Something About Nothing............ #14

I’m back to being bored at work again. It is a very slow day today.
I am so ready for this vacation. Last night I dreamed that I got to work and the lobby was full of people. Two actually had appointments, but the others were trying to get in to see someone. Some had intake paperwork completed and others only had part of there paperwork done. One person was another therapist who was bringing someone to us as a referral.

Dh has just informed me that we need to get a graduation gift for his niece who will be graduating this summer and becoming a licensed funeral director. There are some strange and slightly morbid gifts out there. I’m thinking just a Visa gift card would be good.

I need to find something to do for the next 45 minutes and then I can get lunch.

Days until vacation:

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Not long till your vacation now Charade, you’ve had a lovely few weeks.

It's hard to hear news like that. I'm slowly learning that lesson in my homecare position :sad1:

OOOOO I was there last year!!!! We loved the Daytona race!
Enjoy your park time tonight!!!!

Winds have turned, and are blowing smoke our way again. Oh well, I can't change that. There was a light dusting of ash on my car when I went out at lunch. I'm thinking I will be needing to dust my house soon again too. Hopefully it's not too smoky tonight for my walk.

I almost forgot that I had a pedicure tonight after work!!! I had to run home over lunch and pick up my flip flops to wear in and out of there. The joys of living in a small city where my " commute" is only 5 -7 minutes :laughing:.

It's chicken for supper tonight. Not entirely sure what other sides I will make - it seems to be cleaning out the fridge veggie week!

Hope you enjoyed the pedicure and hope the wind changes again, walking in that atmosphere isn’t nice.

just testing…trying to recover this thread in my phone

Glad you got it sorted.

Beautiful view of a gorgeous day from the Club Lounge…….

:wave2: It's a quick Thirsty Thursday stop in!

The pedicure was amazing! The toes are looking pretty ready to rock some new shoes. When we were in the city for Mother's Day weekend, I couldn't find any clothes to buy so I told Dh that I'm sure I could find a new pair of shoes at my favorite local store. So I'll go find myself a new pair of summer flip flops to be able to wear to my homecare/healthcare job.

Even more smoky here this am :sad1: No walk last night either. Hopefully the winds shift again, and it clears away. It is being reported that smoke from our provincial fires are now in the US because of the wind currents. So I apologize if our smoke is in your area. Forecast is still calling for rain. So my fingers are crossed that Sunday/Monday we will get some.

Maybe I should wash the windows in my house - maybe that will help ;) to shuffle papers!
It's hard to hear news like that. I'm slowly learning that lesson in my homecare position :sad1:

OOOOO I was there last year!!!! We loved the Daytona race!
Enjoy your park time tonight!!!!

Winds have turned, and are blowing smoke our way again. Oh well, I can't change that. There was a light dusting of ash on my car when I went out at lunch. I'm thinking I will be needing to dust my house soon again too. Hopefully it's not too smoky tonight for my walk.

I almost forgot that I had a pedicure tonight after work!!! I had to run home over lunch and pick up my flip flops to wear in and out of there. The joys of living in a small city where my " commute" is only 5 -7 minutes :laughing:.

It's chicken for supper tonight. Not entirely sure what other sides I will make - it seems to be cleaning out the fridge veggie week!
Pumpkin, I was a home care case manager for years. It was my favorite job as an RN.
So, I know what you are going through. It was rewarding to help those with cancer in their last days. We were able to make them comfortable and give care for them, and their families after wards. It's still such a loss no matter when it happens. What position are you in in Home Care?
Hey all, quick drive by, it’s been a few chock full, weirder than usual days here. Keeps me on my toes…that have never had a real pedicure. I need to attend to to that before I croak, it’s on my bucket list. friend told me if that’s the sum of it, it’s dwindled to a thimble at this point…need to restock it. I like how she thinks:)
Oddly, they also post in the stores, they add a surcharge of 5 percent in addition the to tax. Have not seen that here or at Disney. Hmm. But the mime was back, and always a good laugh before the show, which was new to us, as changed a name and theme since last time there:
We were there last July, Sept, Oct & December…wasn’t in force, well that I noticed. Odd indeed. Do think their prices are substantially less for their souvenirs than the other major parks, wonder why they didn’t just raise them across the board.
we need to get a graduation gift for his niece who will be graduating this summer and becoming a licensed funeral director. There are some strange and slightly morbid gifts out there. I’m thinking just a Visa gift card would be good.
Lol I’d have pause wondering if she had a sense of humor about the field. the Victorian hair mourning jewelry is freaky. I generally appreciate things of a macabre nature, that, no so much

PSA #1 - there is a new Haunted Mansion movie trailer out, 👻:hmghost:two ghosts up!

