Something About Nothing............ #14

Last day!!

Enjoyed the parks this morning, early entry is crazy……the reason we never bother doing it. But it was nice doing the parks last day.

We have been given a late checkout, we don‘t leave the hotel till around 4pm so it was very nice of them to accommodate us again like this. No intention of going back to the parks, don’t want to get hot and sticky again before our flight tonight so we’re meeting some folks for lunch and then coffee (tea for me) in the afternoon.

Last night we watched a lovely storm from Strong Water bar, started around 8pm when everyone who was sitting outside came in, some very nice lightning videos and pictures. Left there very late after having a lovely evening and Fernando joined us for most of it which was lovely. That was some very heavy rain, one of only two rainfalls over our trip, not bad at all.

But, after 3 weeks, it’s time to head home tonight. It has been an amazing trip, gorgeous weather, plenty of park time and caught up with the friends we wanted to see who are here. Had a few coughs, colds and even a 24 hour flu bug……but we carried on and can’t wait to do it all again in November.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, whatever you may be doing……:)
Glad you had such a lovely trip, but towards the end I always get kind of home sick, even though the trip was fun. Can't wait to hear all the details after you get home and rested up a bit. :)
Has anyone here had issues in connecting to the disboards past few days and today?

Not sure why I keep getting locked out and get the message I need to register.
( mods register each month to have access to the boards)

I piggy back on one post in order to get into the boards just now.

Finally caught up on past days postings.
Sounds like all are doing fine.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Home at last, through the rain. Delayed 1/2 hour, but love my airport as got our two bags within the first 20 bags out.

Wash in washer, bags back into closet.

Big bedtime for me. Hope all have a good night tonight.
Good Sunday morning. Wash done, and will take a nice hot shower a little later. Always that back to routine when you come back. Hence alarm set, trash can noise will be heard later in the afternoon and evening.

Glorious mostly sunny day. 78 degrees, with partly cloudy the rest of the day, after clear morning skies. And that sunshine is pouring through the windows. 47 out, so cool for me this morning. But won’t get moving until later. May try to see my sister. Not sure. Have to take a stock of the pantry, and see what needs to be restocked. Older one does fine with cooking and some takeout, and that’s what he did.

Ah, tea and enjoying a quiet early morning. Back to a relaxing weekend day routine. Perfect.

Most sunny and happy Sunday to all. Hope all have some time to relax and enjoy some sunshine. ☀️
Has anyone here had issues in connecting to the disboards past few days and today?

Not sure why I keep getting locked out and get the message I need to register.
( mods register each month to have access to the boards)

I piggy back on one post in order to get into the boards just now.

Finally caught up on past days postings.
Sounds like all are doing fine.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mac, I have had No problems connecting with the disboards. I hope you get this straightened out soon!
Mac...It's probably user inflicted error! :duck::duck::duck:

Hope you're all doing well! Sorry I've been absent for so long!
Mrs. Buckeev and I are about to head to the Evil Empire today...First stay at Old Key West! :sad2: (Reserach for a Fall and Christmas trip with Grandkids on at least one of those...and maybe a snack or ten at Flower and Garden!)
Miss my SAN Fam!
This has been a strange weekend. The sound on our TV has suddenly stopped working. We can get sound if we are using a streaming service, but not when we try to watch a cable channel. We have someone coming out to look at it on Tuesday.

Yesterday dh and B went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. On the way home a tire went flat on B’s car. They managed to get it into the Sam’s Club parking lot. The tires are just over a year old and this is the third time the tire has gone flat. They have repaired the valve stem twice, but it is not working. I say we need a new tire. Dh is going to contact our mechanic tomorrow.

Today in church we heard some horrible news. A bit of backstory- when B was in elementary school there was a girl “C” who was mean to her and was always trying to get her in trouble. C was also mean to one of B’s friends. C’s mom worked as a substitute and was also mean to B’s friend. I did not get along with the mom either. Thankfully the family moved away before middle school. Today I learned that C’s younger sister was murdered last week. The killer was C’s sister’s roommate’s boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. He shot and killed both C’s sister and his girlfriend. Thankfully he is in custody now. I can’t even imagine what the families are going through right now. As much as I dislike C and her mom, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
I hope the rest of this week is uneventful.
Yay Buckeev enjoying vacations! Hope all is well with you and family.

