Anything I can do for nausea caused by antibiotics?


DIS Veteran
Feb 19, 2007
I'm taking a strong antibiotic for this sinus infection, tonsillitis and bronchitis that I have. As far as my actually illness, I'm feeling better -- although I get tired very easily.

What I can't stand is how queasy the meds are making me! I follow the instructions and take it after a meal. But it doesn't matter. For the next several hours, I feel hungover-queasy.

I teach young children, and there's no way I can work like this! There's also no way I can stay home until I'm off the meds. Suggestions????
Try taking it with a large glass of milk. My daughter is on strong medication and this seems to help her:)
You might have to ask for something else. It's important to take a full course and that's not likely to happen if they're making you feel sick.
When I've taken the meds that upset my stomach, I would always take them with an Instant Breakfast (milk and the chocolate drink powder). It was the only thing that helped me.

You might also try eating some of the live culture yogurts. You might have upset the balance of good bacteria in your digestive system.

Feel better soon.
The antibiotics that we are usually on have to have a BUFFER in the belly to let it slide into and not cause an upset stomach....unless it says to take on an empty stomach then eat something and then take the med..
When I've taken the meds that upset my stomach, I would always take them with an Instant Breakfast (milk and the chocolate drink powder). It was the only thing that helped me.

You might also try eating some of the live culture yogurts. You might have upset the balance of good bacteria in your digestive system.

Feel better soon.

Yep eat yogurt, and take probioitic pills if you got them (you can get them at any health food store, even most drug stores and trader joes.) they are the culture in yogurt. When you take antibiotic's it wipes out all the bacteria, good and bad so always eat yogurt when you do. It might help with the queasy feelings too.

I am allergic to a big group on antibiotics (penicillin and sulfa based), and another big group makes me feel the same way you are talking about. (emicin). When I had a root canal when I was pregnant there was very few antibiotics I would take and the one I did made me SOOOOOOOOOOOO sick (like I wasn't already I was 12 weeks pregnant.) Bad memory. :sad2:
Sometimes taking them with food helps, often it doesn't.

IMO, the smart thing to do would be to call the doc and tell him that you keep throwing up and ask if he can give you something else. :)

You didn't ask, but as an FYI, you probably aren't allergic to the drug. You are probably suffering with nausea as a side effect of the drug. :)
I'll try drinking milk -- but I hate yogurt, so that won't work.

I did tell the doctor, and she said it was a normal side-effect. I'm not throwing up, just feeling very queasy-icky.

6 more days!
I'll try drinking milk -- but I hate yogurt, so that won't work.

I did tell the doctor, and she said it was a normal side-effect. I'm not throwing up, just feeling very queasy-icky.

6 more days!

If you won't eat yogurt consider the probitoic pills (they have cheese and other dairy products with them it it now too.) They might help.

Good luck, been there done that. I would talk to your doctor and see if any other meds will work. Because what I can take is so limited, I sometimes I have to tough it out. :headache:
I had a medication that made me feel like that once and the Dr. prescribed another medication for the nausea. When I got home and read the label its the same stuff that's in Dramamine or Bonine (seasick medication). You might want to try that as I found it helped.
call for a new script... Does you Dr have a 24 hour answering service?
I would call today and get it filled today so you don't have to go to work sick.
Try taking it with a large glass of milk. My daughter is on strong medication and this seems to help her:)
STAY AWAY FROM MILK WHEN TAKING ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics work by "binding" with your body's enzymes on a cellular level to kill the infection. When you drink milk, the molecules in the milk bind to your enzymes BEFORE the antibiotic has a chance to bind to it, thus, blocking out the antibiotics ability to kill the infections and rendering the antibiotics not only useless, but creating a buildup of the medicine and creating a toxic environment in which your body can become septic. Dairy in general (but ESPECIALLY milk) shouldn't be eaten or drank while your taking ANY kind of antibiotic.
DD takes a daily antibiotic for acne and has been told not to drink milk with it or to eat a lot of dairy at the same time she is taking it.

She has only had one episode of nausea which was when she took it on an empty stomach. Now she eats a few bites of dry cereal before she takes it and a few more after in the mornings, and after dinner in the evenings. She has not had trouble since.
Please note the OP was in 2008!

Pretty sure the antibiotics and nausea are gone by now. ;)

ZOMBIE THREAD bumped by a brand new poster with a milk and antibiotics agenda? :confused3
Please note the OP was in 2008!

Pretty sure the antibiotics and nausea are gone by now. ;)

ZOMBIE THREAD bumped by a brand new poster with a milk and antibiotics agenda? :confused3

Man - sucked into a zombie thread! :rolleyes:
Please note the OP was in 2008!

Pretty sure the antibiotics and nausea are gone by now. ;)

ZOMBIE THREAD bumped by a brand new poster with a milk and antibiotics agenda? :confused3

Not to mention that the whole rant about milk and antibiotics is a load of crap. I have never read any monographs that warned of any interaction between dairy and most antibiotics. There are a very limited number that should not be taken at the same time, but these would have a warning label on the bottle.

Nausea is probably the number one side effect of any antibiotic. Most times, as long as you aren't vomiting, you just need to take them after a meal, take an anti-nausea medication that is appropriate for you, and wait it out.
My doctor prescribed 25mg meclizine when I had nausea from antibiotics. THis is available over the counter as Bonine, which is used for treating motion sickness. (It's also great for hangovers... not that I'd know from first-hand experience :rolleyes1 )
When I went on cipro, they also have me zofran. Took it a hour before the cipro and it worked great. Ask the dr about getting zofran.


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