Have you ever played around with a ouija board? If so, did anything ever happen?

I know it may be silly, but I am kind of afraid of them so I haven't tried it.

I know some people who played with a ouija board one night (I don't know what if anything happened). However, for several days following they would put the board in places where this one guy would find it. He would open a drawer, and there it would be. Open a cabinet, there it is. He freaked out... of course it was just his friends messing with him :rotfl2:
I know it may be silly, but I am kind of afraid of them so I haven't tried it.

I know some people who played with a ouija board one night (I don't know what if anything happened). However, for several days following they would put the board in places where this one guy would find it. He would open a drawer, and there it would be. Open a cabinet, there it is. He freaked out... of course it was just his friends messing with him :rotfl2:
I can't recall where I heard this story, could have even been the DIS, but it was about a similar prank.
Something about a guy who had some book, supposedly haunted, who finally got rid of the book by chucking it into the sea.
His friend buys a copy of the same book, soaks it in water overnight, and then plants the book in his friend's dresser.
Yes, and yes, I've known quite a few people with bad stories. I knew zero about it and a friend who I didn't know dabbled in occult introduced it as silly fun, in the end it was neither silly nor fun. At first, it was amusing but it got darker and more cruel as it went through the group and we all got our own and brought new people in to play more games certain names started attaching themselves to the groups which would follow in games and then weird stuff started happening in peoples houses to guests and stuff. We all got super freaked out & I got in a ton of trouble at Confession which I STILL think is unfair because no-one warned us it was a serious thing. At any rate, after that I will have absolutely nothing to do with any of it, whether it's real or just taps into negative energy of someone in a group who is is ok with doing harm for fun and laughs, I really don't care - just nope.
Also also, you’re opening a portal.
A portal... to an evil shoe closet full of CROCS!

I forgot to say I have never used one due to being Catholic. We were always taught that only evil spirits could be summoned from them. But it always did make me wonder if an atheist could be convinced to become an agnostic because of one. :confused3

Anyway thanks for the responses so far.
I forgot to say I have never used one due to being Catholic. We were always taught that only evil spirits could be summoned from them. But it always did make me wonder if an atheist could be convinced to become an agnostic because of one. :confused3

Anyway thanks for the responses so far.
Nope. Ouija's aren't exclusive to any particular religion, it's just a gimmick with a lot of superstition attached to it. Not sure if you have the correct idea of atheism and agnosticism here either.
Nope. Ouija's aren't exclusive to any particular religion, it's just a gimmick with a lot of superstition attached to it. Not sure if you have the correct idea of atheism and agnosticism here either.
It wasn’t about a particular religion. Just in the sense that is there a possibility of a spiritual realm scientifically proven vs nothing having a chance of existence at all. I don’t won’t a religious discussion. It was just a thought if people through their experience with a ouija board made them question anything where they would not have before.
I see what you’re trying to get at, Buzz, and I agree with you. Most people here won’t, though. (From past threads.)

I bought one once at a yard sale. Didn’t know much about them and thought it might be fun some night. Never actually used it, but in the meantime I did some research. Decided to get rid of it, I didn’t want it in the house.

I think it just depends on your frame of reference. If you don’t believe in spirits, then it won’t have much meaning.
Yep, played with many home made ouija boards when I was a teenager. Experienced some very scary/creepy things so I haven’t touched one in ages.

I made sure to tell my daughter not to mess around with them.
Curious about what you experienced if you’re willing to share.
My sister and I tried one once and it told me what my boyfriend at the time was giving me for a Christmas gift. It was correct, and since it was something I had not asked for or even dropped hints about (it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind to ask for the item), and my sister hadn’t spoken to him at all, it was kind of odd that it was so specifically correct.
I think it’s not just a matter of “nothing happened” using it for a one time game or something.

For some reason, the board, as a pp said, acts as a “portal” for spirits who might want to use it to get in and/or stick around.

If you believe. ;)

Personally, not chancing it. I do believe in spirits.

And not afraid of spirits. But I think there can be some that are malevolent.
I think it’s not just a matter of “nothing happened” using it for a one time game or something.

For some reason, the board, as a pp said, acts as a “portal” for spirits who might want to use it to get in and/or stick around.

If you believe. ;)

Personally, not chancing it. I do believe in spirits.

And not afraid of spirits. But I think there can be some that are malevolent.
If "spirits" are capable of this, then why a printed piece of cardboard and a plastic planchet? Why not a toaster oven? Or an iPhone?

I think sometimes "spirits" are invited in these situations, depending on what kind of alcohol friends are bringing to the party. *wink!* :drinking1
I've messed around with them and had some creepy moments, but nothing awful. But I used to work at a permanent haunt, which was located in a building that was supposedly genuinely haunted, and a lot of weird stuff happened there. Anyway, one of my coworkers frequently worked on the Attic set. She was messing around with a ouija board one night (at home) and supposedly contacted something. And at one point it said, "I know you from Attic." The next night a whole bunch of crazy paranormal stuff happened in the haunt, all radiating from the Attic set. Was it all coincidence? Could be. But I never really had a desire to use a ouija board again after that.


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