Charade, got a nail in my inner part of my one tire. As car has AWD, had to replace all 4. That was an expensive fix a flat. Hope B’s car tire either gets fixed so no more leaking air, or a new one, and not needing to replace all like I did. Horrible news of the murders. Yeah, even if they were not nice people, you never want anyone to have to face such a tragedy.

Nice warm feeling day so far. Little one and are are thinking making milkshakes for dinner. Why not? Time of year nothing wrong with ice cream for a meal. Well heck, any time of year. LoL
Has anyone here had issues in connecting to the disboards past few days and today?

Not sure why I keep getting locked out and get the message I need to register.
( mods register each month to have access to the boards)

I piggy back on one post in order to get into the boards just now.

Finally caught up on past days postings.
Sounds like all are doing fine.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

I hope they sort that issue out for you mac…….it has to be very frustrating having to register again every month! You’d think it should be easier.

I did notice you hadn’t been posting, boards aren’t the same without you though!

Safe travels home schumi!

Thank you mac……

Mac...It's probably user inflicted error! :duck::duck::duck:

Hope you're all doing well! Sorry I've been absent for so long!
Mrs. Buckeev and I are about to head to the Evil Empire today...First stay at Old Key West! :sad2: (Reserach for a Fall and Christmas trip with Grandkids on at least one of those...and maybe a snack or ten at Flower and Garden!)
Miss my SAN Fam!

Hey buckeev…….you have been absent for sure!

We miss your posts…..but hope you have a lovely trip coming up. We spoke to a couple in the lounge who had gone to F&G and said it was beautiful, it does look stunning!

Have a lovely time and don’t be a stranger!

This has been a strange weekend. The sound on our TV has suddenly stopped working. We can get sound if we are using a streaming service, but not when we try to watch a cable channel. We have someone coming out to look at it on Tuesday.

Yesterday dh and B went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. On the way home a tire went flat on B’s car. They managed to get it into the Sam’s Club parking lot. The tires are just over a year old and this is the third time the tire has gone flat. They have repaired the valve stem twice, but it is not working. I say we need a new tire. Dh is going to contact our mechanic tomorrow.

Today in church we heard some horrible news. A bit of backstory- when B was in elementary school there was a girl “C” who was mean to her and was always trying to get her in trouble. C was also mean to one of B’s friends. C’s mom worked as a substitute and was also mean to B’s friend. I did not get along with the mom either. Thankfully the family moved away before middle school. Today I learned that C’s younger sister was murdered last week. The killer was C’s sister’s roommate’s boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. He shot and killed both C’s sister and his girlfriend. Thankfully he is in custody now. I can’t even imagine what the families are going through right now. As much as I dislike C and her mom, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
I hope the rest of this week is uneventful.

That poor family. Regardless of history that is just horrific for them to deal with.

Back to normally again…….

Same old in certain places, things don’t change so they!

But, back and ready to rumble back to normality and ignore the usual drivel and nonsense around.

Managed to stay awake till 10pm last night, well, we both snoozed for an hour after we had Chinese food delivered, but for the most part, sleeping till 5am is a good thing. Tom is still out for the count and I’m sure Kyle will be sound asleep too.

Gorgeous day ahead and the rest of the week too by the looks of it, perfect for us and for doing laundry too!!! Got a lot done yesterday as we got back earlier than we expected, couldn’t waste that sunny heat and will do the rest today! Happy bunny here.

Already on my second cup of tea……nothing like tea made over here properly. Making simple toast with bacon for breakfast and thanks to my lovely Godson and his wife who stayed here while we were away, we came back to plenty of supplies in for us, very kind of them although there was no need. Hoping to hear their home has been sorted now.

And Monday again…..least we don‘t have to work!!!!

Sun is well up now, will go hang my next loads of washing out and they’ll be dry in no time…….

And ready for more tea I think……..:sunny:

Ah that back to week day routine. Sigh. Updates keep saying failed installation. Will ask the IT department soon.

