Another TR :) my solo trip: parks, friends, and lots of Give Kids The World

One of the targets right at the bottom of one of the scenes (can't remember which one unfortunately) gives you like 100,000 points. If I remember correctly though you can't hit it when you're going past it because the gun doesn't shoot straight down, you need to do it at an angle when you're approaching it

And I didn't make 7dmt, i was way too tired that night to stay up that long. Will get on it at some point though.

Stayed at HS til close tonight and saw the frozen fireworks, gotta agree with the majority, they're really good, and it's nice to see fireworks at HS, don't think I've ever seen any there before
The park got insanely busy in the evening though, not sure if it was locals or tourists, but after about 6.30 it was packed. Single rider at RnRC took ages because a load of groups of at least 5/6 people all decided to get that queue :( but ToT made up for it, had a fastpass and pretty much walked straight on

Would love to see the frozen fireworks. I love Disney's fireworks but a new show would be great to see. Can't wait to see what you do tomorrow. :)
Have you been on it? If I get the back seat on rock n roller coaster that's a really tight squeeze too. But that goes so fast I don't really notice. I won't be letting my knees stop me trying it though.

Yes I've been in it several time. They are two people seats but have a ridge in between them, it's not a flat bench, so challenging for really big people. I'm 13 stone (sadly) and was okay. Then it's a lap bar I think that presses down across both seats. Might have remembered that wrong. Not a lot of leg room, similar to BTM. It's only a short ride though so sure you'll manage if not very comfortably!
I'm looking forward to riding it for the first time soon :) hoping that the Labor Day crowds die down tomorrow, I'm off to universal and don't fancy these crowds!
Today's been a relatively quiet one, having a bit of a rest because my feet are killing from all the walking I've been doing the last few days. I had a vague plan for what parks I was doing in the last few days but they've gone out the window and I've ended up doing the total opposite of what I had planned!
Got up this morning and headed out to I drive. I got given a free ticket to Ripleys believe it or not from a fellow board member, so I decided to give that a go. Well I've never been there before and glad I had a free ticket and hadnt paid for it. Some people may love it, but in my honest opinion anything that classes a tapestry of the last supper made out of dryer lint and a large ball of string as "exhibits", shouldn't be charging entry. If I'd have paid I'd have classed it as a huge waste of money, but it was free so it passed half hour.
I headed up to mall of millenia after, didn't really have any intention of buying anything, but again it's a good excuse to get out of the heat. I did buy a slice from the Cheesecake Factory so it wasn't a wasted trip :rotfl:
I'm back at the hotel now and just popped to publix to grab something for dinner. As cheap as they are I can't eat burgers for two weeks so have got a nice steak and some ready made mash. Going to have a nice dinner later then off to give kids the world at 6pm.
I'm really looking forward to this, I went there for one shift last year, and tonight is the first of three this trip :) tonight is their weekly Halloween party and I'm helping out with that. Can't wait :)
Have fun at the Halloween party! We loved talking with the gktw volunteers from around the world! We are hoping to catch the Christmas party when we visit in December. We love going back to see DS special star and eating in the gingerbread house! Thank you for volunteering!!

