"A Fresh Start" WDW Vacation with a Newbie and the Boyfriend!- Nov TR COMPLETE 2/16!

It was time for Via Napoli Dinner!

It was our last table service meal on our dining plan with Emily.



It is such a pretty restaurant!!

Our server was Yvonne. She had to have been new because she was very very shy and a little awkward but sweet! It was incredibly loud in there, we couldn't hear our server and we couldn't even hear each other talk!

I wanted to try an appetizer so I got proscuitto and melon. It was good but weird!


Corey was obsessed with his pepperoni pizza.


I had the spicy sausage pizza. It was pretty good.


Emily had the chicken parmesan. She didn't think the chicken was cooked thoroughly so she didn't eat the middle. In hindsight she should have sent it back.


For our desserts we got the zeppole, gelato, and tiramisu. The zeppole was the winner. Everyone loved the zeppole. I had it before and didn't love it but this time it was much better! I love that whipped cream, I think its freshly made. The chocolate is a little bitter.





We got out of our meal a little before Illuminations. I haven't seen Illuminations in years. We have always skipped it because it was too cold or we didn't feel like waiting.

The fountain in Italy is one of my favorite World Showcase features!


We found our spots in the World Showcase and we had a good view but the railing in front of us was crooked. I used the railing to take pictures with a long shutter speed to hold up my camera, so all of my pictures from Illuminations are a bit crooked!

Our view <3



Now time for Illuminations. Watching this had showed me that I really do love Illuminations. I love the fire and all of the lights around the WS!







See all of my pictures are crooked!

Before Illuminations I went into Karamelle Kuche to get some caramel corn but since the park was almost closed there wasn't any caramel corn. IMO Epcot needs to be open later. The WS is such an awesome nighttime area and I don't understand why they aren't open later.

When we got back to our hotel Corey told me he wanted me to cancel Yachtsmans Steakhouse for tomorrow because he didn't want any more steak. Boooo!! We ended up reserving Cape May against my will.

Via Napoli looks great! You got a really nice view for illuminations and your pictures turned out really well! You can always photoshop them if you are bothered by the slight tilt, and then they will be perfect!
I'm on a mission to read your trip report & read all that you have so far before I have to force myself away from the disboards to start my homework!

-I have never been to the AKL, the Boma breakfast looks real good! And the price isn't bad for Disney food! :rotfl:
-DiVine is perfect!
-Animal had so much detail in there decor. I would agree with you about the area around EE being your favorites!
-A completely empty bus makes me feel awkward at times, like I don't know if I should or shouldn't talk at times.
-The bees stinging your back still scares me, I know its coming but it doesn't matter! But I do love when the bugs run under my butt!
-I LOVE the FoTLK!!!! its perfect
-I have never stayed at AK till closing time, I normally go for morning EMH and leave by lunch
-I wish I liked sushi it looks so good. Creme Brulee looks so good too! My mother had that when she went to kona one time and she said it was really good. Now I have to go to Kona!
-Earl of Sandwich is one of my favorite places to eat! But not when they mess up sandwiches
-4th meal?! Welcome to Disney World! I'm glad I'm not the only fatty, I look forward to disney food & eat as much as I can of it! The Mickey mouse ganache looks so cute!

-Painting nails while waiting for the bus? Why have I never thought of that?!
- Disney just puts so much detail into everything!
-those buffalo chicken tenders look amazing! (Once again obsessing over disney food!) I went to the studio catering co where they had buffalo chicken sandwich but it was not very buffalo chicken.
-Why do people bring there big iPads to the park? I just don't understand
-wreck it ralph....I'm in LOVE with that movie, so in love I probably saw it about 10 times (I wish I was joking but I am not...)
-agreed Cars is the best section at AoA
- love the sunset over the LM pool picture, looks so classy!
-OHANA!!!!! LOVEEEE! perfect seats for Hallowishes. I went to mnsshp this oct and fell in love with these fireworks the soundtrack is perfect

-there is like no one watching the trolley show. Where is everyone?
- CRT looks real good. My sister actually is working there today as we speak!
-spreading the disney magic, YES!
-Splash mountain is one perfect ride
-oh no, no getting sick in disney that's the worst
- Your skipper seemed to be a charater. wait the elephants arent real? :rotfl:
-the gflo is so classy, i can't even handle it
- why does disney food always have to look so good?!
-the HM CM ruined the effect of the stretching room once for me when they forgot to close the door :headache:
-decapitation on Space? I have the same fear! I can't put my heads up for fear I might loose them
-le cellier filet is like heaven and those mashed potatoes complete the meal
-I have a small obsession with norway! I'm real happen I found someone who shares the same love for the smell of norway!
-the new test track....I like the old one a lot more
-no more steak?! I live off steak when I'm in disney

I'm all caught up now!!! sorry about the obnoxious amount of comments I made as I was reading.
My pictures always end up crooked, so thank goodness I can straighten them on my computer. :laughing:

Your dinner looks so yummy! I love the food and atmosphere at Via Napoli. Those desserts look awesome!
Via Napoli is SO good! Love it!