And an almost repeat weather as yesterday’s warm weather, though hazy right now, even if it’s 53 degrees out. Sunrise so early now, almost an hour ago, but even though bright out, that haziness is not making any sunshine pouring through my windows. So sunny morning and mostly cloudy rest of day, with close to 80 again the high.

Ah that going through a week of emails that have to review. Nothing that I needed to know was missed while not online. But review did take some time. Ah that early hour week day routine. House feels a bit cool, so tea and a throw.

Most Marvelous Monday all. Yay to a holiday one next week.
I’m on my lunch break. One of our therapists is off today, so it’s a bit slow today. I realized that next week is going to be a very short week for me. Monday is Memorial Day and Friday I leave for CA.

Countdown now is


Did you get the second and third emails……they didn’t show as opened, but there is definitely something odd with them!

My friend Jenny isn’t getting my emails either or they’re not opening! I just sent Maria and Ruth emails and Janet’s been getting them ok too……odd!

Getting through the day with lots of refreshing tea and sudden “I need to sleep” moments……both of us have been sleeping on and off all day! And in between catching up with all that laundry…….thank goodness for good weather.

Didn‘t have much shopping to do……I never let my kitchen cabinets run low, so they never need stocked up with much, just some fresh produce was all we really needed.

And have had some lovely welcome home messages, always nice to see :hyper2:
Quick Monday stop in!

I'm enjoying my day off today - especially since working over the weekend. I was training a new gal with our weekend duties. It was another weird weekend, with some happenings - this time with one of our health care aids. Another thing I will need to get used to when working in healthcare.

Enjoying my holiday Monday as it's our holiday weekend here. I got to sleep in, have a lazy coffee (with Bailey's) and do a little meal planning for the week. I placed an order for groceries, and will pick them up later this afternoon. I'm going to do a little tidying, and wash the sheets and some clothes, and hopefully get a little baking done as well.

@macraven I haven't had any problems (yet) on both my phone and laptop. I hope you get it sorted out soon.

And we always start and end our trips with a MIB ride. And we did, though again, the express pass line was longer than I have ever seen, so got this picture:
It's always sad to leave - especially when it feels like it was a shorter trip. It looks like you had a great trip with some amazing memories made.
As much as I dislike C and her mom, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
Geeze - that's horrible. I hope the family can find some closure in the coming years. Loosing a child is not something anyone should have to endure.

I have a similar story about a classmate who tormented/bullied me all throughout school (K- gr 12) - and of course in the 70's/80's schools didn't do ANYTHING about that back then. As horrible as he was to me all through our school years together, I would never wish some of the pain he experienced with his son being involved in the Bronco bush crash a few years back.
Already on my second cup of tea……nothing like tea made over here properly. Making simple toast with bacon for breakfast and thanks to my lovely Godson and his wife who stayed here while we were away, we came back to plenty of supplies in for us, very kind of them although there was no need. Hoping to hear their home has been sorted now.
It's good your back - and settling back into your time zone schedule again.

Well, I should get my rear in gear and get some of my t0-do list tackled.

Have a great day everyone!
@schumigirl Did you know there was a Kyle day in Texas? I just came across this news story.

Love it!!

That was really cool to read about.

I hope our macraven is not having issues posting again......our moderator is missed when she isn`t here!!

Lazy evening catching up with some American friends by phone and email...including our new friend.....Phil from Philly......interesting guy with some interesting stories to share!!!!

Snacked a little, had a couple of glasses of a very nice red wine we`ve wanted to try for a while, and it was lovely. Watched MiB 2 tonight.....we like those movies. I think my favourite is the third one though.

Tomorrow, we have no real plans.....will see what we feel like when we get up......

It`s 10.30 and I`m not tired, but at 4.30 this afternoon I was unconscious! jet lag is weird, but a couple of days and we`ll be bouncing again.
Ah it’s a Taco Tuesday.

