2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

Everybody told me not to worry about it, but I did, and I don't know if it was mind over matter or what, but I couldn't do it. Then I had to struggle and get frustrated and almost quit because I was no longer moving through the program. Well I kept at it, running 5 or 8, or one time 12 minutes for about two more weeks. Then one night I just ran for 20 straight and never looked back. When I feel really lazy and don't want to go out I'll tell myself "I'll just go for a little bit, maybe walk most of it and just jog a little" once I get out there I usually do more. And now it helps to tell myself how horrible I'm going to feel when I start again if I take too many days off. Good luck! Do you have anyone to run with to keep you at it. That has helped me a lot. do you want me to check in on you and make sure you are doing it?
Everybody told me not to worry about it, but I did, and I don't know if it was mind over matter or what, but I couldn't do it. Then I had to struggle and get frustrated and almost quit because I was no longer moving through the program. Well I kept at it, running 5 or 8, or one time 12 minutes for about two more weeks. Then one night I just ran for 20 straight and never looked back. When I feel really lazy and don't want to go out I'll tell myself "I'll just go for a little bit, maybe walk most of it and just jog a little" once I get out there I usually do more. And now it helps to tell myself how horrible I'm going to feel when I start again if I take too many days off. Good luck! Do you have anyone to run with to keep you at it. That has helped me a lot. do you want me to check in on you and make sure you are doing it?

Thanks for the input. I'm very afraid that I'm making too much of it. I went out for the last of my week 4 runs today. It was a bit tough, especially after not running for more than a week. I'm going to attempt week 4 next week and see how it goes. I'm just not going to think about day 3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who got a bit scared by it.

It definitely helps to check in here. None of my friends run, so I'm basically on my own. My brother runs, but he's been running since high school and not much help for this beginner. It helps to have this thread to check in with everyone! My next run, baring rain, should be on Friday.
Great job at getting back out there! The first part of the week is not bad and if you can't get the 20 done, just keep at it.
Great job at getting back out there! The first part of the week is not bad and if you can't get the 20 done, just keep at it.

Thanks! I felt so much better after getting out there. I had been feeling draggy and lazy all week, and going out for a run was a real pick me up. I figure that it can't hurt to try the next week and what's the worst that could happen? If I'm not able to get through it, I just keep trying until I can! :thumbsup2

My right foot is bothering me a bit today, which is a bit annoying. I always have to be careful of my left foot because I have a neuroma in that foot that I got years ago from wearing shoes that weren't wide enough. I'm not sure what the problem is with my right foot. It almost feels as if there is a "lump" on the direct center of the ball of my foot. I noticed it yesterday afternoon, and it's something that bothers me every once in awhile. It's not really painful, just a bit uncomfortable. I feel it less when I'm wearing sneakers or other more padded shoes. Yesterday wearing my Keds, and my work shoes today I can really feel it. I'm always wondering if I had fractured something years ago and it never really healed correctly. I can distinctly remember the first time this ever started bothering me. I was standing on a step stool at work, and came down hard on that foot on a cement floor. At that point it hurt alot, and since then I get this lumpy feeling every so often. Just weird. One of these days I'll have to go to the doctor, but having to get referrals is such a hassle!
I'm thinking that part of the reason is that I'm subconciously dreading next weeks runs. I still have day 3 of week 4 to do, but I keep thinking ahead to day 3 of week 5. Is it just me or does it seem like a huge jump from 8 min. runs to 20 mins? I just don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I'm barely getting through 5 mins.

For all of you who are past week 5, is it really a big jump or am I getting myself paranoid and worried over nothing?

We are in a similar boat. I am not past week 5 but I am in the thick of things. I ran one extra day of week 4 (W4D4) because I wanted to feel very comfortable with the 5 minute runs. Not just get through them but feel I could run father when they ended.

I ran W5D1 on Tuesday and found it to be fairly easy. In fact, it was my first run outside, which everyone says is harder than a treadmill, and even with the added hills and resistence it wasn't too bad. For the first two intervals I could have run longer. I was ready to be done after the third one though.

