!! Always welcome to have a nice lunch when you're on a college budget.
View attachment 619770

Took the dogs out for a walk when I got home. They aren't used to being home alone for quite that many hours, but they did just fine.

I think I'm gonna take a page out of Schumi's book and begin wrapping some of the gifts i've gotten so far!

What a lovely picture Lori.....handsome young man! And well done getting a gift you know will be appreciated so much......

Oh goodness, don`t give me ideas.....hopping on a plane sounds so much fun! We`re thinking of popping to Vegas for a few days next September in the middle of our trip, but not sure it`ll be worth it just for 2 or 3 days......decisions!!

And yes, would love to see puppy dressed as an old

Well, we did get our favourite hotel in Scotland booked today for Christmas....well, there aren`t a lot of hotels up there we`d stay in, but we do like this one. Going up for 3 nights, travelling up Christmas Eve.....mum was over the moon when I told her on the phone today. Will be having Christmas Day, well from mid afternoon at my sisters house, she tends to host every year. Looking forward to it.

I did send txts to friends to say the Boxing Day party would have to be somewhere else.....they can decide who hosts it now.

Going to be a little milder tomorrow, I hope.

We can hear fireworks going off in the distance, Bonfire night tomorrow night, so this will go on for another few nights at least.
Yes, Barney is my 15 year old dog that had two teeth extracted during a dental the other day. He's doing much better now.

I may do some xmas shopping while in Florida as well. A couple of my nephews and godson likes the Billabong shirts.

What are your Florida dates again?

I can't imagine our cat being good with a tooth extraction. Ouch!

Basically, Thanksgiving week, give or take a couple of days.
Universal: 11/18-22, Disney 11/22-28
What a lovely picture Lori.....handsome young man! And well done getting a gift you know will be appreciated so much......

Oh goodness, don`t give me ideas.....hopping on a plane sounds so much fun! We`re thinking of popping to Vegas for a few days next September in the middle of our trip, but not sure it`ll be worth it just for 2 or 3 days......decisions!!

And yes, would love to see puppy dressed as an old

Well, we did get our favourite hotel in Scotland booked today for Christmas....well, there aren`t a lot of hotels up there we`d stay in, but we do like this one. Going up for 3 nights, travelling up Christmas Eve.....mum was over the moon when I told her on the phone today. Will be having Christmas Day, well from mid afternoon at my sisters house, she tends to host every year. Looking forward to it.

I did send txts to friends to say the Boxing Day party would have to be somewhere else.....they can decide who hosts it now.

Going to be a little milder tomorrow, I hope.

We can hear fireworks going off in the distance, Bonfire night tomorrow night, so this will go on for another few nights at least.
Las Vegas is certainly more fun than Wisconsin, so I can't fault you for that! Although, I'm quite a good hostess!

I looked up Bonfire night....there is quite a history write up of it on Wikipedia!!

Yes, it's always nice to have mum happy for Christmas! Good choice....Boxing Day next year will be fun too!

I can't imagine our cat being good with a tooth extraction. Ouch!

Basically, Thanksgiving week, give or take a couple of days.
Universal: 11/18-22, Disney 11/22-28
Shoot!....I leave 11/18. I was hoping to add another night, but the hotel availability was proving challenging. I don't want to move rooms for one evening. I keep looking each day...
Las Vegas is certainly more fun than Wisconsin, so I can't fault you for that! Although, I'm quite a good hostess!

I looked up Bonfire night....there is quite a history write up of it on Wikipedia!!

Yes, it's always nice to have mum happy for Christmas! Good choice....Boxing Day next year will be fun too!

Shoot!....I leave 11/18. I was hoping to add another night, but the hotel availability was proving challenging. I don't want to move rooms for one evening. I keep looking each day...

I think you`d be the perfect host Lori....that`s the problem.....we wouldn`t want to`m still not convinced on Vegas for a few days, I think I`d maybe prefer to keep it to a separate trip at some point, but the flight doesn`t appeal from the UK. Who knows, it`s a long time away yet.

Bonfire Night is a pest to be many animals (people too) get very distressed and heard from a cousin yesterday about a couple of dogs who died from being terrified of the explosions. And it`s not just one night. Here it`s not too bad where we live, we just hear them in the distance, but in bigger places it can go on for weeks on end. My nephew and his wife lost their dog a couple of years ago. They were walking her and nowhere near where it was busy or actual Bonfire night, some brain dead piece of detritis set off a giant firework close to them and the dog got so terrified she ran away in a blind panic. Nala was found a week later on the beach, but it was too late, they were heartbroken.