PSA #2 - based upon permits filed, there may just be an 11th HHN house added this year
Daytona fun. Went by the speedway on our way back. Showers and chilling before park fun. Sea water was warm and beach was beautiful. Hot. And chances of rain later afternoon and evening. We may take our chances, and park fun later.
Nice! Family has drug me to Daytona countless times, kicking & screaming. Just not a fan of their hard pack beach & the vehicles, do like the area just a bit north with more natural one with soft sand.

My first pick driving over from orlando is Jetty Beach area of cocoa beach, quicker. A natural one with it’s share of seaweed that always shocked my kids when they saw it the first time. Fun to catch the cruise ships sailing out and a rocket launch if you time it just right. We do the more southern beach there when just doing a couple of hours as that meter parking is a real pain.

need to find a decent place on the beach there for Nov trip for a night pre cruise. Shocked at the prices for rather sketchy hotels there that time of year, worse shape than ’rustic’ beach norms. May just book later flight & stay at the airport overnight, then shuttle over.
We didn’t care about the hard sand. Similar to our NJ ones, Keisha, though different kind of sand. Will try closer to the cape I guess next time. Daytona wasn’t that far.

Did all the water rides after some IOA rides, then back to relax and freshen up with a pizza and fries. Having dinner with Bobbie and her DH later today.

Been a great time. Tomorrow parks close early for last grad bash. We are going to try to try to be up early. I’ll see if true. Our last full day is tomorrow, so week has flown by. Hot weather has been perfect.
Quick evening post. I have been obsessing with Photoshop for the past few hours. I think I need to take some advanced classes.

I got out for a walk again last night. I am needing to make an effort again to get out and get my b^tt moving more. I DEFINITELY
Same here. I can no longer use “I have homework” as an excuse.

It's hard to hear news like that. I'm slowly learning that lesson in my homecare position
I have been at this job for almost 11 years. We have lost several clients, but only 1 was due to a mental health related reason.

Not long till your vacation now Charade, you’ve had a lovely few weeks.
And I’m counting the days.

Beautiful view of a gorgeous day from the Club Lounge…
Very nice.

Keeps me on my toes…that have never had a real pedicure. I need to attend to to that before I croak, it’s on my bucket list.
I’ve never had one either and only had one manicure in my lifetime

Lol I’d have pause wondering if she had a sense of humor about the field. the Victorian hair mourning jewelry is freaky. I generally appreciate things of a macabre nature, that, no so much
I think she does, but not 100% sure. We really don’t know her very well. This niece is from dh’s birth family who he only discovered 4 years ago.

I need to get some sleep, but I will show you my new project in progress. I found a picture of my mom in the bucket of photos my sister brought over. I have never seen this picture before and have no idea how old she was at the time.

This is what I started with:
Scan copy.jpeg

And this is where I am at now:

Nice picture of your mom, Charade. I like it in back and white better. I’m not good with photoshop either. I do edit in my iPhone’s camera roll though. Basic stuff is all I do.

Hot and sunny in the 90’s today. Early entry is at 8 this morning. I guess we will not be the first waiting, nor probably make early entry. Oh well. Our last day, so we are hoping to ride and see what we want, as we can spend most of tomorrow in the parks too, though we have to be out of our room by 11, the latest to checkout. Will leave our bags and then have the whole afternoon to do whatever last we want to do. Has been a fun week. Relaxing one, and that’s what we do on our trips. A week to relax and recharge.

Yay for Charade’s countdown getting so much closer now. Yay!

Fabulous Friday all. Good morning. ☀️
As parks closed at 6, what da do? Aquatica has Passholder night, 5 to 8. We got there around 5, then left around 7:45 to get gas and enjoy some burgers and shakes outside the M Mall. May hit that donut place if sign on, as we get close. Then will go back to relax and pack up. Sniff, our week is almost over. Last day of park fun, as night flight at least.


