Makin' Memories... A PTR for a 2022 Thanksgiving Trip. (hopefully)

Flight Changed!!!!

I decided to just go and see what my options were if I tried to change our flight. And they had a 6:30 AM Flight!!! I text'd Andy and at first he wasn't loving the idea of getting there that early. But I swayed him with lunch (and moonshine) in Disney Springs, and some relaxing at the pool in the evening!

It will be an EARLY morning! But it will also be a laid back day. I am going to keep it with no dinning reservations. We can do Polite Pig for lunch, or Jock Lindsay's or even bar stuff from Homecomin'! Or all 3!!!!

It looks like folks probably went in and have been shifting flights, because everything was all booked up but now there is at least a teeny tiny bit of availablity.

Now I can book a car service and parking for the trip. I convinced Andy to do a car service this trip. With it being Spring break I just don't want to risk not being able to get an uber. I put it in the same bucket a genie+. will we do it every trip... probably not... but for this first time back SURE!

I need to go back and see what you lovely folks suggested for Car Services. I feel like I need to avoid Mears Connect just out of principle! Is that weird?
Yay for a new flight! We are going at the beginning of April and our flights have both been changed, too. And not for the better! I am wondering if they will continue to move around...

We didn't get Space 220 Lounge, but our WDW trip is only 4 days so I didn't have high expectations for that. It looks like you have lots of great options!

As for a car service, we are using "Away We Go" at the recommendation of our travel agent. So maybe get a quote from them? They will pick us up from the airport and take us directly to Epcot, then take our bags to our resort (OKW) for us. Not as cheap as Mears or the like, but since our flight was pushed later in the day it helps to make up some of that lost time!
I have a love/hate for those early morning flights. I do them for almost every single trip I take anywhere. I just want to get there early and start my vacation. But man it's rough trying to remember any last minute things at zero dark thirty. Other than that I prefer those flights. I also love the feel of the empty airport at that time.

For transportation I've heard great things about Tony Hinds. There's a whole thread on the transportation board. I'm booking him for our November trip since we plan on flying in the night before and landing in the evening, around 8 pm or so and I don't want to risk an Uber at that time, in the dark, with just myself and my teenage daughter. I emailed him directly.

aobh607 @
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

It's been a long year... I mean week...

62 DAYS!!!!!

The girls and I are up bright and early today, we are going tubing in the poconos, which will be fun and then hopefully I won't be so tired that I can watch the super bowl and make pizza and wings when we get home.

I have a number of updates that I wanted to make during the week, but just didn't have time to do.

First: Tinkerbell Gifts...

I ordered a TON of shirts from Tee Public. I am basically working off the fact that Morgan, myself and Gwen need a new shirt for each day. All of my Disney tees have been worn to death during covid and trips. And Morgan and Gwen have been living in pjs the last 2 summers! Once I get them here, I will post some pics!

I also got this in the mail this week. And it made me sooo happy

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I ordered these off of Etsy and they are really nice. I got them for our eat around the world day. I got one for each girl and one for me and Andy to share. They came with the clear lanyard and a mini pen. I was going to make one, but there was no way mine would have been this nice.

Big Reveal Easter Basket:

I am also making headway on the Easter Baskets for the big reveal.
I got disney themed scented hand santizer from Magic Candle, reuseabel straws that each have there own case, a park bound button, magic bands. And then a Chip and a Dale in there 50th outfits. I had gotten the girl Christmas ones when we told them about the Christmas trip awhile back. So, when I saw those on shop Disney. I thought that would be perfect!

What else do I need? I am thinking water bottles that they can use for the trip. Maybe a disney themed mask for each basket?

What else... OH!!! So, I had dinner with my girlfriend who's kids are older than mine. And she pointed out some timing issues with my Thanksgiving trip!!! Sigh... Here in Jersey, typically there is a high school football game ON Thanksgiving. And Morgan is planning on doing Marching Band, so, she will need to be there. SO, there goes my dreams of being at Disney on Thanksgiving for awhile. Sigh...