Yes, I hate fireworks and the whole Bonfire Night debacle.....and yes, I am the

Barely made it till 10.30 last night, then dropped off so quickly, must have been tired. I think sometimes days where you don`t do much apart from pottering around the kitchen make you more tired.

Looks calm outside, but in an hour it`ll only be up to 5/6C (40/42F) with a real feel of being cooler.......think I`ll need the thermals on to walk this morning and it`ll be hat, gloves and coat too I think.

Haven`t thought about dinner tonight, might just go to the chippie for fish and chips or get some fresh fish today. Heading to a farm shop later this morning for fresh produce, never buy that from the grocery store either, so will pick up what we need for the weekend and drop in on the butcher for bacon......we`re needing to top up on that. Planning lasagne for tomorrow night so will make the meat in sauce today for that too.

Time for morning pot of tea......




Yep.......Friday night!!!​
Yay! Friday here. Dropped off the car after having to scrape the windows of ice. Yeah, frost warnings were issued last night and night before. Beautiful sunny day, sunglasses needed, but so is a jacket. 40 out, with a breeze. Yes, cool feeling. But yay, little one followed me in older one’s car, so have a warm home place to wait until car done.

Was such a golden orange sunset last night. Spectacular.

Sunny filled day, was beautiful blue sky as drove to car shop.

Tea now bring enjoyed and little one sleeping. Yeah, morning girl she is not.

Fabulous Friday homies.
Managed a walk this morning, but only an hour as it was just too cold. It did warm up by lunchtime and turned out a beautiful day.

Did end up having fish and chips for dinner tonight from the chippie.......very filling, almost too filling. We are stuffed. So, lazy night along the sofas listening to some fireworks in the distance, close up they must sound like a war zone.

Another cold one tonight ahead, house is cosy warm though.

Having an Austin powers night tonight, only the first two, hated the third one.

Welcome to the weekend.......

I think you`d be the perfect host Lori....that`s the problem.....we wouldn`t want to`m still not convinced on Vegas for a few days, I think I`d maybe prefer to keep it to a separate trip at some point, but the flight doesn`t appeal from the UK. Who knows, it`s a long time away yet.

Bonfire Night is a pest to be many animals (people too) get very distressed and heard from a cousin yesterday about a couple of dogs who died from being terrified of the explosions. And it`s not just one night. Here it`s not too bad where we live, we just hear them in the distance, but in bigger places it can go on for weeks on end. My nephew and his wife lost their dog a couple of years ago. They were walking her and nowhere near where it was busy or actual Bonfire night, some brain dead piece of detritis set off a giant firework close to them and the dog got so terrified she ran away in a blind panic. Nala was found a week later on the beach, but it was too late, they were heartbroken.

Yes, I hate fireworks and the whole Bonfire Night debacle.....and yes, I am the

Barely made it till 10.30 last night, then dropped off so quickly, must have been tired. I think sometimes days where you don`t do much apart from pottering around the kitchen make you more tired.

Looks calm outside, but in an hour it`ll only be up to 5/6C (40/42F) with a real feel of being cooler.......think I`ll need the thermals on to walk this morning and it`ll be hat, gloves and coat too I think.

Haven`t thought about dinner tonight, might just go to the chippie for fish and chips or get some fresh fish today. Heading to a farm shop later this morning for fresh produce, never buy that from the grocery store either, so will pick up what we need for the weekend and drop in on the butcher for bacon......we`re needing to top up on that. Planning lasagne for tomorrow night so will make the meat in sauce today for that too.

Time for morning pot of tea......




Yep.......Friday night!!!​
Oh those poor doggies, that makes me sad..... a couple weeks of fireworks is way too much!
We do have fireworks for the 4th of July, but it's usually only for a couple nights around the holiday. Our dogs don't love it, but tolerate it ok.

Yay! Friday here. Dropped off the car after having to scrape the windows of ice. Yeah, frost warnings were issued last night and night before. Beautiful sunny day, sunglasses needed, but so is a jacket. 40 out, with a breeze. Yes, cool feeling. But yay, little one followed me in older one’s car, so have a warm home place to wait until car done.

Was such a golden orange sunset last night. Spectacular.

Sunny filled day, was beautiful blue sky as drove to car shop.

Tea now bring enjoyed and little one sleeping. Yeah, morning girl she is not.

