2013 Destash- this is the year!

That is what I try to do. I know over time it adds up but right now it does not feel that why. I guess I should think about all the bags, papers and toothbrushes I would have if I did not this. I wish I could get my family onboard.

I know, my husband does not like to get rid of anything. It is a constant battle.

I would love to get rid of fooseball table but not sure if dh will sell it. its not like we even use it, expcept for putting junk on it-lol!

We put ours by the street (put the fasteners and stuff in a zip lock) and it was gone within hours.
I got the linen closet cleaned out over the weekend. I threw a bag full of stuff away. I don't know how we crammed so much stuff in there. I will be working on the basement all this week and coming weekend. Plus DS14 is going on his 8th grade trip to DC so while he is gone I will clean out this room. It is amazing how they never miss things as long as I clean while they are gone. :rotfl2:
I know, my husband does not like to get rid of anything. It is a constant battle.

We put ours by the street (put the fasteners and stuff in a zip lock) and it was gone within hours.
Our fooseball is in very good condition almost new looking and its about 10 years old. I think dh has played with it maybe 4-5 times.

I got the linen closet cleaned out over the weekend. I threw a bag full of stuff away. I don't know how we crammed so much stuff in there. I will be working on the basement all this week and coming weekend. Plus DS14 is going on his 8th grade trip to DC so while he is gone I will clean out this room. It is amazing how they never miss things as long as I clean while they are gone. :rotfl2:

I cleaned out the linen closet not to long ago and tonight I realized that it needs to be redone again!!!. Next time I'm going to toss stuff out. I found some nice jar candles that I got as gifts. I think I will decorate or personalize the jars and regift . I also have a brand new magic bullet still in the box up in the closet, brand new disney princess dish place set for a child, some cute sports knick knacks(we bought for our son that we havent had-lol)

Life has been getting super busy, crazy and stressful . Dd is keeping me busy with her school, taking her to community service volunteer hours, homework. Luckily she has her last ortho appt tomorrow!

Work is stressful and crazy right now.

Personal life theres a lot of family stuff going on with my side of the family thats stress me out.

When I start to feel stressed out or anxicous I start to declutter to take my mind off things and it really works.

My goal is 2014 will be a year of New Beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new, so clutter needs to go!!!!

My list
1.Organize dd's clothes by size and box the clothes after I take pics for Craigs List
I'm 1/2 way finished :)
2. Go through dd's purses and bags, take pics and upload to CL

3. Go through dd's shoes and box after taking pics.

I did manage to get dh to toss out the 3 glass jar/canisters finally, 1 bag of plastics, 1 bag of hangers and 3 grocery bags of trash

This weekend I hope to finsh up dd's clothes
I shredded and got rid of my pile of bills. Thats all I've done this week. I've been feeling under the weather so not much decluttering done this week.

Hopefully this weekend I can finish up dd's clothes. Finally Removed some of dh's clutter that was in the dining room.

To be honest I hot a slump and I just dont feel like I will get much decluttering done this year. Hopefully I'm just feeling this way because I'm feeling under the weather
I shredded and got rid of my pile of bills. Thats all I've done this week. I've been feeling under the weather so not much decluttering done this week.

Hopefully this weekend I can finish up dd's clothes. Finally Removed some of dh's clutter that was in the dining room.

To be honest I hot a slump and I just dont feel like I will get much decluttering done this year. Hopefully I'm just feeling this way because I'm feeling under the weather

Hope you feel better.

I have not gotten much done myself. I have put a few more things in the Goodwill bag. I need to go through the bin of clothes to get rid of so DD can try the consignment shops with them.

I have short shifts today and tomorrow and the weekend off so I am going to try again.
In the last couple of days some scrapbook papers were destashed and 2 plastic chip bowls, party bowls. Not sure what to call them but they are gone :)
I have gotten rid of a few new toys so I have that space back in my closet. I have a stack of stuff still to list on eBay. I will need to go through the summer clothes and winter clothes to clear out what won't be used again.
I have not made a lot of progress lately. I have a lot started and not finished! I did finally take 7 bags of shoes and clothes to salvation army and dropped 3 boxes of books at church sale, so they are out of garage, but not new decluttered items, just moved decluttered items, KWIM? Either way, at least they are out of garage for winter, but I need to find a spark to get going inside again!
I have a garbage bag started of clothes that won't fit my youngest DD next year. Going to sort through the rest of the fall/ winter stuff and downsize there too. Took 2 bags I stuff and a ton of books to be donated. Still lots more that needs to be done.
Hope you feel better.