I am really enjoying your live report. Have fun at universal!
I'm going to the Christmas party on Thursday, can't wait! I'm going with a friend of mine who lives here and we're both going to be in the parade :) I got there early today and loved seeing quite how many stars there are in the castle, really makes it hit home how lucky I am to be in a position to go there and volunteer, and how many families have been able to go there and have a care free week.
Well tonight was an exhausting but good night. I got to GKTW about 5.15 and checked in at volunteer services. I had a bit of time to pass before my shift started at 6 so just had a wander around the place and checked out all the venues.
Last time I was here I didn't know where I was going and ended up staying late because they were short on volunteers, so I didn't get a chance to look around. So made the most of it this time.
The village is so pretty, all the venues are larger than life and I can only imagine how awesome this place must be like for a kid, especially for the wish kids who maybe used to hospitals more than the usual kids play places that most people take for granted.
I checked out the chapel, castle, theatre and gift shop, and ran into someone else who was there for Halloween in the castle. I walked back to volunteer services with her so she could check in and bumped into two more women there for the same event, so once everyone checked in we headed over to the safari theatre.
Two of the ents staff did a short presentation on the rules of the village and we had a short orientation. Turns out there was supposed to be a group of 11 coming from universal, but they didn't arrive so we were a small group of 11. We got given assignments, then headed back to the avenue of angels to help set up for the party. I was assigned one of the trick or treat stations, but there were also people on face painting, wand and mask making, and mud and worms (chocolate pudding with crushed Oreos for dirt, and gummy worms on top).
It's an impressive set up and they really go all out to make it special for the families. They tell us all that some of these kids may not have celebrated Halloween before due to medical issues, and that some might not make it to actual Halloween. Really makes it hit home to us that what we're there to do really does help make these trips for the families all the more special.
Discovery cove had two animal handlers there with a sloth and an armadillo, there's a magician, both of gktw's mascots are out, and all the volunteers helping with the trick or treating or activity tables.
The party itself ran from 7-8.30, then we all helped to take down the decorations and tables. It was an exhausting night (mainly down to the heat, plus I was given the option of a costume which I took, but just made me even warmer) but well worth it. Some of the kids came in costume, others just got their faces painted. I gave out lots of candy, and had a lovely chat with the aunt of an alumni wish kid who was back visiting the village for the day. The village is only about half full at the mo, and there were quite a few alumni families back visiting after their original stay.
I'm off back there in Wednesday morning for the horse riding, and Thursday night for the weekly Christmas party :)

Off to universal tomorrow, not sure which park I'm going to, but I stopped at Walmart on the way home for a poncho for the popeye ride just in case :)
Really enjoying this thread, can't wait to hear the next part. Everytime I dream about Disney, I always seem to be on a solo trip. Must try it for real one day.

Carry on enjoying your well deserved holiday :goodvibes:goodvibes
Well today's been another very long day. I got to universal about 8.50am, and wasn't intending to spend 12 hours there, but due to me making a stupid mistake, I had no choice....
I got to US just before the official opening time of 9, and they weren't letting people past despicable me, so I decided to start at men in black and go round, leaving Harry potter til later in the hope that the queue wouldn't be as bad.
I got onto MIB spot on 9am and made the stupid mistake of taking my flip flops off, forgetting that it spins.... Well I get off the ride to find I now only have one shoe. Hence the 12 hour park day... Luckily they must have this happen often and they gave me a new pair of flip flops, and told me I'd have to collect it at lost and found at the end of the day.
Went on Simpsons and kang and kodos next, then made my way round all the major rides, all except despicable me, which was showing 45 min wait at that point.
Got to Diagon alley about midday and had a look round all the alleys and shops. Now I'm a Disney girl through and through, and I almost feel guilty saying this, but universal have officially kicked disneys butt. The theming and ride technology that universal are coming out with recently is way superior to what Disney has done with new fantasyland. Both sides of Harry potter are immaculately themed and just stunning. Don't get me wrong, new fantasyland is pretty, but it doesn't even come close to the stuff universal is coming out with recently. Now back to the TR....
Was surprised to see Gringotts was only showing 30 minute wait so I joined the normal line, as I wanted to see the inside of the bank, and I'd heard that the single rider line skips all that. The queue didn't seem that long though and I was on it relatively quickly. It broke down just before we got to the last scene though, so after a brief stop (and a very dead leg, those seats aren't comfortable) we were unloading and back out.
Got given a free express pass for one ride because it broke down, so kept it for later and went through single rider to see the end properly. Got to say that as good as it is, I think I prefer forbidden journey.
After a lot more looking around and taking loads of photos, I got the train to hogsmeade. Again this is great use of technology, and won't ruin the surprise for people who haven't ridden it yet but I was really impressed.
Got to Islands of adventure, and went on dragon challenge and forbidden journey. Was debating going back to hotel at this point as I was really tired and not feeling too great because of the heat but stuck with it and headed to Jurassic park. After that I went on ripsaw falls and bilge rat barges. I did wuss out on this one though and poncho'd up. Glad I did as everyone else on my barge was drenched through.
Kept going round the park, rode all the rides in marvel section (was bit surprised with how short doom free fall was) and then went on cat in the hat and saw the Poseidon show.
Headed back on the hogwarts express and explored knock turn alley (which I missed at first but then found out about when I was reading the map). Saw the horror make up show, then rode despicable me with my express pass and got one last ride on rip ride rockit.
Ended up having to wait 40 mins at lost and found til the ride staff cleared the ride, then was finally reunited with my flip flop. All in all a productive but very long and very tiring day.....

