14 Day Park to Park- $118 (Now only for Non-US Residents)

Well we got here yesterday and used the tickets from viator without a problem even asked the CM who took my voucher and he told me they don't really look for the ID being out of the US, they are told to accept the tickets no matter what. By the way the parks have been empty this week. The weather has been great.
I have a question for those of you who have already used the Viator vouchers. I understand when you exchange the vouchers for the tickets, they ask for the ID of the lead traveler. Then what? Do you get hard tickets? Are there names on them or are they regular tickets? We are traveling with a large group, some who will be there for 2 weeks, others for 1. A tickets was purchased for someone who was originally going for 2 weeks and can now only go for 1. I would like to give that ticket to a person who will be there for 2 weeks and purchase another ticket from Mapleleaf that will be good only for 1 week for the original person. - I'm trying to see if there are any names on the tickets from Viator or if anyone but the lead traveler has to show ID. THANK YOU for any information you can share!

Rose, you get a hard ticket when you trade in your voucher. The first time anyone uses that ticket they give a fingerprint that will be electronically attached to that ticket. from that point on the person with that fingerprint can use the ticket as much as they want for the next 14 days.
As EAP'sDad mentioned, you won't be able to give the ticket to someone else because of the fingerscan associated with the ticket.
Eap'sDAD, thanks for checking back, glad you had no difficulty and you are having fun.

Hi Rose! I have not yet exchanged my voucher, but maybe I can help clarify. On our voucher only the lead travelers name appears and # of tickets. If I am to understand you correctly, you should be able to switch out a member of your party up until the point where vouchers are exchanged and tickets are redeemed at the turnstile, where as each ticket is THEN attached to a fingerprint. At that point, obviously, they are not transferable. That is my understanding, I hope it is correct.

PS I have had to call Viator about a few issues, and found CS to be very helpful, perhaps to be sure, you might give them a call.
Thanks Eap'sDAD, Phamton and Momblanch for such quick replys. Momblanch - you are correct when stating I want to switch out a person using the 14 day ticket (before going through the gates) with a person who will be there only 1 week. I will purchase another ticket for the person who is staying only 1 week through Mapleleaf as those tickets are good for 7 days. Good job with figuring out what I was trying to say - now I think I'm confusing myself!
I already received my tickets from MapleLeaf tickets. Boy that was fast! Like IndyDenise, I also received 14 day tickets, even though I ordered 7 day.

Too bad our trip is only going to cover 4 days! Maybe I should trade with someone who needs the longer tickets!
ROSR, you can give the ticket to anyone. The tickets themselves won't have a name on them. I thought you meant you wanted to have 2 people share a ticket, which would not work because of the fingerscan.
When redeeming the voucher, does everybody in the party need to be present or can the lead traveller plus another be there?
Not when redeeming the tickets. Just once the tickets are used they need to be electronically fingerprinted
I ordered the 7 day 2 park tickets from Mapleleaf on Thursday of last week, and also received the 14 day tickets yesterday. Quite a deal!
Just as an FYI, I used our Viator tickets on Saturday without any issues and my reservation date was for Wednesday. The lady at ticket sales stated that the tickets were good for any date after your reservation date. Also, only the person who reserved the tickets needs to be present. HTH
Another happy Viator customer - presented the voucher on Saturday (April 17th) and no problems at all; great deal!!
I bought the viator ticket for arrival date of June 4. It now looks like we won't be going to US until October or November. Do you think they will be valid then? There is a chance I would be able to pick up the tickets on June 4, though. Am I correct in thinking that as long as I pick them up on the date specified, we can still have our first park day a few months later or does the first day have to be the day you pick up the tickets? I'm confusing myself thinking about it. Any input will be appreciated! Thanks!
Your tickets can be used later if you pick them up on June 4. You can use the voucher after June 4 also. I'm not sure if you can use the voucher if you pick them up in October or November though. I'll ask someone and get back to you on that question.
Thank you for the assistance. I just spoke with someone at Universal Guest Services, and they confirmed what you wrote. Since we should be able to still pick them up on our date, it looks like we'll be okay. Although I was disappointed at our change in plans, it may work out to our advantage to see WWOHP if we come back in the fall. I guess there's always a silver lining! :love: Thank you, again!
If you can't pick them up in June, the voucher can still be redeemed in November as long as the company is still doing business with Universal Studios.
OK, Universal ticket experts, do you think we'll see any deals better than this one from Maple Leaf? My trip isn't until September.
OK, Universal ticket experts, do you think we'll see any deals better than this one from Maple Leaf? My trip isn't until September.

I'm no expert, but my thoughts are they probably won't have anything less than the $171 7 day online special they have now. Mainly because they will get the WWOHP fans in there at full price. You really have to hunt down the discounts, they don't make it easy. I just ordered a couple Maple Leaf tickets as they are saying supplies on these are limited and will run out.


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