A Signature a Day Keeps Reality Away: A Sep '15 Dining Report - Updated 4/11 x2

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Love the Plaza restaurant. It's the Best OOP Table Service value at WDW with a decent view of the Castle if you get a table window. Was thinking about an ADR for HBR and not sure whether I should do some place like 50's Prime Time Diner instead. I prefer not as loud places for things such as a Birthday Celebration dinner for mom. Food is a subjective thing, but the service is what disappoints me the most.
Oh my! I'm so sorry about Casey's injury and the bad Brown Derby experience. Everything about that was just so wrong. An apology, a good dose of immediate, sincere attention and at the very least some cheering up of an injured child with a comped glow drink should have happened. At the minimum. I think an inquiry along the lines of "Does your daughter need medical attention? A doctor?" would have also been called for since Casey is a child and it was a bad knock to the head. Absolutely mind boggling. Especially when she was dressed up in her Frozen attire & was trying so hard to be elegant and grown up. Shake my head at that. Shameful.
Thanks, it really was one of the worst disney dining experiences we've had. The woman who got us the ice did mention there was a first aid place at the entrance of the park, but that was it. I would have thought someone would have at least asked if she was ok. Of course with the changing station being in such a horrible place perhaps this was commonplace for them.

I had an easy lunch at Brown Derby about 5 yrs ago and simply had the cobb salad appie and grapefuit cake. It was very good and OOP wasn't that much more expensive than quick service. But dinner is a whole different ball game in terms of price & expectations at an established signature. Poor service on top of everything else? Just awful.
I had the salad and grapefruit cake on my radar and should have just stuck with those or tried lunch first. Even with better service, this place just isn't even remotely in the same league as the other signatures.

Your margarita flight looked good. Perhaps that's the best that can be said? Sounds like a definite once and done for your family.
The drinks were definitely the highlight of the meal. But not even those will bring us back again ; (

Sorry for your bad experience! I'd heard such good things from people about Brown Derby, so we have a reservation on our next trip to try it out - hope that's not a total bust for us too. Anyway, I've just discovered your trip reports and love them - looking forward to reading more! I'm a gov't employee in the DC area too, btw :-)
Hope your meal goes much, much better than ours. Just steer clear of the changing table in the restroom and you'll be off to a better start ; )

Welcome fellow civil servant. So happy to hear you are enjoying the dining reports. I certainly love eating them ; )

Your HBD meal sounds like a nightmare. What dreadful service. I think we are so used to fab service at WDW that when we have poor service it strikes harder :(
Yeah disney certainly has the customer service thing down, so I have no idea what was going on at HBD that day.

So sad to hear this! Poor Casey! At the very least the manager should have spoken to you and offered to seek medical attention for her. We had thought of trying HBD in March but the boys were horrified at not going to Sci-Fi. Sure sounds like we will be happier with burgers and shakes at Sci-Fi. Hope your next meal is better!
I'm still shocked the manager didn't say anything or the waiter question why I was holding ice to my daughters head. It was definitely an out of disney body experience.

Listen to your boys, they know what they are taking about!!!!! I'd go SciFi or 50s over HBD any day.

ElsaCasey looks so cute and adorable! Reminds me of my niece who is Casey's age. She also has all the princess dresses and loves to pose for pictures. Anyway last year they went to Disneyland and since she is obsessed with Frozen (and still is) my sister made an appointment at Anna and Elsa's Boutique. Well much to my sister's dismay and surprise her daughter absolutely refused to let them touch her hair or put makeup on her! Glad your Casey had fun with the experience.
Oh no, your poor sister. I know all kids react to the characters and experiences differently but I'm sure its just a phase.

And that is quite the horrible experience you all had at HBD. That sucks! Hopefully it's smooth sailing and delicious endeavors from here on out
Smooth sailing is definitely on the horizon
Sorry to hear the meal and service was lackluster! Plus a bump on Casey's head, they should have been all the more attentive. I have read other reports about the painfully slow and chilly service there as well. Casey looked very cute with her frozen makeover.
I must have missed the service reports in the past, because I had no expectations of anything but a typical signature experience. Sounds like they got a lot to work on.