IllumiNations is my favorite, I just love it so much! Your pictures are great!
I love Via Napoli, they have such fantastic pizza! And the desserts are really good too!

Isn't Illuminations the best? To say I'm obsessed with it would be an understatement...I'm so in love with that show! I love everything about it, but I especially love the music, it's so moving! Your pictures are great, even if they are a little crooked! :cool1:
I love Via Napoli, they have such fantastic pizza! And the desserts are really good too!

Isn't Illuminations the best? To say I'm obsessed with it would be an understatement...I'm so in love with that show! I love everything about it, but I especially love the music, it's so moving! Your pictures are great, even if they are a little crooked! :cool1:

Haha I definitely do like the music! I am not obsessed with it but I like it! I don't really like that globe. I think it is kind of weird. However I am obsessed with Wishes!

Via Napoli is SO good! Love it!

IllumiNations is my favorite, I just love it so much! Your pictures are great!

Thanks! We will definitely be eating at Via Napoli again!

My pictures always end up crocked, so thank goodness I can straighten them on my computer. :laughing:

Your dinner looks so yummy! I love the food and atmosphere at Via Napoli. Those desserts look awesome!

I did notice I could do that on aperture! Do you know if they keep the same quality if you straighten them? It seemed like the quality diminished a bit.

I'm on a mission to read your trip report & read all that you have so far before I have to force myself away from the disboards to start my homework!

-I have never been to the AKL, the Boma breakfast looks real good! And the price isn't bad for Disney food! :rotfl:
-DiVine is perfect!
-Animal had so much detail in there decor. I would agree with you about the area around EE being your favorites!
-A completely empty bus makes me feel awkward at times, like I don't know if I should or shouldn't talk at times.
-The bees stinging your back still scares me, I know its coming but it doesn't matter! But I do love when the bugs run under my butt!
-I LOVE the FoTLK!!!! its perfect
-I have never stayed at AK till closing time, I normally go for morning EMH and leave by lunch
-I wish I liked sushi it looks so good. Creme Brulee looks so good too! My mother had that when she went to kona one time and she said it was really good. Now I have to go to Kona!
-Earl of Sandwich is one of my favorite places to eat! But not when they mess up sandwiches
-4th meal?! Welcome to Disney World! I'm glad I'm not the only fatty, I look forward to disney food & eat as much as I can of it! The Mickey mouse ganache looks so cute!

-Painting nails while waiting for the bus? Why have I never thought of that?!
- Disney just puts so much detail into everything!
-those buffalo chicken tenders look amazing! (Once again obsessing over disney food!) I went to the studio catering co where they had buffalo chicken sandwich but it was not very buffalo chicken.
-Why do people bring there big iPads to the park? I just don't understand
-wreck it ralph....I'm in LOVE with that movie, so in love I probably saw it about 10 times (I wish I was joking but I am not...)
-agreed Cars is the best section at AoA
- love the sunset over the LM pool picture, looks so classy!
-OHANA!!!!! LOVEEEE! perfect seats for Hallowishes. I went to mnsshp this oct and fell in love with these fireworks the soundtrack is perfect

-there is like no one watching the trolley show. Where is everyone?
- CRT looks real good. My sister actually is working there today as we speak!
-spreading the disney magic, YES!
-Splash mountain is one perfect ride
-oh no, no getting sick in disney that's the worst
- Your skipper seemed to be a charater. wait the elephants arent real? :rotfl:
-the gflo is so classy, i can't even handle it
- why does disney food always have to look so good?!
-the HM CM ruined the effect of the stretching room once for me when they forgot to close the door :headache:
-decapitation on Space? I have the same fear! I can't put my heads up for fear I might loose them
-le cellier filet is like heaven and those mashed potatoes complete the meal
-I have a small obsession with norway! I'm real happen I found someone who shares the same love for the smell of norway!
-the new test track....I like the old one a lot more
-no more steak?! I live off steak when I'm in disney

I'm all caught up now!!! sorry about the obnoxious amount of comments I made as I was reading.

