Alarmingly thin Sleeping Beauty at Royal Hall

I imagine the OP was concerned that this woman had an eating disorder and that's why she brought it up here. It feels like a lot of you are putting words into her mouth.

I guess there's a fine line between criticism and legitimately being concerned for someone's health. Especially when it comes to someone who works with children at such an impressionable age.
exactly what is the point of bringing "skinny aurora" to the boards? Seriously? I'm honestly curious what your intent was, because i don't think it's concern for the actress. I think it's judgement, and it's gossip, and it's rude.

It is up to her bosses (which, in case you forgot, you are not) to decide whether she should or should not be on stage.

Bringing it here reeks of mean girl gossip. "omg look at aurora! She's so skinny! I hear she retches after every meal!"

"i heard she has cancer!"

"i heard she has an eating disorder!"


Who knows what that girl struggles with. Commenting and speculating on it isn't nice. What if she were your daughter? What if she were your sister?

Exactly WHAT is the point of bringing "skinny Aurora" to the boards? Seriously? I'm honestly curious what your intent was, because I don't think it's concern for the actress. I think it's judgement, and it's gossip, and it's rude.

It is up to her BOSSES (which, in case you forgot, you are NOT) to decide whether she should or should not be on stage.

Bringing it here reeks of Mean Girl Gossip. "OMG look at Aurora! She's so skinny! I hear she retches after every meal!"

"I heard she has cancer!"

"I heard she has an eating disorder!"


Who knows what that girl struggles with. Commenting and speculating on it isn't nice. What if she were your daughter? What if she were your sister?

Thank you.

OP, I understand that you want us to view your comments as concern but you lost me at "Snow had a hickie"
Gosh, are some of you just looking for any little reason to be offended? Op wasnt making fun of anyone. If the girl is that scary skinny she may have an eating disorder, or be ill. If she has an eating disorder she shouldn't be working in the position she is, if shes extremely sick she shouldn't be working at all! Its that simple. Op didn't post a picture of the poor girl and mock her, she simply expressed the fact that she looked scary skinny and inquired if this was something anyone else had noticed. As for the hickey comment, even if it is a skin rash on her neck, if she honestly managed to break out in ONE spot on her neck and have be unlucky enough to have it look like a hickey, she should cover it up with makeup regardless of what it actually is. Children are going to see it, and ask their parents what happened to snow whites neck.
...I would never bring something like that up to Guest Services. I'd look like an idiot. Can't even imagine those words coming out of my mouth....
So then I have to ask, why bring it up here? It sounds the same in writing as it would in words. At least there you would have a reason for bringing it up (to bring it to the attention of her bosses, who might actually care and do something about it. Here, nobody can do anything, it feels like tattling to me.

Exactly WHAT is the point of bringing "skinny Aurora" to the boards? Seriously? I'm honestly curious what your intent was, because I don't think it's concern for the actress. I think it's judgement, and it's gossip, and it's rude....Bringing it here reeks of Mean Girl Gossip. "OMG look at Aurora! She's so skinny!....
Yes it does. It feels like high school gossip has been brought to the boards, "did you see how skinny she is?" "Yes, but did you see the hickey on that other girl?" Come on, we have better things to do with our time, like planning our next trips to DL.

I imagine the OP was concerned that this woman had an eating disorder and that's why she brought it up here. It feels like a lot of you are putting words into her mouth.

I guess there's a fine line between criticism and legitimately being concerned for someone's health. Especially when it comes to someone who works with children at such an impressionable age.
So, why did she bring up he hickey? BTW I am 98% sure it is a skin issue not a hickey, or she would have been suspended or taken off the princess role. My best friend is allergic to just about everything and she often get just one ugly hickey looking mark on her neck. It's great fun for her friends, we tease her unmercifully, but not so much for her at work where it is embarrassing and people constantly misjudge her.

...As for the hickey comment, even if it is a skin rash on her neck, if she honestly managed to break out in ONE spot on her neck and have be unlucky enough to have it look like a hickey, she should cover it up with makeup regardless of what it actually is. Children are going to see it, and ask their parents what happened to snow whites neck.
That would be such a great opportunity to teach your children about NOT making judgements calls on personal appearance. Good time to say, "we have no way to know what that mark it is, could be a birthmark or rash, but she probably feels a little self conscious about it, so lets not worry since it has nothing to do with who she is or how she performs her job." Am I he only one who does this with my kids? As far as the makeup, the OP said she had tried to cover it. But, my friend can't cover hers with makeup, it makes them itch more and can also cause her to get more. Best to leave them uncovered for air. I've only had such a reaction once, but they were obvious hives so I didn't have to worry about the hickey look, just the looks like I was a freak and should be stayed away from. People are bizarre, and full of judgement.
Gosh, are some of you just looking for any little reason to be offended? Op wasnt making fun of anyone. If the girl is that scary skinny she may have an eating disorder, or be ill. If she has an eating disorder she shouldn't be working in the position she is, if shes extremely sick she shouldn't be working at all! Its that simple. Op didn't post a picture of the poor girl and mock her, she simply expressed the fact that she looked scary skinny and inquired if this was something anyone else had noticed. As for the hickey comment, even if it is a skin rash on her neck, if she honestly managed to break out in ONE spot on her neck and have be unlucky enough to have it look like a hickey, she should cover it up with makeup regardless of what it actually is. Children are going to see it, and ask their parents what happened to snow whites neck.