Really managed to luck out on the queues today. I chose not to do universal til today because the last of the US kids go back today and ours go back this week so I figured it would be quieter. The longest I waited on any ride was Gringotts, and that was only listed as 30 mins.
I wasn't expecting to do both parks today, but managed to ride all major rides in both parks. Most rides were listed as ten mins or less, and a lot of them only took the time it took to walk through the long queue line.

Will go back at some point before I go home, but have accomplished all major rides today, so will probably stick to shows and the rides I like next time

Tomorrow is another shift at GKTW in the morning, and meeting a friend for lunch. A lot quieter day, need it after today ;)
That does sound like a long day. Fun and exciting though. Looking forward to seeing Universal next year when DD can join us.
sounds like a productive day at universal. you are a better person than me..I would have left the flip flop for gone and kept the spares UNI gave you. I guess my flip flops are replaceable...yours may not have been! hope you had fun at GKTW grab an ice cream at the palace for my Luke :)
sounds like a productive day at universal. you are a better person than me..I would have left the flip flop for gone and kept the spares UNI gave you. I guess my flip flops are replaceable...yours may not have been! hope you had fun at GKTW grab an ice cream at the palace for my Luke :)
If they were cheap ones I would have done, but they were my decent pair and I didn't want to lose them!

Haven't had the ice cream yet but might try and sneak a bit before I go home :)
Today has been a pretty awesome day :) even after the 6.40am alarm call....
Got up and headed out early, I was due at Give kids the world at 7.45 for the horse riding. This was a great thing to do, some of the kids had never been on a horse before and it was great seeing the smiles on their faces. We had another short orientation presentation, then headed over to Keaton's Corral (all of their venues are named after former wish kids). The horses are brought in by two local stable owners, they bring two horses twice a week so the kids can go riding while on site. We all got given jobs, and I was assigned to be a side walker. It was my job to walk alongside the horses and hold on to the top of the saddle, mainly for the safety of the kids and incase they fall off. We had two horses today, ginger and JoJo. JoJo was a rescue horse who they took in four years ago, and he was so skinny apparently that they could see all his bones. They fed him up and got him back to health, but he wore a "muzzle" because he was so malnourished when before he was rescued that he got in the habit of trying to eat anything, so if he didn't have it on he would end up trying to eat the wood or anything that was near, out of habit really.
We were open for three hours, and was quite quiet to start off with, but after an hour or so we had a pretty steady trickle of people. It was so lovely seeing the kids faces light up when they were riding, some had never been on a horse before and you could see the genuine joy on their faces.
Like everything that happens at the village, a photographer was there, so all the families have great photos to go along with all the memories that they make along the way. They all get a cowboy hat after riding too :)
We all finished around 11 ish, and I headed to the hula hut (the volunteer kitchen) and grabbed a fresh donut, mmm Krispy Kreme :)

I went back to the hotel for a quick shower (it's sooooo hot here at the mo that if you're outside for more than ten minutes you end up a sweaty mess...) then headed to wilderness lodge.
I was meeting a friend from a DCL cruise for lunch, and had an ADR at whispering canyon cafe for 12.30. Got there a bit early so had a wander round, then got seated in the restaurant. It was really quiet in there, so we got great interaction from our server. (The last two times I've been there we've been sat out the back and didn't get too much interaction so was great to get it this time). Two of the servers ended up taking selfies on my phone and posted them on my Facebook with a funny message, it was hilarious :)

After lunch I headed over to downtown Disney, had a walk round the shops and got a few bits for friends, and again found more big figs that I want to buy. Must resist, my luggage allowance won't allow me..... Bumped into my table mate from the last DCL transatlantic in world of Disney which was nice, so had a bit of a chat and a catch up :)
Headed back to the hotel, and tried to decide whether to go to a park or not......
Yesterday morning I got an email from GKTW saying they're short on volunteers this week with a list of what shifts they needed covering over the next few days......

