:wave2: Hi Dave! I'm Jessie -- one of the ones who has "just followed along quietly". I gotta tell ya that I've been dreading this day... the day you posted the last of your trip report. This has been the best report I've followed along with -- I laughed, I cried, I even had a trip to Disney in the middle of your report and you inspired me to stay for Wishes. Thank you for that. You're such a great writer. Also wanted to let you know that while I'm in Ontario now, I spent my first 19 years in Pictou County. Knowing that you were from my home province also made your trip that much more meaningful.

There were so many times along the way that I wanted to post a comment but didn't. I'm wishing now that I had but I will on your next report. :goodvibes I do want to say, though that your story about the 83 year old man was very touching. And I hope things work out for you and Stacey! ;)
Ok, I think I've composed myself!

What a beautiful and touching wrap. That story of the gentleman who you met before Wishes and then the little girl with the now infamous quote - THAT is what Disney is all about! Wholly and completely the magic of that place that is alive and real!

Oh by the way, I will personally take credit for 43 responses to this current TR! You are so welcome! :lmao:

I sure hope you make some great memories on your next trip!! ;) Looking forward to the next chapters....
Thank you for the great trip report. Alaska airlines gives us a little pixie dust on our final day as the flight we usually take home leaves after 6PM so we have a few hours in the parks before we have to leave. pixiedust:
Bravo Rob!

As a future solo traveler (6 days left:cool1:) I absolutely loved your report and hate to see it end, I'm glad you only have a week or so until the next trip and I hope you'll do a TR for that one as well.

I am so glad I ran across your trip reports as it has taken away a lot of my reservations of traveling to a "kids" place alone as an adult, although my friends often tell me I act like a child so I'm not to worried about being able to unleash my inner child. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read about your future adventures.
Oh I so agree. I was just in total awe of it's splender. After dealing with the volume of rain up to that point it was just Disney's way of saying it's gonna be alright.

Ohhh I love that!

On a previous trip we heard a family saying they didn't want to ride Splash Mountain because you could get wet... and it was pouring rain. :confused3

Unreal. That was my joke the year I got drenched at MK, but it was because I wanted to make my young nieces laugh and they thought it was hilarious. People can be so odd.

Honestly, for the money we’re spending, there should be a grief councilor on site to help us all get through this trauma.

Umm, yes. This.

Your wrap-up has me tearing up! I had a pretty rough day yesterday and right now, I desperately need to go on my trip but it's still almost three months away. I keep saying that the Trip Report board is the happiest place on the internet and it's also the most profound.

Walt Disney is my hero. He's my "if you could have lunch with any person" person. (Hmmm... I should save that line for my own report. Ha.) Being able to read the adventures of people who feel the same way and who write about it so eloquently has been a huge blessing to me the last couple months.

Thank you for sharing all of it! Enjoy your upcoming trip!!! :goodvibes
Ugh, isn't that such a bad feeling on your departure day seeing all the people waiting for the park buses and you have to go to the airport?! I hate it!

Anyway, even though I have been a slacker about keeping up with everyone's TRs I enjoyed following along with yours. You definitely had a memorable trip!
I absolutely loved this TR, Rob. One of the best I've read in a while! That wrap-up post was just awesome. I'm glad you get to go back soon and I definitely look forward to another TR from you!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards

Thank you SO VERY MUCH for your kind words Marissa! I truly appreciate that. :goodvibes

Departure day. :sad::sad::sad: I know exactly what you mean about kind of laughing to myself each morning as you see people leaving and knowing it's not you. And then when it IS you, it feels like a punch in the gut!

I truly enjoyed every minute of this TR, Rob! It's so great that you were able to take that solo trip that you never thought you would and have a wonderful time doing so. Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us! And I CAN'T WAIT for your birthday/Christmas extravaganza next month!!!

Totally. It starts for me when I get off the plane and you see all the people waiting to go home and you know that you're just getting started. Not so great when the shoe turns.

THANK YOU!! It really was a special trip for sure. Believe me it was my pleasure to share. Thank YOU for reading. :goodvibes

Departure day is just the worst! I feel the same way when you see everyone going out to enjoy the parks and you have to leave. You want to either punch them or throw a temper tantrum haha.

This was such a great trip report! Thanks for sharing your experiences, pictures and humor! Can't wait to read the next one! :thumbsup2

It absolutely is the worst. Normally I wouldn't advocate violence, but sometimes you have to make an exception. :laughing:

THANK YOU Jess for reading. :goodvibes

aw Rob, that concluding post had me tearing up.

I know you thanked us, but sincerely thank you for taking the time to write such a quality, humorous, informative, and memorable trip report


Leaving day is always sad, but on the plus side you are heading down again soon on what I am sure will be another amazing journey!

Aww shucks, Thanks Phil :blush: I appreciate that all SO VERY MUCH! :goodvibes
I am sad to see your trip report come to an end! But a darn good TR it was :goodvibes Thank YOU for sharing with us! Only a week until your next adventure! I hope you have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!! party: I hope there will be a new TR to accompany it when you get back?