I am due to run W5D2 today and, depending on how the 8min intervals feel, I will run a few repeats of this day (maybe streching 8 into 10min or more) before I move on to W5D3. I will be going back to the treadmill (much lower impact on my body) and, if necessary, slowing down my pace.

I have not yet failed to complete a running interval and I don't want to start. That is a slippery slope for me. Jumping from 8min to 20min (even though I realize the jump is really from 16min to 20min) seems like A LOT. I like to tell myself that so far the plan has not let me down and if thousands of other people could make it that jump than so can I!

I hope your foot is feeling better soon! Let us know how week 5 goes for you...
We are in a similar boat. I am not past week 5 but I am in the thick of things. I ran one extra day of week 4 (W4D4) because I wanted to feel very comfortable with the 5 minute runs. Not just get through them but feel I could run father when they ended.

I ran W5D1 on Tuesday and found it to be fairly easy. In fact, it was my first run outside, which everyone says is harder than a treadmill, and even with the added hills and resistence it wasn't too bad. For the first two intervals I could have run longer. I was ready to be done after the third one though.

I am due to run W5D2 today and, depending on how the 8min intervals feel, I will run a few repeats of this day (maybe streching 8 into 10min or more) before I move on to W5D3. I will be going back to the treadmill (much lower impact on my body) and, if necessary, slowing down my pace.

I have not yet failed to complete a running interval and I don't want to start. That is a slippery slope for me. Jumping from 8min to 20min (even though I realize the jump is really from 16min to 20min) seems like A LOT. I like to tell myself that so far the plan has not let me down and if thousands of other people could make it that jump than so can I!

I hope your foot is feeling better soon! Let us know how week 5 goes for you...

All my runs have been outside, and while I try to find the most level runs I can, I live in Connecticut. It's not known for being flat. I always end up with some bit of hills. I try to keep the bigger ones at the begining of my runs as much as possible.

I feel the same way about failing an interval. I have somehow made it through all of them so far, and don't want to start failing them now. Even when I didn't think I'd be able to do them, I've mustered through. I think that's what I'm happiest about with my running. Not that I'm actually running for 5 min. intervals now, when I could barely do 60 seconds a few weeks ago, but that I'm not letting my fatalist attitude kill me. I tend to give up on alot of things, and not really push myself, but for me something is clicking this time. I'm determined to get through this program.
I have been stuttering along on week 3 for 3 weeks. After the disaster of trying to run with my husband I just sorta ran out of steam. I couldn't get myself out there to run for one stupid reason or another. In *finally* finished Week 3 Day 3 yesterday and I wonder what I should do next. Week 3, Day 2 was done last Friday so I wonder ... should I go onto Week 4 now? I didn't have a problem with Week 3, Day 3 yesterday but I don't want to hurt myself. I was leaning toward re-doing Week 3 Day 3 to be "on the safe side" but now I am leaning toward going forward and doing Week 4 Day 1.

What do you think?
I have been stuttering along on week 3 for 3 weeks. After the disaster of trying to run with my husband I just sorta ran out of steam. I couldn't get myself out there to run for one stupid reason or another. In *finally* finished Week 3 Day 3 yesterday and I wonder what I should do next. Week 3, Day 2 was done last Friday so I wonder ... should I go onto Week 4 now? I didn't have a problem with Week 3, Day 3 yesterday but I don't want to hurt myself. I was leaning toward re-doing Week 3 Day 3 to be "on the safe side" but now I am leaning toward going forward and doing Week 4 Day 1.

What do you think?

Why not give week 4 a shot? If you try day 1 and just can't do it, go back and redo a couple of days of week 3. It won't hurt to just try and see how it goes. I've had a few weeks I didn't think I'd be able to do the next week, but once I tried it, was surpised I was able to get through it.

hi all- I am new to the forum on W2D1 of the program- thanks for the inspiration!

Welcome! Everyone here is so helpful!
Welcome PreppyWife :goodvibes

How are you doing robinb? Did you move into week 4 yet?
How about you If U Had Wings? Did you move into week 5? I am cheering for you both. :cheer2:

W5D3 is DONE and I DID IT!!!!!