Hope all have a most peaceful night.
Good evening. Busy day today. Caspian had his annual exam today, and as usual, did not want to cooperate. He had to be sedated so the vet could do the exam. When he got home he sat and stared at a spot on the wall for a very long time. He's now laying on the top step of our staircase.

B and I ran errands while Caspian was at the vet. B received a $100 dollar bill as a graduation gift and wanted to deposit it to her checking account. This evening she took a closer look at the receipt she received for the deposit and it said $1000. She checked her account and saw that they had discovered the error, reversed the deposit and deposited the correct amount.

Lynne - I am enjoying all of the pictures. I can't wait to be back in September.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:





I agree with the pre-vaca scurrying around being compared to nesting. We want to get everything all set. I've done it both ways, and I definitely prefer having everything taken care of. Now I have packing lists in my Google Drive that I just print out, which I've tweaked over the years as I tend to bring less and less.
Yep, always nice to come home to a clean house for sure. Have a wonderful trilp.

I think we expected a little more on the Gateway. The gentleman we know who works there gave us a tour of sorts which was nice, and explained a lot of the reasons why those specific exhibits were chosen. It was nice, but I think I’d miss it out next time. Tom and Kyle enjoyed the simulators though. Our guide jokingly said we know too much already…….lol…
I was glad I was able to see a Falcon 9 rocket up close. Everything else is just frosting on the cake.

I agree. Tim always marvels my need to clean when it really doesn’t need it…..especially before we leave.
I always like a clean house to return home to.

Thursday morning we had to get to campus early because dh had to be at the ceremony for the department of communications. While he did that B and I went to get our honor cords and commencement t-shirts. B had no idea that she was graduating cum laude. She was shocked when she was handed a cord.
Congratulations to you and B on your honor cords. What a nice surprise for her.

Lynne thank you for sharing photos from your trip. Looks like you and your daughter are having a nice time at Universal.

was jam-packed out, people seemed quite joyful today, lost count of how many Happy Mother’s Day greetings I received, unexpected as the stores on the weekends seem to have their share of rushing, pushy people.
So nice you were wished a nice Mother’s Day by so many folks.

we will be eating a bit later today as she has a soccer game first. Her Dad had to fill in as the junior varsity (7 & 8th grade) girls coach due to an absence. Good thing he had his credentials and clearances, otherwise they wouldn’t have been eligible to compete.
That was a very kind gesture by your son to coach his daughters game. There tends to be a shortage at times of coaches for sports in general for the kiddos.

I was determined to walk at my ceremony. It took me so long to get there. Did I show y’all my cap?
Fun cap design.

Hello, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day! I hope everyone has a great day doing what they wanted.
Happy belated Mother’s Day to you bobbie68. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Seafood was beautiful, prime rib was lovely, sushi was good and the wok experience was excellent. Did I mention seafood…….lush!!!
Seafood looked yummy.

get together was nice with thotful presents from my sons: #1 a Mickey Mouse raft for the pool (to join the gazillion others I already have) and a Florida candle (that smells like the baby powder HHN house magic candle. almost scared to light it lol), #2 dozen of red roses & #3 a Texas Roadhouse GC and a case of Corona Extra :p. Told me the clerk at the beer store asked if he was having a party, he indicated “no, it’s for my Mom for Mother’s Day”. He paused a few moments and said: “ok then…”.
That was a nice selection of presents for Mother’s Day from your family.

We ended up heading to the city on Saturday. Got to spend Mother's day in the city - spending time with our gd - and then dh was gifted a set of tickets to the Oilers - hockey game on Sunday night from a supplier. So we went to watch our Oilers loose and loose out of the playoffs :sad2: :sad1: It was great to experience a playoff game.
Glad to hear you were able to spend some time with your little Granddaughter.

just testing…trying to recover this thread in my phone
Mac hope you were able to get your issues with the Dis figured out and your up and running again.

need to get some sleep, but I will show you my new project in progress. I found a picture of my mom in the bucket of photos my sister brought over. I have never seen this picture before and have no idea how old she was at the time.
Your edited picture of your mom looks great. It really brings out her facial features.

Up before the chickens so to speak this morning. Have been busy since arriving. Had planned to try and get in somethings to do while dad and sisters were here.

We did pool time.

I took them to KSC and everyone enjoyed themselves. Dad rented a scooter and it was a life saver. He had a wonderful time.

