Galactic Starcruiser - what is next for this space?

A quick question how do you think the new Rey movie will do at the box office? A billion or more, like the three movies before it?
I do think Afterlife focused on the new kids. It was maybe a tad too venerative of the original film though. I mean there is respect, and then there's outright deference. That said, I am almost surprised that you like their treatment of Egon, what with him being a "deadbeat dad" and all that - a term you like to throw around when characters are dragged throught he mud. Han only left AFTER Ben destroyed the Jedi Temple.

Again, I think the ST "respected" the characters fine. I think the people who made those movies love those characters. Sure, the characters had some issues - issues create drama after all. The resolution though was very on-point for all of them.
Egon made perfect sense as he was doing all that to protect those he loved from a horrible evil. Han wasn’t going off and abandoning his wife and child out of love, and that seems very clear to me.
You keep calling it Rey’s movie but if you believe the leaks she’s barely even going to be in it as it’s going to focus on a new male and female lead and she’s essentially just going to be the Luke/Yoda of that film.

They did get full scripts for TROS - Daisy said she cried when she read it and John “lost his” under his bed at a hotel and some cleaners found it and put it on eBay. Or at least that was the story they were spinning. The story was constantly changing and being rewritten on set though.

Colin Trevorrow’s “Duel of Fates” version had Poe and Rey together romantically, Finn leading a Stormtrooper rebellion and focused a lot more on Leia as it was meant to be her film out of the trilogy but Carrie’s unfortunate real life passing derailed those plans.
I mean, I can understand what "respected" means in the terms of fictional characters, I just don't think that the ST disrespected any of them at all. They were all in a place that made sense and is consistent with the universe. Luke went into hiding - as Yoda did. It's Jedi 101. Han and Leia had issues after Ben turned to the dark side. It was only a few years if you look at the timeline. It all made sense. I think the case could be made that the films could have fleshed it out a little more, but again, did they want movies that focus on the old guard or on the new kids. I thinks focusing on the new was the better choice.
it is so interesting, the takes on this, one feels only negative and a lack of respect...., others like myself see a journey in personal growth in all three, and especially Han and Luke. Maybe it comes with age and experience... to appreciate the ups and downs of life. Maybe it is reassuring to us folks who have been around the block a few times.... this idea that even fictional characters would experience trials and hardships, but still overcome adversity to win in the end.

I dont know why that storyline is so difficult to accept. Bad things happen to good people. Good people deal with adversity in different ways... sometimes they run (Han), sometimes they hide (Luke), and sometimes they fight (Leia). All of Luke's Jedi masters hid when times got tough. Yoda... Obi Wan. They spent a lot of time hiding and waiting for the 'moment". I dont understand why Luke doing the same thing is so hard to accept, this idea that somehow everyone was supposed to NEVER have hardships or adversity, that they always would be the merry musketeers ending every fight with a hug and a grin? I mean come on, what kind of movie is that?

I loved Luke's final fight with Kylo Ren. I have watched and rewatched it. So good, the little brush off of the shoulder, so snarky. He totally used Kylo's rage to win and get his people to safety. So good. To be fair, Luke never really won a lot of light saber battles in the OT. Only the Wampa LOL. He always lost to Vader. He never won in a straight up duel.** and whenever he did 'win' it was because he was 'tricksies' and used his intelligence and wiles.... more than sheer fighting strength. Setting up a rescue of Han .... preying on Vader's good side to get Vader to take out Palpetine.

** Luke did beat himself on Dagoba... only time he won a light saber dual .... saber to saber**
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Did you not read the article you responded to?
But, in crafting its televised Star Wars content, it is rebuilding goodwill within its established community and drawing in new fans.

I think that's their plan yes.
I loved Luke's final fight with Kylo Ren. I have watched and rewatched it. So good, the little brush off of the shoulder, so snarky. He totally used Kylo's rage to win and get his people to safety. So good.

1. Wish he had flown the xwing there (like Rey later) and manned up in person, because it was a great scene.

2. Or keep it (it was a great scene) and just not have him dissappear at the end. Cut that image since Leia had died in real life before release. Luke can have a real life death battle in Rise.

3. Mark was the only OG in that good of physical shape for that kind of fight, why waste it as if it was only because it was "projected" from the safety of his cave.

4. All he really did was say "hey look over here" for about 5 minutes so everybody could run out the back of the cave (he should have just said hey brainiacs- run out the back while I draw attention) where the real hero of the scene will lift boulders and save you.
1. Wish he had flown the xwing there (like Rey later) and manned up in person, because it was a great scene.

2. Or keep it (it was a great scene) and just not have him dissappear at the end. Cut that image since Leia had died in real life before release. Luke can have a real life death battle in Rise.

3. Mark was the only OG in that good of physical shape for that kind of fight, why waste it as if it was only because it was "projected" from the safety of his cave.

4. All he really did was say "hey look over here" for about 5 minutes so everybody could run out the back of the cave (he should have just said hey brainiacs- run out the back while I draw attention) where the real hero of the scene will lift boulders and save you.
it took a greater show of strength and ability to force project a convincing image to fight Kylo. You underestimate the difficulty of that. . That is why the glances down at the red salt foot prints was so perfect, he knew that Kylo could figure it out if he was not so pissed off, Luke doing that showed his strength more than simply jumping into a ship and flying there. Why not make it different? Luke jumping in a ship has been done already.