After downtown Disney I was going to hit a park for the evening, and even went as far as making fastpasses, but decided at 5pm to sign up for another shift. So within the hour if was back at GKTW :)
I'd signed up for village idol, which is their weekly talent show. Now normally I absolutely detest these things and will walk away from anything that involves karaoke, but I decided to give it a go tonight and I'm so unbelievably glad I did.

After another short orientation presentation, we were assigned tasks. I volunteered for rockstar makeovers, so was given a huge box full of temporary tattoos, nail polish and coloured hair spray :)
Again it was quiet to start off with, but after a little while people started turning up, so got to do nail polish on lots of little girls and stencilling some cool patterns into their hair. It got a bit quiet again, so we ended up having an impromptu dance party instead :) it's not every day you end up doing the cha cha slide with a six foot bunny, and what turned into a weird mix of the chicken dance and some airplane moves :rotfl:
We packed up the crafts tables about 8 then headed into the theatre to watch the kids perform. There was a mixture of singing, dancing, hula hooping, and one kid doing some great Spider-Man moves.
It was so sweet seeing the make a wish kids perform, and it was so touching to see such huge smiles on kids that have been through so much pain/medical treatments back home. To see them enjoy themselves without a care in the world is something that will stay with me for a long time.
All the volunteers were in the audience, so there was a lot of cheering and clapping, and all the kids were declared winners :)
We tidied up after the show finished and were on out way home by 9

I really urge anyone who's got a spare few hours while they're on holiday to go to this place. It can't run without the 1400 volunteer shifts they fill every week, and it's such a fulfilling and fun thing to do.
Been another long day today, got up at 7.30 and headed out to MK via ihop (free stack of pancakes voucher, yay for free food!). Got there about 8.25, was hoping I'd get to see the welcome show, but found out once I'd got to the TTC that it was extra magic hours :( boo. One of these days I might catch that show....
It was worth getting up early though, as I managed to get on jungle cruise, pirates, splash and big thunder by 10am. With the exception of monsters inc, stitch and tiki room, I managed to get everything i wanted to get on done by the time the parade started at 3. The new parade is really stunning visually, I liked the new floats and it's nice to see a parade without that giant mirrored float that they seemed to keep recycling for about a decade! I loved the snuggly duckling float with the swinging axes, it's so nice to see something different than the usual floats.
Fastpasses came in handy, managed to snag a last minute mine train FP while I was waiting for the park to open (they even had an elsa FP free which I was surprised by) and had a FP for Peter Pan as it's normally got an insane wait and I can't remember ever going on it as an adult. I also saw the castle show which is something I haven't done in a while so that was good to watch, but punishing in the ridiculously hot sun today.
7 dwarves: hmmm. Glad I didn't have to wait at all for this as I had a FP. I know people have different likes and dislikes, but personally I think it's a shorter naffer version of big thunder but with slightly better theming. Now they took about as long building this as universal took to do Diagon alley. That was breathtaking, this was disappointing. People might like it, but to me I thought it was a bit of a let down.
I left the park after the new parade and went back to the hotel to do a quick round of laundry. Cooked dinner, then it was time for:


Well almost ;) another shift tonight at give kids the world, and tonight was the weekly Christmas party. I was signed up for the Christmas parade with a friend who lives locally. I was really looking forward to this, so was gutted when it started absolutely chucking it down about 5pm. This meant they had to move all the party activities inside and basically meant a very short parade.
Checked in for our shift at 6.30, and after another short orientation we were assigned costumes. The parade wasn't until 7.45 so it was a lot of waiting around while they decked everyone out with a costume. Our group included an entire local soccer team so there were about 12 elves and a few other characters, I was to be an Eskimo for the night.
Because of the rain, the parade was moved inside to the castle, so instead of a parade with floats, it was more of us just walking into the castle in a line then standing slightly awkwardly until they started the music so we could dance.
The kids were really sweet though, we got most of them up dancing and I've ended up in a lot of photos and videos :)
We danced and played a couple of games, then headed back to the ents room about 8.30. Got changed then that was it for the night. Grabbed some ice cream at the volunteer hut then headed back to the hotel.
Got to agree with the universal and Harry potter comments. They've done amazing with this. And not to take anything away from fantasyland but what they've done in the time scale is amazing.
Got to agree with the universal and Harry potter comments. They've done amazing with this. And not to take anything away from fantasyland but what they've done in the time scale is amazing.

