A Planning Guide to Goofy's Great Birthday Bash!

Day 4 of Goofy's Family Birthday Celebration!

A day full of fun twists. :wizard:

We are going to start our day chowing down on room service for breakfast. I am already looking forward to sitting on the balcony sipping my tea. I don't know about you, but to me, room service breakfast is just such a fun treat. Thank goodness for the deluxe dining plan and all of the credits it will give us! :thumbsup2

After a leisurely breakfast we are going to head out and play mini golf. We have yet to conquer the summer side of the Winterland/Summerland golf course. We are going to remedy that! ;)

After a morning of golf, it will be time for a late lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe. It's one of those places we have never tried and in looking at the menu, it looked like it might just be a tasty place to grab lunch. That and I was looking for a meal at the Grand Floridian...my Goofy needs a birthday cake to share with his brothers! :woohoo: That's twist one of the day. He won't be expecting a second birthday creation...and it's really just as much for other boys as him (they love cake). :wizard:

**Booking a dessert platter this time was NOT easy. It was actually quite frustrating. I called about five times before even getting to speak to a 'real person' and then it was someone who told me they couldn't do what I was asking for (even though I have had them do similar things in the past). None of my calls were returned when I went to voice mail. Finally, I spoke with someone who was able to take my order and I am hoping that the final result will be worth all of the hassle on the planning side. I realize that the GF private dining/bakery is very busy and that they have many other clients who deserve just as much attention as I do, so I think they really need to hire more help if they don't have the man power to give all of their potential customers return phone calls. Because the process was so frustrating, I gave up even trying to book a private dinner there for Goofy.

Having booked three custom dessert creations with the bakery (within the past 24 months) and having booked a private dinner and an afternoon luncheon both catered by the kitchens there (both within the last year) all without issue, I was surprised at the lack of customer service this time. I am hoping the issues I ran into are short term ones and that when I call to make plans, in the future, things will run as smoothly as they had in the past! :wizard: **

Following lunch, it will be time for a swim, a nap, some arcade time, relaxing in the lounge, building sand castles or watching a movie. Maybe a combination of a few of them. ;) Relaxation will be tops on our list.

We have a really fun twist in store for the evening. Last year, dh and I went to see the Blue Man Group and fell in love with their unique kind of fun! We instantly decided that we needed to bring the boys next year...and that is just what we are going to do! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: We have booked in room child care through the IPO for our little Buzz. As much as he is up for new adventures, I think the show might be a bit much for him. ;) So, while he is busy having fun with a new friend, the rest of us will be heading over to Universal Studios and stopping for dinner at Bubba Gump's before heading to the show. I am looking forward to seeing the boys' reactions to the show. I think they will all love it!:thumbsup2

After the show we will make our way back and hopefully spend the rest of the night laughing together over all of the fun we had! :cloud9:
All I can say is.........:worship::worship::worship::worship:

You are just the best planner & secret keeper I have ever met!!! Again...:worship::worship::worship::worship:

It sounds like an amazing trip for all!!! :yay:
What a fun-filled day. I too love room service. Sitting out on a balcony just watching and enjoying the moment. Hard to beat. I think it will be a very enjoyable day for everyone for sure. I love Blue Man Group. I think your boys will really like it too. They do some really cool stuff. I bet Buzz will do fine with his new friend.

You get better with each and every day. You are amazing. Loving this so much.

I'll be watching for more.

Love this day's adventures as much as all the rest. It's so nice how you build in time for relaxing and just spending time together. I keep wondering if I should alter my commando park plans and just have some down time together, but we do have two "water park" days (one at the beginning and one in the middle) that I hope will be relaxing.

