Princess Weekend 2022

Anybody make their ADRs yet? Were you able to get what you want? My ADR day is tomorrow and we only have 3 nights for dinners so I don't have high hopes for myself. We'll get something, certainly, just maybe not our top choices.
Anybody make their ADRs yet? Were you able to get what you want? My ADR day is tomorrow and we only have 3 nights for dinners so I don't have high hopes for myself. We'll get something, certainly, just maybe not our top choices.
My ADR day was yesterday. I was able to get my post-half Beaches & Cream lunch, but I couldn’t get a SciFi lunch until Monday, and I wanted it for Friday. Those were all I was trying for, so I did okay.
I have to wait till tomorrow to book too. We we just wanted something for sunday night fireworks. I am hoping we will get something. Ohh and try for Ogas but that probably won't happen.
The rest of the time we are in Club Level so we will be eating there and then just eating little things as we go.
I got lucky with ADRs and got just about everything I wanted. I really wanted Storybook Dining for Thursday night but got it for Sunday late in the evening. Sunday was when I was planning on watching harmonious, but Snow White is my favorite princess and Artist Point was my favorite restaurant before it became a character meal. I thought it would be fun after completing all 3 races. I have Le Cellier as a back up dinner if I decide to cancel Storybook Dining.
So I woke up at 3:30 am today to get my reservations.

I am super excited I got Ogas for 12:55 on Sunday.

Then I was able to get California Grill for 5:35 and Narcoossee's 6:55 on Sunday. I am not sure which one should I keep? We wanted a nice sit down restaurant to watch fireworks from since my mom does not want to be in the crowds with Omicron. So which do you think will be better for both fireworks and food?
So I woke up at 3:30 am today to get my reservations.

I am super excited I got Ogas for 12:55 on Sunday.

Then I was able to get California Grill for 5:35 and Narcoossee's 6:55 on Sunday. I am not sure which one should I keep? We wanted a nice sit down restaurant to watch fireworks from since my mom does not want to be in the crowds with Omicron. So which do you think will be better for both fireworks and food?
mmm I've never been to Narcoosee's but the location looks amazing! I don't know what time fireworks are, but the later the reservation, the better, to be able to do that. I'm guessing 5:35 will be too early.

I got everything I wanted, but nothing I wanted was particularly high demand. Still, glad that's taken care of! We are within the ADR window until the races!
mmm I've never been to Narcoosee's but the location looks amazing! I don't know what time fireworks are, but the later the reservation, the better, to be able to do that. I'm guessing 5:35 will be too early.