Alexis, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! It's really all of you guys that made it special for me. :goodvibes

I certainly do plan to do another. :thumbsup2

What an awesome wrap up to the trip!!

Ive actually never seen the twist happen at Pop! Super cute!!

So glad that you did this solo trip and that you had a blast, it really did seem like a great first experience in the solo Disney world! Your stories and adventures were fantastic to read along with and I can't wait to share some of them with you in ONE MORE WEEEEKKA

THANK YOU SO MUCH Katt!!! You definitely helped inspire me to start writing TR's at all. :goodvibes

It really was super cute!!

I'm so glad I did it too. And OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS I WILL SEE YOU IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!! I am so beyond excited for that. It's kind of surreal really since I can remember way back in early 2012 seeing you running through Disneyland and not even being a Disboards member yet.

Wonderful. Just wonderful Rob! The whole thing. The trip, the report, the wrap up, all of it. Your wrap up left me speechless and I have nothing else. I can not wait for the next one!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

THANK YOU WENDY!!! I am so glad everyone liked the wrap up since I did work hard on it. Thank you again for reading along so faithfully my friend. :goodvibes

Thank you for a wonderful TR! You truly captured the magic of Disney :goodvibes

THANK YOU SO MUCH Dawn. I really hope I did capture it because it is a special place. :goodvibes

Thank you for such a magical trip report Rob!

I'm looking forward to hearing about your next trip :thumbsup2

THANK YOU Danielle!!! I'm so glad you were here following along. :goodvibes
Awww, so sad to see your report end - it was fabulous!! (I'm about to get started on my first....thanks for the inspiration!) :goodvibes

Aww Julie, THANK YOU!!! If I inspired you in any way at all, it is absolutely my honour. :goodvibes

There really should be a grief counselor at every hotel.

I'm so glad to have found this TR, truly! I have loved every update & have even taken away a few things that I'd like to do myself! I hope you do write another TR about your upcoming trip which is in its single digits!!! No pressure though, I promise. I'm so glad that you got to take this trip that you never thought you would, that you had such a great time & that you shared it with us! Thank you!! Have a wonderful time enjoying the season in Walt Disney World!! I hope you're going to a Christmas party...they are so wonderful & magical. Here's hoping this trip is just as magical! (You'll be hanging out with Brenda & Em, so of course it will be!) xoxo!


Aww gee Jennifer, THANK YOU for such kind words. Honestly, the sharing of it was easy. What made it special was all of you. :goodvibes

Yes, I already have my party tickets and it's the same party as Brenda and Em, so it is going to be EPIC I think!

I didn't post often...sorry! But I did really enjoy your TR! I am looking forward to reading more TRs from you!

Thank you for sharing!

From another fellow Canadian...

Haha, that is absolutely OK. I'm just delighted you were here. THANK YOU fellow Canadian!! :goodvibes

Thank you for a beautifully written trip report. You summed up a Disney departure very accurately.

Have a great time on your upcoming visit and I will be looking forward to your next trip report!

THANK YOU Annie SO MUCH for following along and for your kind words!!! :goodvibes
Even though I joined in near the end I thoroughly enjoyed your TR! Hope you have another great visit and can't wait to read all about it!

THANK YOU Dave!!!! I'm just delighted to have you here at all. :goodvibes

:wave2: Hi Dave! I'm Jessie -- one of the ones who has "just followed along quietly". I gotta tell ya that I've been dreading this day... the day you posted the last of your trip report. This has been the best report I've followed along with -- I laughed, I cried, I even had a trip to Disney in the middle of your report and you inspired me to stay for Wishes. Thank you for that. You're such a great writer. Also wanted to let you know that while I'm in Ontario now, I spent my first 19 years in Pictou County. Knowing that you were from my home province also made your trip that much more meaningful.

There were so many times along the way that I wanted to post a comment but didn't. I'm wishing now that I had but I will on your next report. :goodvibes I do want to say, though that your story about the 83 year old man was very touching. And I hope things work out for you and Stacey! ;)

Aww THANK YOU for your lovely words!! I'm just glad to know you were here. And once a Scotian... always a Scotian. I'm so glad to hear that you stayed to watch Wishes on your last trip. Obviously I think it's a must do.

Believe me, it's totally ok if you didn't comment. I spent years not commenting on TR's. The fact that you read along is what's important and I truly appeciate it. :goodvibes

Oh, and I am totally working on the Stacey thing ;)

:sad::sad2::sad: Hang on I need a moment.... :sad1::sad:

No problem Brenda... I can wait... Take your time...

Ok, I think I've composed myself!

What a beautiful and touching wrap. That story of the gentleman who you met before Wishes and then the little girl with the now infamous quote - THAT is what Disney is all about! Wholly and completely the magic of that place that is alive and real!

Oh by the way, I will personally take credit for 43 responses to this current TR! You are so welcome! :lmao:

I sure hope you make some great memories on your next trip!! ;) Looking forward to the next chapters....

