Anything I can do for nausea caused by antibiotics?

I'm the OP, and I have to laugh because I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER POSTING THIS!!!!! I remember having all of those "itises" at once, and being so very sick, but I don't remember the nausea, and I really don't remember posting here for advice -- FIVE YEARS AGO.

I'm the OP, and I have to laugh because I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER POSTING THIS!!!!! I remember having all of those "itises" at once, and being so very sick, but I don't remember the nausea, and I really don't remember posting here for advice -- FIVE YEARS AGO.


Well, Minnie_me, can we all then just say, FIVE Years later, that we are all so glad that you feel better and hope it was something a Dis'er said that made it that way! :)
lol, for what its worth glad I read it! I was about to give up my amoxicillin. Will try the bonine
I swear by sea bands. I suffer from nausa caused by a high dose iron pill. I teach little kids so I have to be able to run and play. For the most part they work and when there not enough you put your finger on the white button part and it works better. Ive seen them in fun colors too which may make you the cool teacher (my kids love my white ones that I painted micky heads on)
I am on amoxacilin the drug makes me so nauseus I had to go to the er I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow. It also made me feel like someone had punched me in the pit of my stomach. What helped me is to keep a large amount of water in my system as well as Apple juice and several meals throughout the day. Also kept a bottle of anti nausea liquid medicine on hand
Doesn't matter how old a post is or why somebody joined after 8 years. If someone has something relent to contribute to possibly help someone else that is all that is important
I'm curious how people find these threads. Was it through a search and it brought you to the DIS?

Let's just hope the poster is feeling better after so long.
The ultimate cure for nausea are old timey Major Tranquilisers, more commonly (and scarily) known as Typical Antipsychotics, at low doses, such as say, 2mg Trifluoperazine. They were originally prescribed specifically for nausea and their therepeutic qualities were only discovered later on.
The ultimate cure for nausea are old timey Major Tranquilisers, more commonly (and scarily) known as Typical Antipsychotics, at low doses, such as say, 2mg Trifluoperazine. They were originally prescribed specifically for nausea and their therepeutic qualities were only discovered later on.

Not sure I can buy that at Walgreens though. LOL

I was going to suggest adding Prevacid to the morning medicine routine as that's what I usually have to do. Prevacid and then Tums. But then I saw that 3 years ago the OP updated that 8 years ago she found relief.
STAY AWAY FROM MILK WHEN TAKING ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics work by "binding" with your body's enzymes on a cellular level to kill the infection. When you drink milk, the molecules in the milk bind to your enzymes BEFORE the antibiotic has a chance to bind to it, thus, blocking out the antibiotics ability to kill the infections and rendering the antibiotics not only useless, but creating a buildup of the medicine and creating a toxic environment in which your body can become septic. Dairy in general (but ESPECIALLY milk) shouldn't be eaten or drank while your taking ANY kind of antibiotic.
When did this change? I have always taught patients that dairy products should not be mixed with tetracycline-type antibiotics.
The ultimate cure for nausea are old timey Major Tranquilisers, more commonly (and scarily) known as Typical Antipsychotics, at low doses, such as say, 2mg Trifluoperazine. They were originally prescribed specifically for nausea and their therepeutic qualities were only discovered later on.
Oh, those were the days of the magic Thorazine suppository. Worked like a charm, that did.
I hope everyone knows that taking milk or any dairy product with an antibiotic will lessen the effect of the antibiotic
I hope everyone knows that taking milk or any dairy product with an antibiotic will lessen the effect of the antibiotic

Not all antibiotics. There are many different types of antibiotics with different mechanisms. It was mentioned earlier in this thread that tetracycline isn't compatible with dairy (or more specifically the calcium). The one that claimed that antibiotics bind with the body's enzymes seems a little bit off the wall.

I hate oral antibiotics. Worst are the ones taken on an empty stomach.
Saltines or toast (plain) helps me.

The last time I was on antibiotics it was a kind I hadn't taken before.

I was supposed to not eat or drink (other than water) 3 hrs before AND 3 hrs after. It was things in food that was the actually called out iron, zinc, calcium, etc...basically what any food is likely to have.

It did say that it could cause nausea but that's usually a warning on a lot of meds and I don't seem to be affected by others..well this one did for me. 20 mins after taking the first pill I got sick..I thought well maybe it's just me being sick in general...nope the next time I was due for a pill I got sick again within 20-30 mins.

The label did say I could have a little bit to eat if it upset my stomach. I knew too much would counteract the antibiotic so I stuck with just a few saltines (because they had iron in them so I couldn't eat a whole lot). Worked like a charm and appearantly taking it on an empty stomach won't work for me even though that's what the instructions want you to do.

On a side note I'm never taking that antibiotic again it was just too restrictive.

*ETA: whoa did not realize this was a big zombie thread brought to life over time though I don't mind commenting...and that's what I get for browsing "new posts" on a whim :P


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