6th Annual Christmas Thread

Disney Mommy 3

DIS Veteran
Oct 18, 2006
Hey ladies!! It is that time again!!! I am sorry for the late start-up...July 25 is usually the latest I like to start because that is our 5 month mark...but we have had lots going on here and I totally missed the date!!! Thanks Maggie Ann for the reminder!:flower3:
Okay...so July 25 was the 5 month (22 week) mark...today we are just one day past the 20 week mark...so, for those of you figuring your budgets, that is about how many paychecks you have left if you get one every week,..for the bi-monthly people you have around 10 left...so start socking away a little if you haven't already!!!
As you know this is the 6th year I have done a Christmas thread...when I started my kids were 11, 7, and 3...this year my 17 year old son will be 18 right before Christmas and he is starting his Senior year of High School next week... my younger son was 14 in May(he is my Mothers Day kid!!) and he is starting part time as a Freshman in High School~the other half we do at home...he has homeschooled all the way through. Last year we started part time in 8th grade for Math and Science~he is such a wiz in that stuff that he passed up what we could do without a lab and such...my baby girl is now 10!!! She is a 5th grader this year and still loves Ballet!! Last year was her first year to help in 2 baby classes as a teachers helper and demonstrator...this year will be her first year in Pointe ( Pre-Pointe actually)... My husband and I celebrated our 19th anniversary in April and I celebrated my last year as a 30something this summer! We have our house on the market right now so who knows if I will be in this house for another Christmas or not~~~another reason this thread was not in the forefront of my mind!! I have NO idea what the kids will be getting for Christmas this year....my ds14 had his first birthday in May without asking for LEGOs!!!:faint: I was stunned!! But, we always get him a big one for Christmas...I am thinking about talking the family into a Christmas away from home...I would love to be somewhere in a nice place where it is actually cold...some Christmases we are in t shirts..if not shorts. If I want that, I will go to Hawaii! LOL I would love to have a white Christmas somewhere....just a thought, so if any of you have a dynamite place you could recommend I am all ears!!!
So, that's where we are this year!!! As you probably remember, for me, Christmas is not about the gifts~but the Giver of Life...I choose to celebrate the birth of my Savior this season and for me that is what it all boils down to! I know some of the readers of the boards do not share my Faith, or agree with my beliefs, but for me, if Jesus had not been born in that little stable and slept in a Manger, the season would be meaningless for me. So, lets keep this thread focused on what we all love about it and what it represents:love, family, family traditions, and reaching out to others in a special way that we don't make time for the rest of the year.Keep our thread nice~and let's help each other with great ideas for gifts~how to grit our teeth and get through the times with family who make it hard!!! Cuz we all know we have each got one some where! LOL:rolleyes:
so,...with that intro and without further ado...let's get started! Tell us about you, your kiddos, or whoever you are shopping for...we are talking about Christmas gifts, Christmas food, Thanksgiving, more food, decorations, and any holiday stuff!! So....GO!!!
Thanks! Can't wait to see all the ideas people have this year. We are headed to Disney November 30 through December 6. This is our first trip during the holidays and we are very excited. I'm going to have my house all decorated before we go (except for the outside which we'll do when we get back), but I'm going to wait to do most of my shopping after the trip. I have a good idea of things I'm getting and have a few wish lists going on Amazon so it will be just a matter of ordering when I get back. I'm hoping that doing the shopping LATER this year, will keep me from going WAY overboard on the spending :)

Hey Shawna, I celebrated the big 40 this summer too. It's not so bad ;)

My DD10 has suddenly discovered Lego Friends. I think her list will be heavy with those this year. Other than that, she's at a tough age for gifts IMO, but I have a few ideas up my sleeve.
You are an angel Shawna - thank you :worship:

haha!! Maggie!! You are too sweet!

Thanks! Can't wait to see all the ideas people have this year. We are headed to Disney November 30 through December 6. This is our first trip during the holidays and we are very excited. I'm going to have my house all decorated before we go (except for the outside which we'll do when we get back), but I'm going to wait to do most of my shopping after the trip. I have a good idea of things I'm getting and have a few wish lists going on Amazon so it will be just a matter of ordering when I get back. I'm hoping that doing the shopping LATER this year, will keep me from going WAY overboard on the spending :)

Hey Shawna, I celebrated the big 40 this summer too. It's not so bad ;)

My DD10 has suddenly discovered Lego Friends. I think her list will be heavy with those this year. Other than that, she's at a tough age for gifts IMO, but I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