I have not gotten much done myself. I have put a few more things in the Goodwill bag. I need to go through the bin of clothes to get rid of so DD can try the consignment shops with them.

I have short shifts today and tomorrow and the weekend off so I am going to try again.
Thank you. I just need to make it through one more day at work-lol! DD has a volunteer event to attend tomorrow so I'm hoping to get some stuff done.

I only have one goal for tomorrow night and thats to take pics of dd's clothes and sort by size. I'm 1/2 way finished so I hope I get it done.

She will be studying with a friends for 2 hours this weekend so hope to get another goal completed. Dh is working on Saturday so I will have some free time
In the last couple of days some scrapbook papers were destashed and 2 plastic chip bowls, party bowls. Not sure what to call them but they are gone :)

I cleared offf the rest of the dining room cabinet. Dh had his huge water jug(we use it for parties) on my cabinet. I took it and put it with his stuff. He also had a HUGE box of 8 oz paper cups be got from a friend. the cups come in handy but the HUGE box took up a lot of space. I removed all the packaged cups and stacked it under my china cabinet. The corner of the dining room looks so nice and empty...I mean clean and decluttered-lol!

Now I just need to find room for our step up ladder and 2 wooden folding chairs we bought for extra dinner guest.

I also bought home another box from work so I hope to fill it with more stuff to get rid of.
I have gotten rid of a few new toys so I have that space back in my closet. I have a stack of stuff still to list on eBay. I will need to go through the summer clothes and winter clothes to clear out what won't be used again.

How well do clothes sell on Ebay?

I didnt get much done as I had planned. We had a busy weekend. DD gave me a box of capris from last year because capris arent cool in high school-lol! Plus she grew like a weed over the summer.

I did clean up my craftroom/office. I went through a stach of old pay stubs dating back from 2000 . I also got rid of 4 smaller boxes and a small trash can of junk papers, envelopes and junk mail.

How is everyone else doing?
I got rid of a few odds and ends. Not much but our garbage cans are full. We are allowed 3 and we lost one so after work I may try to fill u pa garbage bag with some things that are ready to be tossed.

We also have a few old computers that I need to get together so we can get rid of them.
EBay-Sold 2 pair of Silver Jeans. I have another pair I want to sell, I do not like the big boot cut style any longer:rotfl:. I made $40 & $45 which is going in my vacation fund when it clears. I think Ebay gets 5%, it used to be 3%.

We are doing small steps decluttering.

Me and my 2 dd's went everywhere in the house and collected every jacket, winter coat from the last 10 years. Our pile was huge. I had 4 white fleece Columbia Coats. I gave up 3. I had 2 North Face Fleece and I gave one to my niece that wanted it. I gave up another white pea coat, a rain jacket, a jean jacket. 4zip up hoodies.

The rest of my family went through the pile.

My sister came over and told me how she just bought a jean jacket for her Godchild, because they are popular again. I had a argument with my dd how I wanted to save a few and I did. I am going to try and sell them.

My dd cleaned out my food pantry cupboard and found out dated food and re-organized.

So small steps.

I did put away summer clothes and got out winter. I have a bag to take to Goodwill. I lost a favorite shirt and couldn't find a grey sweater dress I wanted to wear to a wedding last week.
How well do clothes sell on Ebay?

I didnt get much done as I had planned. We had a busy weekend. DD gave me a box of capris from last year because capris arent cool in high school-lol! Plus she grew like a weed over the summer.

I did clean up my craftroom/office. I went through a stach of old pay stubs dating back from 2000 . I also got rid of 4 smaller boxes and a small trash can of junk papers, envelopes and junk mail.

How is everyone else doing?

I'm not sure how well clothes do. I don't list clothes on eBay as I have someone who gets the kids hand me downs.

I'm just listing collectibles at the moment.
How well do clothes sell on Ebay?

I didnt get much done as I had planned. We had a busy weekend. DD gave me a box of capris from last year because capris arent cool in high school-lol! Plus she grew like a weed over the summer.

I did clean up my craftroom/office. I went through a stach of old pay stubs dating back from 2000 . I also got rid of 4 smaller boxes and a small trash can of junk papers, envelopes and junk mail.