I think the OP may have pushed a few buttons by using the word "anorexic", but I think (hope) that the real issue that OP was pointing out is "bad show". Aurora and Snow White must ALWAYS look like Aurora and Snow White.

Let's not make this into something it really isn't.
I imagine the OP was concerned that this woman had an eating disorder and that's why she brought it up here. It feels like a lot of you are putting words into her mouth.

I guess there's a fine line between criticism and legitimately being concerned for someone's health. Especially when it comes to someone who works with children at such an impressionable age.

And again, I ask, what was the concern about the Snow White? I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth, I'm asking for clarification. If it was concern rather than criticism, please articulate what that legitimate concern was.
GeneralTso said:
Have any of you seen her?
I'm not going to post her picture, but it is a bit shocking. I swear it looks like she is anorexic. I'm wondering why Disney, supervisor's, etc. let her work looking like that. We even overheard a little boy say, quite loudly "WHY is Sleeping Beauty SO SKINNY?" Mom shushed him but I'm sure she heard, we did and we were with her at the time.

All the other princesses look healthy. This young lady however, different story. I'm wondering if you have encountered this.

Of course this isn't nearly as odd as the Snow White we encountered with a gigantic hickey on her neck. That was interesting.

Did not read other posts but honestly, if the question was, "Why is Sleeping Beauty so fat?" I bet everyone would be up in arms. If you're not ok with calling someone out for being overweight, why do it to someone who is under weight?
So, why did she bring up he hickey? BTW I am 98% sure it is a skin issue not a hickey, or she would have been suspended or taken off the princess role. My best friend is allergic to just about everything and she often get just one ugly hickey looking mark on her neck. It's great fun for her friends, we tease her unmercifully, but not so much for her at work where it is embarrassing and people constantly misjudge her.

And again, I ask, what was the concern about the Snow White? I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth, I'm asking for clarification. If it was concern rather than criticism, please articulate what that legitimate concern was.
If you'll both note, I didn't say anything about Snow White's hickey. My comment was solely on Aurora appearing under weight and what I felt was an attack on the OP.

I have to agree with TooExcited. No matter the actual issue, the face characters must always look like the character they portray.
Did not read other posts but honestly, if the question was, "Why is Sleeping Beauty so fat?" I bet everyone would be up in arms. If you're not ok with calling someone out for being overweight, why do it to someone who is under weight?

All one has to do is watch the movie to see that Sleeping Beauty (all the princesses in fact) were much smaller than the average woman today, she was drawn thin, quite in fact, cinched waist to the point of rib malfunction thin - so if they cast a woman who was 50 lbs over weight then yes, that would be a valid reason for pause. Disney of course would not do this - why would then whey they have many thin and pretty applicants that can fit the size 2 dress quite nicely?

However, I know skinny people - my SIL is very small, she tries to gain weight in fact and when she was in her early 20s or whatever age these performers are, she'd of been considered very thin, so I think assuming an eating disorder is a bit overkill.

I have to wonder if it's perception as well - I just returned and looking around DLR there were a lot of BIG people, society is just getting heavier all the time, so skinny people are becoming more and more of an anomaly.
Good grief, I'm so sick of political correctness.

A scary thin princess, that is a concern - lots of little girls 'worship' these ladies.

Hickey/birth mark/allergic reaction *I'm thinking hickey* Who cares!?? Cover the mark up.
I have a slightly different take on this. I used to struggle with eating disorders for almost 10 years, both anorexia and bulimia. Because of my past, when I see someone that is exceptionally thin pushing away a plate, or if I hear someone throwing up in a restaurant bathroom, I'll be honest, many times I do wonder if they have an eating disorder. IF someone has a legitimate disorder, it would obviously be best if they seek treatment and not be elevated to the "princess" status in the eyes of thousands of little girls that visit the parks every day and see them as examples, as their physical condition is not something to which one should aspire. That said, based on just a brief encounter with a stranger, one cannot make a definite diagnosis either way as to what's going on. In addition, even if the poor girl DID have an eating disorder, like any other addiction or illness, she is not in control of that situation.