That may be a great idea...especially if you end up seeing something you really want to buy as a Christmas gift at Disney..you can just mark off that person when you get home!!! and don't forget you can ship from Disney to your home...I won't hit 40 til next July, so I have plenty of time to ignore it! :rotfl2:

Lego Friends are really cool..my dd10 has some and she really enjoyed them..She had one of her bf's birthday parties last week and I think our little gift went over really well: I got her a small cheap (under $6) cosmetic bag and put a set of nail clippers, an emery board, nail brush,a buffer and some small polishes that were 97 cents in there...those polishes were such a good deal.. I forget what the brand name was but they had one row that were $1.50 and then this one under a dollar..I got a clear, light blue, and light,pale pink..she never ever does her nails and I thought this would be a good start even if she didn't like the colored polishes..And then we got a sketch pad and a pack of pencils, and colored pencils because she likes to draw. I tried to keep it under $20 and I was right at it...I really like to start them a little set of their own manicure stuff around this age...even if they aren't into color on their nails, or they have problems growing them they can learn to keep them clean and taken care of ... I like the Sally Hanson 4 in 1 too...it's almost $10 alone, but if they never do color it is a good product...
Man christmas is the last on my list right now. I have been looking around and trying to decide what to do. I have 7 kids DS 14, DD 11, DS 10, DD 8, DD 6, DD 5, and DD 2. We will be adding a new addition in Nov. Baby of course will be easy. Can't wait to get more ideas from everyone. The kids really need new bed sets and the boys actually broke their bunk bed recently. I always like to do a theme and it also helps keep from adding to the toys. :) new bed sets and a few toys.
This sounds like a good idea
This year we will be down scaling the amount of gifts I tend to go over board every year then end up donating half the stuff in the summer.
I have 3 dd they will be 11,7, and almost 2
,y oldest will be getting a new IPod touch and my middle one wants a tablet of some sort. They are big into american girl so I have done some shopping already when they did there clearance sale.
My littlest will prob get a kitchen set and a few small things other then that I try to buy sports item they will need in the spring and cloths. Trying to save for our disney trip for next September
woohoo i'm in! hello ladies!! :cool1:
Glad to have you!:welcome:

Man christmas is the last on my list right now. I have been looking around and trying to decide what to do. I have 7 kids DS 14, DD 11, DS 10, DD 8, DD 6, DD 5, and DD 2. We will be adding a new addition in Nov. Baby of course will be easy. Can't wait to get more ideas from everyone. The kids really need new bed sets and the boys actually broke their bunk bed recently. I always like to do a theme and it also helps keep from adding to the toys. :) new bed sets and a few toys.

Congrats on the new baby!! One of my best friends is due Nov 14~hope she goes early..my vacation is the 16th!! LOL!! Bedroom do-overs are a great idea!
This sounds like a good idea
This year we will be down scaling the amount of gifts I tend to go over board every year then end up donating half the stuff in the summer.
I have 3 dd they will be 11,7, and almost 2
,y oldest will be getting a new IPod touch and my middle one wants a tablet of some sort. They are big into american girl so I have done some shopping already when they did there clearance sale.
My littlest will prob get a kitchen set and a few small things other then that I try to buy sports item they will need in the spring and cloths. Trying to save for our disney trip for next September
I agree~not sure when the overload of Christmas gifts even started... I know for us personally, we didn't get that much as kids and have tried to keep it down to a reasonable amount for our kids...have some friends that constantly go crazy with the toys and I don't understand that...oh well,...to each his own I guess!
Good to see this thread :)
On June 25 we watched a Christmas movie to mark 6 months and on July 25 we watched a Christmas movie to mark 5 months until Christmas!
I think it will be a hard year for gifts (dd8 & dd6) for the 8 year old. What I love most about Christmas is the music, people are a bit friendlier, the decorations, and Christmas Eve mass.
Planning a Thanksgiving trip to the World so I guess we will decorate before we leave...we have never been for Tday before!
I'm following again too. I've snagged a few things this year already, some through Disney shopping, some elsewhere.
We're headed to WDW three weeks from tomorrow. Geeked!

:welcome: back!! Good for you on the early shopping :thumbsup2 Enjoy your trip!!! Let us know how it is weather-wise..never been in Aug or Sept...
Good to see this thread :)
On June 25 we watched a Christmas movie to mark 6 months and on July 25 we watched a Christmas movie to mark 5 months until Christmas!
I think it will be a hard year for gifts (dd8 & dd6) for the 8 year old. What I love most about Christmas is the music, people are a bit friendlier, the decorations, and Christmas Eve mass.
Planning a Thanksgiving trip to the World so I guess we will decorate before we leave...we have never been for Tday before!

