anyone here do WW without meetings or online?

It's great to hear how everyone else is doing--struggles and triumphs.

I'm really happy with the plan--I get alot more points than has been mentioned, so I find that I get a lot to eat--and if I get hungry, I reach for a zero soup or my favorite bread, which is also a zero for one slice. I do so much better when I actually write down what I eat--it keeps me honest. I also allow myself to not be one program on Friday (my weigh-in day) if I have lost weight. I expect as my points decrease, this will not work as well.

Anyway, I've lost 14.4 pounds in 7 weeks. I'm noticing in some of my clothes that the waist is much larger; other clothes just fit better. I haven't lost a dress size yet (maybe because I was wearing my clothes a little bit tighter fitting than I should have:rolleyes1 ) I won't have another weigh-in until the week after Thanksgiving, since no one wanted to come to a meeting on Black Friday. Good luck to everyone over the holiday that is dedicated to food and eating!
Good afternoon everyone!

I'm just checking in. Yesterday was my WI day and I'm down another 2.4 pounds for a total of 12.8 pounds in 3 weeks. This program is so exciting and fun! I just love the results I'm seeing. I know I can't get too cocky though, there is a binge lurking around the corner if I don't stay focused. So that is what I am trying to do. I keep telling myself that if food is not the problem, eating is NOT the solution and it's working for me so far. I have been binge free as I start my fourth week on program.

Snow - that sundae sounds heavenly! I love anything with chocolate and peanut butter in it. Yummy! I hope you have a good OP day.

NCRedding - I get a nice allotment of points too. I think 26 is just fine. I was getting 28 so it took a little adjusting. I try not to use all my APs per day and save my flex points for the weekend and it is seeming to work out for me. Congrats on your weight loss! You must be feeling really good. Keep up the great work!
I'm back from Mexico- holy smokes- this was my first experience with the all-inclusive resort thing. It was fun and the food was good, but I definately ate too much. I will weigh-in on Friday and hope that I didn't do too much damage.
Hi Guys!

Sorry I've been MIA. I got back from my conference and was swamped with work. I'm going to make time to DIS, I have to have breaks!

So, I was down 11 right before I left (and right after I got off the TM). I seem to have stabilized atthree pounds above that. This week, I want to get down another pound or two. We'll see what weigh tomorrow and Thanksgiving. I'm using the lower weight of those two days -- no way am I taking my Friday am weight LOL!

I am seriously getting into my half marathon training, so we'll see what effect that has. I actually think I will lose less -- I'm working out more often, but I think adding cross training is not going to help with weight loss, I lose more when I walk every day. Only time will tell......

I need to go back and read everyone's posts. It sounds like we're all hanging in for the holiday season. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, then get right back on that horse!

Hi Guys!...

... This week, I want to get down another pound or two. We'll see what weigh tomorrow and Thanksgiving. I'm using the lower weight of those two days -- no way am I taking my Friday am weight LOL!...

OH- I totally forgot that weigh-in on Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Hmmm- I think I will keep that as my weigh-in. Maybe it will keep me honest on Turkey Day.
OH- I totally forgot that weigh-in on Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Hmmm- I think I will keep that as my weigh-in. Maybe it will keep me honest on Turkey Day.

Go Volts! woohoo!:woohoo: You are going to shame me into just saying no to second helpings! We can enjoy ourselves and not eat everything on the table. I have faith! :angel:

CRAZY- I lost a pound with all forces working against me.
  • last weekend spent gorging on Chorizo, Chips and guacamole, and Margaritas in Cancun
  • weighed in the day after Thanksgiving
  • TOM
  • I forgot to weigh myself before breakfast
What in the heck is going on. How did I lose a pound:confused3
Oh well- I will take it. I have been up since 4am for the whole Black Friday thing so I am off to crash hard now. Have a great day everyone.
Hi Guys!

My big loss for this week was .5. All things considered, I'll take it. I did my 7 miles this morning for training, so that felt good. Now that I really have to focus on training rather than weight loss, I'm kind of nervous. In any case, I'll weigh less than I would have without doing anything!

Good job, Volts! Just accept that the weight loss deities were with you this week! Don't look that gift horse in the mouth! :)

Ok, I haven't been able to face the scale since Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a 5 lb. gain. Anyone else in my shoes?

Ok, I haven't been able to face the scale since Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a 5 lb. gain. Anyone else in my shoes?

Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back the horse!
I feel like I am finally back on track. Oct was a bad month for me but I am really focussed and I have had great self control lately.
Unfortunately I am finding that I can't have hardly any flex points and still lose weight (took me about 5 months to figure that out- DUH) so I am at about 19 points per day most days. That is the sucky part- but the good part is my weight is finally going down:cool1:

Have a great weekend everybody!:) :goodvibes
My weigh-in was today, after two weeks--our group decided not to weigh in on Friday after Thanksgiving. I was surprised to see that I lost another pound. I've been fighting a lousy cold, so I wasn't sure how I would do. The next month promises to be challenging for all of us, doesn't it?? OUr leader gave us some strategies today, including going into maintenance mode in between now and Christmas. My plan is to step up the exercising, and only focus on eating those things that I love, and can't have often. Drink the water, and plan for the meals at home when we don't have anything else planned.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Ok, I haven't been able to face the scale since Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a 5 lb. gain. Anyone else in my shoes?

I think the pumpkin cheesecake stuck right to my butt! :goodvibes I've been back on a good track these last few days, so I'm feeling positive about things. :thumbsup2

Now - anyone have any great tips for avoiding those inevitable Christmas Cookies??? :confused3
Hi guys. Sorry it's been a busy week. I'm still here and hanging on. I am down 13.8 pounds for my fourth week on the program. Tomorrow ends week five and I will post any loss I have by Monday. I don't have high hopes this week though. I'm doing great with the program but my "TOM" is messed up and cycle came last week but my body is convinced this is the week and I've been retaining water like crazy. Sorry if TMI for you all! Ha! I did peak at the scale this morning (bad girl, I know) and thankfully that water weight is gone but I don't think I'll see much of a loss. If I can at least be down .2 I'll be at 14 pounds lost so we'll see.

Have a great Saturday night all! :)
Hi Guys!

I got on the scale and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought -- I was even down a pound!

I don't know how I'm going to do in these last few weeks before the Half Marathon, but I'm pretty sure I still can have a fresh start January 15th!

:scared1: I can't believe how BAD I was when I honestly thought I was being GOOD! :scared1:

We went to Ruby Tuesday's last night. I did something I rarely do, and I ordered a burger. I chose the Turkey burger with salad bar - no fries. Seemed like a good choice :confused3 Well....I just went and looked up the nutritional info and that stupid burger had 812 calories and 45 grams of fat :headache:

With the several glasses of red wine that I enjoyed as well, I think in one meal, I "un-did" all the good that I had done the rest of the week! :sad:

Here's to a good start to a good week everyone. :yay:
:scared1: I can't believe how BAD I was when I honestly thought I was being GOOD! :scared1:

Here's to a good start to a good week everyone. :yay:

I hate when I do that. I did the same thing a couple of weeks ago, thinking I was picking the right thing, when I definitely wasn't.

My weigh-in on Friday was good, even though I didn't expect it to be. I lost two pounds for a total of 17.4 since 10/5. Then, I went crazy last night--I'm not sure what happened, but I just couldn't get filled up. Worse, I tried to fill up on bad things--skittles, chex mix--at least they were small bags. Hopefully, I can correct the oops by Friday.
I need to jump back on the band wagon! I find myself 5 pounds less then when I started originally. Too many holiday calories already. I'm still paying for the WW online, so I'm going to try faithfully to use them and start tracking points again. I look at the online weight chart and I did best in May, then went back down hill slowly afterwards. So, I'm back.
I need to jump back on the band wagon! I find myself 5 pounds less then when I started originally. Too many holiday calories already. I'm still paying for the WW online, so I'm going to try faithfully to use them and start tracking points again. I look at the online weight chart and I did best in May, then went back down hill slowly afterwards. So, I'm back.
Hey- I am glad to see you here! You are doing a good thing by realizing that you are sliding and deciding not to give up. Last time I lost 15 lbs on WW- after a few months of a stubborn platteau I slowly gave up. I knew I was eating poorly and I avoided the scale for months- then finally I stepped on the scale- I had gained back all 15lbs +3 and I stayed around that hefty weight for almost 2 years. Finally I got back on WW and my #1 goal this time was that I wouldn't give up no matter what. I knew I wouldn't be perfect but even if I have a bad day or a bad week- I would weigh myself and count points AND JUST PLAIN STICK WITH IT. This go around I have been on WW 11 months. My anniversary is mid. January.

ANYHOO- I lost weight! 3.5 pounds!!! Pretty good cosidering I ate a ball of cookie dough last night about the size of large plum! Look at my ticker- I AM SO CLOSE!!!!


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