Yeah I think the timing was bad, if either one of them did their expansions at a different time it's be different. Fantasyland expansion would have been great if it was done on its own
But to have universal do their own expansion in pretty much the same time frame, you can't help but compare the two.
And there really is no comparison
Got up early again today and got to AK for opening time. I'd made a few fastpasses for the morning, with the intention of clearing that park today so I didn't have to go back unless I wanted to.
Headed straight for dinosaur, then rode primeval whirl, EE, did pangani trail, festival of the lion king, and then the safaris. I forgot quite how quickly you can get through this park if you've been before. The only things I didn't do (not must dos but I might go back if I have time) were flights of wonder and planet watch.
It was way too hot today (real feel 37) so I gave up and headed out at 11.30. There seems to be a LOT of construction walls up here at the mo, I know Tough to be a bug is under refurb, but pretty much the entire of the lake is walled off. Not sure if it's something to do with the after dark shows they're planning but it does feel like a bit of a construction site at the mo

Decided to go to typhoon lagoon to cool off for a bit as was really struggling in the heat by this point. I haven't been to a water park since 2009 so it was nice to go back. I personally prefer TL to BB, so not massively bothered if I don't make it to BB this trip.
Stayed there for about an hour and a half, was getting very wrinkly by that point and I wanted to do a bit of shopping instead.

One of my friends I used to work with is out here on the cultural exchange programme at Epcot at the mo, so met up with her and her friend at sweet tomatoes at the crossroads. Never eaten there before so it made a nice change, and they had the yummiest smores dessert :) was nice hearing what she'd been up to since getting here, and generally having a bit of a catch up

Unfortunately it's now absolutely chucking it down again and with a big thunderstorm, so looks like tonight's pirate and princess party at GKTW is going to be rained out again :(
Still, looking forward to going, and it's really nice seeing the same kids every night and seeing what they've been doing on their holidays
Another fun night tonight, it was pirate and princess night at GKTW. Unfortunately it had been rained off (it's normally held on the big pirate ship next to the pool), so it was all set up in the safari theatre instead.
We had yet another induction (I'm getting used to these by now), then were given our assignments for the night. This seems to be the night that gets the most regular volunteers, as a few of them came already dressed in full pirate costume.
The roles for tonight were princess makeovers (putting make up and temp tattoos on the girls), pirate makeovers (face painting fake scars and beards on the kids, and temp tattoos too), and two craft tables, one where they could draw pirate maps and colour stuff in, and the other had lots of pirate booty for the kids to take in a cute little treasure bag.
We all got taken over to the blue palace (the costume trailer) and got our outfits, I was a medieval princess for the night. They had two actual "princesses" (also volunteers, but more actors than normal volunteers) that got actual ballgowns, all all the guys got to be pirates.
The party started at 7.30, but at 7.20 we all went out and "hijacked" miss merry's tea party in the castle, and all the kids then followed us out to the theatre.
All the kids got makeovers, and then they played games and did some dancing. Characters from Seaworld came to the party, so I got to do party dances with shamu which was a bit surreal :rotfl: At the end all the kids get to go up on stage, and get announced as either pirates or princesses. It's all very cute and all the kids seemed to have a good time.
After the party finished we all got changed and helped takedown all the decorations and activity tables. Getting a pro at this now, to the point where the ents guys are saying "you know where those go don't you"

It was one of the ents guy's last pirate party, as he's leaving next week so we all got a group photo :)

I'm actually gutted now that I haven't got a shift there til Tuesday now (and I go home Thursday). I'm really enjoying being there, and it's kinda become a second home this past week. I've been lucky enough to have been able to come to wdw 13 times now, and doing this all week has added a great new dimension to my holidays. Something that's not solely obsessed with the parks, and it's great being able to give a little bit back


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