On top of that, my girlfriend said that she wouldn't take her kids out for a full 5 days. And I trust her. She said it's just really hard to make it all up. AND she mentioned that most of the Marching Bands do competitions on the weekends as well. So, going "Jersey Week" might be out as well. SO, I think my Christmas trip has been shortened to Tuesday Evening after Thanksgiving to Sunday. This way the Morgan will only miss 3 days of school. And Gwen will miss a half day and a full day. So, in the tradition of making lemonade out of lemons I think I am going to try and book Wilderness Lodge for the trip. I can book Standard View still, now that we aren't trying to span Thanksgiving.

And lastly, all this talk of high school schedules and whatnot, had me thinking about trips past this, and I am seriously thinking Disneyland for the NEXT spring break.

I still have to figure out our summer vacation. I was tempted to try and plan a staycation in Disney when I found out that the Thanksgiving trip would be shortened. But I really don't think Andy is up for that.

I think that is everything for now. I have to go and get ready to go tubing!!!
That sucks about your thanksgiving trip… but at least you’ll get to stay at WL… that’s still my dream. I called Disney to book it over thanksgiving break, but they don’t offer military discounts that week. Our school district finally released the school calendar for next year and we actually get the entire Thanksgiving week off… so I think we are going to surprise the girls and go for 5 days.
hopefully things will come together for your trip.
Flight Changed!!!!

I decided to just go and see what my options were if I tried to change our flight. And they had a 6:30 AM Flight!!! I text'd Andy and at first he wasn't loving the idea of getting there that early. But I swayed him with lunch (and moonshine) in Disney Springs, and some relaxing at the pool in the evening!

It will be an EARLY morning! But it will also be a laid back day. I am going to keep it with no dinning reservations. We can do Polite Pig for lunch, or Jock Lindsay's or even bar stuff from Homecomin'! Or all 3!!!!

It looks like folks probably went in and have been shifting flights, because everything was all booked up but now there is at least a teeny tiny bit of availablity.

Now I can book a car service and parking for the trip. I convinced Andy to do a car service this trip. With it being Spring break I just don't want to risk not being able to get an uber. I put it in the same bucket a genie+. will we do it every trip... probably not... but for this first time back SURE!

I need to go back and see what you lovely folks suggested for Car Services. I feel like I need to avoid Mears Connect just out of principle! Is that weird?
We used Tony Hindes when we went to Universal last summer and he was wonderful, specially with the flight cancellations we had, we had to reschedule our return trip twice and he was so easy to work with.
More Flight Drama!!!!

I woke up this morning to ANOTHER email from Southwest! This time they changed our flight home. Ugh!!! And this time it was REAL BAD!

We were originally flying out of Orlando at 7:50 AM and landing 10:40 AM. We had decided that, this would be best as we would of had a long trip and the girls and us would need to be going to school and work the next day.... We could chill at home and rest up for the next 2 days of reality.

Southwest apparently thought that a fair trade of a flight change would be a 6:10 PM flight with a lay over in Nashville getting us home at 11:15 PM!!! This was NOT going to work!!! We wouldn't get home till midnight. And It's a 2 hour and change flight from Jersey... layovers are so silly. oye!

So, I got back onto the Southwest site this morning and there is literally 1 direct flight for the day. ONE! I realize its' a Wednesday but yikes! Thankfully I was able to switch that 1 non-stop flight. SO, now we leave 7:15 PM and arrive in Jersey 9:10. Still not great from the perspective of going to school the next day, but at least it is a direct flight. And we should be home before midnight.

