This is Us- Season six

I was like you, even said as much in a post a few above yours. This episode felt like it passed in about 15 minutes.

And you are correct, there are still three episodes. But, I was on IMDb trying to find the name of the Billy Joel song from the end of the episode, and I saw that the finale is actual two parts so penultimate next week, then finale part one the week after and the conclusion the week after that.

Does anyone know the name of the song? I think listening to the lyrics is what actually started the waterworks.
It's called And So It Goes and was originally sung by Billy Joel (in fact that might have been his version they played in this episode). I recognized the song right away as it was one we sang when I was in concert choir in high school. Such a beautiful melody and a haunting song.
I was like you, even said as much in a post a few above yours. This episode felt like it passed in about 15 minutes.

And you are correct, there are still three episodes. But, I was on IMDb trying to find the name of the Billy Joel song from the end of the episode, and I saw that the finale is actual two parts so penultimate next week, then finale part one the week after and the conclusion the week after that.

Does anyone know the name of the song? I think listening to the lyrics is what actually started the waterworks.

Thank you. It’s a beautiful song

How awkward was it when the kids walked in on Rebecca and Miguel kissing??? I lol’ed at Rebecca not knowing what hooked up meant

When the kids were taking to Miguel about hiring full time help, it almost came across as cheesy. I mean it no disrespect because I have no doubt that what they said was highly researched to make it as accurate as possible, but it came off really scripted to me. Or, maybe that was the point? To let us know that they had been guided (by the live in nurse or maybe staff at potential nursing homes [even though we know she doesn’t end up there]) on the correct phrasing to make Miguel more comfortable with the idea…

The scene of Rebecca our dancing in the snow made me flash back to the first time I knew my grandma was sick. She was a very quiet, proper woman and she started swearing at my grandpa. That, and seeing her out in my parents back yard rolling around in the grass. She was in a home a few months later. The last straw was when she got out of the house and we didn’t know where she was for a few hours. Thankful she was found a few blocks from home, unharmed, by the police.
The scene of Rebecca our dancing in the snow made me flash back to the first time I knew my grandma was sick. She was a very quiet, proper woman and she started swearing at my grandpa. That, and seeing her out in my parents back yard rolling around in the grass. She was in a home a few months later. The last straw was when she got out of the house and we didn’t know where she was for a few hours. Thankful she was found a few blocks from home, unharmed, by the police.
It hit me the same way. My grandmother thought she was a little girl for about the last 6 months of he life. She called my mom "mama". It was quite the thing to watch unravel through my 8 year old eyes. That scene with Rebecca made the memories come to he forefront of my mind.
It is weird because growing up on Long Island a lot of Billy Joel songs reflect back and I relate very much to those songs. But with my parents aging and my dad's significant health struggles this year at 82 years old, I was crying like a baby with the lyrics tonight. It is very interesting how music can connect emotion in a certain way.
I want to share a "funny" story when my grandmother had dementia. She often thought I was her youngest child (she had 7 children) and one night when I was visiting and she was particularly feeling stubborn and German she said "tell me who you are again" And I said "i'm youre granddaughter -----". She squared me up. Looked me right in the eye and said "there's nothing grand about you". Well okay then. What do you answer to that?! I loved her very much and treated her quite well but as a family we all can laugh at that!
It is weird because growing up on Long Island a lot of Billy Joel songs reflect back and I relate very much to those songs. But with my parents aging and my dad's significant health struggles this year at 82 years old, I was crying like a baby with the lyrics tonight. It is very interesting how music can connect emotion in a certain way.

I 100% agree with you. I’m not having a great day and definitely was crying for way more than just the fact that Miguel is gone. I love when music is almost its own character in a movie, or in this case, a tv show.
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It was a wonderful Miguel episode. Just the right mix of his childhood, young adult and older years. How he lovingly cared for Rebecca was so touching. Glad the big 3 finally saw him as a person and not just Jacks best friend who moved in on their mom. A nice send off.

Remember how we all hated Miguel in the beginning? We have come a long way guys!
This episode hit home for me too. It reminded me so much of watching my grandfather care for my grandmother who suffered from Alzheimer's. He tried to keep her home but she too started escaping at night and wandering the neighborhood. Right up until the end though he visited her daily in the nursing home and fed her her favorite treats. He treated her with such love and respect in her final years. So, yes, I bawled too.
Very emotional episode. I'm glad too the Big 3 have accepted Miguel into the family and when Kate told him they loved him, that really sent me over the edge! It was a wonderful thing for her to tell him that, because I'm sure he never knew they cared for him so much.

Rebecca not knowing what hooking up meant was hilarious, but then goes on to tell them her and Miguel are now sleeping with each other lol.

Can't believe there are 3 episodes left. Been a hell of a roller coaster!
I knew Kate asking Miguel to walk her down the aisle would come back to destroy me and it did. From the minute she told him she loved him in the episode through the end I was a sobbing mess.

I wonder if Billy Joel re recorded his song because he sounds like he did when I saw him in concert back in novermber.

Jon Huertas was brilliant as Miguel. Granted we can still see him in flashbacks for these final 3 but my god did this episode hurt.

Buckle up friends, the next three weeks are gonna be rough
So, Pennsylvania is a right to die state. The second to last episode, the one that made Mandy Moore vomit, must be Rebecca's death whether naturally or possibly through this other means. Kate has to make the final decision. She calls Toby to get his opinion. That explains Toby dumbfounded lying in bed. Going to be tough few episodes one way or another.
I didn’t even think of that being the reason they called Toby
I also wanted to add, I thought it was great Kevin was the one to bridge the gap between Miguel and his son after Kevin gave Miguel such a hard time about him being with Rebecca. It was also nice that Kevin not only helped Rebecca get up, but also Miguel. Kevin has certainly come a long way where Miguel is concerned.
This episode had the tears flowing. I didn't expect that at all. This show had not impacted me that way since Jack died. There was much more to Miguel than any of us knew and he really did love Rebecca. When he was at the table talking to his mother and she tell him 'love is giving your heart without expectation' started it for me. I think for him that was the turning point in his life and shaped how he loved Rebecca. When And So It Goes started playing the waterworks started and didn't stop.

On another note, did anyone else notice Kevin was wearing a wedding ring? I noticed it when he was helping Miguel up from the chair. It was just a glimpse. Then a couple of scenes later we see Sophie with everyone.
While I liked seeing the background story on Miguel, I thought the episode dragged along a little. And I think everyone pretty well assumed that he died at the end of the episode, so while it was tough to watch, it wasn't like a shock or anything.
Ugly cry at the end, especially when I realized the adult son's family was at Thanksgiving.

But this is almost too much. Yes, I'll keep watching. I've been in it since the first episode. But this is way too much heavy at the end. We're all just sitting around waiting for these people to die.

Do we know why Miguel never reconciled with his kids (before Kevin's intervention)? As much as I like the Pearsons, it's almost like they suck all the oxygen out of any room.
So, Pennsylvania is a right to die state. The second to last episode, the one that made Mandy Moore vomit, must be Rebecca's death whether naturally or possibly through this other means. Kate has to make the final decision. She calls Toby to get his opinion. That explains Toby dumbfounded lying in bed. Going to be tough few episodes one way or another.

I don't think anything dramatic is going to happen at the end. I assume Rebecca the last episode and MM was sick with the idea that is really is ending.


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