Anyone else given up on the possibility of cruising

With some vaccines being in Phase 3, I’m pretty confident we will have a vaccine this fall. While I am not 100% sure that my december 2020 cruise will happen, I am 100% my October 2021 cruise will.

I wouldn’t mind wearing the mask in certain areas (ex: theater) as I have been wearing masks outside of the house for months now. I am used to it and comfortable with it ... To the point that I plan on wearing them while commuting in public transportation during influenza season in the future or when I have a common cold.

p.s.: I was already wearing them in airplanes.
I also think it's a good sign that the cruise could happen because it would be straight up cold blooded to be selling families discounted cruises if they know right now there is zero chance of the cruises going out. I would hope Disney is a better company than that.

I’m hoping it’s a good sign too. We just booked a November cruise, and I’d love to go! As far as Disney being better than that, they offered free dining for June 1 to September 30 to those that got cancelled in the spring. They aren’t opening until July, and they’ve cancelled ALL dining plans until the end of the year. Hoping DCL learned from that backlash and isn’t doing the same thing!
We cancelled our October cruise when this all started, but I’m pretty confident about our September 2021 cruise to Alaska. We definitely will reassess at the PIF date in May but are pretty hopeful.
hope you don’t mind me asking but did you lose a percentage of your booking money? We’re booked concierge in September too & was under the impression we would be out of pocket if we cancelled

I don't mind at all. :) Because we were PIF, we did "lose" our deposit, however we had purchased DCL insurance, so if we file a claim with the insurance, we can receive 75% of our deposit in the form of a cruise credit good for one year. We have not pursued this option just yet, in case Disney does cancel the sailing. If they cancel the sailing we will be refunded the deposit. According to my brother who was sailing with us, he did not see anything about a time limit for pursuing a claim, so we are going to hold tight for another month or two. I hope that is somewhat helpful; I'm totally green when it comes to cruising so it's possible a veteran might have other helpful info.
We didn't plan on cruising in 2020 anyway, but have had an April 2021 cruise planned for some time now (not on DCL). For the time being, we are keeping the reservation. It's a Pacific Coastal though, so it all depends on Canada reopening their waters to cruise ships. I actually booked a couple of excursions just yesterday as I assumed they would be reducing capacity and wanted to make sure we had a spot on the ones we wanted.

We also booked a 2022 cruise just last week, and also fully plan on keeping our WDW reservation for October. Our son and his friends are celebrating their college graduations at Copper Creek beginning 8/01 (hopefully - assuming they can snag park reservations). They have moved this trip 3 times now, so fingers crossed it works out this time.

I'm not sure if we are optimists or idiots, but it just makes me happy knowing that I have cruises / trips to plan for. :goodvibes
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According to my brother who was sailing with us, he did not see anything about a time limit for pursuing a claim, so we are going to hold tight for another month or two.

I highly recommend reading your policy. As a lawyer, I have never once seen an insurance policy without a reporting period. where you could forfeit your claim for failing to report it within a specific time (often short). You might even consider filing a claim, but negotiating with the carrier to hold it pending the outcome.
@brentm77 I will be sure to do that. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Edit: For any interested parties, according to the policy we have 30 days to file the claim. "Notice of Claim: Notice of claim must be reported to Us within 30 days after a loss occurs or as soon as is reasonably possible. You or someone on Your behalf may give the notice. The notice should be given to Us or Our designated representative and should include sufficient information to identify You."
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until (and unless) we reach a "new normal" in cruising that does not require restrictions such as face masks, I won't be cruising. This includes a scenario where face masks are only required for crew and not passengers...It's just that there's absolutely no way I'm forking over thousands of dollars and precious vacation time to feel like I'm on a hospital ship.
I don't think masks will be required by passengers in most areas of the ship. Other cruise lines who are publishing reopening plans are not forcing guests to wear masks everywhere. It would be DCL-icide for DCL to require masks of cruise guests when it is not the norm on cruises. Too many guests will simply cruise elsewhere as it's just too much money to spend on such an uncomfortable experience.

The cruises aren't the parks. The parks have unionized American workers who want guests to wear masks- that's why they're required everywhere there. The cruises have non-union workers primarily from 3rd world countries, who just want to feed their families.

The cruises are also expensive for all guests, whereas there are many relatively cheap ways to go to WDW. (And of course, DCL can't pad their coffers by renting space to the NBA...) What people will tolerate when they're vacationing on their DVC points or using an annual pass while staying offsite, is not the same as what most guests paying several hundred per night or more will put up with. You're far from alone in your outlook on that & DCL knows it.

So for those reasons, I think the cruise experience will be different, which is one reason why DCL isn't discussing it yet. It would be difficult for them to publicly explain why masks will be required everywhere at WDW, but not on DCL. Since cruises aren't starting for a while, I think it's easier for them to just not have that conversation at all at this point.
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My April cruise was canceled by dcl. I just canceled 2 September cruises, ending my 2020 cruises. I moved my January 2021 cruise to April 2021 and my PIF for that one is December. I will cancel if guidelines are not decided by then. I have a September 2021 cruise. I’ve lost 2 placeholders already because dcl is unwilling to extend the expiration dates. I’m hoping for 2021 to cruise again, but also feel like a vaccine will have to come out first. With 3 canceled cruises now for 2020, it looks like we’re remodeling our master bathroom now with the extra $$. i think when cruising starts, we’re looking at 3/4 night cruises for awhile. Even fall 2021 releases are on hold too.
I'm not hopeful through winter 2021. Maybe summer.

I still can't see how cruising can be successfully restarted until there is either a solution or widescale agreement to accept the risks of the virus and move on with living. The first is likely still many months off, if not years, and there is little evidence the second will ever happen.

