American Idol (spoiler)

I'm sad to see Josh go too. I thought it was truly obnoxious the way Ryan just blurted out, "YOU'RE OUT!"
he was good but it was his time to go,but the ending was pure class
It just dawned on me, Tamayra Grey was the voted out in the same place in the competition that Josh was tonight. She has an album pending, sang a duet with Kelly Clarkson on her new CD and is staring on a TV show. Not bad for 4th place. I am sure Josh will have similar success if he wants it.
My 8 year old was so upset last night, Josh has always been his favorite.

One thing I noticed about Josh throughout this entire competetion is he is one of the best, if not the best, in the group numbers. Perhaps he got nervous on his solos, although Tuesday night he performed beautifully, imo.

I think he is a wonderful voice and he is definately very talented. And I also think making it to #4 says a lot about his talents, I don't think we have seen the last of him.

Classy and bittersweet goodbye tonight. Its getting to the point where its just going to be so sad, no matter who goes, these kids are ALL good and they have worked SO hard!
I was sad over Josh's leaving last night.. he handled it perfectly and it made me weepy too.........I am not sure I can take much more of this.. :(
Josh is a class act--his farewell tugged at the heart strings--no doubt. You'd have to have a pretty hard heart not to feel the emotion. I guessed Kimberley would be gone last night and not Josh. I agree with the other post, I thought Josh had one of his better nights on Tuesday while Kimberley was weak. Go figure?

I do agree with the judges though--Clay & Ruben are the two best of the competition. Guess we'll see next week what the voting public believes. . .can't wait!

BTW, did anyone hear that Paul McCartney is negotiating to be a celebrity judge on AI 2003? Now, that would be AWESOME!
I find that part of the reason behind these "quick, Josh you're out" lines is that Fox has to show 999 commercials before it shows any of its programing to promote upcoming stuff.

I'm sick of trying to watch anything on that network with all those dang commercials ad nauseum. The only bright spot in commercials last night was the one for Ford where Clay answered the door looking like Alfafa...not much of a stretch there LOL:p
Why did everyone find Josh's leaving sad? And more so than anyone else? Because he's a Marine? Its a competition that only one person can win, hopefully the person with the best voice. This is not Josh and not Kim.

It just dawned on me, Tamayra Grey was the voted out in the same place in the competition that Josh was tonight.
Tamayra's voice was 50 times better than Joshs...She actually shouldn't have been voted out at that time.

It always seems on the week that the one in the final 2 (or 3) gives one of their best performances, they go.
I agree, so I'm hoping Kim sings the best this week, because its her time to go next. She can't sing when she has to sing slow and doesn't shout the song out. Plus she has got such an attitude.

It was a toss up for me this week as to who I wanted gone. I actually was more hoping for Kim, because then Josh would definitely be next.
Josh was definitely a class act last night. I also had tears in my eyes as he sang to his baby girl. My DH pulled our 8 year old DD over, hugged her and said "Daddies love their baby girls." I cried even harder.

Wishing him a great country music career.
I really had hoped that Josh would hang around one more week. When he was singing to her daughter my whole family (minus DH who was at work) were all going AWWWWW and had tears in our eyes. I think his wife looked sadder than Josh did.
Josh is a class act.
Why are some of us sad about Josh leaving? Well I can't answer for the others, but I will answer for me.

I felt that Josh actually let us know him as a person. You knew that he was going out there and really trying, he wasn't just going through the motions. He understood the importance of crowd interaction. I guess to me, he was more real than the others. Clay and Ruben (and Kim L. ) to an extent seem too polished, too rehearsed, too something.
I thought Josh handled his exit with class, but I'm glad he's the one who left. He's just not in the same league as the other three. I'm happy with the final 3 because they truly have the best voices of the competition.
Why did everyone find Josh's leaving sad? And more so than anyone else? Because he's a Marine? Its a competition that only one person can win, hopefully the person with the best voice. This is not Josh and not Kim.