I appreciate the struggles you've gone through, sonnyjane. But I simply cannot make sense of the bolded statement. Isn't the message that we want to send to our daughters one that ALL body types are acceptable and beautiful, and that they don't need to conform to the standard "size 1 is beautiful" message constantly hammered in to their heads from so many other sources?
Good grief, I'm so sick of political correctness.

A scary thin princess, that is a concern - lots of little girls 'worship' these ladies.

Hickey/birth mark/allergic reaction *I'm thinking hickey* Who cares!?? Cover the mark up.

Ah. A breath of fresh air. :thumbsup2
If you'll both note, I didn't say anything about Snow White's hickey. My comment was solely on Aurora appearing under weight and what I felt was an attack on the OP.

The OP said unkind things about two face characters. If you cannot defend one remark, chances are the other one wasn't well intended either. Telling someone that their unkind comment is unkind is not an attack.
I appreciate the struggles you've gone through, sonnyjane. But I simply cannot make sense of the bolded statement. Isn't the message that we want to send to our daughters one that ALL body types are acceptable and beautiful, and that they don't need to conform to the standard "size 1 is beautiful" message constantly hammered in to their heads from so many other sources?

I haven't seen a picture of this girl. If she is skeletal and got that way via anorexia, that's not a good example. If she has a medical condition that keeps her looking dangerously ill, that's entirely different, but if she is portraying to little girls that you have to be a skeleton to be a "princess" then that is no different than models and actresses that have eating disorders but are praised for their figures. HEALTHY is beautiful. If she is very thin and HEALTHY, no qualms. Just like if someone is overweight but HEALTHY, no qualms, but if someone is hurting themselves, either by being too thin or too overweight, that's a problem. Yes, you should accept people of different sizes, but if someone in your life was essentially killing themselves, by either eating too much or too little, you can't praise that. You can't say they are being a good role model for children. It's not about the size. It's about how they got there.
I wanted to weigh in here as someone who until I hit age 36 was very thin. I was 5'5" at age 25 and weighed 105 pounds. Size zero, with a 24 in waist. I have never had an eating disorder, I ate more than most men. I know hate me, believe me I have heard it over the years, many people brought it upon themselves to "discuss" with me my "eating disorder". Now I understand that there are many people out there with problems, I was very lucky to be born with genetics to be small boned and have a very fast metabolism. I'm an active person. I'm still "thin" by most standards but have matured to 130 lbs after two children. I just want to put it out there that not all skinny people are anorexic any more than all heavy people are lazy.
I wanted to weigh in here as someone who until I hit age 36 was very thin. I was 5'5" at age 25 and weighed 105 pounds. Size zero, with a 24 in waist. I have never had an eating disorder, I ate more than most men. I know hate me, believe me I have heard it over the years, many people brought it upon themselves to "discuss" with me my "eating disorder". Now I understand that there are many people out there with problems, I was very lucky to be born with genetics to be small boned and have a very fast metabolism. I'm an active person. I'm still "thin" by most standards but have matured to 130 lbs after two children. I just want to put it out there that not all skinny people are anorexic any more than all heavy people are lazy.

Very well put. I was very thin in high school and in my early 20's. I was just barely 100 lbs when I graduated high school. I was always teased that I was "anorexic" when really, this was just my body type, and my junk food eating caught up to me in my mid/late 20's. Now that I've had 2 kids, I'm an average weight for my height. People forget that comments on someone's weight are hurtful, no matter when their intention is. Even my friend's mother telling me "you need to eat more, you're skin an bones" was inappropriate, because I knew she wouldn't say to a larger girl "you've eaten enough." And really, if I was anorexic, telling me "you look sick, you should eat something" is not the way to go about offering help to someone with an eating disorder.

I have a picture of my kids and Rafiki, where he is showing them how he held Simba up in the air in the movie. In my picture, a tag from Rafiki's glove is sticking out, and you can clearly notice that this is a glove and not a monkey hand. That's a small detail that Rafiki and possibly the CM's helping him out could have easily dealt with. So, in the case of Aurora, if she looks like Aurora and acts like Aurora she's doing her job well.
The hickey on Snow White comment made me LOL! I have not seen a hickey on someone since the 80's! I asked my 15 DS if kids still give hickies, and he said only on hillbilly hand fishing trips! :rotfl2: As far as Sleeping Beauty being alarmingly thin, obviously casting is aware of her size. If she is truly that thin, they would need a dress specially made to fit her frail stature. I think it is safe to say those costumes cost a fortune, and it seems odd Disney would shell out that kind of money to accommodate just one actress, especially one that looks so out of character. Or did Disney have her on stage with the dress hanging off of her? :confused3


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