Fabulous Friday homies.
Yes, scraping ice is never a fun job. Hope all went well with the vehicle!

Managed a walk this morning, but only an hour as it was just too cold. It did warm up by lunchtime and turned out a beautiful day.

Did end up having fish and chips for dinner tonight from the chippie.......very filling, almost too filling. We are stuffed. So, lazy night along the sofas listening to some fireworks in the distance, close up they must sound like a war zone.

Another cold one tonight ahead, house is cosy warm though.

Having an Austin powers night tonight, only the first two, hated the third one.

Welcome to the weekend.......

Fish and Chips sounds yummy! We don't have chippie shops anywhere in WI that I can think of. You can get fish dinners from all sorts of places, but nothing dedicated to fish n chips.
Wonder if other areas of the US have them?

A busy Friday for me!
After many visits to the AP rates link, I was able to modify my reservation to add one more night!! And got a much better flight home.....Mummy dust was sprinkled upon me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I then treated myself to a pre-bday facial. I went all out with the 1.5 hour treatment, which included a head, neck, hands and feet massage. I was so relaxed, I almost drifted off....

Finished off my afternoon with a trip to the grocery store. Stocked the fridge up for a few days.

Heading over to the neighbors house in a couple minutes. She wants to start the weekend off with a glass of wine. Who am I to turn that down???

Oh those poor doggies, that makes me sad..... a couple weeks of fireworks is way too much!
We do have fireworks for the 4th of July, but it's usually only for a couple nights around the holiday. Our dogs don't love it, but tolerate it ok.

Yes, scraping ice is never a fun job. Hope all went well with the vehicle!

Fish and Chips sounds yummy! We don't have chippie shops anywhere in WI that I can think of. You can get fish dinners from all sorts of places, but nothing dedicated to fish n chips.
Wonder if other areas of the US have them?

A busy Friday for me!
After many visits to the AP rates link, I was able to modify my reservation to add one more night!! And got a much better flight home.....Mummy dust was sprinkled upon me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I then treated myself to a pre-bday facial. I went all out with the 1.5 hour treatment, which included a head, neck, hands and feet massage. I was so relaxed, I almost drifted off....

Finished off my afternoon with a trip to the grocery store. Stocked the fridge up for a few days.

Heading over to the neighbors house in a couple minutes. She wants to start the weekend off with a glass of wine. Who am I to turn that down???


Sounds lovely Lori......and yes, glad to hear you got the extra night! You`ll have a lovely trip......

There used to be a very good British Fish and Chip place in Kissimmee, but it shut down a good few years ago.

Gordon Ramsay has opened a so called Fish and Chip place at the Orlando Eye....but it`s another "fries" place, not real chippy chips......nothing like the real thing. We won`t be going there.

We`re joining you in a glass of wine tonight.....trying a new white we haven`t tried before.......not sure yet, will have to have another to make your evening tonight.
Greetings all. Just wanted to say hi....home from work in the rain we've had all day and it supposed to continue into the night. We "fall back" tomorrow night/Sunday morning so an extra hour is coming.

I just posted a picture on the POTD thread do get people in the Christmas mood...I am already.

Have a good evening.
Me too Metro, that was from the castle holiday show. Admittedly, I’m not that good with my old phone camera.

Ah, no fuss, car back and ready for the wintertime. Was a 50,000 mile checkup, with oil and filters changed, tires rotated and balanced. All good to go.

Ooh we have an English pub very close to us, and besides being best known for its wings, has very good fish and chips.

Hehe, where we go to the car shop we use, we go through these little country towns, and little one remarked as we went through the one, look at all the churches. Well, have to cover all the religious, lol. Is neat to see, as many houses you could tell could be 100 to almost 200 years old. Some beautiful old brick, Victorian, some with turrets, and those white clapboard farm houses, as we also passed a few farms. Ah, yes my state has had people settling in it since before William Penn was gifted land that is most of what is our state. And most of the state is rural. Not where I am though. Suburban living. Close enough to the City, yet far enough away.

And so, it’s a ladies dinner tonight, with both men working, so I’m guessing it’s a soup night. Maybe chicken noddle. I have some chicken breast that need to be cooked, so will cheat and use them in the soup. Off to cut carrots, no celery, oh well, and penne pasta not noodles. Close enough. I do have chicken broth, so that’s a good cheat too. Ah soup it is. And came home with a baguette, as stopped at grocery store to buy bread, as DH complained we did not have any white bread. Picked that and the baguette up. Will toast the baguette, so will be warm to dip in the soup. Off I go, as I’m getting hungry even if little one is not yet. Will make the house a bit warmer and smell good.

