2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

I wrote this on my journal, but I though I would add it here too:

Week ? Day ?
May 27, 2009

After crowing to David about completing two 3 minute jogs he asked me: "What about me? I thought I was going to run with you!" so ... I said I would go back to Week 1 with him and do the program with him. Even though I had asked him to join me at the start. *sigh*

One thing led to another and we didn't get out until yesterday :scared1:. Even that almost didn't happen. At 4pm he said "I'm going to the Great Dane Brewery for a couple of beers." I said: "Huh? I have been waiting all day to run with you." He said: "I can't download the music to my MP3 player." Me: "OK, you can use my iphone and I'll just tag along with you." Him: "What about meeting my friends?" Me: "They'll still be there in a half an hour."

So we start out together. I have the dog on her leash and he has my iPhone. This is how I imagined it: We would walk and jog together, pacing each other side by side. Two peas in a pod. Husband and wife (and poodle) getting fit together.

This is what really happened.

I had forgotten about how competitive he is when it comes to being physical. He might be tubby, but he can out walk/jog/bike/etc me any day of the week. And any time that he can, he does. For instance, when we bike together he sprints ahead and then he waits for me to catch up with him. Just as I get to him he starts riding again since he has now rested! I don't get to rest unless I throw a hissy and make him wait with me. Arrrg! I don't know why I forgot about this little character flaw of his but I did :headache:.

Anyway ... he starts out walking at a very brisk pace. I walk at about 3.5 mph and he was going a lot faster. The dog and I tried to keep up with him but when I had to step aside for a neighbor he pulled ahead. He continued to walk briskly and I continued to try to catch up. And then the dog had to poop. By the time she was done he was a good block ahead of me and he was not looking back. I didn't have a chance to tell him to strech during his warm up. He was gone. I didn't have a chance to remind him to turn around when he was done with the 4th interval. He was gone.

And I had no watch and no podcast.

I tried to jog (a block behind him) whenever he jogged. That worked for 2 intervals as he lengthened the distance between me and him. Then he was simply too far away. So I decided to continue down my regular route and jogged at random intervals. I still got a workout in but boy was I mad!

I got home and he met me at the door. He said: "You disappeared." :rotfl:

Wish me luck. I think we'll try it again tomorrow. Maybe I'll put the leash on him instead of the dog.
I wrote this on my journal, but I though I would add it here too:

Week ? Day ?
May 27, 2009

After crowing to David about completing two 3 minute jogs he asked me: "What about me? I thought I was going to run with you!" so ... I said I would go back to Week 1 with him and do the program with him. Even though I had asked him to join me at the start. *sigh*

One thing led to another and we didn't get out until yesterday :scared1:. Even that almost didn't happen. At 4pm he said "I'm going to the Great Dane Brewery for a couple of beers." I said: "Huh? I have been waiting all day to run with you." He said: "I can't download the music to my MP3 player." Me: "OK, you can use my iphone and I'll just tag along with you." Him: "What about meeting my friends?" Me: "They'll still be there in a half an hour."

So we start out together. I have the dog on her leash and he has my iPhone. This is how I imagined it: We would walk and jog together, pacing each other side by side. Two peas in a pod. Husband and wife (and poodle) getting fit together.

This is what really happened.

I had forgotten about how competitive he is when it comes to being physical. He might be tubby, but he can out walk/jog/bike/etc me any day of the week. And any time that he can, he does. For instance, when we bike together he sprints ahead and then he waits for me to catch up with him. Just as I get to him he starts riding again since he has now rested! I don't get to rest unless I throw a hissy and make him wait with me. Arrrg! I don't know why I forgot about this little character flaw of his but I did :headache:.

Anyway ... he starts out walking at a very brisk pace. I walk at about 3.5 mph and he was going a lot faster. The dog and I tried to keep up with him but when I had to step aside for a neighbor he pulled ahead. He continued to walk briskly and I continued to try to catch up. And then the dog had to poop. By the time she was done he was a good block ahead of me and he was not looking back. I didn't have a chance to tell him to strech during his warm up. He was gone. I didn't have a chance to remind him to turn around when he was done with the 4th interval. He was gone.

And I had no watch and no podcast.

I tried to jog (a block behind him) whenever he jogged. That worked for 2 intervals as he lengthened the distance between me and him. Then he was simply too far away. So I decided to continue down my regular route and jogged at random intervals. I still got a workout in but boy was I mad!

I got home and he met me at the door. He said: "You disappeared." :rotfl:

Wish me luck. I think we'll try it again tomorrow. Maybe I'll put the leash on him instead of the dog.

