Looks Like COVID Will Mess With My Christmas


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 1999
I'm sure I'm not alone this, lol!

But just telling everyone what they probably already know, especially if you have to be around others. Test multiple times.

On Monday, my daughter (adult) became very symptomatic with the very, very bad sore throat and body aches. She tested for COVID and it was negative. Symptoms only got worse with added mucous and still negative. On Day 3 she went to Kaiser because she thought maybe she had strep so they had her do the Strep, Covid (PCR this time), and flu swabs. All negative. So we thought, oh well, just one of those things. She was just so miserable last night she tested this morning and finally got a positive.

I know most people don't care one way or another because maybe they don't have to go out anywhere or aren't around people, but it was important for us to know because my elderly parents are here for Christmas and I can't have her over with them here. I had a pretty crappy experience with COVID myself back in 2022 with lingering issues so even I'm not up for deliberately putting myself in the path of it--though I take no other types of precautions these days. It's interesting because my daughter's last infection was January 2022 and she had the "knives in the throat" sore throat. Exact same symptoms this time--so exact she was just sure it was COVID. You'd think the symptoms would change a bit with the different variants.

Anyway, just wanted to "vent" of sorts and repeat that it seems to take many, many tests to get a positive. I've heard this from coworkers also. My daughter likely picked this up at work because she said people in her office feel compelled to come into work, even with COVID (and they admit it). No idea why as the employer has a generous leave benefit and encourages people to stay home, but they feel "important" so they come in anyway.
I'm sorry your daughter is sick for Christmas. I had Covid for Christmas in 2021 and last Christmas I severely injured my knee so I was also laid up for Christmas of 2022. Fingers crossed for this year, and I hope your daughter feels better soon (and nobody else gets sick)!
I'm sorry your daughter is sick for Christmas. I had Covid for Christmas in 2021 and last Christmas I severely injured my knee so I was also laid up for Christmas of 2022. Fingers crossed for this year, and I hope your daughter feels better soon (and nobody else gets sick)!
Thanks! Fortunately she lives on her own and we haven't seen her so I think we are safe from her, at least. But as you know, a lot of planning goes into the holiday so it is depressing when one member can't attend. Her grandparents are here and my son (her brother) is flying in.
My DH tested positive on Sunday night. He’s been sick since last Wednesday, so we’re really hoping he tests negative tonight. He’s never had a fever but his cold symptoms haven’t really improved yet, so fingers crossed. Presumably he caught it from me, as I was sick with cold symptoms the week before, but didn’t test because I essentially just had bad upper respiratory symptoms and nothing else. So far, both kids seem to be fine.

My parents are supposed to stay with us from Fri through Monday, and we’re supposed to host our extended family Christmas on Saturday.
My DH tested positive on Sunday night. He’s been sick since last Wednesday, so we’re really hoping he tests negative tonight. He’s never had a fever but his cold symptoms haven’t really improved yet, so fingers crossed. Presumably he caught it from me, as I was sick with cold symptoms the week before, but didn’t test because I essentially just had bad upper respiratory symptoms and nothing else. So far, both kids seem to be fine.

My parents are supposed to stay with us from Fri through Monday, and we’re supposed to host our extended family Christmas on Saturday.
Hopefully at this point he's on the end of it and shedding of any virus is minimal. My daughter is so symptomatic right now, it's hard to think she might be "safe" on Sunday. I know "they" say 5 days but I don't think that's prudent if someone is quite symptomatic. Ugh.
My husband had it for fourth time last week. I don’t quarantine from him and I’ve never gotten it so at this point we figure I have some kind of natural immunity. It’s very frustrating to him since we are both vaccinated and he gets pretty sick from the vaccine as well and I just don’t seem to get it.
So sorry you're dealing with this at Christmas! DS and I had it last month and missed Thanksgiving.
Thanks! Yeah, we don't do much all year long--I'm an only child, family is scattered, parents are snowbirds so Christmas is just about the only time we get together as one group. I guess we are lucky that we made it this far without any holidays disrupted--it was bound to happen sooner or later.
When my dh got covid last month I got sick the very next day. It did take s few days before my positive appeared on the test. I knew I had it since it would be too much of a coincidence getting sick right after him.