Yesterday, not much after I got up, I started to have a very bad headache. Took sone medicine and after awhile, still didn’t feel good. Had lunch, and threw it up, even though I didn’t feel nauseous, and ate my breakfast okay.. Decided to turn all screens off, right immediately at my off time. Then took more medicine and fell asleep. Woke up hours later not much after feeling my head like reset. It was the oddest feeling. Like something turned off the pain and relief was felt first in my head then down through my body. I decided to just take an easy the rest of the day, having soup for dinner, and sleeping on and off the rest of the night. Woke up hearing the alarm on, and I feel okay. Like little one said, we saw at least three clearly sick people on our plane ride Saturday night. Why they were not stopped from boarding? Guess no one asks anymore. But I’m thinking I picked up some type of crap from one or more of them. Sigh. Thankfully, was, I am hoping, a one day sickness.

And so, back to a screen, and happy no commuting for two more days. And I’m thinking back to not commuting this Friday should be very quiet, given the holiday Monday. Should be a liberal leave day, meaning if you want off, you’ll most likely will get it. But I’ll be screen viewing, as will be my shortest week day routine, and hoping I see a 59 minute email to make it that much shorter. Then that glorious holiday weekend.

Gosh this month of May is going by fast. Hehe, means Charade and family will be heading out West for park fun sooner now. Yay for 9 day countdown today.

Terrific Taco Tuesday and hope Mac sees this post to remember today is the day Taco Bell meal is a perfect day to do so.

And ack, to Mac having trouble with accessing the Dis, and Schumi having email issues. Hope both of you get that connection issues fixed very soon.
Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave:





Robo, sad and very nice news. Your family has some sadness, but glad all are doing well, with family enjoying time with family.
Everything went well. Thank you Lynne. Looks like you had a nice vacation on you trip with your daughter. It’s always nice to get to spent time with your children for sure.

Robo - It’s great that you get to spend so much time with family. I’m sorry that not all of it is for happy reasons.
Congratulations to your two great nephews. (Is that the correct term?)
Thank you Charade. Yes, two great-nephews is right. They are my older sister‘s grandsons. Celebrating their graduation was a wonderful time to lightened the situation after their grandpa’s funeral service the day before. We did not want to pass on celebrating them.

But, after 3 weeks, it’s time to head home tonight. It has been an amazing trip, gorgeous weather, plenty of park time and caught up with the friends we wanted to see who are here. Had a few coughs, colds and even a 24 hour flu bug……but we carried on and can’t wait to do it all again in November.
Sounds like you all had a wonderful vacation. Glad to hear you all were able to connect with friends and enjoy your time with them.

Sorry to hear their were some issues with colds and flu bug.

Still extremely smoky. I thought it was getting better when the wind came from a different direction, but it changed and came back in thick again last night. No open windows again last night. Even my eyes are burning at this point. I want to go inside for a walk, but for how smoky it is...that's not happening.
WOW…..So sorry to hear the fire burning is still affecting you all. I cant imagine what that is doing to folks who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Hope you're all doing well! Sorry I've been absent for so long!
Mrs. Buckeev and I are about to head to the Evil Empire today...First stay at Old Key West! :sad2: (Reserach for a Fall and Christmas trip with Grandkids on at least one of those...and maybe a snack or ten at Flower and Garden!)
Miss my SAN Fam!
Hey, Mr. buckeev good to see you post. Sounds like you are in trip planning mode.

You and Mrs. buckeev enjoy your vacation to Disney. Sounds like snacking around Flower and Garden will be nice.

Mac I hope you were able to get things fixed on the dis for your viewing.

Today in church we heard some horrible news. A bit of backstory- when B was in elementary school there was a girl “C” who was mean to her and was always trying to get her in trouble. C was also mean to one of B’s friends. C’s mom worked as a substitute and was also mean to B’s friend. I did not get along with the mom either. Thankfully the family moved away before middle school. Today I learned that C’s younger sister was murdered last week. The killer was C’s sister’s roommate’s boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. He shot and killed both C’s sister and his girlfriend. Thankfully he is in custody now. I can’t even imagine what the families are going through right now. As much as I dislike C and her mom, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
I hope the rest of this week is uneventful.
So very sad to hear of such a tragedy.