I'll be sure to pass along your comments to Casey Jo. She'll eat it right up ; )

What a way to start your evening dinner! Sorry to hear about the injury but glad Casey bounced back. HBD is one of those places that I only go to when: a) I have a longer than usual vacation at Disney; b) I've already dined at 50s or Sci-Fi on the said longer trip; and c) I'm suffering from memory loss. It is so hit or miss on both the food and service.
Thankfully for all of us Casey is a very resilient little girl. Just today she bumped her head at school, hit her nose on my parents kitchen table, and skinned her elbow falling on the floor. Needless to say she is used to injury, but that one really was a doozy.

Love your c option. Just make sure the memory loss isn't associated with bumping your head in the restroom ; )

Ugh! Very sorry to hear about Casey's injury! The manager definitely should have handled that better. Really sorry to hear that your meal continued downhill from there! I loved our Dine with an Imagineer meal in August and am planning a trip back for lunch in January. I think Julia will enjoy the theme of the restaurant and I do love the Cobb Salad. Hopefully we will have a better experience. We have had slow service in the past and I have heard horror server stories. Guess we'll see!
Thanks. I would have settled for the situation just being handled vice even better ; )

I remember your meal very well and was truly hoping for an experience as good as yours. Fingers crossed we were the anomaly and you all have another wonderful meal.

I have been eyeing up the Plaza for a while now. Everything looks delicious. And who doesn't love a great tomato soup!? :thumbsup2
You gotta give it a try sometime. Its the perfect lunch spot!

Elsa Casey is just adorable, she looks like she just ate it all up. The dress is perfect for walking around the parks (and the crazy heat). Not having kids I'm not sure what it's like to tote around multiple princess dresses but I can't imagine it's enjoyable haha.
Thanks, eating it up was certainly an understatement. She loved her dress and it was definitely great for the summer heat. And who knows I may even letter her do it again one of these days ; )

So sorry that the day went downhill from there :( What a terrible experience, it seems like. So bizarre that the changing table was in such a bad spot. Being that it's Disney you'd especially think that they'd offer up a sincere apology and a treat or something. I've always wanted to try the HBD but it doesn't seem like you guys had a pleasant experience in the least!
I actually ended up sending in an email about the placement of the changing table. It really is in a very precarious place and I'm sure Casey wasn't the first or last for it to happen to.

Definitely try The Plaza before HBD. We would any day of the week ; )

Love the Plaza restaurant. It's the Best OOP Table Service value at WDW with a decent view of the Castle if you get a table window. Was thinking about an ADR for HBR and not sure whether I should do some place like 50's Prime Time Diner instead. I prefer not as loud places for things such as a Birthday Celebration dinner for mom. Food is a subjective thing, but the service is what disappoints me the most.
I'm right there with ya on The Plaza. It's definitely a hidden disney gem that I'm thankful the masses haven't figured out yet.

Clearly I'm not a HBD fan, but my other suggestions of 50s or SciFi certainly aren't quite. If I were you I would suggest looking into Yachtsman or Flying Fish. Both are just a quick boat ride away from MGM
My daughter fell right after we checked in at Ohana in August 2014. Loudest chase, everyone turned to look except the hostess. We were right in front of the hostess stand. My other daughter and I had to go to the bar to get ice.
We asked for the manager once we sat down. Manager happened to be great.
I can't imagine how awful it had to be if the manager didn't care. We were given glow up ice cubes. The recipe for the bread pudding. But we still didn't return their on our last trip.

We did lunch at brown derby one trip. It was good but not signature restaurant good.
It is too bad the HBD isn't a better restaurant. It would be nice to have a decent table service at DHS. I found out, though, that they take the TiW card at their outdoor bar. ;) We were having a crabby afternoon with a couple of crabby daddies and a stop at the HBD outdoor bar did the trick. ;)
and somehow that ironically managed to unfreeze my heart



Aw she looks so happy here, how adorable!

So stinkin' cute. What do you do with that braid now? Do you ever put it in her hair sometimes?