There is so much talk of restrictions and face masks and whatnot, and I get that, but I also think it sidesteps the real issues. How many people are actually going to travel while there is still a risk that if anyone on the cruise spikes a fever then everyone will be confined to quarters, or if someone tests positive for COVID passengers will not be allowed to disembark? How many times will that happen before cruise lines find themselves with empty ships?

My guess is not many. I hope I'm wrong.
if someone tests positive for COVID passengers will not be allowed to disembark? How many times will that happen before cruise lines find themselves with empty ships?

Originally when that was done, that was at the beginning when we had a media driven narrative that there would be bodies stacked in hospital hallways. That never materialized and people are starting to learn that this is nothing more than a strong flu. Even today the the positive cases are skyrocketing but the rate of death is declining. Originally we kept the ships at bay due to a positive case because of the original fear and we were trying to keep it out, well the cats out of the bag. Hospitals here have the capacity to deal with it and really people are just dealing with it. It was announced today that many of the football players in my city’s NFL team have tested positive for COVID. They are fine and didn’t even know they had it. The best thing for us is heard immunity, catch it, deal with it and move on. Makes us hardier as a species.

locked in home (ostrich head in sand) is not a realistic way to deal with it.
this is nothing more than a strong flu.
Wrong. Due to COVID-19 people have long lasting issues, from damaged lungs, amputated limbs, and mental issues.
Even today the the positive cases are skyrocketing but the rate of death is declining.
The positive cases are skyrocketing due to people thinking "OK, that's over, let's get on with life" and heading out to mingle. Death rate is currently declining because a majority of those were "high risk" people who got caught in the initial wave. Now, with more cases, and less distancing, the high risk people who managed to stay home to avoid it initially are more likely to get it and die.
The best thing for us is heard immunity, catch it, deal with it and move on. Makes us hardier as a species.
Or kills us.
AIDS is 100% fatal (with the exception of Magic Johnson). Do we quarantine AIDS patients? The sky is not falling and we’re not all going to die. Actually it’s the opposite.
AIDS is harder to catch. You need to be participating in high risk activity to catch it.

COVID-19 you can catch because someone was singing in your area that has the virus.

No "we're not all going to die", but there are people who will. We won't achieve herd immunity until 60-70% of the population has had it. We're only at, what, 5%? That means a lot more people are going to have to get it and a lot more people will die.

Just a note - everyone is at risk for getting this disease. Some people are at risk for dying from this disease.

We (all people, everywhere) are like the Hawaiians when measles showed up in the islands - it almost wiped them out. This disease is dangerous to everyone.
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Not worth it to us. Our next cruise is 6/2021 to Alaska and DH already wants to cancel.
Even if there is a vaccine before then, I don’t want to be in the early waves of trying it out. We are super healthy but would prefer to stay that way.
The positive cases are skyrocketing due to people thinking "OK, that's over, let's get on with life" and heading out to mingle. Death rate is currently declining because a majority of those were "high risk" people who got caught in the initial wave. Now, with more cases, and less distancing, the high risk people who managed to stay home to avoid it initially are more likely to get it and die.

I hear you but if you disagree with people getting on with their lives, then get the votes and change the constitution. Our freedoms do not end where your fears begin. If there are people that are high risk, then don’t book a cruise. There’s also many many more people who aren’t high risk and we can’t pause the world every time people hear about a new disease. Coronavirus was here before humans, during humans and will be here after humans. Locked away at home is not an option.
On a side note, I cannot tell you how many people I’ve seen with a mask and no seat belt, just goes to show you the fear campaign is working. The person is more likely to die from no seat belt but feels safe with that mask, so silly.
I also thought this was a good sign for August cruises. I really didn’t think the August cruises were happening but don’t these 25% off discounts come straight from Disney?

I think they want the cash and will happily take it now in exchange for a FCC. Disney is taking 6+ weeks to open the parks after given the OK. There's absolutely no way DCL will be ready to cruise in August.
Originally when that was done, that was at the beginning when we had a media driven narrative that there would be bodies stacked in hospital hallways. That never materialized and people are starting to learn that this is nothing more than a strong flu. Even today the the positive cases are skyrocketing but the rate of death is declining. Originally we kept the ships at bay due to a positive case because of the original fear and we were trying to keep it out, well the cats out of the bag. Hospitals here have the capacity to deal with it and really people are just dealing with it. It was announced today that many of the football players in my city’s NFL team have tested positive for COVID. They are fine and didn’t even know they had it. The best thing for us is heard immunity, catch it, deal with it and move on. Makes us hardier as a species.

locked in home (ostrich head in sand) is not a realistic way to deal with it.

(They stacked bodies in refrigerated trucks instead of the hallways...)

Apologies for not seeing this virus with rose-colored glasses... In my province, the flu kills more or less 300 each year. COVID killed over 5000 within three months.

The best thing for us is a vaccine.
I think they want the cash and will happily take it now in exchange for a FCC. Disney is taking 6+ weeks to open the parks after given the OK. There's absolutely no way DCL will be ready to cruise in August.

I was thinking about this and came to a horrible conclusion. Is it possible DCL is discounting the upcoming cruises so that if people book them, it cancels out some of the 125% they would get for getting cancelled? It's hard for me to explain without an example so here it goes with a $1000 example:

If you bought at regular price for $1000 and DCL cancels, you get an FCC of $1250 (you made $250). If DCL discounts the upcoming cruises by 25% and you book a $1000 cruise for $750 and then later DCL cancels the cruise, you get an FCC of $937.50 (you made $187.50). So are they discounting the cruises because they are going to definitely sail or are the discounting the upcoming cruises to save themselves some coin and make you feel like you got a deal with the "125% FCC"? Now I'm leaning towards the upcoming cruises are not going to go out and it's just a cash grab.


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