Anyone have any information on the WDW Marathon?


Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
I dunno, but I am thinking here, thaty as I get more fit...I may try something weird like this. Has anyone here run the marathon? Or have any detailed info on it?

Congrats on getting fit, but a marathon is just not something you "try". It takes a lot of work and time. It could take a year or more of serious training to prepare for a marathon. I'm not saying you can't do it, as I'm sure you can if you put your mind to it. I'm just suggesting you don't set unreasonable goals for yourself. If you haven't been running you should build up to some shorter road races (5k and 10k) then work up from there. There are many web sites that outline training programs for all kinds of distance and fitness levels. Try Coolrunning and Hal Higdon .

I hope you don't mind a little unsolicited advice.
I tried to run a search on 'marathon' but it is disabled now.

Sounds like it might be a good question to run by (no pun :)) on the Theme Park or W.I.S.H boards. Good luck, glo. :sunny:
Blaine (DH) has run this the last three years, and is set for year four. :)
He really enjoys it. The WDW marathon is his favorite, and he has run several all over the U.S.
At the San Diego Marathon he was even warmly welcomed at the finish line by Elton John! But I think he would take the characters on the WDW route anytime! :jester:
He really enjoys running through WS as the music is playing, lights are on and it's somewhat peaceful.
He said this last year on the route there was a lot more entertainment than previous years he ran.
The bus transportation for runners is GREAT! WDW really has their act together.
Like anything Disney, the prices are higher than others. But that goes with the territory.
It can be COLD.
Fireworks at the start!
Start training! No one says you HAVE to finish it. Although you get a great medal at the end.
I don't know if the half is still open. It filled up, then Disney opened it up again. I don't know if they hit their second limit.
DH belongs to an internet group of runners -- similiar to the Dis. It's The Dead Runner's Society. Great group of people. There is a Disney Deads chapter, and the have a pasta dinner (off-site) the night before.
Later, when I am at home, I will post a link to the Disney Deads. You will find LOTS of information/support there on the WDW marathon.
Sorry Dan, but the WISH board is about loosing weight and this question is about info on the Marathon. Also, it is not really theme parks, and we do not have a sports board on the DIS.

I am thinking of the 2005 as a goal to try...I would probably do the 1/2 one as I am just starting, and I do want to be able to finish.

Luv2Roam I cleaned out my pm box...I would love any info your DH has to offer :)
glo, my DH has completed about 20 marathons in his life, with times ranging from 2:50 to 5 hours plus. Included in these 20 were the WDW Marathons in 2001 and 2002. (He's also done the St. Louis, Columbus, Grandma's, Jacksonville, Honolulu, Marathon to Marathon, and Kentucky Marathon, to name a few.)

I agree with starting training early. There are many books out on how to train for a marathon, including ways to build mileage, what to eat, how to taper, and how to recover. Also, magazines such as Runner's World and Running Times have great articles about marathoning. You may want to suscribe to one of these.

Luv2Roam has a lot of good info. Just to add; if you are really going to do this REGISTER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!! I can't emphasize this enough. Since the Marathon is limited to 16,000, they cut off registration when that number is reached. Registration opens shortly after the last marathon has been completed, usually around the end of January or beginning of February. By May, the marathon was already filled last year!

Also, DH feels that this is a tougher marathon, because there are loooooong, desolate stretches. He's used to marathons that are run on city streets that are lined continuously with cheering people. Since the WDW Marathon is on a closed course before the parks open, it gets pretty lonely out there.

If you have any more questions, give me a PM! Good luck, glo!!
Thanks Deb...any info on the 1/2 marathon???? Is there a site or info out there that people can see?
And the 1/2 Marathon fills up EVEN FASTER than the full marathon!! (fewer entries accepted)
Hi Glo. So glad you posted this. I too am looking for any information on the WDW Marathon. My husband and I just registered for the half marathon. We plan on walking it. Hopefully, my legs will be willing to carry me that far! I am starting to walk already during my lunch hours and after work. I plan on signing up for a couple 5 and 10 k's this summer. Anybody know when I might receive some info from Disney to let me know what I can expect or the schedule of events? Good Luck, Glo! Thanks, Dawn