When we got to the restaurant Casey had to go to the bathroom. As we walked in neither she nor I saw that immediately inside the door was a steel baby changing station. It was just there sticking straight out from the wall in a very precarious place. I'm sure you can see what is about to come, but poor Casey walked right into the corner of it. She's a klutz like me and handles injuries really well because they happen to often, but with this one she was hysterical. I tried to calm her as best as I could and as I did several other folks mentioned how they had almost walked into it and what a bad place it was in. We eventually made it to the lobby and I explained what happened to the hostess and requested some ice. I saw her talk to a manager before she grabbed the ice, but never once did he approach or say anything to us. We were given some ice, but received no form of an apology. In case you can't tell dinner was not off to a good start. Strike one

Oh no! It's been years since i've been to the HBD so don't remember the bathroom, but what awful placement for a changing table! I'm sure they've had to have multiple injuries if other ladies were telling you they almost ran into it. Did you ever end up filing a complaint?

Poor girly.:sad2:

This was a regular, mango, and pomegranate margarita and I thought a pretty good deal for $11.25. The pomegranate was my favorite as it had the best sweet to tart ratio, but the orange and regular ones were good as well. They all had healthy doses of tequila and sugared vice salted rims which was a nice change

That is a great price for that!

Calling in my chef hubby for an assist a chermoula is a middle eastern marinade, medjool dates are also middle eastern and are larger than regular dates, and espelette is a type of pepper.

You must love having him around for occasions such as these! ::yes::

Ready to cut our injury, service, and food losses at that point we called it a night with no dessert. Obviously Casey's injury put a damper on the entire evening, but between the bad service and lackluster food I don't think we'll be back to the derby any time soon. In fact Jason didn't even know this was a signature and when he found out it was, he could not believe it and was rather shocked to say the least. So while Casey's rather large bump was gone after a few days, the memory of our worst signature meal ever was not. We did save $19.73 with our Tables in Wonderland card, but I cringed a bit at the server getting the mandatory 18% tip.

That really, really stinks. We were actually looking at HBD because it's been almost 6 years in January since we've been (and really enjoyed it then!) but we weren't too impressed with the menu. Thank goodness your review verified that for us. Because we're NOT a fan of CS places at DHS (MGM ;)), we ended up booking....Mama Melrose...:blush::blush: I've heard some not good things with a few good things sprinkled in but we need to try something different this trip.
Hey Kari! Sorry I have been MIA on here. I ams so sorry to hear about your day! I was thinking about dining at HBD on Monday but I think I will skip after reading your review.
Casey was so adorable in her braid and Elsa dress. The incident at Brown Derby is just uncalled for. Unfortunately, I have had nothing but bad experiences there as well. The Cobb salad made me sick, and the food has always been lackluster. I haven't been in forever.

Luckily, you can get that great margarita flight at the Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge outdoors, just off the seating area for the bakery. This place uses a different kitchen than the main restaurant. I have had great duck tacos, mussels and sliders there, along with the margarita flight and martini flight. I have seen kids in the area, even though it is a "lounge." Try it next time.
Love the Elsa attire, I have to live vicariously through girl moms to see cute stuff like that! The braid looks like something I want to wear :goodvibes
Sorry about the HBD experience, I have had many of a bad bump on my boys heads and that can really put a damper on the day. With being at Disney I bet Casey was tired and that make any injury tons worse. Unfortunately you are not the first to say about the slow and not super friendly service. I think HBD will stay off my dining wish list for now ::yes::
I'm enjoying your report so much. That's awful about the head injury. I realize establishments are hesitant to acknowledge anything for liability reasons, but I feel like the lack of acknowledgment is worse than any part they could have played in making the accident happen. I am accident prone too, so I always assume injuries are all my fault, but any place that ignores it happened just makes me angry and more likely to write letters etc.

And thanks for the reviews. I've been debating the Derby. Your review helps me put it firmly in the category of "maybe if we feel like sitting on the patio for lunch and there's room and it's not too hot." We're staying at the Poly in April and your report is getting me more excited!
My daughter fell right after we checked in at Ohana in August 2014. Loudest chase, everyone turned to look except the hostess. We were right in front of the hostess stand. My other daughter and I had to go to the bar to get ice.
We asked for the manager once we sat down. Manager happened to be great.
I can't imagine how awful it had to be if the manager didn't care. We were given glow up ice cubes. The recipe for the bread pudding. But we still didn't return their on our last trip.

We did lunch at brown derby one trip. It was good but not signature restaurant good.
Sounds like your fall went much better than ours after the fact, but it clearly isn't a good way to start dinner for anyone.