And really, now we have a full day on Wednesday! And is that really that bad?!?! Not in my book. I am thinking that we just have a pool day. Maybe I can get us a Beaches and Cream lunch reservation... I could shift park days around so we can go into the park this day. In theory it should be less crowded but.... I am not sure it would be worth it. What would you do?
I would definitely go into a park. We always try to do that on our last day even if it’s just to have a qs meal and a drink. We usually stay at YC so usually nip into Epcot and wander around the world snacking and what have you and just taking it really easy. Quite often we’ve ridden a couple of rides with little wait ( pre genie/pandemic so not sure what that’d be like now) We all agree it makes something special of our last day and ends the holiday on a high note. At least the kids only have 2 days of school to get through before the weekend so hopefully the excitement of seeing friends will carry them through.
I’m so sorry about this flight drama!
JetBlue did this to us leading up to our trip in Sept. (we are also from the tri state area it shouldn’t be this difficult).
Our flight down there on a Thursday went from 7 AM to 9:10 AM then landed on 7:10 AM mere days before the flight. That wasn’t horrible and we had more time.
The flight home…..was supposed to be on Saturday at 1:30 pm. Week before we leave it changed to 10:30 AM. We had to rearrange our Trattoria Al Forno reservations (they were lovely about it). But it stressed me out since I’m the one making the reservations for dining. Also the jump was crazy! I can’t imagine people who are planning once in a lifetime trips having plans squashed and crushed.

Also cannot wait to hear about Le Cellier on Easter Sunday!

Oh and as a former marching band kid-when Morgan goes to band camp make sure she has a huge water bottle and enough sunscreen and bug spray to last a lifetime. Hand warmers and foot warmers are her friend especially once it gets colder out. I also wore leggings under my pants and my band t shirt under my jacket. Once it got colder I wore long sleeve under armor under the t shirt. While I’ve come to realize that for me being in band was a mistake for a variety of reasons, I do hope Morgan has a fun time! And I hope they get to compete at MetLife Stadium-that is an amazing feeling.
That sounds like fun! It definitely gets more complicated when the kids are in high school. Those 4 years go by so fast though and before you know it she will be planning on university!
I know! And that is what I worry about. I want to savor the last few years that they are here. I feel slightly robbed with Covid. But We will make the most of what we get. There are def worse problems to have.

Love all your tinkerbell gifts and the planned reveal through the Easter baskets. Booking trips definitely gets more complicated as the kids get into their senior years at school though actually becomes easier again when they are at university as the holidays are longer by a week or two or at least that’s the case for here.
We just have to re-think when we go on vacation...

Those are really nice! I think that will add to the fun of eating around the WS.
Morgan just randomly mentioned that she was looking forward to our eating around the world challenge. So, they will def like these.

Planning trips when the kids are in school is such a hassle. Over here, the school year actually goes a little longer (start earlier/finish later) because they work in a ton of teacher workdays to give the kids a lot of three and four day weekends. Which is what we typically use to travel around the U.K. with. I am going to be at such a loss when we move back to the states and have to limit ourselves again. And I hadn't even thought abut how much harder it is for high school grades! Yuck.
Ugh! It is the worst! We value school but family time is also very important. And I think US schools don't completly get that.

Yay for a new flight! We are going at the beginning of April and our flights have both been changed, too. And not for the better! I am wondering if they will continue to move around...
Ugh! What is with all these airlines changing flights so much! I am worried about it changing again. We lucked out at the moment.... Fingers crossed for both of us!

We didn't get Space 220 Lounge, but our WDW trip is only 4 days so I didn't have high expectations for that. It looks like you have lots of great options!
You can try a reservation finder. 4 day trips are hard for that purpose.

As for a car service, we are using "Away We Go" at the recommendation of our travel agent. So maybe get a quote from them? They will pick us up from the airport and take us directly to Epcot, then take our bags to our resort (OKW) for us. Not as cheap as Mears or the like, but since our flight was pushed later in the day it helps to make up some of that lost time!
Thanks! I will check it out! That is nice that they will drop you off at a park and your bags at the hotel! I will keep that in mind! I don't think we need it for this trip, but that is cool. I guess we could have them drop us off at Disney Springs to get lunch faster....

