Princess Weekend 2022

I'd love Mulan as Ping, since I'll probably be dressed like that for the HM!

I'd also like Moana, since she's so hard to see usually.

No other preferences really.

Do you think Raya could be out there?
I haven't seen Raya anywhere so I don't even know if they have a costume for her! Of course anything can happen.
I love seeing characters I cannot see normally so I would love Raya or Kida for example.
I am doing a Belle and Vanellope costume so I would love to get a pic with them in my costumes too. But knowing my luck the day they are on course I will be in the other costumes, lol.
HM is still open... Just saying... :rolleyes1
It is in absolutely no way even an option to CONSIDER. I'd have to take the toddler, arrange with my parents to watch her, fly out on Friday night or Saturday morning, miss DS3's basketball games, etc. And that's not even taking into account the flights. The hotel. The food. The spending at the expo. Ugh. Great. Now I'm going to go price it out, even though IT'S NOT EVEN AN OPTION. :rotfl2:

Update: flights a stupid-expensive. I'd be looking at a minimum of $600 roundtrip just for those. Good thing I hadn't gotten my hopes up!
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I need a little boost this morning... Training hasn't been great this week.

It's been snowing consistently, and my city doesn't plow the streets unless there's a major snowfall. So except for major arteries (with traffic!), most streets are a mix of sludge and snow. I went out this morning for my 6k run and I ended up with a pace of 7:38 min/km, and very tired legs.

According to Billy's training plan, tomorrow's my planned long run of 1h40. And they're forecasting at best 0F in the middle of the afternoon, with a low of -13F in the morning. And that's excluding windchill. I am just not feeling it :(

Anyone got a shot of motivation somewhere? Maybe in a GU packet?
It is in absolutely no way even an option to CONSIDER. I'd have to take the toddler, arrange with my parents to watch her, fly out on Friday night or Saturday morning, miss DS3's basketball games, etc. And that's not even taking into account the flights. The hotel. The food. The spending at the expo. Ugh. Great. Now I'm going to go price it out, even though IT'S NOT EVEN AN OPTION. :rotfl2:

Update: flights a stupid-expensive. I'd be looking at a minimum of $600 roundtrip just for those. Good thing I hadn't gotten my hopes up!

I'll save a seat for you at the HH meetup... :rolleyes1
According to Billy's training plan, tomorrow's my planned long run of 1h40. And they're forecasting at best 0F in the middle of the afternoon, with a low of -13F in the morning. And that's excluding windchill. I am just not feeling it :(

Even if you don't do the full 100 min, just do something. Remember that each individual run is merely a blip in the big picture scheme. This isn't necessarily a blanket, you can skip whenever you feel like it, but rather just know sometimes life doesn't line up with the ability to get in ideal training. And that's ok. Just go out, do something fun while you're running, and when you're done, you're done. Hopefully the weather will break, or you'll get access to a treadmill for something shorter.
I'll save a seat for you at the HH meetup... :rolleyes1
You don't even know how much I wished you were at the meetup last week.

And trust me, I just looked at allllllll of the options. Flying out of my local airport (not atrocious if I went solo, but still expensive.) Flying out of Grand Rapids. Flying out of Detroit. Flying down on Saturday and back on Sunday. Friday-Sunday. Saturday-Monday. I would HAVE to rent a car if I took the toddler. There are no value resort available (I have a feeling that will change in 10 days when that 30-day window hits) which would mean staying off-site, which if I had a car wouldn't be much of an issue.

I DO have all of the "birthday money" still from last week, but I'm pretty sure I can't stretch that far enough to squish in a race weekend.
I need a little boost this morning... Training hasn't been great this week.
Anyone got a shot of motivation somewhere? Maybe in a GU packet?

GU packs of motivation would be fantastic! Let me know if you figure out how to bottle that.
Your weather sounds horrendous and I totally understand not wanting to get out in it. I'm usually team "embrace the suck" but those conditions suck bad enough to make me say, no thank you! I hate to be a workout skipping enabler, but one missed workout will not destroy your training. Can you shift things a day or 2? Or just do something, even if not the long run and then get back on track in a few days when conditions aren't so miserable.
My winter/xmas belle costume is already to go! My plan is to wear for the 10k but if it is too hot, I am just not going to run with the cape. I really just loove wearing one of Belle's outfits you do not see as much.

But I just did a test run doing a 30 min HITT run on peloton outdoor app and it worked really well. I choose HITT run so I am running all speeds and to test if it would be okay. It was cold out so I stayed a nice temp. I added ties to the inside and then tied it to my bra strap so it would not move around.

What do you guys think?