Click on the link in my previous post. It'll take you to the Disney Marathon main page.
My daughter and son-in-law and running the DISNEY and is SIL's dad. My daughter has run a number of marathons and lately her husband has been running with her. What is so amusing is that she is exactly one foot shorter than he is so his stride is much longer and she beats him by 45 minutes to an hour every time. They signed up right at the beginning of the year.
Here is the Disney Deads link:
Gee -- that was a hard one to remember! :rolleyes: :jester:
If you are lucky, your area may having a running club too.
There is nothing to say you have to finish or go in record time.
The first year, DH was going into the race injured. (Recovering from a stress fracture and still limping.) I think his time was 4.5 hours. :confused: And what was so funny, he would not have finished EXCEPT some gal he didn't even know started running with him and she never shut up. But that was just what DH needed. Someone chatty to keep his mind off his body! :jester: And then when she quit, he saw the medal and knew he had to continue.
Two years ago we learned a valuable lesson. DO NOT arrive at WDW the day before the race and run around like mad all day. :rolleyes:
He was over stressed, tired an dehydrated, and was even worse race day.
Half way through he was sicker than a dog, and made himself finish the race, but walked half of it. 5 hour finish. That was particularly sad because he had his miles in and was ready.
This year was much better. We arrived the
FRIDAY before the race and just took it easy.
He finished just a few minutes after 4 hours, and he was much fresher.
We plan to do the same for 2004 -- arrive Friday. Many runners are there the week before the race, and by the marathon their legs are trashed from walking the parks for a week.
Blaine limps a few days, but walking afterwards helps him a lot.
Here is another site that may offer ideas:
If you can still get into the half, I say try for that. The half has a great medal too. Although Blaine says you miss some of the best part of the course by running just the half.

I had a GREAT time while he was running. I went into the MK and had the place to MYSELF!!! It was HEAVEN! I even had a private PotC boat cruise. That's where I will be Sunday morning on the next marathon day! ;)
The expo is at CSR the Friday and Saturday before the marathon. If you see something you want --buy it! You may not be able to find it later.

Just as a thought too -- Last Columbus Day WDW had a 10k race -- Kinda of a pre-marathon race.
DH did that and we were somewhat disappointed. First, NO bus service for he race. Luckily we were with wonderful fellow Dis people. That wonderful man got up early just to drive Blaine to WWoS for the race.
When the race started it was 74 degrees with 100% humidity. :eek: Blaine said he was fine until he moved. ;)

And more! :jester:
Blaine always goes to the goodwill or thrift shop and buys outerwear he can toss if he needs to strip down. It is dark and COLD when the marathon starts. The busses start running at 4:30 a.m. The race doesn't start until 6. So there is a lot of time standing around freezing. Some runners even ride the busses as long as they can or even hide out in porta johns just to keep warm!
At least with throw away clothes you can shed as you need and toss them to the side of the road. I believe Disney picks up the clothing later and donates it.
The first WDW marathon Blaine ran -- the first and only time in his running life -- he wore his emergency garbage bag. (for warmth) He wore it for half the race.
That day, it was colder in WDW than in Omaha.
In the words of Scar -- "Be prepared!" ;)
Luv2Roam thanks for all the info...I do have a question how do you do the time part...Proving you can do a mile in under 16 minutes? I have een walking a 15 minute mile, and would like to get this done...If I do a town 5K or something like that will it count?
Blaine is out doing errands. I will ask when he gets home.
My guess is making sure you are in a race that is certified. That is my understanding on proving your time.
Even if you have a Race for the Cure, that is a certified course. And I think most races are.
I will get back to you. Maybe someone else knows the answer too. :)
According to Mr B --
The only time that matters is a previous marathon finish time.
It doesn't matter that you don't have a previous marathon time.
With no previous time, you will just be put in one of the rear corrals. Being that far back won't matter because your WDW race time is based on your chip time.
It will also keep you out of the way of those who are faster than you.
Deb in IA -- Blaine got a laugh when you mentioned desolute stretches. Blaine has also run Marathon to Marathon (twice). Corn stalks are as desolute as you get! :jester: :jester: ;)
He says WDW is a city compared to that! :jester: :jester:


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