Sorry GF has given you such a hard time this time. I hope they come through for you in the future. :)
Jay....everything sounds like so much fun. Goofy is just going to have a blast celebrating his birthday. Oh and when the rest of the family get there, oh me oh my, the fun will continue in a BIG way!!!! Blue Man group....1st haircut for Buzz....very cool. Oh but I will be eager to hear whether Buzz will ALLOW his new Mickey Ears to be placed on his head without bursting into tears. We all know how well that went over last year. Hahahaha. (Hopefully he has grown to love the mouse ears...hahahahahaha)
What a nice relaxing day you will have! And Blue Man Group is awesome, the boys will love it for sure. DH and I went here in Boston years ago, it was so funny, and the show is just great. Don't get splashed though!
I haven't decided exactly what to ask IPO to do for me. I'm thinking a beach towel, sand toys, and maybe a pin or a plush? Will they put them in the room and set it up like a surprise for me, or do I need to sneak away and do it myself? I'd better make up my mind, time is flying!:hourglass
Room service for breakfast, sitting on a balcony with a view, a day full of fun... sounds like a winner to me! :thumbsup2
Sorry you had such a hassle booking the Birthday platter, you've always had such amazing creations before so hopefully it'll all be worth it :hug:
It was driving me crazy that I had to go to page 4 to find your PTR, so although I dont have a lot to say at this time, I wanted to bump it up to the front where it should be.... :lmao:

Oh by the way, I am very excited to see what platter you come up with this time. The other ones were not to be believed!!:worship:

Just saw that December hours were released so I am going to spend the evening trying to see what parks are open when to plan my ADRs....so I can be ready for next Friday's 90 day mark!:woohoo:
All I can say is.........:worship::worship::worship::worship:

You are just the best planner & secret keeper I have ever met!!! Again...:worship::worship::worship::worship:

It sounds like an amazing trip for all!!! :yay:
I hope they have even half of the fun I am dreamin' they will have! For me, a big part of the joy comes from watching them experience so much happiness. :cloud9:

What a fun-filled day. I too love room service. Sitting out on a balcony just watching and enjoying the moment. Hard to beat. I think it will be a very enjoyable day for everyone for sure. I love Blue Man Group. I think your boys will really like it too. They do some really cool stuff. I bet Buzz will do fine with his new friend.

You get better with each and every day. You are amazing. Loving this so much.

I'll be watching for more.

Last year when dh and I saw the BMG, we both thought that seeing them on stage was like seeing into Goofy and Stitch's minds.:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: I know the boys will SO get them! :thumbsup2 I am really looking forward to seeing them again myself, I thought their show was great!

Love this day's adventures as much as all the rest. It's so nice how you build in time for relaxing and just spending time together. I keep wondering if I should alter my commando park plans and just have some down time together, but we do have two "water park" days (one at the beginning and one in the middle) that I hope will be relaxing.

Sorry GF has given you such a hard time this time. I hope they come through for you in the future. :)
After having been forced to plan downtime into our trip (while I was pregnant with lil' Buzz) I now won't plan a trip without it. I had no idea what we were missing! ;)

I adore water park days as well. Disney has such great ones! Even if you can just 'force' yourself to carve out one afternoon or one evening, I bet you will enjoy it! Downtime at WDW is totally under rated!

I think it was just a comedy of errors sort of thing. I am nervous because I think the planning on the cake was done by the person taking the order instead of the chef (I usually just give them a theme and a budget and set the pastry chef loose) but supposedly I couldn't do it that way this time. :confused: I have my fingers crossed and also have faith that it will turn out amazing. A different way doesn't always make it a worse way. So, I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out! :thumbsup2

Jay....everything sounds like so much fun. Goofy is just going to have a blast celebrating his birthday. Oh and when the rest of the family get there, oh me oh my, the fun will continue in a BIG way!!!! Blue Man group....1st haircut for Buzz....very cool. Oh but I will be eager to hear whether Buzz will ALLOW his new Mickey Ears to be placed on his head without bursting into tears. We all know how well that went over last year. Hahahaha. (Hopefully he has grown to love the mouse ears...hahahahahaha)
I know, I am already nervous about him and those ears. :rotfl: I still cannot imagine why the ears were so upsetting to him last time. :rotfl2: I REALLY do not want to get his hair cut, but dh thinks it is way past time. I have put him off this long by telling him that I wanted Buzz's first hair cut to be at WDW. :laughing: I am guessing he will not let Buzz leave without a hair cut.:rolleyes1