I had often wondered what school bullies end up like after they graduate. The ones I knew of did not turn out so well. I knew a girl in junior high and high school who was a terrible bully and few years later I was watching the local news where I lived at the time and heard that she and her boyfriend drowned.

She had refused to go into the pool during our required PE swim class in high school and was horrible to the swim teacher. Learning to swim would have saved her life.

Got up early yesterday and did a little house cleaning and laundry. We had a nice breakfast. Everyone packed their bags then it was time to get going.

We stopped on our way to the airport and had a nice quick visit with my older sister. Then it was back onto the very busy I 95. We made it to the airport in time to drop off the car and have a burger before boarding the plane.

It was raining when the plane took off. We had a tad of mild turbulence, but the pilot did a great job.

I had my SUV at the airport so I loaded up the luggage and we were on our way. I felt bad for my younger sister as she had to get up early this morning to go to work.

I was so glad to see hubby when I got home.

Woke up with a wicked charley horse in my right thigh and calf this morning. Only remedy for that is getting out of bed and walk it out.

It was a pretty busy trip. We had the service to attend and the graduation party and I needed to get somethings done at the house and in between we made some side trips and enjoyed some pool time.

Dad tolerated the trlp well all things considered, He fell at the airport after we arrived in Sanford thankfully with no ill after effects. The airport paramedics checked him out. I knew he was ok as he was being spicy as ever. After his fall and to much protesting on his part we made him sit in a wheel chair coming and going in the airport. This was a first for him and he did not like it, but like it or not this was a safer arrangement for him and he finally acquiesced.

I’am so glad we were able to travel as a family and be there for my sister as she said goodbye to her husband of 50 years.

We all went to see the lift off of the of the Falcon 9 on Sunday evening. I went to my favorite spot on Banana river.

SpaceX always shares some nice photos of the Rocket before take off.





How wonderful it was to hear the female Pilot and Commander Peggy Whitson in charge. She is the first female commander on a private spaceflight. She is a retired astronaut.

It was Sunday so a lot of people were pulled off to the side of the road to watch the ship go up.

After watching the ship take off. We drove along A1A near the Ocean and stopped in Melbourne for a nice seafood dinner at a place I had been to before and the food was yummy.

Well I need to get going to the store for a few things.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone.
You have been very busy with family, Robo. Hope your leg is okay. Hate when you get that in your thigh. Glad flight was okay, and dad is doing well. Falls are always scary for older people. Enjoy seeing the rocket pictures. Always nice when you can then relax. If you are around Universal at the end of September, like to say hi to ya. More hugs to your sister. Never easy to lose a spouse after so many years together. Sad. But congratulations to the great nephews. Graduating from high school is an accomplishment.

Now that both my kids are done college, it’s the time I’m hoping to have that empty nest feeling sooner than later. At least they seem to want to stay together wherever they end up. And oddly, I don’t think it’s a Southern area they are looking. But they are keep asking when we will buy a vacation home in FLA, so they can visit it, when they vacation too. Planning when I retire in a few more years now. I think Gulf area, but not going to seriously look until I retire. I won’t sell my home here either. Most of my family is around me too. Hope you have been enjoying some coffee in your HHN mug, Robo.

Ah a slight headache, so more medicine. I don’t like taking drugs, but will when I need to.

Thread has been more quiet lately. Hope Mac has figured it out.

Gloriously sunny after a hazy early morning. Love seeing the sunshine. ☀️ And of course, there’s going to be low weather system arriving at the end of the week, so maybe rainy weather weekend including Monday. All depends how far at to sea it goes. I’m hoping so far, it doesn’t affect our holiday weekend. Though have to say, not the first end of May holiday we have had rain. Sigh. But at least some warmer days before that cool front comes along.

Oooh more tea, and maybe some iced coffee at lunchtime. Sunglasses rocking today. Yay!
Has anyone here had issues in connecting to the disboards past few days and today?

Not sure why I keep getting locked out and get the message I need to register.
( mods register each month to have access to the boards)

I piggy back on one post in order to get into the boards just now.

Finally caught up on past days postings.
Sounds like all are doing fine.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Good morning all
It’s always very nice to come home!


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