American Idol (spoiler)


DIS Veteran
Apr 28, 2001
Bye Bye Josh... Not surprised but I really thought he would be in the final 3. Oh well. Onward and upward! ;)
I agree it was his time to go, but what a sweet ending though......made me cry!:(
I'm still shedding tears over that ending - perfect for Josh.

I thought he'd go one more week...Kimberly just wasn't very good last night.

My support will now go to Clay.
I'm in tears too. I definitely think that the nicest person left tonight. And he was good too IMO even if not as good as Clay or Ruben. Sigh.... :(
I am still rooting for Kim, she wasn't at her best last night, but she and Josh were my favorites based on personality and stage presence. Oh well. I have said it before, all four of them are good. It is hard to pic.
Yay! for America...they got it right this week.

As much as I wanted Josh gone, I am very proud of him. He handled himself so well tonight, thanking everyone and being very grateful. His last song was great, and taking his daughter on stage made me cry. I have a new respect for Josh now, and I hope he can become a success at whatever he wants to do.

The next three weeks/shows are gonna be hard now. Hopefully they come up with better themes so the final three can really show their stuff.
Josh Gracin is a CLASS ACT! He seems to be a real man, which so many men in our society don't seem to have figured out. He had me in tears singing to his baby girl. How sweet! His voice wasn't the best in the competition, but he is definitely a class act! Voice-wise, I'm rooting for Clay, but I still think that Josh is great. :)
I have loved Josh from the get go. Did you see him clap when Ryan said he was in the bottom. He was definately ready to go. His wife looked relieved too. When she handed him the baby, I lost it. He did look happy to be going though. I will miss looking at him. I wonder if I can find a pic of him in his fatigues online somewhere!?! *Swoon*
a Sad night.:( However, I look for Josh to be signed UP with a Country Album soon!;) And, YES I will buy it!;)
Was anyone else surprised by how quickly Ryan made the announcement "Josh, you're OUT!" I was on the phone with my best friend (we always "watch" together) and we were both like, "DANG!" I mean, that was ABRUPT. I'm sure it was because they were running out of time, but he always d-r-a-w-s it out so much that it was like whiplash tonight!
Was anyone else surprised by how quickly Ryan made the announcement "Josh, you're OUT!"

I was on the phone with my mom at the time too. I almost missed it because he said it as soon as the commercial came back. I hate to admit it but I had to put the phone on my shoulder and listen to the rest of the show while my mom yapped on. I'm a terrible daughter I know, but they don't call her GABBY for nothing!! :teeth:
I knew Josh would be gone tonight. I missed most of his last song though since our station cut him off to put on the hockey game:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Thats the last episode I'll be watching, I would never buy any of the others cd especially not Clays or Kimberly's.

Josh has one of the best country voices around, and I'm sure he'll get his big break after his duty is over. I would buy his cd in a split second.
I was afraid to watch today because I was afraid that Clay was gonna be in the bottom two. When Kim and Josh were in the bottom, I wasn't sure who I wanted to go since I really like both of them! At the end when Josh was holding his daughter and singing to her, both my mom and I had tears in our eyes.
I've like Josh from the beginning but new it was his time to go. I bet he'll have a country Cd out sometime. I will be buying that one. I think he's a great country singer. When he was singing to his baby girl the tears where flowing down my face. It was a perfect ending for a great guy.
I had tears as well. What a beautiful ending.

It really was Josh's time to go and I think he was very ready. He has so much in his life and he should be so proud of how he has handled himself during this. A class act all the way!

I'm still pulling for Clay, but I think Josh will be going places!
I for one was SURPRISED that Josh was the one to go tonight... If he'd gone last week I wouldn't have been surprised, he had a really down night last week, but last night, he was GREAT! I thought for sure he'd be safe for one last week!

I also could NOT believe how quick Ryan announced it!! I was watching the show & I almost missed it!! I was like Yikes!

I thought his wife looked very sad :( I had tears in my eyes when she handed him the baby....

I've liked Josh from the beginning... I'll buy his country CD....
It always seems on the week that the one in the final 2 (or 3) gives one of their best performances, they go. It happened to Kimberly Caldwell, Trenyce and now Josh.

Honestly though, Simon was right, Josh should have been gone last week... although I am so glad we were treated to his wonderful performance last night, and especially his final song tonight. I am still shedding tears over seeing him and his little daughter on that stage. How beautiful was that???

I will definitely be looking for Josh's CD, as well as most of those in the top 12, if they persue it. I also hope I have the opportunity to catch the concert this summer!

There are 3 of us at work who are big AI fans and are even bigger Clay fans. I was able to get through 30 times to vote for Clay last night... 10 for each of us, and believe me, I will be doing the same next week.

Clay is my American Idol!!!!
I've been thinking if the phone lines are only open for two hours and the last two competitors each jam pack those phone lines, for instance they both have busy signals and people can't get in. how in the world is that a fair way to pick a winner. wouldn't they both have about the same number of votes?
I don't know seems a fishy thing to me. They never have to tell us how many votes, who's to say they don't call a tie and pick who they think would be best.


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