We watch movies and read books to mark days also..at 26 weeks out we started assigning a letter of the alphabet to each week~ we are now on " L"..so we will watch Disney movies with that letter for that week to help pass the time!! Day before yesterday we were at 101 days, so we started reading the original book 101 Dalmations! We did it year before last and it was a blast!!
We have been going to Disney the week BEFORE Thanksgiving for the last 3 trips and we really enjoy it..sometimes I decorate for Christmas before we go, sometimes I do it when we get home...just depends on how much we have going on!! It's nice to have the Lights strung outside just ready to turn on after Turkey Day!! LOL
I'm following again too. I've snagged a few things this year already, some through Disney shopping, some elsewhere.
We're headed to WDW three weeks from tomorrow. Geeked!

I'm in too! AND we are leaving for WDW three weeks from tomorrow too! Woo hoo!
We are going to Disney in November so Christmas will have to be fewer gifts this year for my two. Izzy (7) is getting a Bitty Twin Boy. I picked him from the American Girl store today. She has two girls and recently started asking for a baby brother. That is not in the cards and once she got it through her head she asked, "Can I least have a baby brother doll?" It was so sweet! I'll make clothes for all three dolls. I'll also pick up a charm from Disney to start her a charm bracelet. Haven't decided if I'll get the bracelet there or from a local jeweler. That will be all from me. Usually her father likes to pick up something but I think this year I'll just put his name on the doll too. Santa will bring a book and a movie.

D (girl 12) is so much harder to shop for. I found her a National's t-shirt and have that put away in the closet. I'll also get her a charm and bracelet because she asked for one awhile back. But I need a gift somewhat equal to the doll Izzy is getting. Not because they notice but because I do. :upsidedow She's a tomboy and into baseball. Hopefully, I'll come up with something between now and then. Santa will also bring her a book and movie.
I've been waiting for this thread! I started shopping (mind you, only a small bit) a few months ago! I got a couple of T-shirts for FH, hopefully he likes them.

I know DSS12 wants an Xbox 1. So he might get that. As for DSS6, we already preordered the newest Skylanders set. I have no idea what we are doing for DSDs big gifts yet though...They are 11 and 9 (10 by Christmas). Goodness, they grow up so fast...

So excited to start talking Christmas with you lovely ladies. When I told FH that he has 10 paychecks left, he just kind of looked at me in awe. I don't think he believed me, since he prefers not to talk about Christmas until after Thanksgiving!
Happy to see this thread again! I enjoyed it so much last year, even when I finished shopping. I have three kids to shop for - 5, 7 and 11. My 11 year old will be the tough one.
I have never joined before but I will this year. We are DH and I, DS17 and DD4 (will turn 5 in December). We have a few traditions around the holidays.

First, Thanksgiving. We host. We are far from our real families and DH works with the Navy. We sort of adopt his coworkers and host holidays and events for/with them. We all get the big family gathering with none of the family drama. It is great. This year will be bitter sweet. While we have gotten some great new families in, I have lost three of my guys in the last month to transfers. :sad1: Unfortunately they can't "come home" for the holidays.

Christmas is started late here since DD's birthday is at the beginning of the month. I don't want her day to be lost in the holiday. We go over to Destin to Build A Bear every year and get a new lovey and visit Santa's Workshop at Bass Pro Shop. Then stop off and get a chocolate from the fancy sweet's place. This year will bring a new tradition. DH's grandma always sent us a box of cookies. She passed away last week. DH would like for me to carry on the tradition so I will try to do so.

As for gifts, some Disney book collection was on super sale in May so ordered that for DD. Just got DS a new wallet for his stocking.

I am trying to stick to 4 gifts, a stocking, a family gift, and Santa gift.
I'm in too! AND we are leaving for WDW three weeks from tomorrow too! Woo hoo!
:welcome: to you too!! And how cool y'all are going the same day!

We are going to Disney in November so Christmas will have to be fewer gifts this year for my two. Izzy (7) is getting a Bitty Twin Boy. I picked him from the American Girl store today. She has two girls and recently started asking for a baby brother. That is not in the cards and once she got it through her head she asked, "Can I least have a baby brother doll?" It was so sweet! I'll make clothes for all three dolls. I'll also pick up a charm from Disney to start her a charm bracelet. Haven't decided if I'll get the bracelet there or from a local jeweler. That will be all from me. Usually her father likes to pick up something but I think this year I'll just put his name on the doll too. Santa will bring a book and a movie.