How is everyone else doing?

As far as clothes - you might want to check if your area has a facebook page for selling things. My small town does and I've sold a lot on there. The thing I like about it is that it's quick and free. I've just been listing a few things and if they don't sell after a few tries, I put them in the goodwill box.

Last summer I sold over $700 worth of stuff and I've been hitting it hard again and am up to $325 or so again. I've only sold one big thing - we had a tent that we bought and never used that I sold for $90. Otherwise it's been all $5 and $10 things, but they really add up!

I guess it's similar to Craigs list, but since I'm in a small town, the closest Craigs list is about an hour away, so definately not practical for the smaller things.
Basement is finally finished, including family room, oldest son's bedroom, and crawl space. It looks so nice and organized. I also organized the coat closet. Tonight I am going to clean out kitchen cupboards and get rid of cups with no lids, tuberware containers with no lids, and all of the other odds and ends that end up getting thrown in the cupboards. :thumbsup2
EBay-Sold 2 pair of Silver Jeans. I have another pair I want to sell, I do not like the big boot cut style any longer:rotfl:. I made $40 & $45 which is going in my vacation fund when it clears. I think Ebay gets 5%, it used to be 3%.

We are doing small steps decluttering.

Me and my 2 dd's went everywhere in the house and collected every jacket, winter coat from the last 10 years. Our pile was huge. I had 4 white fleece Columbia Coats. I gave up 3. I had 2 North Face Fleece and I gave one to my niece that wanted it. I gave up another white pea coat, a rain jacket, a jean jacket. 4zip up hoodies.

The rest of my family went through the pile.

My sister came over and told me how she just bought a jean jacket for her Godchild, because they are popular again. I had a argument with my dd how I wanted to save a few and I did. I am going to try and sell them.

My dd cleaned out my food pantry cupboard and found out dated food and re-organized.

So small steps.

I did put away summer clothes and got out winter. I have a bag to take to Goodwill. I lost a favorite shirt and couldn't find a grey sweater dress I wanted to wear to a wedding last week.

I went through one shelf of my pantry . I plan on making some Halloween goodies to get rid of some if my baking space. I will get rid if 3 almond bark packages . I found a big bag of Reese's pieces so I will make goodies and put some of those in a bag . Some fruit snacks . Plus some 1/2 bag of walnuts, 1/2 bag of almonds.

I'm going to work on dd's clothes. I'm going to make smaller goals so if I can upload 5-10 pictures to Craig's list each day or 3 x's a week. I'm going to have dh pull the large fake tree, rocking chair glider w/ottoman and baby swing from garage so I can take photos and list on Craig's list.
I think I may have fallen off the destash train. Since the beginning, I got rid of all the clothes that don't fit; cleaned out DH's dresser; the shed is organized w/ only yard tools & outside toys; garage is empty so car can be in there... The big boys took almost all their belongings to college with them or it's in long term storage. That storage is for seasonal stuff & heirlooms that are waiting for us to get our forever house.
Have been looking around and there are so many empty shelves, I guess that's why I feel so lost. I'm sure if I try really hard, I could come up with a grocery bag of items to donate. So I started grocery shopping. I have filled the cupboards with staples and the freezer is full. It's been hard going from a family of 6+ and now our day to day is just myself, DD15 & DS2. Looking forward to the holidays!
My goal for tonight was to upload 10 pieces of dd's clothes . I complete the goal and uploaded 15 pieces of clothing:cool1:

Hopefully tomorrow I can complete another goal of uploading another 10 pieces.

As I upolad clothing items I am organizing it all in boxes by sizes, so even if I dont sell I will still be organized!

Its been raining so I didnt have dh get the glider, tree and swing out
I haven't been destashing as much as I was at the beginning of the year. The time just got away from me.

But at least I've sold 60 Hallmark Ornaments on ebay. And gave 6 pairs of pants that no longer fit to Goodwill this week so that is something.

I need to go back through my Hallmark Ornaments and find more to sell. The stash of ornaments I'm currently planning on selling has gotten pretty small.

I will also be taking pictures of some of the collectors plates that we inherited when my MIL died 10 years ago. My FIL packed them up while cleaning up his house and asked my husband if he wanted them. Of course he said yes so they have been sitting in our house for all that time. Ugh.
They aren't worth much but I figure I will try and sell them on ebay for a few weeks before I give them to Goodwill since the listings will be free.


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