OMG! That is the most amazing comment ever! How in the world can you remember all of that?? Do you take notes?!

Wow you seriously saw Wreck it ralph 10 times?? Lol! I am definitely going to buy it when it comes out! I am so glad we have similar decapitation worries and food obsession!! That is awesome that your sister works at CRT! So jealous! If shes a server I bet she makes a crapload!

Via Napoli looks great! You got a really nice view for illuminations and your pictures turned out really well! You can always photoshop them if you are bothered by the slight tilt, and then they will be perfect!
I will have to do that then thanks!! Via Napoli was yummmy!

Today was Emily's last day at Disney:sad: and she was leaving on Magical Express around 5pm!

I kind of planned to spend more time at Epcot because I thought she would like that the best and she said she did want to spend more time there, so that is what we did!

We had leftover counter service credits so we decided to have breakfast at Art of Animation.

Emily got an omelette.


I got the Tandoori breakfast.


I really liked the potatoes and the naan bread!

We got some specialty drinks to go for the bus wait and ride. I ordered the mango smoothie which was delicious! It was so fresh and I saw the fruit she put in the smoothie and there was a lot! Emily got some sort of iced coffee.


We made it to Epcot and the lines were ridiculously long to get in. Every single line was like 25 people deep.


We actually were early this morning so we stopped for photopass pictures.

I love those look surprised pictures. I always look like such a goofball.



It was an absolutely gorgeous day today!




We stopped for another photopass pic in front of the fountain!


Then I decided to head to Club Cool to play a mean cruel joke on Emily: make her try the delicious Beverly!

I have to avoid Club Cool from now on, now that I work for Pepsi!



She tried some other flavors and then I told her that she needed to try the Beverly. She seemed suspicious so I decided to take one for the team and drink it with her!





We headed to The Land pavilion to go on Living with the Land.


Emily found this hidden mickey!!! I can't believe how many hidden mickeys there are on this ride.


This nine pound lemon is pretty cool!


Next up is World Showcase time!!

Spent the last hour catching up with you (I have too much time on my hands). You guys are so cute. Emily reminds me of a cross between Sandra Bullock and Kate Middleton!
That mango smoothie looks really really good!!

I love playing the 'beverly is delicious' game with newbies, so evil but so great.

Yikes do Pepsi really care that much that you're not seen with any of cokes products? Seems like it would be really hard to remember to steer clear all the time!

Living with land is so great, it's just so relaxing :goodvibes
Boo on it being Emily's last day !! My DD loves to find all of the hidden Mickeys on the Land. I still think it is funny that you can't drink Coke products now that you work for Pepsi :rotfl:
What a beautiful morning at Epcot! It seems like Emily's trip just began and she is leaving already! Disney days go by so much faster than regular days lol That smoothie looks delicious, yum!
Spent the last hour catching up with you (I have too much time on my hands). You guys are so cute. Emily reminds me of a cross between Sandra Bullock and Kate Middleton!
That is funny! I can definitely see that!!! I have never thought about that even though I have been friends with her forever!
That mango smoothie looks really really good!!

I love playing the 'beverly is delicious' game with newbies, so evil but so great.

Yikes do Pepsi really care that much that you're not seen with any of cokes products? Seems like it would be really hard to remember to steer clear all the time!

Living with land is so great, it's just so relaxing :goodvibes
No they don't care that you are seen with it but they don't really like you to buy Coke products because I would be supporting the competitor. I think you are allowed to buy it on your free time but I still don't think they like it.
Boo on it being Emily's last day !! My DD loves to find all of the hidden Mickeys on the Land. I still think it is funny that you can't drink Coke products now that you work for Pepsi :rotfl:

I know I was soo bummed and sad. Lol yes they are funny!!

What a beautiful morning at Epcot! It seems like Emily's trip just began and she is leaving already! Disney days go by so much faster than regular days lol That smoothie looks delicious, yum!
Yes I was soo sad!! The smoothie was delicious!

Now it was time for the World Showcase and lunch at the Food and Wine booths.

It wasn't too busy yet because it was a Monday.


My first stop was Hawaii for a Kahula pork slider.


The bun was too hard and it just wasn't good.

I just realized I don't think my pictures are in order and I forgot to take notes and since this trip is 3 months old I forgot everything!

One booth we went to was Mexico! I got the caramel custard and shrimp taco. The shrimp taco was horrible. The shrimp was hard and inedible.