For transportation I've heard great things about Tony Hinds. There's a whole thread on the transportation board. I'm booking him for our November trip since we plan on flying in the night before and landing in the evening, around 8 pm or so and I don't want to risk an Uber at that time, in the dark, with just myself and my teenage daughter. I emailed him directly.

aobh607 @
Thanks! I will check it out.

I have a love/hate for those early morning flights. I do them for almost every single trip I take anywhere. I just want to get there early and start my vacation. But man it's rough trying to remember any last minute things at zero dark thirty. Other than that I prefer those flights. I also love the feel of the empty airport at that time.
Yeah, me too. But I am always more of just get there and start the fun!

Getting exciting now you’re getting close
I know!!! Each day I get more and more excitied! I can't wait to tell the girls!

Our school district finally released the school calendar for next year and we actually get the entire Thanksgiving week off… so I think we are going to surprise the girls and go for 5 days.
I would love to have the whole week off!

We used Tony Hindes when we went to Universal last summer and he was wonderful, specially with the flight cancellations we had, we had to reschedule our return trip twice and he was so easy to work with
Thanks! I will check them out. That is good to know that they are good with flight changes! With my luck these days... I may have more changes.

I would definitely go into a park. We always try to do that on our last day even if it’s just to have a qs meal and a drink. We usually stay at YC so usually nip into Epcot and wander around the world snacking and what have you and just taking it really easy.
Soooo, I meantioned it to Andy once the girls left for school. And he said without thinking, and said to just add another park day!

At least the kids only have 2 days of school to get through before the weekend so hopefully the excitement of seeing friends will carry them through.
yeah, they will suck it up! I will hear lots of complaining in the morning but they will get through the 2 days.

I think I would probably do a park as well that day. Since your flight isn't until the evening, you have almost a full day. Maybe add a rest day/pool day earlier in the trip??
Soooo, I meantioned it to Andy once the girls left for school. And he said without thinking, and said to just add another park day!

JetBlue did this to us leading up to our trip in Sept. (we are also from the tri state area it shouldn’t be this difficult).
SERIOUSLY!!! we aren't in the middle of no where!!

The flight home…..was supposed to be on Saturday at 1:30 pm. Week before we leave it changed to 10:30 AM. We had to rearrange our Trattoria Al Forno reservations (they were lovely about it). But it stressed me out since I’m the one making the reservations for dining. Also the jump was crazy! I can’t imagine people who are planning once in a lifetime trips having plans squashed and crushed.
Yuck! I am new to this changing of flights. And it is stressful! It impacts so many things.

Oh and as a former marching band kid-when Morgan goes to band camp make sure she has a huge water bottle and enough sunscreen and bug spray to last a lifetime. Hand warmers and foot warmers are her friend especially once it gets colder out. I also wore leggings under my pants and my band t shirt under my jacket. Once it got colder I wore long sleeve under armor under the t shirt. While I’ve come to realize that for me being in band was a mistake for a variety of reasons, I do hope Morgan has a fun time! And I hope they get to compete at MetLife Stadium-that is an amazing feeling.
Andy and I were both in Marching Band in high school and college. I personally hope she sticks with it, it was built in friends for me when I moved to college. I will have to remember all those tricks! Morgan's hardest part is she does NOT watch sports.... So sitting at a football game will be a big change for her! Ha! I am secretly hoping the marching band will go to Disney to march one day...
I know! And that is what I worry about. I want to savor the last few years that they are here. I feel slightly robbed with Covid. But We will make the most of what we get. There are def worse problems to have.

We just have to re-think when we go on vacation...

Morgan just randomly mentioned that she was looking forward to our eating around the world challenge. So, they will def like these.

Ugh! It is the worst! We value school but family time is also very important. And I think US schools don't completly get that.

Ugh! What is with all these airlines changing flights so much! I am worried about it changing again. We lucked out at the moment.... Fingers crossed for both of us!

You can try a reservation finder. 4 day trips are hard for that purpose.

Thanks! I will check it out! That is nice that they will drop you off at a park and your bags at the hotel! I will keep that in mind! I don't think we need it for this trip, but that is cool. I guess we could have them drop us off at Disney Springs to get lunch faster....