It is too bad the HBD isn't a better restaurant. It would be nice to have a decent table service at DHS. I found out, though, that they take the TiW card at their outdoor bar. ;) We were having a crabby afternoon with a couple of crabby daddies and a stop at the HBD outdoor bar did the trick. ;)
I'm with ya on food at DHS. It's so sad compared to the rest of the parks in terms of dining. Though the bar does sounds promising. We clearly should have stuck to that.

Aw she looks so happy here, how adorable!
She was in 7th heaven. She loves all things girly so this was right up her alley.

So stinkin' cute. What do you do with that braid now? Do you ever put it in her hair sometimes?
It came home with us so she wears about every other day when Elsa joins us for dinner ; ) It's all gross and frizzy now, but she seems to love it.

Oh no! It's been years since i've been to the HBD so don't remember the bathroom, but what awful placement for a changing table! I'm sure they've had to have multiple injuries if other ladies were telling you they almost ran into it. Did you ever end up filing a complaint?
No I didn't do anything about it, but probably should have just so they move that dang thing.

You must love having him around for occasions such as these! ::yes::
He definitely comes in handy ; )

That really, really stinks. We were actually looking at HBD because it's been almost 6 years in January since we've been (and really enjoyed it then!) but we weren't too impressed with the menu. Thank goodness your review verified that for us. Because we're NOT a fan of CS places at DHS (MGM ;)), we ended up booking....Mama Melrose...:blush::blush: I've heard some not good things with a few good things sprinkled in but we need to try something different this trip.
Good choice staying away from HBD. I know others have enjoyed it, but it was just not up to par for us. Hope Mama goes well for you all. I've heard some good things about it as of late, but you know me I'm an Italian snob so except for Via Napoli we don't do Disney Italian.

Hey Kari! Sorry I have been MIA on here. I ams so sorry to hear about your day! I was thinking about dining at HBD on Monday but I think I will skip after reading your review.
How dare you be MIA with a trip to Disney ; ) Hope you had a good trip and can't wait to eat all about it.

Casey was so adorable in her braid and Elsa dress. The incident at Brown Derby is just uncalled for. Unfortunately, I have had nothing but bad experiences there as well. The Cobb salad made me sick, and the food has always been lackluster. I haven't been in forever.

Luckily, you can get that great margarita flight at the Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge outdoors, just off the seating area for the bakery. This place uses a different kitchen than the main restaurant. I have had great duck tacos, mussels and sliders there, along with the margarita flight and martini flight. I have seen kids in the area, even though it is a "lounge." Try it next time.
Thanks on Casey. She is pretty freakin' adorable. Sounds like the lounge is a much better experience than the restaurant. Though I'm not sure I could ever get Jason within 50 feet of that place.

Love the Elsa attire, I have to live vicariously through girl moms to see cute stuff like that! The braid looks like something I want to wear :goodvibes
Sorry about the HBD experience, I have had many of a bad bump on my boys heads and that can really put a damper on the day. With being at Disney I bet Casey was tired and that make any injury tons worse. Unfortunately you are not the first to say about the slow and not super friendly service. I think HBD will stay off my dining wish list for now ::yes::
We all get to live vicariously through little girls ; ) That braid was great for a night, but now after 100 or so wears its nothing but a hot mess.

Definitely keep HBD on the off list. The bump aside, it is just not good.

OMG I need to get caught up on your dining reviews...so excited to read!
Get to it girl. What have you been doing, lounging in Hawaii or something ; )

I'm enjoying your report so much. That's awful about the head injury. I realize establishments are hesitant to acknowledge anything for liability reasons, but I feel like the lack of acknowledgment is worse than any part they could have played in making the accident happen. I am accident prone too, so I always assume injuries are all my fault, but any place that ignores it happened just makes me angry and more likely to write letters etc.

And thanks for the reviews. I've been debating the Derby. Your review helps me put it firmly in the category of "maybe if we feel like sitting on the patio for lunch and there's room and it's not too hot." We're staying at the Poly in April and your report is getting me more excited!
I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying the report. I know I love writing it ; )

I hadn't really thought about the liability side of our HBD experience, so maybe that precluded some involvement. But either way its Disney and a little compassion for a little girl could have gone a long way. But it sounds like from others the lounge may be the good way to go.