What a nice relaxing day you will have! And Blue Man Group is awesome, the boys will love it for sure. DH and I went here in Boston years ago, it was so funny, and the show is just great. Don't get splashed though!
I haven't decided exactly what to ask IPO to do for me. I'm thinking a beach towel, sand toys, and maybe a pin or a plush? Will they put them in the room and set it up like a surprise for me, or do I need to sneak away and do it myself? I'd better make up my mind, time is flying!:hourglass
YES, they absolutely will place them in your room for you! They will be placing treats for me this coming trip as well! :thumbsup2
It sounds like you will be having an awesome first day with the whole family.:cool1:
I am really looking forward to that day! Not only will I be at WDW but I will have my guys all back together again. :cloud9::lovestruc Ahhh! :love:

Room service for breakfast, sitting on a balcony with a view, a day full of fun... sounds like a winner to me! :thumbsup2
Doesn't it! I love the idea of relaxing together...what precious memories we are sure to create!

Sorry you had such a hassle booking the Birthday platter, you've always had such amazing creations before so hopefully it'll all be worth it :hug:
I know Goofy will be excited for whatever it is and I am hoping (and pretty sure from previous service) that the issues this time were just a fluke. :thumbsup2

It was driving me crazy that I had to go to page 4 to find your PTR, so although I dont have a lot to say at this time, I wanted to bump it up to the front where it should be.... :lmao:

Oh by the way, I am very excited to see what platter you come up with this time. The other ones were not to be believed!!:worship:

Just saw that December hours were released so I am going to spend the evening trying to see what parks are open when to plan my ADRs....so I can be ready for next Friday's 90 day mark!:woohoo:

Thanks for bumping it up! :) I need to spend some time looking at December's stuff but I am so busy planning September's trip, raising four boys and teaching three of them that I simply don't have the time. :laughing: My day ends before my 'to do' list does...that's for sure! ;)

Have fun planning your trip!!
Look how close you are now. Isn't it amazing. I'm so excited for you. I so remember little Buzz and the ears. I do hope for a better outcome. Of course he is now at the age that the characters might give him a little problem too. I just remember it with Santa and my girls.

In case you are interested I posted Sheri's birthday last night. It was so everything I wanted it to be. My girls did not disappoint.

I just looked at your countdown calendar and can't believe how close the big trip is! You must be getting so excited and absolutely busting at the seams keeping it all a surprise! Sounds like most of us reading this are almost as excited as you are to hear how it all turns out!

You have got to be the most organized (and energetic) person in the world to be getting ready for this trip and raising your family and teaching them...
I know, I am already nervous about him and those ears. :rotfl: I still cannot imagine why the ears were so upsetting to him last time. :rotfl2: I REALLY do not want to get his hair cut, but dh thinks it is way past time. I have put him off this long by telling him that I wanted Buzz's first hair cut to be at WDW. :laughing: I am guessing he will not let Buzz leave without a hair cut.:rolleyes1
Awww hugs to you Jay...I know how you feel. Just tell the barber that you want a teenie-weenie trim and nothing more.....LOL...don't let your DH give your little Buzz a buzz ...just a trim...keep the curl!!!! LOL:cloud9:
Jay! Your trip is coming up so soon! :yay: Sounds like you have a lot of wonderful things planned again! :dance3:

PM me your exact dates & I'll let you know where Jordan will be working! She is having an amazing time on the Disney College Program! I just hope she will want to come home... :sad1:

Have fun getting ready for your trip! :hug:
Jay! Your trip is coming up so soon! :yay: Sounds like you have a lot of wonderful things planned again! :dance3:

PM me your exact dates & I'll let you know where Jordan will be working! She is having an amazing time on the Disney College Program! I just hope she will want to come home... :sad1:

Have fun getting ready for your trip! :hug:

Not to interrupt Michelle, My cousins granddaughter just graduated this summer and absolutely loved it. She just got terribly homesick. She is from Arizona. I am glad your daughter is liking it too. I think I put a pic on my TR.