I found it sad that Josh was leaving because I honestly liked him. I loved his voice, his looks, and his personality. It has nothing to do with him being a marine although I'm a sucker for a man in uniform. As far as who has the best voice, this is purely opinion. Everyone has different tastes and although I love Clay, I don't think he is Super star Idol material. I think he is adorable and would love to see him on broadway or singing Disney songs. Ruben has the Luther Vandross voice but is no showman. Again, these are all my opinions. I'm sure many would agree that Insane Clown Posse have no talent, but I happen to love them too. Different strokes for different folks. The next 3 weeks will be really tough. I think the final three all have lots of potential and don't want to see any of them go.

Anyone else already starting to mourn the end of this show? I'm pathetic I know. *sigh*
Why did everyone find Josh's leaving sad? And more so than anyone else? Because he's a Marine?

I found it very sad for a very simple reason. I LIKE HIM!! That's it! Not because he's a marine.

I haven't liked anyone else who left very much.

It it made me even more sad when he brought his cute little DD on stage too!

He had personality and he was humble, IMHO. That's why!

The only other one I'd feel sad if they left would be Clay!
Originally posted by Miss Jasmine
Why are some of us sad about Josh leaving? Well I can't answer for the others, but I will answer for me.

I felt that Josh actually let us know him as a person. You knew that he was going out there and really trying, he wasn't just going through the motions. He understood the importance of crowd interaction. I guess to me, he was more real than the others. Clay and Ruben (and Kim L. ) to an extent seem too polished, too rehearsed, too something.

Once again MissJasmine I find myself agreeing with you. :) Josh just had something about him. You felt like you knew him. I know Ruben and Clay have incredible voices, but there is something about both of their personalities that just happens to rub me the wrong way. I can't pin it down, although I will say those affected Thank Yous that Clay mouths to the judges just bug me.

I guess it all boils down to personal preference. They all have excellent studio voices. My wife got me the AI 2 CD last weekend for my birthday and I have been listening to it all week. Heck even Carmen and Julia sound pretty good when they sing in the studio. Live performances are tough.
I'm sad that Josh is leaving because I thought he was an incredible talent. I would have been sad regardless of which one went last night. I feel a certain loyalty to all of these kids, they've kept me entertained this long, and I think they all have enormous talent and potential! My thoughts about Josh have nothing to do with him being a Marine, or really no other aspect of his personal life. I just think he is a good singer and I'll miss hearing him sing, and even if I didn't think he was the most talented of the bunch, he is certainly talented.
I found it very sad for a very simple reason. I LIKE HIM!! That's it! Not because he's a marine. He had personality and he was humble, IMHO. That's why! The only other one I'd feel sad if they left would be Clay!

Ditto. . .
Originally posted by snoopy
One thing I noticed about Josh throughout this entire competetion is he is one of the best, if not the best, in the group numbers. Perhaps he got nervous on his solos, although Tuesday night he performed beautifully, imo.
I've thought the very same thing....he looks like he's having a ball with the group numbers.
Now, looking down the road, assuming it's Clay and Ruben in the final two....

Won't it be a great sight gag to see those two clutching each other while Ryan blathers on and on!!
I dunno... I wasn't too sad about Josh leaving. I think the last two weeks, especially last week, when he made cracks about his Marine restraint and such, just left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. And his faces scare me when he sings!!
And... Well, this will annoy all the Josh fans, but it annoys me, so.... His twang if FAKE!! :p REAL country singers who sing with a twang also talk with a twang. It's their voice and they can't change it. I hate how Josh turns it on and off. I don't care if he has a twang, but he should have it all the time or not at all. Like Brooks and Dunn -- no matter what they sing, it would end up twangy because that's how they are. They talk it and they sing it. There's other country singers (Jo Dee Messina, Emerson Drive) who are GREAT country singers and have no twang. It's not what makes them country. :p


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