Ok, forget this. I can't figure it out!! I am just going to post all of my food pics!

From the Hops and Barley Booth I got the lobster claw and pumpkin mousse.



I really loved the pumpkin mousse but didn't like the orange sauce.

The lobster claw was sad and not worth the six dollars!

Emily got the lamb with mint pesto and salt and vinegar chips.


I took a bite and it was a little tough to eat but the flavor was good.

Next up was Japan where I got a spicy tuna roll that was good and hugge! I love the Japan pavilion.


We watched the candy lady. It was really amazing what she did but she said candy soooo weird and sooo many times!! She was like cendy and she went really high up on the y sound! It was weird.



Next up was something fun!! I wanted a grey goose slushie and Corey wanted one too. He had a sip of mine before and really liked it. Corey does not drink, he has never ordered a drink for himself and he really has only drank like 3 times! So Corey goes in to order and surprises all of us with a grey goose slushie!! Aww what a good guy.



First drink he bought for himself!


We were sitting at a table in France and the performers came out. I took out my long lens and took lots of photos of the chair guy. He was awesome!





Corey got us a chocolate creme brulee to split. This is sooo good. The creme part is so creamy and light chocolate!


Emily got a chocolate crepe. She didn't really like it. She thought it would be like a hazelnut like in Paris but it was just chocolate syrup.


France was a fun time today!

It took me over an hour, but I read every single post in this thread. popcorn::

Love your trip report!! Looks like you had a lovely time with your b/f and best friend. Did you write your trip report for your January trip yet? If not, will be looking forward to it! :banana:
I did notice I could do that on aperture! Do you know if they keep the same quality if you straighten them? It seemed like the quality diminished a bit.

I use iphoto to edit my pictures, so it's right in there with the quick fixes. Works like a charm. I take a lot of sports pictures and they are ALWAYS crocked since I don't use a tripod.

Any how - Boo for Emily's last day! Your breakfast looks so good and I absolutely love that bread.

I hate when I get to Epcot and the line is super long like that. It's like - come on people, move it!

Ah - the Beverly. Emily looks like "hmmmm - let me think about this". :rotfl2:
Rachel- I saw the pics you posted of you and your friend in the World of Disney with the princess statues. What part of the store are they in? I was in that store 2x in the past 2 years and never saw them. This is a photo op I'd LOVE to get!! :lovestruc
BEVERLY! Always a good time with that horrible drink.

I wish I was more adventurous when it came to food so I could try more food at the food and wine festival, but by the looks of it it seems like it can be hit of miss.

Chair guy makes me nervous every time!
im surprised you didnt like the kona pulled pork, we had that and really liked it:confused3

might have been a bad batch of buns you had.
It took me over an hour, but I read every single post in this thread. popcorn::

Love your trip report!! Looks like you had a lovely time with your b/f and best friend. Did you write your trip report for your January trip yet? If not, will be looking forward to it! :banana:

Aw thanks so much for reading! I did start it but I don't have much yet. It is called like The Solo Trip Where I got Addicted to Vinylmations or something like that...haha I can't exactly remember what I called it!

I use iphoto to edit my pictures, so it's right in there with the quick fixes. Works like a charm. I take a lot of sports pictures and they are ALWAYS crocked since I don't use a tripod.

Any how - Boo for Emily's last day! Your breakfast looks so good and I absolutely love that bread.

I hate when I get to Epcot and the line is super long like that. It's like - come on people, move it!

Ah - the Beverly. Emily looks like "hmmmm - let me think about this". :rotfl2:

Lol that is funny! She does look like that. I think she seriously thought I thought it was good so she was like what in the heck are you thinking!

Rachel- I saw the pics you posted of you and your friend in the World of Disney with the princess statues. What part of the store are they in? I was in that store 2x in the past 2 years and never saw them. This is a photo op I'd LOVE to get!! :lovestruc
Yes I love that spot too!! It is actually right outside of World of Disney. It is right by the Lego store so it is kind of at the other end of World of Disney!

BEVERLY! Always a good time with that horrible drink.

I wish I was more adventurous when it came to food so I could try more food at the food and wine festival, but by the looks of it it seems like it can be hit of miss.

Chair guy makes me nervous every time!
Yeah I think it is hit or miss. It is a great experience but some of the items aren't that great!!
im surprised you didnt like the kona pulled pork, we had that and really liked it:confused3

might have been a bad batch of buns you had.

I think it was. I liked the pork especially with that spicy mayo but the bun was too thick and not soft enough!


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