Thanks! I will check it out.

Yeah, me too. But I am always more of just get there and start the fun!

I know!!! Each day I get more and more excitied! I can't wait to tell the girls!

I would love to have the whole week off!

Thanks! I will check them out. That is good to know that they are good with flight changes! With my luck these days... I may have more changes.

Soooo, I meantioned it to Andy once the girls left for school. And he said without thinking, and said to just add another park day!

yeah, they will suck it up! I will hear lots of complaining in the morning but they will get through the 2 days.

Soooo, I meantioned it to Andy once the girls left for school. And he said without thinking, and said to just add another park day!

SERIOUSLY!!! we aren't in the middle of no where!!

Yuck! I am new to this changing of flights. And it is stressful! It impacts so many things.

Andy and I were both in Marching Band in high school and college. I personally hope she sticks with it, it was built in friends for me when I moved to college. I will have to remember all those tricks! Morgan's hardest part is she does NOT watch sports.... So sitting at a football game will be a big change for her! Ha! I am secretly hoping the marching band will go to Disney to march one day...
I agree we are not in the middle of nowhere! We’ve had mild changes and delays before but like this was insane!

I was severely bullied during my first two years of band, and just figuring out I was pretty much groomed for my instrument and section it made me realize I hated band and should’ve left. I had time stolen from me my final months of 8th grade all the way through when I graduated(I’m trying not to reveal myself or the band as things have changed since I was in school and also for other s privacy). Even my band trip to Disney was ruined by the bully. (Tho that was my first trip on property and I rode a lot of rides for the first time on that trip that I hadn’t previously. The workshop was fun too!) I do hope she enjoys it too-I know my experience is different from everyone else’s and wish her nothing but the best.
While I enjoy football now, I didn’t as a high schooler lol. Just tell Morgan to be on her toes as she will be playing more than she think she will. And make sure she has money. We always got third quarter to go but snacks. And we got to go get food after performing about 65% of the time during competitions.
I was severely bullied during my first two years of band, and just figuring out I was pretty much groomed for my instrument and section it made me realize I hated band and should’ve left. I
Oh NO!!!! What is wrong with some people. I am so sorry to hear that. No one should be bullied! It is literally my biggest fear for the girls. They are both just a smidge off the beaten path kind of gals. And I love them for that. But middle school and high school can be rough!

Even my band trip to Disney was ruined by the bully.
BOOO!!! Well, I am glad you have had trips to Disney since that weren't ruined!

Just tell Morgan to be on her toes as she will be playing more than she think she will.
She plays trombone and is worried about marching with it. Or having to switch to baratone. We will see!
Oh NO!!!! What is wrong with some people. I am so sorry to hear that. No one should be bullied! It is literally my biggest fear for the girls. They are both just a smidge off the beaten path kind of gals. And I love them for that. But middle school and high school can be rough!

BOOO!!! Well, I am glad you have had trips to Disney since that weren't ruined!

She plays trombone and is worried about marching with it. Or having to switch to baratone. We will see!
Truth be told I’ve tried figuring out for years what their problem was, but I think it boils down to a mix a jealousy, insecurity and just being a dramatic human. And I’m glad I’ve had happier trips since then!

I had a friend who went from flute to baritone! She lucked out cuz her neighbor was our friend who played French horn, so she got some lessons, but she missed flute so much. She actually has been playing it a lot since the pandemic started.

Marching Baritone or Melaphone (marching French horn) are some of the least played instruments so they will take from anywhere, but most people do ok. They are just big trumpets. They will teach her. Remind her no one wants them to fail and they are trying to help. Also remember you start marching on your left foot. That’s a big one that nerves will get to.