Hope you all love the poly as much as we did. When are you going in April? We're headed down the 15th but staying at Beach Club this time around
Hi All! Sorry I've been M.I.A. for a bit. We spent the last week in FLORIDA....But not in Disney ; ) We went to Key West with a bunch of friends to celebrate Jason's 40th birthday a little bit early (it's not until next week). We had a great time and despite the cloudy and rainy weather, Jason got his birthday wish to have a December birthday in warm weather. And of course there was lots of drinking and eating to help drown or weather sorrows ; )

Anyways, I'm hoping to get this bad boy on track this weekend and catch up on everyone else reports as I'm woefully behind. Thanks for sticking with me.
When Yak and Food is a Good Thing

The next morning we were up bright and early for a day at Animal Kingdom. Unfortunately the bus system was not on our side and after 3 busses each for MGM and DTD (who goes to DTD at 8 am by the way) we finally were able to push, I mean gracefully insert ourselves, onto the bus. Once we got there we were again plagued by long bag check and turnstile waits, but finally we were in to what is becoming my favorite park (Dawa Bar Bloody Mary's may have a bit to do with this).

Once inside we tackled a few wilderness explorer badges and found out how tough it was to be a bug, before we visited out of Africa Mickey and Minnie for a family photo.

Anyone wanna take a shot in the dark at where we went to college? Bet you'll never guess :-)

From there we stopped by Isle of Coffee for some much needed caffeine and some breakfast treats. Please enjoy our modeling session with the very authentic blueberry muffin and cheese danish.

These were pretty standard fare and nothing special, but hit the proverbial spot.

We spent the next hour in Casey's beloved Rascal Park (aka the boneyard for the rest of the world) where she could visit her favorite attraction in all of Disney, "The Rascal Door." For those that haven't followed along before there is a door in the boneyard that won't open but when you try a man yells lots of things to include, "Get Out of Here you Rascal." Casey thinks this is the funniest thing in the world and quite literally holds court at the door to see other kids reactions. I don't get it, but her smile says it all.

From there we had a rather uneventful safari before our lunch at Yak n Yeti. We'd called the restaurant and made a reservation a few days before and thanks to our Landry's card we were seated as soon as we arrived, despite a crowded lobby.

To start our meal, I ordered the Pink Himalayan.

This is Tanqueray Gin, Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, Passion Fruit and Lemon Grass Flavors, with a Salt Rim. I'm a big gin fan, so this was right up my alley. It was a little sweet for my usual taste, but the bitter grapefruit helped cut through that and the lemon added some nice acidity. At $8.99 this is also a pretty good bargain so I will definitely be drinking this lovely again.

Jason wasn't quite so adventurous and stuck to good ole' Kirin Ichiban.

You'll be shocked to know this tasted like beer ; )

To go with our drinks we got some of Yak n Yeti's delicious egg rolls for an appetizer.

These are pork egg rolls that come with a chili dipping sauce. We've ordered these in the past and again they did not disappoint. The rolls are amazingly crispy, but not at all oily, and they are filled with pork yumminess. I'm not a huge fan of the run of the mill chili sauce they serve these with, so we asked for some of the dumpling sauce which is soy based and pairs infinitely better.

For our entree's my little rascal had nothing but noodles on her mind, so she had a rarity: her very own meal.

This was the kids vegetable lo mien, which she oddly ordered with a side of rice. This was pretty much standard Chinese take-out noodles with some carrots, broccoli, snow peas, and cabbage, but had a nice flavor. Casey declared it twirly goodness.

Jason got a special for the day, which was a thai green curry with chicken and shrimp and a coconut water base.

This had amazing flavor and was a great mix between sweet, salty, and spicy. The curry to rice ratio was spot on and it was full of both chicken and shrimp. Jason's only complaint was on their food technique as the veggies, chicken, and shrimp were all of varying sizes so it was difficult to eat on the spoon they gave him and they left the shrimp tails on which is a pet peeve of his. #ChefProblems

For my entree, I decided to follow the suggestion of Ashley (aka @Vernie822) and ordered the Ahi Tuna Nachos for Two for only me, myself, and I.