Yes, the OT was great, but those stories and fights were done, no need top redo. I would expect characters to grow and change, otherwise it is a remake those OT movies, but with grey hair.
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it took a greater show of strength and ability to force project a convincing image to fight Kylo. You underestimate the difficulty of that. . That is why the glances down at the red salt foot prints was so perfect, he knew that Kylo could figure it out if he was not so pissed off, Luke doing that showed his strength more than simply jumping into a ship and flying there. Why not make it different? Luke jumping in a ship has been done already.
Luke did the most truly Jedi thing by choosing the most peaceful way to provide hope across the galaxy.
Egon made perfect sense as he was doing all that to protect those he loved from a horrible evil. Han wasn’t going off and abandoning his wife and child out of love, and that seems very clear to me.

Han did not abandon hsi child - the child abandoned him. Han didn't leave until AFTER the stuff with Ben went down. It was painful for him to be with Leia after that.

Egon just went nuts.
So the main protagonists of 40+ years of film dies by “forcing” too hard. That’s what so many people don’t get. It was just not an acceptable end to an entire generation’s hero. He went out like a punk all alone, simply being a diversion so the real hero could save the day by a show of the force that upstaged anything Luke could have ever done.

I just don’t understand why it’s hard to imagine how many people don’t like how Luke was portrayed. It’s a very common opinion.
So the main protagonists of 40+ years of film dies by “forcing” too hard. That’s what so many people don’t get. It was just not an acceptable end to an entire generation’s hero. He went out like a punk all alone, simply being a diversion so the real hero could save the day by a show of the force that upstaged anything Luke could have ever done.

I just don’t understand why it’s hard to imagine how many people don’t like how Luke was portrayed. It’s a very common opinion.
you see a punk... others see a hero.
Han did not abandon hsi child - the child abandoned him. Han didn't leave until AFTER the stuff with Ben went down. It was painful for him to be with Leia after that.

Egon just went nuts.
Not true at all, Egon went out to the middle of nowhere tracking a sinister spirit that he knew could harm many people. It was selfless.

Han could have just as easily been by Leila’s side through all the pain. It’s just such a modern societal take on how they went with it. Men are crap and all just shuck their responsibilities and leave their families. I just don’t think that was Han in my opinion.
Jedi are more attuned to different abilities than one another. Not every force user can channel every ability. Some are more adept at battle meditation, some can do psychometry, some can do force illusions and some can heal or force project. Not everyone is capable of harnessing the force in the same way. Why’s that so difficult to understand?

All Rey did at the end of TLJ was move some rocks. Something she learned from Luke….
Jedi are more attuned to different abilities than one another. Not every force user can channel every ability. Some are more adept at battle meditation, some can do psychometry, some can do force illusions and some can heal or force project. Not everyone is capable of harnessing the force in the same way. Why’s that so difficult to understand?

All Rey did at the end of TLJ was move some rocks. Something she learned from Luke….
Your logic is well logical…..but that doesn’t change the fact that a very significant portion of the fan base (see 42% audience score again) didn’t like how Luke was handled.

When you take over an existing IP with generations of fans, you need to consider there wants / desires for how their character is respectfully completed.
Not true at all, Egon went out to the middle of nowhere tracking a sinister spirit that he knew could harm many people. It was selfless.

Han could have just as easily been by Leila’s side through all the pain. It’s just such a modern societal take on how they went with it. Men are crap and all just shuck their responsibilities and leave their families. I just don’t think that was Han in my opinion.

Yeah, but instead of looping everybody in and going about it methodically, he went rogue and left everyone. They might have believed him if he hadn't become a ranting lunatic. He's the one who left things bitter with the team and his family. Sure, he had a reason to do what he did, but he's still guilty of the abandonment that you are so harsh toward Han for.

The movie doesn't say that "men are crap" at all, nor does it imply that Han was. It was understandable. He and Leia had some issues. I mean, what makes you expect that they wouldn't considering how headstrong both of them are?
Many many many see a punk also. See the 42% audience score for TLJ for proof.
so what. Because some people did not like it, does not negate my thoughts or feelings. That is what you seem to expect, that somehow we all lose our opinions becuase some fan site or some group thinks that they have the majority of correct opinion. Art and film is subjective. Maybe lots of people DO think that... does not change my opinion . LOL... what was that you said about Orwelian thinking?
Jedi are more attuned to different abilities than one another. Not every force user can channel every ability. Some are more adept at battle meditation, some can do psychometry, some can do force illusions and some can heal or force project. Not everyone is capable of harnessing the force in the same way. Why’s that so difficult to understand?

All Rey did at the end of TLJ was move some rocks. Something she learned from Luke….
Way more show of force that Luke had ever done before, basically a better version of Luke.
Way more show of force that Luke had ever done before, basically a better version of Luke.
Luke could have lifted the X-Wing in TESB if he wasn’t blocking himself and too clouded by everything else going on at the time. That’s literally what Yoda was trying to teach him.


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