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Mickey's sunshine

<font color=darkgreen>Had a blast at MGM's Super S
May 23, 2000
Since the long threads are on hold I thought I would start a new one for us since I did the last one.

Jesse came back today, huh? I watched the first 5 mins of Greenlee's return and a little of yesterdays show and that has been it.

Hopefully things will get better soon.

Hope all is well for everyone.


edited to change title and add link to old thread:

I've been a faithful AMC follower since the early 80's. I never hopped on the old thread cause it was so long. I hope it's alright if I join in now.:)

Anyway, if Jesse didn't have the gray on his facial hair, he still looks so young. Angie and him have both aged nicely. Too bad they can't bring Jenny back. Maybe Liza will reappear.
It was nice to see Jesse at the end of today's show. Maybe the show will get some good storylines again.

Marcy Walker-'Liza' - is now a youth pastor at a church just north of Charlotte.
Loved seeing Jesse today.

Also I was amazed how Julia was at PV Hospital in her Nurse Uniform when the ambulance brought Greenlee in yet Julia had just been at Fusion when Greenlee left there. Did Julia change in the ambulance:goodvibes
Well since this is a newer thread let's have some spoilers.

The Senator (Mario Van Peebles) arrives to make trouble for Erica and Jack. SID states he is recurring and its a 7 to 8 month role

Tad see's Jesse. He and KWAK play a part in A/J reunion but not in th way that we'd think. The Hubbards will see one another sometime in Feb.
Ryan's mental state takes a toll on Annie, Kendall, Greenlee, Aidan, and Zach.
Kendall and Aidan have a pregnancy scare

Bobbie Eakes has recently reupped with the show. Rumors are Sydney Penny may be the next victim.

VCR Dates:
Mon 1/28..Angie races to save Greenlee and must risk Frankies life on Tues 1/29...
Greenlee must make her own live or death decision on Wed 1/30
Angie nearly see's Jesse on Mon 2/4
Greens begins to recover on Thues 2/5
Jesse can't tell Tad all he wants to know but remains silent when he crosses Angie's path on Fri 2/8
Kendall plans for her new literary career on Weds 1/30
Kendall is thrown when Ryan loses his memory and professes his love for her on Fri 2/1and Mon 2/4
Annie tries to jog Ryan's memory on Thur 2/7
Kendall and Aidan vow silence on their tryst on Fri 2/8

The big story features Ryan/Kendall/Zach. It pretty much states again that Ryan one day wakes up thinking he is still in love with Kendall . Annie finds she can not donate bone marrow to Ritchie but he gets it from Emma. TK says that he always thought Ryan was in love with Kendall and that Ryan is bored with Annie so he wants a little Kendall. . Greenlee will be there to warn Zach about the potential for disaster.
You most certainly may join Swedish Meatball, can I call you meat? :lmao: j/k

Hi Mona.
Did Angie bring a new hospital with her??? New ER rooms--finally, not the same room.:happytv:

What happened to the long threads??
the long threads have been temporarily (possible forever) disabled because WM ALex thinks they may be the reason the boards have been slow lately. He has a thread somewhere on here, probably back a few pages.
I'm joining...hope no one minds.

I love AMC - been a fan since I was a little kid (back when Tara & Chuck & Phillip...etc.) were on.

I loved seeing Jesse again after all these years! Is he suppose to be a ghost? Or is he like the "bionic man" or something brought back from the dead?? :rotfl:

Are there any characters you love to hate?
I bet they will explain Jessie's "death" the same way they did Babe's. "Super slow heartrate to where everyone thinks they are dead" and then put him in Witness Protection and lo and behold -- he's a free man again!!! Good to see him though!!:thumbsup2
Adam. I miss David.

David Canary is a handsome guy! I saw him (I was literally about 2 feet from him) back in November at the SSW. My friends & I were at the Grand Floridian and we came out of the restroom and we were deciding on where to go next. I look up and there he was! I was like "OMG that's David Canary!" My friends were like "Who?" :headache: :rotfl2: I was going to go up to him, but he seemed busy with a couple of CMs, his wife and someone else, so I didn't bother him. I would have loved to have gotten his autograph. My mom always liked him (she remembered him from when he was on Bonanza.)

I also literally bumped into the kid that plays Cole on OLTL - same day, same location! My friends & I were sort of blocking the exit from the restrooms to the main hall. :laughing: He was so cute! I saw him and opened my mouth to say something, but he just looked so tired (it was late Sunday night) and not in the mood to talk to a fan. I just said quietly "great job on the show." He smiled and then went to sit in the lobby with someone.
joining in too-anything to help make the boards faster!!
Angie is seriously going to go bananas on Jessie when she finds out he's alive. Just look at how she freaked on Frankie.:eek:
ooo new thread! Loveit!

I have not been watching lately, my kids keep pushing that nap back! So now I have to catch up here, I love the spoilers thanks!

OOO and I love to love (can't hate the guy) ADAM! I love just how evil he is, and how much he really loves his son..
I was thinking the same thing today. Finally an updated PV hospital but still everyone has Dr. Joe as their doctor. He is one busy man.:)
I thought it was a remodeled hospital, but then when they brought Ryan it is the same old hospital.

I think Frankie & Greenlee are on a different floor (must by the quarantine floor that everyone can just walk around on! :rolleyes: )

I loved seeing Jesse again after all these years! Is he suppose to be a ghost? Or is he like the "bionic man" or something brought back from the dead?? :rotfl:
I think he is real. I think they'll explain that he was in witness protection for all these years. Only in the SOAPS!!!


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