D (girl 12) is so much harder to shop for. I found her a National's t-shirt and have that put away in the closet. I'll also get her a charm and bracelet because she asked for one awhile back. But I need a gift somewhat equal to the doll Izzy is getting. Not because they notice but because I do. :upsidedow She's a tomboy and into baseball. Hopefully, I'll come up with something between now and then. Santa will also bring her a book and movie.

I've been waiting for this thread! I started shopping (mind you, only a small bit) a few months ago! I got a couple of T-shirts for FH, hopefully he likes them.

I know DSS12 wants an Xbox 1. So he might get that. As for DSS6, we already preordered the newest Skylanders set. I have no idea what we are doing for DSDs big gifts yet though...They are 11 and 9 (10 by Christmas). Goodness, they grow up so fast...

So excited to start talking Christmas with you lovely ladies. When I told FH that he has 10 paychecks left, he just kind of looked at me in awe. I don't think he believed me, since he prefers not to talk about Christmas until after Thanksgiving!

Glad you are joining in!!!!:goodvibes Sounds like you have a good start for a list!!

Happy to see this thread again! I enjoyed it so much last year, even when I finished shopping. I have three kids to shop for - 5, 7 and 11. My 11 year old will be the tough one.

Glad you are back!! it is fun, isn't it?!!!:yay:
I have never joined before but I will this year. We are DH and I, DS17 and DD4 (will turn 5 in December). We have a few traditions around the holidays.

First, Thanksgiving. We host. We are far from our real families and DH works with the Navy. We sort of adopt his coworkers and host holidays and events for/with them. We all get the big family gathering with none of the family drama. It is great. This year will be bitter sweet. While we have gotten some great new families in, I have lost three of my guys in the last month to transfers. :sad1: Unfortunately they can't "come home" for the holidays.

Christmas is started late here since DD's birthday is at the beginning of the month. I don't want her day to be lost in the holiday. We go over to Destin to Build A Bear every year and get a new lovey and visit Santa's Workshop at Bass Pro Shop. Then stop off and get a chocolate from the fancy sweet's place. This year will bring a new tradition. DH's grandma always sent us a box of cookies. She passed away last week. DH would like for me to carry on the tradition so I will try to do so.

As for gifts, some Disney book collection was on super sale in May so ordered that for DD. Just got DS a new wallet for his stocking.

I am trying to stick to 4 gifts, a stocking, a family gift, and Santa gift.

:welcome: aboard!!! Love your traditions!!! and the amount of gifts you want sound perfect!
I've already started & made some serious headway. Nephews are taken care of (tees from Hollister/deep clearance) & my grandnephew is going to be spoiled by this family! Nothing for either set of parents or my kids but its all good.
We're suppose to be going to Disney so I've offered the kids some spending money instead of gifts for Christmas. They seem good with it.
We are going to Disney in November so Christmas will have to be fewer gifts this year for my two. Izzy (7) is getting a Bitty Twin Boy. I picked him from the American Girl store today. She has two girls and recently started asking for a baby brother. That is not in the cards and once she got it through her head she asked, "Can I least have a baby brother doll?" It was so sweet! I'll make clothes for all three dolls. I'll also pick up a charm from Disney to start her a charm bracelet. Haven't decided if I'll get the bracelet there or from a local jeweler. That will be all from me. Usually her father likes to pick up something but I think this year I'll just put his name on the doll too. Santa will bring a book and a movie.

D (girl 12) is so much harder to shop for. I found her a National's t-shirt and have that put away in the closet. I'll also get her a charm and bracelet because she asked for one awhile back. But I need a gift somewhat equal to the doll Izzy is getting. Not because they notice but because I do. :upsidedow She's a tomboy and into baseball. Hopefully, I'll come up with something between now and then. Santa will also bring her a book and movie.

well,,,.. I had a long comment for you typed out and I lost it!!! Not sure what happened?!! We bought my dd's bracelet from James Avery and it is great for small kids...and every charm you purchase from them they attach for free! It's a good deal!! Be sure and ask if you get really stuck on the gift for your older daughter...we have usually got some creative ladies on here every year!! What about concert tickets...of a series of books if she's a reader...we will be thinking!!


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