Brenda, I can't ever say it enough, but THANK YOU my friend!!!!! Obviously I am beyond happy and honoured to have you following along so faithfully, as you always do (and for being the very first comment). :goodvibes

I'm so glad the wrap up came across as intended. It's hard to summarize, but I did my best.

Honestly, I think you can take credit for a lot more than that, whether directly or indirectly.

It's such an honour to have a true Disboards legend following one of my reports. But that fails in comparison to getting to actually MEET YOU in person. I'm reluctant to even call it a Dismeet since in reality I feel like I'm simply meeting up with a friend. :flower3:
Thank you for the great trip report. Alaska airlines gives us a little pixie dust on our final day as the flight we usually take home leaves after 6PM so we have a few hours in the parks before we have to leave. pixiedust:

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for following along. :goodvibes

Now THAT is the proper way to leave Disney. :thumbsup2

Bravo Rob!

As a future solo traveler (6 days left:cool1:) I absolutely loved your report and hate to see it end, I'm glad you only have a week or so until the next trip and I hope you'll do a TR for that one as well.

I am so glad I ran across your trip reports as it has taken away a lot of my reservations of traveling to a "kids" place alone as an adult, although my friends often tell me I act like a child so I'm not to worried about being able to unleash my inner child. :thumbsup2

Can't wait to read about your future adventures.

Aww THANK YOU!! :goodvibes

YAY, it's almost time!! I am so delighted that you're doing a solo trip and if I was able to remove any reservations at all, I am super glad to hear that. I hope you have a wonderful time, and who knows, we may even run into each other. :)

Ohhh I love that!

Unreal. That was my joke the year I got drenched at MK, but it was because I wanted to make my young nieces laugh and they thought it was hilarious. People can be so odd.

Umm, yes. This.

Your wrap-up has me tearing up! I had a pretty rough day yesterday and right now, I desperately need to go on my trip but it's still almost three months away. I keep saying that the Trip Report board is the happiest place on the internet and it's also the most profound.

Walt Disney is my hero. He's my "if you could have lunch with any person" person. (Hmmm... I should save that line for my own report. Ha.) Being able to read the adventures of people who feel the same way and who write about it so eloquently has been a huge blessing to me the last couple months.

Thank you for sharing all of it! Enjoy your upcoming trip!!! :goodvibes

Aww thank you.

I find things like that hysterical.

This really should be offered.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for folowing along so faithfully. It's so nice to hear that these reports really do have an impact on people above and beyond mere entertainment. That's the greatest compliment of all. :goodvibes

Ugh, isn't that such a bad feeling on your departure day seeing all the people waiting for the park buses and you have to go to the airport?! I hate it!

Anyway, even though I have been a slacker about keeping up with everyone's TRs I enjoyed following along with yours. You definitely had a memorable trip!

You know it almost boarders outright cruelty, lol.

There's no such thing as a slacker when your shaping the minds of the next generation. THANK YOU SO MUCH for following along Sarah. :goodvibes
I personally think Talking Mickey should offer his services as the grief counselor. Just have him meet with everyone who's about to leave.

The early morning dancing is definitely a good way to go out, though. I didn't see any of that the last time I stayed at Pop, so hopefully next summer I'll be able to do the twist!

:lmao: at your Hidden Mickey.

I too love MCO. It's such a pretty airport, and the Disney and Universal stores don't hurt either.

Choked up at the See Ya Real Soon :(

Rob, I am so glad I found your TRs. Your stories are amazing and your passion for Disney shines through every word. Furthermore, you are one of the kindest people I've met on the DIS and I'm very grateful to know you! I cannot wait to read about your next adventure! Don't worry, I'll keep the World (and Stacey) company until you can get there!!!
Rob, please, please, PLEASE do another TR... Honestly this one is among my favorites of all time so don't deprive us of another! :goodvibes

Your conclusion was very emotional because we all get it... That's the beauty of this forum, we are all surrounded by people who share our love and for that I am so grateful.

I sincerely wish you the best vacation ever! And I hope to hear all about it soon!!!
so sad your trip report is over! I hope I can meet you in December to partake in your hilariousness!

That elephant/moon meme was funny! That was some rain in Epcot but I am glad you finished your mission! Cute photos!
Hats off to you Rob for a wonderful trip report! I will read again before we go in December. It's just that good. Sad to see it end, but the good thing is, we can always go back, and we have these memories with us forever. Have fun on the next trip, sorry we're gonna miss you by a few days. Have fun, and thanks for the ride!

Great job, though! I can't wait to hear all about your December trip, it sounds like it's shaping up to be magical!

:bday: in advance!
Omg awe Rob you are the sweetest! I'm sad the tr is over,but happy at the same time because in 12 days Time I'll be there and that means that in 13 days I GET TO MEET YOU WOOT WOOT!!!!! I am so pumped n can't wait!! Oh and if you wonder around pop n see me Yell at me! This was an awesome TR so I will definitely look forward to the next one
Hey Rob, I can't believe your trip is over. I had such a great time reading your report, thank you so much for sharing it. :) Your wrap up/conclusion was perfect. I look forward to reading along again.


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