Has anyone with motion sickness attempted Guardians while taking meds (dramamine, bonine, etc.?)

Do you keep the patch on for the length of trip and then take it off when leaving Disney? Do you get a side effect from taking it off? I had good luck with Benadryl/Ginger lozenges/Altoids for FOP and peppermint for Remy but I'm really worried about Guardians. I had cancelled a DVC preview because I was fearful but now I'd like to try it. Still nervous though.

Thanks for your advice.
You didn't ask me, but I put mine on the night before we fly out (or the morning of) and replace every three days until we get home. The only side effect I really get is a a bit thirsty. I do know the side effects are legit for a lot of people though. For me, it's a lifesaver.
DH takes Bonine every day of our trip. Even so, he can't ride Expedition Everest or Rock N Roller Coaster, ever, and limits himself to 1 or 2 rides on Space Mountain. He took an extra Bonine the day we rode GotG and looked at the track while he rode. The poor guy barely made it through the ride and we had to sit on the bench for a good 15 minutes before he could move. Luckily we planned this for our last ride of the day, but we then had to spend another 30-40 minutes sitting on a different bench in the fresh air before he thought he'd be able to manage the bus ride back to the resort.
You didn't ask me, but I put mine on the night before we fly out (or the morning of) and replace every three days until we get home. The only side effect I really get is a a bit thirsty. I do know the side effects are legit for a lot of people though. For me, it's a lifesaver.
Thank very much.
Forbidden Journey and The Simpsons get me too
Oh man these two LOL. I actually really like Forbidden Journey as a ride mechanism and the scenes with actual props are really cool, but if I go on it, I absolutely cannot open my eyes at all during the screen parts or else I am dead. I tried to ride Simpsons a few years ago and felt sick within about 30 seconds of the ride starting. That is one of the worst for me. I've found that if the ride vehicle is stationary it affects me worse than if it's moving. Like Spiderman at Universal is one of my favorite rides that I can do over and over, but that is loaded with screens. So weird lol.
I can get motion sickness as well and successfully did GOTG last week. Yay! I took a Dramamine the night before and then one about 2 or so hours before hand. I did ask to sit in the second row and I did have to look at the seat in front of me during one section. When I got off I felt “fine”. I could tell I went on a fun/crazy ride but felt totally ok. I was so glad I went for it.
I don’t get motion sickness usually - can ride things like Remy, Rise of Resistance, Mission Space Green version, Flight of Passage, Smuggler’s Run, Harry Potter Forbidden Journey with no problem.

I had read in multiple places that around 30% of people were getting nausea, so I did take some medication before. I knew it would be doing a lot of banking and turning, so I didn’t want to take any chances. The first 20-30 seconds were great, but after that I got very nauseated and had to fight not to throw up.

It’s a one time ride for me
Exactly what I was gluing to post. Forbidden Journey and The Simpsons get me too. Was 100% ok on Guardians. So weird. I think for me it’s because there are fewer screens and they are so clear.
Same! Those are the 2 that get me, no other issues on any other ride, and I love coasters. Did you take anything beforehand? I have my Sea Band thingies to get me through the others and will wear them on this for sure, to be safe (going in December, first time on Guardians).
I did! Without Bonine I get motion sick on planes, Star Tours, Rat, FoP & the Skyliner on a windy day. Bonine works to cure all that 100%. I took Bonine every morning of my trip, road GOTG 1-2 times on 3 different days and never had an issue!
I usually get really motion sick on rides, even in the car if I'm riding in the back seat. I almost didn't go on GotG because going backwards on rides makes me super sick.

I had no issues on Guardians which I was surprised. The difference is that the ride is not free spinning. It is a controlled rotation that the ride uses to enhance the motion instead of "how many times can we spin you around" its, "how can we use the rotation of the vehicles to better serve the experience".

I sat in the front row. Instead of watching the screens, I watched the track in front of me and focused on moving with the rotations of the vehicle. The screens on the ride are meant to be environmental. They add to the ride but are not supposed to be watched.