8 pm are the fireworks at Magic Kingdom, I think... CG you can come up later to view fireworks as long as you had dinner earlier. But yeah, Narcoosee we should be there during the fireworks if it is at 8.
MY ADR day was today, and I got in a couple hours late because of work but still had no problems getting anything! We got dinner at Enzo's for friday night/arrival day, Boma for late breakfast saturday (I am supposed to run the 10k pending no travel issues), Cinderella's table for late lunch post HM. In all of our trips, we have never been to Cinderella's and there are some interesting vegetarian dishes for my husband, so I am really excited to try it out.
And, I think the travel issues are probably fixed!! We have 1-2 people designated as rovers every day in order to provide last minute coverage at any location if someone is sick. There is a conference going on the week before Princess weekend, so my days off got denied as I was needed to fill those coverage spots. So, I was supposed to be the only rover on friday, which meant if anyone got sick I would have to work and would miss my flight. But, someone else just cancelled some PTO so now there are 2 of us, and she is going to take that first spot. As the second rover, there is still an outside chance I could get called but it is unlikely. Whew!! I was getting worried I would be that person frantically trying to work out same day packet pickup on saturday since I am doing the challenge.
Hi Everyone!
I’m wondering if anyone familiar with past race expos can help me out with some merchandise I’m looking for~
I’m looking to order a (sparkly) Princess crown stretchy headband for running but haven’t been able to find any. My DD wanted it for yoga, so before the expo opens. Any idea where to find/order them online? Any help is appreciated! Thank you so much!
Need motivation! Recovering from COVID and so tired :( I am losing the motivation to train towards the 10k. I was up to being able to run the 5k distance in about 34 minutes and then had been playing around with running/walking the rest. How can I get back on track?? I was excited b/c my work went virtual for these two weeks through MLK, so I figured I could run in the mornings, but no way, not right now. Thanks!!!!!!!
So sorry to hear you are struggling. Are you recovered aside from the fatigue or still dealing with other symptoms too? Are you able to physically do any running now, how about walking? Even if you just don't have it in you to run, getting out for a walk is better than nothing and will help you keep up an exercise habit.
You have time to at least get back to where you were fitness wise even if you need some time to fully recover. You won't be starting from zero. I know people that have really pushed to keep running while recovering but personally, I think when we are dealing with illness, our body is already dedicating so much of it's resources to recovering that piling on intensive exercise can just make the whole thing take longer. That said, if your symptoms are above the shoulders (no wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing) a little exercise can actually make nasal stuffiness feel better b/c of the vessel dilation and moving around a bit can actually give you a bit of an energy boost.
My parents caught covid last year and were hit hard with the fatigue. It took them a couple of months to not feel some level of daily fatigue. Granted, this was pre-vaccine and those I know who have been ill post-vaccine have bounced back much faster. Anyway, I know that the fatigue is hard to deal with and a looming race deadline probably isn't helping. But, YOU CAN DO IT!!
Do what you can for now and see where you stand once you are feeling better. Run/walk for the whole race is always an option too!
That said, if your symptoms are above the shoulders (no wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing) a little exercise can actually make nasal stuffiness feel better b/c of the vessel dilation and moving around a bit can actually give you a bit of an energy boost.
I can confirm this—I had a nasty sinus thing in December, and basically had to live with kleenex nearby at all times, except when I was running, then I was absolutely fine.
So sorry to hear you are struggling. Are you recovered aside from the fatigue or still dealing with other symptoms too? Are you able to physically do any running now, how about walking? Even if you just don't have it in you to run, getting out for a walk is better than nothing and will help you keep up an exercise habit.
You have time to at least get back to where you were fitness wise even if you need some time to fully recover. You won't be starting from zero. I know people that have really pushed to keep running while recovering but personally, I think when we are dealing with illness, our body is already dedicating so much of it's resources to recovering that piling on intensive exercise can just make the whole thing take longer. That said, if your symptoms are above the shoulders (no wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing) a little exercise can actually make nasal stuffiness feel better b/c of the vessel dilation and moving around a bit can actually give you a bit of an energy boost.
My parents caught covid last year and were hit hard with the fatigue. It took them a couple of months to not feel some level of daily fatigue. Granted, this was pre-vaccine and those I know who have been ill post-vaccine have bounced back much faster. Anyway, I know that the fatigue is hard to deal with and a looming race deadline probably isn't helping. But, YOU CAN DO IT!!
Do what you can for now and see where you stand once you are feeling better. Run/walk for the whole race is always an option too!
Thank you! Just fatigue now - and mostly in my legs. But ok - a walk will happen today! I'm way behind on my Disney podcasts, so that will give me some more motivation! Snow coming in tonight, so it has to be today!
Hang in there! Recovering from whatever cold bug seems to be going around at the moment and manage to jog a mile last night after more than a week of mainly lying in bed…The half seems to be creeping closer and closer and I’m feeling confident about finishing, but not about my pace LOL
I hope all of you feel better soon. Even if you can’t run right now, keep stretching daily. Maybe even try some strengthening exercises such as planks, squats, and lunges. Those will help you return to running easier when you feel up to it.

I cannot remember if we have talked about costumes yet on this thread. I thought now would be a great time. Sorry if it is on an earlier page.
I am planning pink Cinderella dress for 5k. Moana, Snow White, or Belle for 10k (might let my 8 y/o DD decide). I have Jessie for the half leftover from my plan for the cancelled marathon weekend half in 2021.
What is everyone else planning?
I hope all of you feel better soon. Even if you can’t run right now, keep stretching daily. Maybe even try some strengthening exercises such as planks, squats, and lunges. Those will help you return to running easier when you feel up to it.

I cannot remember if we have talked about costumes yet on this thread. I thought now would be a great time. Sorry if it is on an earlier page.
I am planning pink Cinderella dress for 5k. Moana, Snow White, or Belle for 10k (might let my 8 y/o DD decide). I have Jessie for the half leftover from my plan for the cancelled marathon weekend half in 2021.
What is everyone else planning?

Definitely doing some body weight work when I can - Since this is my motivation to go from couch potato to regularly moving three to five times a week I’m already really happy with where I’m at. Any significant speed increases from this point will be a bonus and just give me a better baseline to start training from for my next race this fall!

Costume wise, I’m just doing the half, and my Leia shirt and headband should be arriving in the next day or two :) Jury is still out on attempting the cinnamon bun hair LOL


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