HOW DID I MISS THIS!?!?!?!? :scared1: Sooo busy with Dd's birthday and school starting and now less than 100 days until our VR!! You need to slow down so i can keep up! :rotfl:

OMG Jay...this trip is going to be so wonderful!! Goofy is going to be so blown away by the Breathless cruise...he is totally not going to believe his eyes when he sees his dad and brothers there! What an amazing trip you have planned for your family....and how great...you get a 2 week disney vacation out of it! :rotfl: Such a great planner you are! :rotfl:

You need to give a class on disney secrets and suprises!! It's AMAZING! I so wish i could figure out something for my DH-DH (disney hating dear husband) when we go in December.....
Mrs. Jay -

Too fab for words.

Mrs. Spratt

ps - you remind me of my parents - you have very lucky boys!:goodvibes
Look how close you are now. Isn't it amazing. I'm so excited for you. I so remember little Buzz and the ears. I do hope for a better outcome. Of course he is now at the age that the characters might give him a little problem too. I just remember it with Santa and my girls.

In case you are interested I posted Sheri's birthday last night. It was so everything I wanted it to be. My girls did not disappoint.

Oh yes, I am interested in reading that, I need to head over and take a gander! :)

I have my fingers crossed that he will still do well with the characters. He saw Tony the Tiger at a soccer tournament not too long ago and practically jumped out of our arms to get to him. He is a real character lover (and also a real character himself;) ).

I just looked at your countdown calendar and can't believe how close the big trip is! You must be getting so excited and absolutely busting at the seams keeping it all a surprise! Sounds like most of us reading this are almost as excited as you are to hear how it all turns out!

You have got to be the most organized (and energetic) person in the world to be getting ready for this trip and raising your family and teaching them...
In no time at all I will be at WDW! SOOOOOOO EXCITED! This may be the last chance I get to pop on before I leave. I have so much to get done, so much packing and even some cooking so that I can leave dh with a few meals 'pre-done' so he just needs to pop them in. Phew, I am making myself tired thinking of all of it. :rotfl: I will need a vacation after getting ready to vacation. :laughing:

All that keeps me busy in my day to day life just adds to my love for Disney. While I am at WDW I just let everything else go and concentrate on having fun and enjoying being with those I love. I am so excited! :woohoo:

I only wish I was organized! ;) Maybe one day! :wizard:

Awww hugs to you Jay...I know how you feel. Just tell the barber that you want a teenie-weenie trim and nothing more.....LOL...don't let your DH give your little Buzz a buzz ...just a trim...keep the curl!!!! LOL:cloud9:
YES...just a little trim sounds just right! ;)

Jay! Your trip is coming up so soon! :yay: Sounds like you have a lot of wonderful things planned again! :dance3:

PM me your exact dates & I'll let you know where Jordan will be working! She is having an amazing time on the Disney College Program! I just hope she will want to come home... :sad1:

Have fun getting ready for your trip! :hug:
I will PM you soon! I am so happy that she is loving it...I KNEW she would! And don't worry, Jordan will always love her family even more than Disney, you raised her right! :hug:

HOW DID I MISS THIS!?!?!?!? :scared1: Sooo busy with Dd's birthday and school starting and now less than 100 days until our VR!! You need to slow down so i can keep up! :rotfl:

OMG Jay...this trip is going to be so wonderful!! Goofy is going to be so blown away by the Breathless cruise...he is totally not going to believe his eyes when he sees his dad and brothers there! What an amazing trip you have planned for your family....and how great...you get a 2 week disney vacation out of it! :rotfl: Such a great planner you are! :rotfl:

You need to give a class on disney secrets and suprises!! It's AMAZING! I so wish i could figure out something for my DH-DH (disney hating dear husband) when we go in December.....
WOW less than one hundred days! Your trip will be here before you know it! DECEMBER IS just around the corner! I am really excited for you!

PM me with any questions you might have about planning surprises for your dh...I LOVE TO PLAN SUPRISES!!!:thumbsup2

Mrs. Jay -

Too fab for words.

Mrs. Spratt

ps - you remind me of my parents - you have very lucky boys!:goodvibes

This could very well be the last time I get any sort of computer time before we head to WDW. I have a crazy busy 'to-get-done-before-you-go' list. Thanks for planning along with me! I will start my new TRIP REPORT upon our return and post a link here.


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