I would have bopped him one. Next time let him run with the dog, you get the ipod!
Hi all! I wanted to say a big thank you for the congrats after my first 5K a couple weeks ago, it meant a lot. :goodvibes

I ended up sick last week and again this week-both times with stomach bugs. Plus, my left knee developed pain that I can't explain. I did manage to do my longest run yet in between bugs, a 10K, on my treadmill. I went slow, 5mph, so it took me over 74 minutes to do. And I haven't been able to run since then due to bug #2, but that's probably been a good thing for my knee...

cwnhokie~ That's great your 5K went well and you enjoyed it! I think you'll enjoy the June one even more! I'm excited for you!
I almost always run in the morning, I eat something small and mild...a bowl of cereal, a granola bar and cup of milk... Before my 5K I had a Clif Bar and a cup of milk and that filled me and gave me plenty of energy.
Congrats on 32 minutes!

robinb~ Have you used your Spibelt yet? I'm looking at them, online. I haven't seen one in person.
And I know exactly what you mean about not feeling as motivated after a day, or two..has passed. I felt that during the program and that was part of the reason why I started running more days per week, sometimes 2 or 3 days in a row.
I agree with If U Had Wings, next time give dh the dog and you take the iPhone. :)

CoMickey/Vicki~ It sounds like you are doing great! And how cool you're thinking about the Princess Half!! You should go for it, I bet you'd do well!

scrump~ You are doing so great, keep it up!

Mickeyorbust~ Welcome and good luck!
This is the only C25K thread that I know of. I think no one felt like starting a new one for 2009 so this is it. I liked having the 2008 thread "handy" to look back at how others did with this program. Maybe the title should just be "The C25K Thread" and go on until it's too long... :)

If U Had Wings~ Congrats on 2.5 miles! I know it feels so great when you reach each new milestone. I think it's great you're doing the other stuff too...I don't do anything but run...

Relish~ Welcome, good luck!
I ran for time until Week 5 or 6 if I remember correctly and then I switched to distance. That worked well for me.
As far as the days off per week... I started off doing what the program said, 3 days per week, and I would have Fridays and Saturdays off and my new week would start each Sunday. But then I felt that I needed (and wanted) to run more than that. So I ran every other day or every day (or more once in awhile) sometimes, with the occasional 2 days off in a row. That worked better for me and I don't regret it.

Well, I need to find myself another place to post about my running so I don't stay here and annoy you all. lol I'll keep popping in to see how you're doing though! Especially you, cwnhokie, with your 5K coming up soon! :goodvibes

Keep up the great work everyone, it is all worth it!! :thumbsup2
robinb~ Have you used your Spibelt yet? I'm looking at them, online. I haven't seen one in person.
Yes! It came very quickly. It looks like just a 1" belt. The pouch is a little wider than the belt at 1.5" x 7". Everything is stretchy, so the belt even fit my hubby (at the longest setting) and the pouch streches enough to fit my iPhone. I could probably also fit a key or two in there and a driver's license and credit card. The pouch zippers from right to left. I wish is zippered the other way so I could have the opening near my right hand. It would make it easier to open up the pouch and futz with the iPhone. I turn the darn thing upside down so it opens the "right way" ... f course the logo is upside down so I might look like a doofus ;). It stays pretty steady and doesn't bouce. I did have it flip on me but I might just have to adjust it tighter or looser to stop that. So far, I like it.
Yes! It came very quickly. It looks like just a 1" belt. The pouch is a little wider than the belt at 1.5" x 7". Everything is stretchy, so the belt even fit my hubby (at the longest setting) and the pouch streches enough to fit my iPhone. I could probably also fit a key or two in there and a driver's license and credit card. The pouch zippers from right to left. I wish is zippered the other way so I could have the opening near my right hand. It would make it easier to open up the pouch and futz with the iPhone. I turn the darn thing upside down so it opens the "right way" ... f course the logo is upside down so I might look like a doofus ;). It stays pretty steady and doesn't bouce. I did have it flip on me but I might just have to adjust it tighter or looser to stop that. So far, I like it.

Ok, cool. I'm glad to hear it fits your iPhone and could fit a few other small/flat things. I understand what you mean about the zipper. Being right-handed myself I could see that being an annoyance at times... Thanks for the info! :)
Hi, excited to join you. You all are doing so well. I've started C25K already, did W1D2 last night. D2 was easier then D1.
robinb - My DH is the same way. To make it worse, he's a whole lot taller then me, his much longer legs = I can't keep up with him. :confused3 Sorry, no advice as I can't figure out to handle it with my DH.
I made it 3.1 miles last night!!!:banana::banana: My time was horrible, I did it in the same amount of time as my 8 year old did the one for his school a few weeks ago.
robinb - My DH is the same way. To make it worse, he's a whole lot taller then me, his much longer legs = I can't keep up with him. :confused3 Sorry, no advice as I can't figure out to handle it with my DH.
I don't even have that excuse! My DH has a shorter inseam than I do :laughing:.