We had a nice drive up to Juno Beach on Thursday and we went to the Loggerhead MarineLife Center.

Here is a pic of Sweet Potato a rescued Loggerhead Turtle they are treating there.

I did find a couple of presents for little J at the gift shop I think he will like.



Yesterday was my Brother in laws funeral service at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery. What a wonderful touching service. It was a beautiful to behold such kindness and compassion for our Military Veterans.

Today something on a more happy note to celebrate. My sister’s two grandsons are graduating from high school so we will be attending a graduation party for them this afternoon.

They are two smart young men and it will be wonderful to see them starting out their lives in their areas of interest. One of them is joining the Air Force in August and has an an interest in working for NASA and the other is a talented costume designer and film editor.

Sunday evening I’am taking everyone up to Banana River to watch the Falcon 9 rocket lift off taking private pay folks up to the International Space station. I felt my dad needed to see one of these for the first time in his life.

Spoke to hubby on the home last evening and he is having a wonderful visit with our grandson E and grandson P. They are staying with him over the weekend helping out with a few projects grandpa needed help with. I smiled when grandson E texted me and let me know that grandpa had taken them to his favorite Barbecue restaurant and encouraged them both to get a full rack of ribs. He said they were delicious, but they were busting at the seams. They are wonderful grandsons.

Going to try and rest a little more this morning before giving up on sleep totally. Steroids are still waking me up early in the am.

I think some restful pool time is in order this morning before we head up to graduation party this afternoon.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.

Last edited:
Robo, sad and very nice news. Your family has some sadness, but glad all are doing well, with family enjoying time with family.

Ack to B’s bank account error, Charade. Glad her bank fixed its error fast. Yeah, I’m glad my dogs did not mind vet visits. My sister had a cat that not only was sedated some, but muzzled, as he too hated vet visits. I guess some pets are more chill at the vets than others.

Funny, saw a news article last night on why some are night owls and some are larks or early birds. They said about 5 or so percent are night owls, more percent are larks, but the majority fall in between those extremes, and why our businesses tend to go 7 to 9 pm. Why does it happen? Our internal clock is set when we are born, so even if you are in a fully dark place for days, your sleep and wake pattern stays the same. Hence, guess I’m in the lesser minority, and a lark or early bird. My kids are not. Like yesterday, I did some early park time, and while sitting outside the Starbucks, at close to 11, thought maybe little one would be arriving. Texted her to see, and said she was going to take a quick bath and then meet up. I thought okay. Quick single rider at Gringott’s, took some pictures and wandered back to waiting. Got thinking maybe should take a peek at the line inside. It looked slammed. So I got in line. Just sat down to wait after finally getting our coffees, went to text her where I was sitting, and saw her coming up the path. I rarely wake my night owl kids on vacation. But we all get to enjoy time together though.

We are mostly packed up. Checkout is by 11, so I told little one she has to be ready to be out the door by then.

Had a nice loud downpour later last night. And the music from the concert near the front door was so loud, you could even hear it around the resort, that ended sometime around the rain starting. We had no idea who the singer was, but the parking lot was so full last night, as we arrived around 9:30 pm, we saw they had opened the back part of the valet parking, so our rental is quite the walk from where we parked. But no matter. Will bring it up, pick up our bags, and quick to airport by dinnertime. We always give ourselves over 2 hours to drop off car, checkin bags, and get threw security. I give closer to 2 when I’m alone. I have pre check, little one does not. We are going to remedy that one of these days. Generally the lines are always shorter in pre check. But we always have seen longer regular lines at our home airport than anywhere else.

Gloriously sunny today. And some chances of rain. Lucky for us, that lots of rain late last night was when I was almost asleep, so we have not had the times of rain interfere with our fun, not get us wet. Hoping that’s true today, too.

Have a most super happy Saturday all.
Good morning. I should be doing laundry right now, but I want to get my summer clothes out of storage first. The problem is that they are in a chest in the living room and dh is currently sleeping in his recliner. I can’t do anything without disturbing him.
I found out yesterday that Disneyland has suspended the Fantasmic show until at least Labor Day. I had booked us a dinner package just for the show. I’m not too fond of the menu, so I have cancelled the dinner reservation and booked us a character meal instead.