Well I ended up having to call Disney anyway, sat on hold for about an hour, pressing 2 every couple of minutes to stay in the queue. Their reps are always very helpful but I HATE that hold system.
Originally when my stay had to be shortened for PTO conflicts I had Fri-Mon at CSR. By the time it worked out that I could get Thursday as well, it was completely booked so I added a day at PO FQ, which was the only moderate with a room at that time. Of course, I failed to consider that the tickets in my package wouldn't be valid on Thursday and the online system wouldn't let me move things around the way I needed. Anyway, some people have started canceling and she was able to just move our entire reservation to PO Riverside, our tickets aren't a problem anymore, and I don't have to switch hotels after 1 night. Generally not a fan of split stay, so this is all good for us! Riverside is a touch more expensive than CSR but the difference was less than $300 so I'll pay that for convenience. Things are coming together and now I shouldn't have to move or cancel anything else.
My winter/xmas belle costume is already to go! My plan is to wear for the 10k but if it is too hot, I am just not going to run with the cape. I really just loove wearing one of Belle's outfits you do not see as much.

But I just did a test run doing a 30 min HITT run on peloton outdoor app and it worked really well. I choose HITT run so I am running all speeds and to test if it would be okay. It was cold out so I stayed a nice temp. I added ties to the inside and then tied it to my bra strap so it would not move around.

What do you guys think?

Absolutely gorgeous
My winter/xmas belle costume is already to go! My plan is to wear for the 10k but if it is too hot, I am just not going to run with the cape. I really just loove wearing one of Belle's outfits you do not see as much.

But I just did a test run doing a 30 min HITT run on peloton outdoor app and it worked really well. I choose HITT run so I am running all speeds and to test if it would be okay. It was cold out so I stayed a nice temp. I added ties to the inside and then tied it to my bra strap so it would not move around.

What do you guys think?
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I saw on YouTube one year they had *all* the princes together!

FWIW they've had that before. When I've seen them they are first on your way into MK, and then (if you're a slowerpoke like me) they move to the other side when you (me) are on your way out of MK. So if you see them on your way into MK (if you're not a slowerpoke like me), stop and don't assume they'll have moved by the time you're leaving MK.

All of the horror stories aside

Even though I'm always very honest about the differences between Princess and the other rundisney races I've experienced, I do continue to go. And they are more along the lines of funny stories later on, rather than horror. :) The time I nearly got an elbow to the nose from a flailing dancing person on the U turn before the pre-epcot overpass was January Half, after all.

I would HAVE to rent a car if I took the toddler.

If your parents live out there, can't they pick you up? Or you could take Mears... ;)

Hint for the future; get your son into a sport with a shorter season than basketball! My son is a ballet/contemporary/tap/etc dancer with no season at all, and as he's gotten older it's become more of a pain. :rotfl:
Hint for the future; get your son into a sport with a shorter season than basketball! My son is a ballet/contemporary/tap/etc dancer with no season at all, and as he's gotten older it's become more of a pain. :rotfl:

🤣 A shorter season. DS2 had 0 days between XC season and basketball. DS1 had 2 weeks, only because he wasn’t on the state finals roster. DS2 wrapped basketball up right before Christmas and DS3 started when Christmas break ended. And we will have probably/maybe 2 weeks off between basketball and baseball. It’s not that the seasons are so long, it’s that there are so many of them (children AND sports seasons.) I have friends with kids in dance/gymnastics and that’s pretty much non-stop too from what I’ve seen. 😂
Flights are cheaper than I have ever seen them, the entire family is in Spring break from Feb 24 to Mar 6, I still have a reservation at AsMo and the Princess HM is opened… But there is no way I convince anyone, including myself, that it makes sense to go at this point. Too much other travel credits to use and still reentry rules for Canada. :sad1:

Feeling blessed to have a fantastic family who just cooked gluten-free pretzels. Here is mine. We got better at rolling after that one.
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Flights are cheaper than I have ever seen them, the entire family is in Spring break from Feb 24 to Mar 6, I still have a reservation at AsMo and the Princess HM is opened… But there is no way I convince anyone, including myself, that it makes sense to go at this point. Too much other travel credits to use and still reentry rules for Canada. :sad1:

Feeling blessed to have a fantastic family who just cooked gluten-free pretzels. Here is mine. We hot better at rolling after that one.
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I'll save you a seat at hurricane Hannah's ... 😇😈

It would be so nice to meet you in person!

ETA: I know first hand the restrictions we need to follow to travel, so I understand your feeling completely.
I saw on YouTube one year they had *all* the princes together! The line would be horrendous but I would have to stop.

I stopped for them during my first Princess Half in 2017 and it was SO worth it! I'm not fast and started in the last corral, but the line moved really fast. Plus, the mix that was there at the time had a few princes you NEVER see (Phoebus from Hunchback!). Definitely stop.

It is in absolutely no way even an option to CONSIDER.

Well, running buddy, I am coming to do the 5K with my mom and aunt and my flight home isn't until Sunday afternoon. So I *could* be talked into providing on-course support (ie running the damn thing). Not to enable you or anything. :rolleyes1
Well, running buddy, I am coming to do the 5K with my mom and aunt and my flight home isn't until Sunday afternoon. So I *could* be talked into providing on-course support (ie running the damn thing). Not to enable you or anything. :rolleyes1

I don't know that i've gotten a harder NO from my husband about something (other than the time I tried to convince him we needed a weimaraner puppy while I was a full time college student and we had 2 kids under 3 :rotfl2: ) We'll see if I can wear him down :rolleyes1 but I'm absolutely not planning on it.


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