This is Sushi grade ahi, Asian slaw, served atop crispy fried wontons with wasabi aioli and sweet soy glaze. If you're thinking these can't be as good as they look, you would most certainly be wrong. They are quite simply unbelievably delicious. The wonton chips were airy and crispy and stood up well to all the topping. The tuna was as pink and fresh as could be and despite a lot of ingredients was the clear star of the plate. The wasabi cream added a hint of heat and the slaw some good crunchiness. And as it turns out the name "for Two" was not an oxymoron. These things are huge and I could only eat about a third by myself.

Sadly we were all too full for those delicious cream cheese wontons so we called it a day there. Overall, this was another highly successful trip to Yak n Yeti. Despite "yak" being in the title, we had great and efficient service, delicious food, and copious amounts of drink. Plus thanks to a tip from Billie (aka @Elevationist) we got the Landry's loyalty card for only $25. It came loaded with that $25 back, plus another $25 for my birthday month, so our lunch was a relative steal. Note they don't take Tables in Wonderland, but do give annual pass discounts, it just cannot be combined with Landry's card discounts.

From there we visited Rafiki and helped watch his planet, earned lots more wilderness badges, b
efore munching on a mickey bar (clearly someone didn't eat too much lunch)

And meeting a couple of ooh, ooh, ooh I wanna be like you jungle friends

Before leaving the park we of course had to get our face painted (or at least Casey did) and ride on the dinoland version of Dumbo

I'll end it there for today. Up next, a signature first....

We spent the next hour in Casey's beloved Rascal Park (aka the boneyard for the rest of the world) where she could visit her favorite attraction in all of Disney, "The Rascal Door." For those that haven't followed along before there is a door in the boneyard that won't open but when you try a man yells lots of things to include, "Get Out of Here you Rascal." Casey thinks this is the funniest thing in the world and quite literally holds court at the door to see other kids reactions. I don't get it, but her smile says it all.
The boneyard is a big favorite for my grandchildren but I've never heard them mention the rascal door. That sounds like fun.

they left the shrimp tails on which is a pet peeve of his.
I hate this, too. It is really hard to cut those tails off when the shrimp are buried in the entree. They leave them on a La Trattoria, too. :(

Sadly we were all too full for those delicious cream cheese wontons so we called it a day there.
Your meal looks really good, especially the nachos. We haven't had a chance to try the wontons. We've always been too full.
Ever consider being food models for Disney?
Pretty drink you got there...
Those Ahi Nachos look incredible. No wontons this time? WHAT? Ok fine, your nachos looked like they could feed 4 so I can understand feeling full. Actually I am now considering making an ADR there just for those wontons. And it's all your fault.
Love Casey's face paint.
My kids Love the Boneyard, I spend the whole time thinking I lost at least one of them forever :rotfl2:
Now I want ahi tuna nachos, they look delicious! So Casey did not eat a lot of her noodles? My 2 youngest boys rarely ever eat enough to even make a dent in anything that they order :laughing:
Those Ahi Tuna Nachos look incredible! I've also heard good things about them on the Boards but first time seeing a pic. Yummy! If I get a chance to go back to WDW this year, I'll be paying OOP for meals so those look like a definite contender. Also huge portion size! Definitely lots of food for dinner. I've enjoyed some of the other appies but these look like the big bad boys on the list. I did get in this October (had the free dining) and enjoyed the Kalbi Steak with Coconut Shrimp. It was excellent. But my server was definitely not so excellent this time round. First time that I had a bad vibe server at Y&Y. I was seated in the covered porch area (not a fav spot for theming) and she just wasn't happy to serve a solo diner. Her face fell when the hostess took me to her section and then she was way less than joyful. She did do handsprings over a family of 4 behind me so I knew she could exhibit a full range of emotions. Understandably, 4 diners may mean a better tip but when a waiter isn't pleasant or even "there" to begin with, kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy that the tip won't be magical. Sigh. If she only knew that solo diners often tip very well for pleasant, personable service.
The nachos sound and look very good, we have a place by us that serves the best ahi tuna taco's, they are one of my faves, so I am sure I would love these. We did the Landry's card in September and our whole meal at yak and yeti was free so that was a nice plus. Your husband's meal looked really good as well.
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