And if anything does go wrong, tell her not to be afraid to go to her teacher, guidance counselor and section leader (in that order-maybe can switch the GC and teacher if one has more availability over the other, and I know telling an older student can be scary, but their job is to help.) As a fellow off the beaten path kid turned adult, she will do amazing!
Ugh!! I'm sorry you got caught up in all the SW flight change drama. Apparently they shifted an absolute ton of stuff for Spring Break week and eliminated a ton of flights. It's actually making me a little more comfortable with us driving to BWI. Since it's a hub, a bunch of folks who had direct are connecting through there, instead. I figure, if we're starting their, we'll be less likely to have a cancellation because those are the flights they keep dumping people onto.

Your reservations sound great. I'm glad you got so much worked out, even if it took multiple sessions logging in to try to get it handled.
Happy Friday!!!!!

I am so glad it's Friday. It was a long week, filled with lots of work, a few doctors appointments (nothing major just checkups that all happened at the same time) and all the flight drama!!!!

Anyway!!!! I order another set of magic bands!!!! I know I shouldn't have, but I did!!! Yesterday after work, I was thought.... "Let me just take a peek at what magic bands they have" And they of course had different ones... and cute ones... So... I ordered another set for us.... I am thinking one set can go in the easter baskets and the other I can leave out as tinkerbell gifts. I tried to add a photo, but flickr is acting up. I will share when I actually get the bands.

I also realized that I had made our Space 220 reservation at 1:55 and we plan to be in HS in the morning... Soooo we wouldn't be able to get into the part in time to get to the reservation. And thankfully! I was able to adjust it to 2:15. Thank Goodness I noticed it when I did!

I also watched an All Ears net video where Molly went to Story Book Dining once it reopened and it made me want to go! Gwen also says it's one of her favorites. So, I booked it for our second Tuesday of the trip! I am kind of excited about that. It's funny how time changes your opinion.. At the time Andy said he wouldn't want to go back but when I mentioned it last night, he said it was good and wouldn't mind going back.

I am actually watching Molly eat at Topolino's Terrace right now, and it makes me want to go there too! Not enough time or stomach space.
Apparently they shifted an absolute ton of stuff for Spring Break week and eliminated a ton of flights. It's actually making me a little more comfortable with us driving to BWI. Since it's a hub, a bunch of folks who had direct are connecting through there, instead. I figure, if we're starting their, we'll be less likely to have a cancellation because those are the flights they keep dumping people onto.
It really seems like they shifted almost everything!!! It all worked out. Now I just have to hope they don't change anything again!
Ugh! It is the worst! We value school but family time is also very important. And I think US schools don't completly get that.
Think sometimes it's hard for schools if pupils take time off and parents expect the teachers to catch them up but I also think family time is important too and sometimes that can only happen during school time so it's all about balance in my book!
I remember my dad having to face Sister Joan (head nun at my all girls convent school and very scary lady lol) to explain why he was taking me out of school for an extra week at Easter in 1981. We were going to Australia so not a short trip! He told her "there was more to my education than what I learnt in school" and then came home and told me "pack your maths book so you do well in your exams this summer". :rotfl:I was doing my 2 year course in 1 year as I was good at mathematics. I did bring the book and put in the odd hour of studying and passed the exam. I also cried leaving Australia to come home to the mayhem that was Belfast in 1981. We would have emigrated if my brother had agreed to move too but that's a whole other story!
Each day I get more and more excitied! I can't wait to tell the girls!
They will be thrilled!
Soooo, I meantioned it to Andy once the girls left for school. And he said without thinking, and said to just add another park day!
Think sometimes it's hard for schools if pupils take time off and parents expect the teachers to catch them up but I also think family time is important too and sometimes that can only happen during school time so it's all about balance in my book!
I mean it's like anything these days. If everyone was responsible about it, it would be fine. But that isn't how the world works. It's also def harder for some kids than others. We are actually choosing Morgan's classes for next year - next week! And she got her recommendations from the teacher... Literally ALL honors classes! She is a smarty! But that will def make it harder for her. I am tabling the plans for that trip till after this trip. See how Spring Break crowds go.... I am SUPER verbous about the crowds...


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