Yeah, no wild Friday nights here. 😊

Pajamas the dress for tonight.
Greetings all. Just wanted to say hi....home from work in the rain we've had all day and it supposed to continue into the night. We "fall back" tomorrow night/Sunday morning so an extra hour is coming.

I just posted a picture on the POTD thread do get people in the Christmas mood...I am already.

Have a good evening.

We`ll be back to 5 hours time difference after Saturday.......

I heard the weather was rain all day today in Orlando, you`ll have been glad to get home for the weekend.

Yep, Christmas is in our thoughts too, one of our favourite times of the year of course............I`ve had to go into present overdrive now we know we`re going up to Scotland. I went smaller when I was posting gifts up for convenience, but now.......full blown present time!!

Have a good evening and a lovely weekend Todd.

Bedtime here soon......🛌
We`ll be back to 5 hours time difference after Saturday.......

I heard the weather was rain all day today in Orlando, you`ll have been glad to get home for the weekend.

Yep, Christmas is in our thoughts too, one of our favourite times of the year of course............I`ve had to go into present overdrive now we know we`re going up to Scotland. I went smaller when I was posting gifts up for convenience, but now.......full blown present time!!

Have a good evening and a lovely weekend Todd.

Bedtime here soon......🛌
Thank you Carole and I hope you do as well. :umbrella:
And we have a very special :bday: today........

The lovely Lori is celebrating today and I know she is going to have the best day and be very spoiled by her lovely husband too........

Lori, hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy dinner tonight and welcome to the club..... :hug:







Have the best day Lori :flower3:


Where is charade with the porch light?

Team Lynne missed it also tonight…

It’s been some lousy weather again today
Will be lucky if we hit 70 this coming Monday

I really can’t complain as our past November’s since we moved here, have been warm

You do get the best weather`ll pass soon and you`ll be back to normal......I`d love some of your temps at times......:sunny:

Even managed to sleep a little again today which is always lovely.........

No plans today except catch up with friends and do some housework......just opened a bottle of real ale which I detest, no I haven`t started drinking in the morning. Marinading short ribs all day in Old Peculiar ale, will cook them overnight in the slow cooker for Sunday and they taste beautiful once the ale is all incorporated with beef stock and all the other ingredients, but the smell of it on it`s own is not so nice, especially at this time of the morning.

Lasagne tonight, will make the cheese sauce topping before it goes in the oven. I noticed a lot of American recipes use ricotta cheese, not a fan of that way. I was surprised again how different some dishes are served between the two countries. But, looking forward to it as we haven`t had it for a while, one of the few pasta dishes I ever make, just need to check I have fresh lasagne sheets now. Have to make some garlic bread today too.

Looks not a bad day, cloudy but wind will be almost 50mph this afternoon. Certainly a day to stay in.




Have a wonderful weekend 🥂
Ah, good morning Schumi. Ah, yes using alcohol in cooking. Not an ale fan either. But I am sure it will make your short ribs more tender. Hope you enjoyed some breakfast tea before opening that ale. Yep, my Saturday will be generally the same. Doing wash and house work. Errands too, as have to also get a bit more groceries. Then relaxing. No cooking for me yet. Not even sure what dinner or lunch will be. Made some bacon and eggs for me, as was hungry. Think the kids won’t be up for some hours, so by then, I can also eat brunch with them.

A very happy birthday to Paris. 🎈🎉🎊🎁. Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.

Super nice Saturday homies.

And, yeah Mac, I’ll take 70 degrees. 31 degrees out now, 55 our high temp. But will be a most gorgeous sunrise, as clear skies until the clouds arrive in the afternoon. But happy they are not rain carrying like Metro has been having. Saw VB was closed yesterday due to stormy weather.

Tea time, as also heard the dryer buzz, so time for more wash to be done. Yay, weekend time!
Good morning all. Still raining off and on here in Orlando and the temperature is about 50F right now.

I think it is supposed to end and move on some time this afternoon but still be on the chilly least for us. :)

Carole...I haven't been to Vegas since 1994 but it was a lot of fun back then. My mother and I saw Siegfried and Roy at the Mirage but sadly they are gone now. That was a fantastic show! We saw several great shows in our three trips in the 90s...I think you would have a great time but only stay for a few days.

I hope everyone has a great day!


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