I made it 3.1 miles last night!!!:banana::banana: My time was horrible, I did it in the same amount of time as my 8 year old did the one for his school a few weeks ago.
Yay! Congratulations!!
I made it 3.1 miles last night!!!:banana::banana: My time was horrible, I did it in the same amount of time as my 8 year old did the one for his school a few weeks ago.

That's GREAT!! I looked back, and your son did it in 42 minutes, right?
That's not horrible, I don't think! When I was around Week 5 it took me about 41 minutes to go 3.1 miles... I gradually sped up through Weeks 6-8, and in Week 9 I was doing 3.1 miles in about 36 minutes. You can do the distance, now you can gradually work on your time. :thumbsup2
I think we are about 9 or 10 weeks from starting. I had to repeat a few weeks. I am still super excited that I know I can go the distance. The time will come.

I am having pain with one shin and hip. Any suggestions? It comes and goes through the run. Last night, the last quarter of a mile it actually quit hurting completely. Maybe I just have to run longer.
Welcome to everyone else who is new here like me.

I ran w4d1 yesterday and it was the first day that was really hard for me.

I think I drank too much right before running. In fact, I know I did. Blech. I actually ran 5min for the last interval of week 3 (w3d3) just to prove to myself I could do 5min. Then I all but fell apart yesterday. I had to slow my pace waaaaay down. I am hoping that magically w4d2 will feel better.

Robinb I was reading your post a few pages back and we live in the same town. (Anyone else here too?) If you'd ever like a running partner, or just someone to comiserate with, let me know. My Dh is not doing the program so I'm on my own. I run about a 4.5-5 mph pace.
I made it 3.1 miles last night!!!:banana::banana: My time was horrible, I did it in the same amount of time as my 8 year old did the one for his school a few weeks ago.

Congrats! That's wonderful.

I finally got off my lazy butt and ran my day 2 of week 4 Saturday morning. It was really rough. I think a portion of it was because I didn't get up quite as early as I would have liked and at 8:30 when I went out the sun was really coming up. I always have a hard time running in the morning, because I think I'm not adequately hydrated yet. My legs were feeling awfully tired too. I didn't think I was going to make it through the entire run. Still I'm happy I went out. My time was actually nearly a minute faster than my first day of week 4.

I went to my Zumba class after my run, so my legs are feeling even more sore today. It might have been a bit of exercise overkill.
How is everyone doing?

I ran my first official 5K on Saturday. It was very slow, but I ran the whole way! I'm still waiting for the results to be posted. Now to figure out what to do next.
How is everyone doing?

I ran my first official 5K on Saturday. It was very slow, but I ran the whole way! I'm still waiting for the results to be posted. Now to figure out what to do next.

Congrats on the 5K. Can't wait to hear about how you did! Maybe you'll have to bump it up to a 10K next?

I've been a bit lazy with my running this past week. The days I wanted to run it was raining, and/or I had other plans and couldn't get out. The days I was able to run, I had no desire. I've been seriously dragging this week. I ended up not getting out at all. I tried to wake up early over the weekend and get out, but it just didn't happen. I turned off my alarm and fell back asleep. :sad2:

I have yoga class tonight, so I may try to go out later when I get home. I know I won't be up for my regular run, but I'm going to try to at least get out there and prepare myself to get out Tues. or Wed.

I've been lurking on this thread for a while, but had to finally post.
I started C25K in the hopes that I can work up to more running and less walking. My biggest problem is not that my legs get tired, but that my breathing gets so hard. Today I did w3d1, and I'm happy to report that I jogged the entire 3 minutes! This is the longest I have run in one stretch EVER! I have done 2 half marathons, but never been able to run for more than a minute and a half.

Come and share my happiness!:banana:

I've been lurking on this thread for a while, but had to finally post.
I started C25K in the hopes that I can work up to more running and less walking. My biggest problem is not that my legs get tired, but that my breathing gets so hard. Today I did w3d1, and I'm happy to report that I jogged the entire 3 minutes! This is the longest I have run in one stretch EVER! I have done 2 half marathons, but never been able to run for more than a minute and a half.

Come and share my happiness!:banana:

That's fantastic! It's such a feeling of accomplishment, isn't it?

I've been horrible with my running lately. I haven't run in over a week. The rain is partially to blame, as well as sheer laziness on my part. The days it wasn't raining I just couldn't drag myself out of bed. I know once I get out there and run, I'll feel so much better but right now I have no desire to get out there. Maybe it's all the gloomy weather. Hopefully it won't be raining when I get out of work tonight.

I'm thinking that part of the reason is that I'm subconciously dreading next weeks runs. I still have day 3 of week 4 to do, but I keep thinking ahead to day 3 of week 5. Is it just me or does it seem like a huge jump from 8 min. runs to 20 mins? I just don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I'm barely getting through 5 mins.

For all of you who are past week 5, is it really a big jump or am I getting myself paranoid and worried over nothing?


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