<warning this is going to be looooong>

I am so proud of myself that I did not walk at all. I now truly believe that it is a mental hurdle more than anything else. I know other people have said it before me. But now, having done the run, I understand it.

Here is how I made it through.

First, I gave myself permission to run on my own schedule(**see why below). I decided I would run a minimum of 10 minutes, take a walk break and then run 6 more minutes. Essentially, I was taking time from the second run and moving them to the first run. I thought I could work my way up to 20 minutes--say, 10min run /5min walk/6min run then next time a 12min run/4min walk/5min run. You get the picture. I figured that it would only take 3 or 4 runs before I decided I could make the leap from 16 or 18min to 20min.

Then, while running today, I discovered that when I watched the clock too much (I'm on a treadmill) that my pace and breathing change as I near the end of a running interval. Its like my body is just preparing itself to collapse. So, I started working on my breathing and did a check with my legs and lungs at the 10 minute mark. I decided I could run some more. I didn't want to commit to 10 more minutes but told myself I would just run one more minute at a time. I had to run the whole minute, but I could stop any time I wanted after a full minute. I could stop at 11min, 12min, etc. but not in the middle of a minute.

I hit a few good songs on my mp3 player, forced myself not to look at the time, and next thing I knew I managed to get to 14min and didn't feel that bad. Then I made it to 15 minutes and I knew I could handle a 5 minute interval (I had trained with a lot of those by doing extra days in week 4) so I just went for it. Woot! Woot!

I didn't even collapse at the end. A few hours later now my hips are stiff from too much sitting and I think my body is a little sore from the extra impact/jarring. But mostly, I feel so good.

So all of this is to say that, truly, this program will prepare you to do what it is asking for each week. Once you are comfortable with a workout it really is safe to move on to the next day/week. Thank you C25K inventor. Thank you.

** I am very bad about pushing myself to do things. I am the opposite of a type A/perfectionist. I coddle myself. Well, I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant. :love: We have been trying for 18 months and I am so happy and excited. I was really worried about pushing myself too hard with W5D3 and being pregnant was the perfect excuse for me to stop the program or hold myself back. So, I decided that quitting C25K wasn't an option, but I would let myself take longer to work up to 20 minutes if my body wasn't feeling ready. Truly, the first 3 minutes of the run felt awful and I thought I was going to quit. Even 8 minutes felt like too much. Then, somewhere between 10 and 12 minutes things felt pretty good and it all turned out okay.
Relish, congratulations on week 5 and the baby!!! How wonderful! That's fantastic.

I haven't moved on yet. The rain is putting a damper on my getting out to run. I'm going to try again in the morning.
Yes, I finally did W4D1 yesterday. I developed some off and on lower back pain on my right so bad that I can't stand up all the way. I have to walk kinda hunched over sideways ... it's quite a sight. So, I put off starting Week 4 until I felt better. It went quite well, even though my DH called me at the start of my 2nd 5-minutes and my pod cast didn't re-start properly. I took my iPhone out of the SPIbelt and watched the clock on my running app.

I run pretty slowly now. Does anyone know of a youtube video or website that has information on proper running technique? I was pretty happy just being able to MOVE but now I want to move better/easier.

Relish: Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Robin, congrats on getting through the first day of week 4! You might want to check the runners world webpage. They may have some videos that may help. I hope your back is feeling better! That's just miserable to have to walk around with.

I did manage to drag myself out of bed this morning to go for a run before work. I know I'm starting to get a bit crazy about my running when I'm actually leaving my house at 5 am to run! I am so glad that I did though today. I think today was my best running day ever. I wish I knew what was the key ingredient to a great run so I can do it again every day.

The weather was perfect, cool without being too cold with very little wind. I didn't get winded once during my run, and my legs felt strong throughout the run. No heavy legs! Honestly, I felt like I could run for ages this morning. I was actually running along with the biggest goofiest smile plastered on my face, it felt so good. I didn't have to set goal spots ahead of me once. I was always surprised when my 5 minutes were up, and hardly felt the need for the rest intervals. I'm a bit baffled by the entire thing, because last week I barely made it through two 5 minute intervals. I'm not going to complain though.