Robo - It’s great that you get to spend so much time with family. I’m sorry that not all of it is for happy reasons.
Congratulations to your two great nephews. (Is that the correct term?)

Lynne - Safe travels home. I guess I will see you in September.
I think so, Charade. Thanks, I hope and early arriving flight like we had coming.

All packed up, now snacking and drinking our last sodas. We bought almost the right amount of snacks and perfect none left sodas. We take back any of the snacks we didn’t finish. Can snack on them at airport and at home. Then checkout on the tv at right around 11, and back checks for some park fun. Yay!
Last day!!

Enjoyed the parks this morning, early entry is crazy……the reason we never bother doing it. But it was nice doing the parks last day.

We have been given a late checkout, we don‘t leave the hotel till around 4pm so it was very nice of them to accommodate us again like this. No intention of going back to the parks, don’t want to get hot and sticky again before our flight tonight so we’re meeting some folks for lunch and then coffee (tea for me) in the afternoon.

Last night we watched a lovely storm from Strong Water bar, started around 8pm when everyone who was sitting outside came in, some very nice lightning videos and pictures. Left there very late after having a lovely evening and Fernando joined us for most of it which was lovely. That was some very heavy rain, one of only two rainfalls over our trip, not bad at all.

But, after 3 weeks, it’s time to head home tonight. It has been an amazing trip, gorgeous weather, plenty of park time and caught up with the friends we wanted to see who are here. Had a few coughs, colds and even a 24 hour flu bug……but we carried on and can’t wait to do it all again in November.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, whatever you may be doing……:)
Quick stop in. I have everything done for today and will finish the day by watching something on my phone.

Dh is in the city helping dd remove the hardwood out of their living room. Insurance won't remove the hardwood (as it wasn't damaged from toilet overflow escapade at xmas). But since she was quoted a $$$ amount for jew floors and can't match (and doesn't want tile floors again) they will install the floors she chooses throughout the main floor so everything is cohesive and is all the same.

So it's just me and the boys over the weekend - and it's a holiday weekend as well. Tonight I think it's burgers for supper. Last night was pizzas from the grocery store.

Still extremely smoky. I thought it was getting better when the wind came from a different direction, but it changed and came back in thick again last night. No open windows again last night. Even my eyes are burning at this point. I want to go inside for a walk, but for how smoky it is...that's not happening.
What position are you in in Home Care?
I'm the client scheduler. So I/we create and maintain the schedules of the HCA'Svand well as be the middle mand between clients and the nurses/case managers. It's a busy desk most days.
Sunday evening I’am taking everyone up to Banana River to watch the Falcon 9 rocket lift off taking the astronauts up to the International Space station. I felt my dad needed to see one of these for the first time in his life.
How fun!!!!
Why does it happen? Our internal clock is set when we are born, so even if you are in a fully dark place for days, your sleep and wake pattern stays the same. Hence, guess I’m in the lesser minority, and a lark or early bird. My kids are not. L
Interesting. I'm more night owl, and dh is a bright shiny morning person I want to hit with a frying pan some mornings :rotfl:
the Fantasmic show until at least Labor Day. I had booked us a dinner package just for the show. I’m not too fond of the menu, so I have cancelled the dinner reservation and booked us a character meal instead.
:sad1: that sucks! The character meal.sounds like a great alternative.
But, after 3 weeks, it’s time to head home tonight. It has been an amazing trip, gorgeous weather, plenty of park time and caught up with the friends we wanted to see who are here. Had a few coughs, colds and even a 24 hour flu bug……but we carried on and can’t wait to do it all again in November.
Have a safe trip home.

Well, I should go shufe and send some papers to the appropriate people. Have a great evening everyone
Sniff sniff, at the airport early. But not too bad. Rained as we left and part of our drive. But thankfully no rain while at the parks. And we always start and end our trips with a MIB ride. And we did, though again, the express pass line was longer than I have ever seen, so got this picture:

And we took this, rode the trolley, as little one wanted to take pictures on it, and and checked out the Christmas store, then walked back to the Studios, to ride that ride and then walked right back out:

Hope Schumi has no issues with her trip to airport and again a safe and quick flight.

Ack though as we put our luggage up, said was overflow. Other flight left their bags here, so our plane will take that other lane’s luggage , and hope will ours fit or not and hope be on another flight? Sigh.


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