A Planning Guide to Goofy's Great Birthday Bash!

I have my fingers crossed that he will still do well with the characters. He saw Tony the Tiger at a soccer tournament not too long ago and practically jumped out of our arms to get to him. He is a real character lover (and also a real character himself ).

Do you think having 3 older brothers to guide him has anything todo with him being a character? I bet he has grown so. I'm ready for you to get back. I want pictures.

Hope you have an amazing trip!!! Maybe we will run into each other!!

Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back...
Can't wait to hear about the wonderful trip you have planned! I'll be looking for you and your boys in the parks! :goodvibes
Have a fantastic magical trip Jay and don't forget to apply for the Moms Panel :thumbsup2
Hi, Jay!

First off - safe travels.
Secondly (always, so I guess it really is first...) blessings on you and your family!
Third - have an WONDERFUL adventure with your Goofy and then all your men!

I can't wait for the report!


Mrs. Spratt

ps - Thanks for the Pixie Dust for Storey Ann! You rock!
Have a safe trip Jay. Get lots of pix and share when you return. I know you will have a wonderful time with Goofy and then Aladin, Stitch, Buzz and that DH of yours.

I've been MIA from the boards - busy. Have a great trip and I look forward to seeing more pictures of your great family.:wizard:
This is going to be a fabulous TR with such great surprises!! I can't wait! I hope you have a very magical time!! :wizard:
I have just recently started reading your trip reports and find myself awed and amazed at all the special extra things you do for your family. I find in myself some of these same tendencies when planning for Disney World. We are going in dec of 2010 and my youngest son will be celebrating his 8th birthday. We have only been once before this will be our 2nd trip, any suggestions for birthday surprises?
Wow!! Yet another amazing trip in the works. I don't know how you keep coming up with new ideas year after year. You should seriously get a job planning surprises for others!
Hurry up and get back already...I can't wait to start reading your trip report. It has only been a day since you left but I am already jumping at the chance to read you latest and greatest trip report!!!:yay::yay::yay:

PS. I hope your having a great time and I know your little Goofy will just be awed and amazed!! I hope he has a happy birthday!
Hope you're having fun! I can't wait to see how all of the surprises pan out. :cool1:

We had a good time on our TN vacation. The idea that you gave me for the Teddy Bear "bearing" surprise gifts each day was a hit with DS4. Thanks so much for that wonderful inspiration.

Now, it will be a tradition each trip we take. Of course, the stuffed animal will be something related to the trip. Beach, perhaps a stuffed dolphin. Mountains, black bear (which is what we had), Disney, stuffed Mickey, etc. etc.

I loved surprising DS4 as much as he loved getting them. Thanks again!
Hope you and Goofy are having a fantastic trip!! I'm looking forward to reading all about it and the surprises you have planned. Hope you take tons of BWI pics. I just booked it for an adults only trip in December for our Anniversary.
Hi, Jay!

Thinking of you - hoping everything is going according to plan (or you are doing something even better!)

Can't wait to hear all about it - and Happy Birthday, Goofy!


Mrs. Spratt

ps - hoping it isn't raining at "home!"


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