Do you display US flags or have red, white and blue out?

Yes we have a flag, but only put it out on national holidays (or the weekend of) and always on 9/11.

There is a National Cemetery 5 minutes from my house, I walk by it several times a week. All Union Civil War dead. People were out today decorating each site with flags, I wondered if they collect them after a few days and reuse them in the following years; I know they don't stay there all summer.
We participated in this tradition for years with DS’ scout troop. At the national cemetery here, flags are placed on every grave the Saturday before Memorial Day, and are removed a week later. This is mostly done by a large contingent of volunteers. The cemetery is huge, with over 350,000 graves. The flags get rolled up and stored in bins to be re-used the following year. (Any that are broken or in poor condition get replaced with new.)
Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Playing the anthem everywhere like sporting events started during Cold War 1 in the 1950’s right?
Playing it at sporting events reminds me of old video of USSR and China when they had their events and parades with all the pomp and nationalism.

We have a flag pole but rarely fly the flag. Normally my husband puts it up for the 4th of July.
No, I don't because I can't treat it right.

In addition, I don't do anything flag related. My grandfather was quite uptight about the flag and he got really insane when he saw the "flag" or depictions of the flag being used to make clothing and other items. I remember being 6 years old in the very late 1960s and my cousin and I got to walk down the boardwalk alone for the first time and each given a dollar. We went into this little hippy gift shop and bought ourselves macrame purses that looked the like American flag. My grandfather thought it was so disrespectful. I think it's just really rubbed off on me so, while I don't think much about what others do, I find myself repelled at the thougt of flag-motif shirts, decorations, etc.

I'm not sure if it's really disrespectful or not.
No, I don't because I can't treat it right.

In addition, I don't do anything flag related. My grandfather was quite uptight about the flag and he got really insane when he saw the "flag" or depictions of the flag being used to make clothing and other items. I remember being 6 years old in the very late 1960s and my cousin and I got to walk down the boardwalk alone for the first time and each given a dollar. We went into this little hippy gift shop and bought ourselves macrame purses that looked the like American flag. My grandfather thought it was so disrespectful. I think it's just really rubbed off on me so, while I don't think much about what others do, I find myself repelled at the thougt of flag-motif shirts, decorations, etc.

I'm not sure if it's really disrespectful or not.
I think it has to do with the intention of a product.
No, I don't because I can't treat it right.

In addition, I don't do anything flag related. My grandfather was quite uptight about the flag and he got really insane when he saw the "flag" or depictions of the flag being used to make clothing and other items. I remember being 6 years old in the very late 1960s and my cousin and I got to walk down the boardwalk alone for the first time and each given a dollar. We went into this little hippy gift shop and bought ourselves macrame purses that looked the like American flag. My grandfather thought it was so disrespectful. I think it's just really rubbed off on me so, while I don't think much about what others do, I find myself repelled at the thougt of flag-motif shirts, decorations, etc.

I'm not sure if it's really disrespectful or not.
Flag code says it is disrespectful to wear an image of the flag on clothing, unless it is a patch put on a uniform. Changing the colors of the flag is also against flag code (so the thin blue line ones are against flag code)
We don’t for our home. We honor those who are in the armed forces by making donations to charitable organizations that support service members (like wounded warrior) and for us that’s more meaningful. The only flag in our yard is rainbow and it’s next to our BLM sign. Our neighborhood is a mix-some flags, some political signs, most homes have neither.

I do think it’s lovely how respectful this thread is! ❤️
No. I used to, but around here it's gotten so politicized and almost messianic that it's a bit frightening -- no matter what "side" you're on. I just prefer not to do anything that might incite/upset/offend the neighbors, so I just remain neutral. I just always have cutesy flags or generic door decor year round. Although, thinking neutrally, maybe I should just fly a Swiss flag and be done with it. 🇨🇭
No. Never. And, I don't buy things that are flag-related. I think the allegiance to it all is kind of creepy, TBH. Along the same line as religion, which I also find creepy 🤷‍♀️🤣
Good thing said allegiance isn't required then.
We don't fly a flag outside, but only because we live in the middle of nowhere, and no one can see our house unless you intentionally drive up our driveway.

We do have a large wooden flag on the wall in our living room. Not sure if that counts for this thread...
Well, I guess my grandfather wasn't too far out there then. I don't think anyone pays attention to this.
Yeah one of those things that has changed over time. I try not to go over the top if an item appears to be a flag I usually won’t use it. But RWB colors with a star for instance are fine.
We started displaying a US flag in 2020 in that brief moment when it seemed like the country was working together to fight a common enemy. We have stuck with it since then.

We follow the flag etiquette though so it is not out there overnight or in rain/bad weather... and we occasionally just forget to put it up.

No. I used to, but around here it's gotten so politicized and almost messianic that it's a bit frightening -- no matter what "side" you're on. I just prefer not to do anything that might incite/upset/offend the neighbors, so I just remain neutral. I just always have cutesy flags or generic door decor year round. Although, thinking neutrally, maybe I should just fly a Swiss flag and be done with it. 🇨🇭
We have an American flag and a rainbow doormat. I'm sure our neighbors are pretty confused with where we stand politically. :lmao:


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