I have now ridden twice without taking any medication/help at all and had no issues walking off the ride. I also ate a banana each time as we walked through the queue which helped my stomach feel less empty. My Spouse had to sit down afterwards because he was feeling sick and had been watching the screens. 😅

Enjoy the ride! Be prepared and you'll be fine.
I don’t understand, aren’t you missing out if you don’t look at the screens? Why ride it if you are looking down the whole time at the track?
I ask because I want to ride it, I get nauseous on rides as well, but I don’t understand how you can get the full effect out of the ride if you are looking down at the track and not the show/screens in front of you? It will be our first time to ride in December, so I am taking in all these suggestions not to get sick.
I don’t get motion sickness usually - can ride things like Remy, Rise of Resistance, Mission Space Green version, Flight of Passage, Smuggler’s Run, Harry Potter Forbidden Journey with no problem.

I had read in multiple places that around 30% of people were getting nausea, so I did take some medication before. I knew it would be doing a lot of banking and turning, so I didn’t want to take any chances. The first 20-30 seconds were great, but after that I got very nauseated and had to fight not to throw up.

It’s a one time ride for me
Now I’m worried. I’ve been on the Disney rides , no problem. Maybe I should pack something.
I don’t understand, aren’t you missing out if you don’t look at the screens? Why ride it if you are looking down the whole time at the track?
I ask because I want to ride it, I get nauseous on rides as well, but I don’t understand how you can get the full effect out of the ride if you are looking down at the track and not the show/screens in front of you? It will be our first time to ride in December, so I am taking in all these suggestions not to get sick.
You miss some of the storyline if you aren’t watching the screens. I’ve been on it several times. And even when I try to watch the screens, I find myself looking at the track for what’s next.
Now I’m worried. I’ve been on the Disney rides , no problem. Maybe I should pack something.
I have worn Sea Bands each time I ride. No meds and it works by acupressure!

Months back, my family got a casting call to be in a commercial for Disney. The criteria was being able to ride GotG over and over. We passed on that one because dh and I couldn’t. So when you see a commercial or print shot, those people didn’t just ride it once. They sat on the coaster til the shoot was over!
Same! Those are the 2 that get me, no other issues on any other ride, and I love coasters. Did you take anything beforehand? I have my Sea Band thingies to get me through the others and will wear them on this for sure, to be safe (going in December, first time on Guardians).
No, I was fine without anything! It really seemed more like a coaster than a simulator to me. And I had just eaten those pork skins and pimento cheese from F&W right before! 😂
I rode it multiple times with the patch, including twice in a row. It is hands down my new favorite ride. I was totally fine, shockingly.
Right! How could it not be? I mean I love me some FOP, but Guardians is the bomb, and yes I know nobody says that anymore, but come on. Glad you could ride it. The way it pitches and turns it seems like it would be a terrible ride for someone with motion sickness.
Right! How could it not be? I mean I love me some FOP, but Guardians is the bomb, and yes I know nobody says that anymore, but come on. Glad you could ride it. The way it pitches and turns it seems like it would be a terrible ride for someone with motion sickness.
I was terrified it would be. I was scared the first time, because I was so afraid of getting sick. When it slowed down I looked at my son and said “is that it? Is it over?” Not because I wanted it to end but because I was so happy I made it and wasn’t sick!! FOP and Star Tours are borderline for me even with the patch, so I am shocked and thrilled that this one doesn’t bother me.
I don't have extreme motion sickness, but Smugglers Run made me woozy. We plan to take Bonine each night of trip in anticipation of GOTG. (and may attempt Teacups also!)

Anyone with motion sickness who took a med and was able to ride successfully without nausea?
I was able to successfully ride GOTG multiple times after taking Dramamine. I used the Ginger chewables and they worked well! No nausea on or after getting off.
I saw this WDW Imagineering video AFTER I rode.

It’s an Imagineering video of track testing out in the open, so easy to see what’s going on.
It did correspond with what I thought was happening on the ride - pretty much constant banking, a lot of turns of the ride car and often the ride car is not traveling in the direction the guests in the ride car are facing.
I saw this WDW Imagineering video AFTER I rode.

It’s an Imagineering video of track testing out in the open, so easy to see what’s going on.
It did correspond with what I thought was happening on the ride - pretty much constant banking, a lot of turns of the ride car and often the ride car is not traveling in the direction the guests in the ride car are facing.
Thanks for this. I have been debating and the video helped; it looks like something that will not go well for me. I think I'd have trouble with facing a different direction than the car is moving since I have trouble with backwards (which I know is also a part of the ride).


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