I'm really looking forward to W5D2 now! I'm going to try to get out for a run again tomorrow morning. I think I may just go out and do a W1 run, but try for a little bit of speed.
Relish, Congratulations on you two wonderful bits of news. Take it easy with the pregnancy though. Especially in the first trimester, I think, you are no supposed to get overheated. There is tons of info out there on the web about running and pregnancy to help you through.

If I Had Wings, congratulations on a good run. That's what happened to me the first time I did my night run. I ran for 20 mins and didn't know what was different.

I gotta run, but need to post back later to everyone else.
I haven't posted in awhile because I've moved twice in the past month but I have been keeping up with the program. I have been doing 2 weeks of each actual running week (ie week 1 of running for 6 days, week 2 for 6 days, etc.) and this morning I did w5d2. It was awesome. I was considering doing a third day of w5d1 because the previous two I had done on an eliptical as the treadmills at the gym were all taken. This morning I woke up and got the last treadmill in the nick of time. At 5 minutes in I wasn't the last bit out of breath so I decided to stretch it to the 8 minutes for day 2 and I had no problems. Just last week I was struggling to do 5 minute runs but I think I've finally got the hang of it. Needless to say it was still slug pace but I think it will speed up with time and experience:thumbsup2

For everyone on the lower weeks, keep with it! I thought week 2 was going to kill me but I just repeated runs until I felt comfortable to move on and I'm excited to do the 20 minute run in a few days. When I'm having a rough day with running, I'll start the treadmill at a fast pace and drop the speed .1 mph with every minute run so that it feels easier as I go but I'm still running.
It's taken me a week, but I finally got around to running my w5d2. Both the weather, and exhaustion seemed to be taking their toll on me this week. If I had the energy to run when I got home, it would be raining outside, and if by some miracle it wasn't raining, I was barely able to put one foot in front of the other.

I got up and ran before work this morning. As awful as it is to drag myself out of bed to run at 4:30, I'm thinking that I really need to try to keep getting up and doing it. Later afternoons are just too humid, and that begins to make breathing really difficult for me. Especially as the weather gets hotter, the early morning will be cooler.

I had another really good run this morning. I ran all of my two 8 minute intervals! :woohoo: I was beginning to have a few problems breathing, but nothing too awful. I think that it was more related to the humidity out there today and less about my running ability. I definitely felt like I could have run longer, and didn't need anywhere near 5 minutes to recover either.

I love the fact that now when I'm running for these slightly longer intervals I really start to feel like I'm slipping into a bit of a groove. It just feels "right". I love how my body just feels like it's moving perfectly while I'm running. I don't know if I've ever really experienced anything before in which my body has felt like it's moving just as it should be. For me this is really a unique feeling.

I'm looking forward to my w5d3 run, but a bit nervous about it as well. My success with my last two runs eases my worries a bit, but 20 minutes still feels like a long time.
Well this weekend I finally got around to attempting my W5D3 run, and I'm happy to say I came through with flying colors.

I was really nervous about the run, and was a bit concerned that I had started a bit too late and that it was going to be too warm, but I headed out with a slow steady pace. The first half of the of the run was a bit tougher as it was slightly uphill, but the second half of the run went much easier. A few times I thought of stopping because I was a little tired, but I kept on going and the feeling passed.

The time really seemed to fly along, and when I got to the end of the 20 minutes I was surprised that it was over so soon. I really felt like I could have gone further. I was a bit surprised to find myself getting a bit teary at the end of the run. I felt a bit silly about it, but it was a surprisingly emotional moment for me. I don't think I realized until I started this running program, how much time I spent telling myself what I wasn't capable of. I've told myself that so many times, without really trying to do things, and I believed it.

I'm feeling so much better about my running now, and I'm even more convinced that I want to train for the Princess 1/2 marathon next March.


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