Yeah If after 5 days you are still sick I would keep isolating. Luckily for us as bad as we felt we did get over it quickly. It stinks though that my dh had to blow thru all the rest of his vacation since he doesn’t get sick days. Plus a few people at his work had covid and we’re pretty sure that’s where he must have picked it up.
When my dh got covid last month I got sick the very next day. It did take s few days before my positive appeared on the test. I knew I had it since it would be too much of a coincidence getting sick right after him.

Yeah If after 5 days you are still sick I would keep isolating. Luckily for us as bad as we felt we did get over it quickly. It stinks though that my dh had to blow thru all the rest of his vacation since he doesn’t get sick days. Plus a few people at his work had covid and we’re pretty sure that’s where he must have picked it up.
I was really surprised that the PCR test didn't pick it up--I believe they are more sensitive than the home tests which use a different technology. Oh well, guess she just didn't have enough viral load in the nose until this morning. I've read that in some other countries they also do a throat swab with their tests. That probably would have been positive considering the awful sort throat she has.
one of the biggest healthcare systems in our region just reinstated mandated masks at all facilities (they had recently done likewise at their locations in other parts of our state as well). reason being is large upticks in respiratory illnessess-influenza, rsv and covid. there are several illnesses floating around-no matter what someone has they need to take precautions and not expose others.
My husband had it for fourth time last week. I don’t quarantine from him and I’ve never gotten it so at this point we figure I have some kind of natural immunity. It’s very frustrating to him since we are both vaccinated and he gets pretty sick from the vaccine as well and I just don’t seem to get it.
Not that I tested every week or anything, but to our knowledge, my DH and I never had covid. DD family never had it, nor DS. His wife and kids had it but not him. Seems like a big bunch of people not to have it. Wonder if we had it and never knew it.

About year or so ago, I had a heavy cough. Did not feel sick, just coughed like crazy, tested every other day for about a week. Nothing. In hindsight, Doc thinks it may have been RSV.
Thanks! Fortunately she lives on her own and we haven't seen her so I think we are safe from her, at least. But as you know, a lot of planning goes into the holiday so it is depressing when one member can't attend. Her grandparents are here and my son (her brother) is flying in.
My DD had been highly exposed to COVID and we were having a special luncheon for my Mom, at Mom's house, for Mom (Gram to DD) to try on a variety of dresses and show them off ............ for my DD's wedding! It was so hard to not have the bride there but she didn't dare expose my Mom who was not well. So to keep her included we facetimed her (I think on an iPad) and had her sitting with the cousins watching the fashion show, voting on favorites. When we were eating our lunch at the beautiful table with our mimosas ... there she sat with us joining in the conversation, with her own mimosa.

Maybe your DD could facetime with you and and be part of the festivities! 🎄
COVID made a visit to me as well. First time. Everyone said three days and you’ll feel better. NOPE! Started with the sore throat on Sunday evening. Headache in the middle of the night. Stuffy/runny nose, body aches and eye pain Monday morning. Tested and it was immediately positive. Today is day 4 and while the body aches are mostly gone my throat is on fire and the coughing isn’t helping. This is miserable. I’d hate to know what it would be like it vaccination makes it more mild.
I got Covid on a trip to FL earlier this month. Tested positive right away as I was feeling sick (headache, sore throat, cough, fatigue). Still not over it 100% yet. I’ve got the tinnitus in my left ear (I think you had that, didn’t you, Christine?), am really run down and a bit winded at times. Little doubt I caught it on the plane going down.

My DD’s been sick since an October trip (her master’s graduation). Little doubt she caught it on the plane as well - someone sneezed in front of us the whole way home with no attempts to cover mouth. She tested negative for Covid (multiple times, including a PCR) but she did wind up getting treated for strep. Fast forward to FL (wedding), and my illness, and when we got home she started feeling sick again. Again tested negative for Covid except once when she thought she saw a tiny little “line” in the positive window, which I couldn’t really see, myself. Had the same symptoms as me, with the prouction of that thick “cement-guck” (as I call it). Wound up at Urgent Care earlier this week with a horrendous cough. Diagnosed with post-viral bronchitis and doc thought, for sure, she had had Covid. For several nights she was in bronchospasm and it took all we know (both of us RNs) to get it to calm down in the middle of the night. Now she has an awful sore throat again, with white spots, so we’re thinking the strep is probably back. Ugh.

I’ve only been able to do the bare minimum for Christmas. Just exhausted. Hopefully DD can get tested for strep today and treated if necessary. I hope your DD feels better soon and all of you stay healthy. We are supposed to go to FL again this winter for son’s baseball tournament, and we’re seriously thinking of taking a pass. People aren’t testing anymore and everyone is out and about hacking and sneezing. I can mostly avoid it, except on a plane.
My husband had it for fourth time last week. I don’t quarantine from him and I’ve never gotten it so at this point we figure I have some kind of natural immunity. It’s very frustrating to him since we are both vaccinated and he gets pretty sick from the vaccine as well and I just don’t seem to get it.
This was my wife and I last Christmas. I was living in Europe and she was visiting me. Three days after she gets back to the states, she tests positive. I assume that I'm positive since well, you know...but I test negative. So I head to Vienna. No issues, no symptoms, still testing negative. Fast forward to February of this year and I'm talking to one of my students and the next day he tests positive. I test and test and nothing. No symptoms, no pos. My wife is convinced I'm naturally immune.
Hubby and I will be spending Christmas isolated as well. No Covid but really bad colds. I came home from WDW a week and half ago with it. No Covid symptoms, just cold - runny nose and cough mostly, I did have a slight sore throat one day. It's been a week and half and I still have a stuffy nose. Hubby came down with it day before yesterday. Since so much time had passed, we are thinking he might have picked it up at the grocery store. We were thinking of going to south Georgia to visit his family but both his parents are in their 70s with heart problems so even with a cold, we don't want to expose them. Plus, he just doesn't feel like dealing with hooking up and pulling our RV, which we stay in when we visit them. We had to take the dog to the vet yesterday and hubby dutifully wore a mask and I carried lots of hand sanitizer for him to use so he didn't spread anything. It's that time of year. Just as an aside. Why is winter cold and flu season and the other seasons aren't?
one of the biggest healthcare systems in our region just reinstated mandated masks at all facilities (they had recently done likewise at their locations in other parts of our state as well). reason being is large upticks in respiratory illnessess-influenza, rsv and covid. there are several illnesses floating around-no matter what someone has they need to take precautions and not expose others.
Hospitals here are doing the same. Probably are everywhere.

I’ve seen a lot of commentary on social media “masks don’t work”. Well, for me, they worked for 30+years in patient care without my ever getting sick from a patient, and I’ve taken care of people with almost every illness out there, you name it. I don’t mind wearing a mask again at work (was always used to it anyway) but I also throw on goggles or a shield if someone’s hacking. May even need to go back to scrub caps if it gets really bad. This time of year there are tons of admissions for respiratory symptoms and it’s really hard on everyone.

People should not visit patients if they’re sick. Children included. Holidays or not. Spreading those germs around you have no idea how many people that can impact, and for how long. Sometimes entire units need to go on extra precautions and it means that people don’t get as many people in their rooms, so they get isolated, and visitors can be banned altogether if there’s an outbreak. We have had documented cases of patients testing positive from visitors, as well as staff who are sick. Sick calls, btw, are still frowned upon, without a positive test.

Tough time of year. 😐
Sorry for all the folks having illness mess with their holidays. Covid is here to stay, I think this will keep happening. We have 2 kids flying cross-country today to come home for Christmas, fingers crossed.


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