Are you still adding on the DDP when you go?

I :love: the DDP! I think if you are a dessert lover, it is great. I would never order dessert because the costs are so high, this way I get it. I like knowing in advance how much we pay for food too. We have the DDE card too, for DH's beer and sometimes an extra breakfast. My DH didn't love that we were stuck with the "rules" of the DDP, but he doesn't make the disney decisions :rotfl: I also am a total planner, so the DDP works well with my personality :woohoo:
We are not AP holders so we can't do DDE. This trip (just 2 adults) we are doing the DDP. It seems very economical. Next trip 7 of us 4 real adults, 2 pseudo-adults (ages 10&11) and 1 child it will not be cost effective. We wil pay as we go- but we will try to plan dining at places with a DVC discount when possible.
This is great thread for me right now as I'm planning our first trip as DVC owners. We (me, DH, DS14, DS10, DS10) will be staying at SSR in a two bedroom for 9 nights at the end of August. One of the big questions my DH and I are trying answer is, will we do the DDP this time. We did it twice last year, first time for a 5 night stay, then an 8 night stay. The twins were only 9 then, so it was really was a great value for us. Also, Disney had not yet changed the kids meals to what they are today. Our little ones are very healthy eaters, they love vegtables and salads so we really don't need to encourage them to do any more than they already do on their own.

Now, the big question is whether the DDP will still be a value for us as we have to pay for the 5 of us as adults and, the twins are not big eaters. I do like an earlier suggestion of using 2 TS credits for a few meals so we don't lock ourselves into big meals every night. That said, we as a family try to have a sit-down meal as we appreciate the break.

Now, how many Moms/Dads really want to have to cook/prepare and clean-up for meals while on vacation?? :sad2:

I think the fact that I will be :laundy: while we are there is enough, after all a Mom needs a vacation too! :rotfl2:

So, after all that, I'm still leaning towards the DDP, while my DH is on the fence.
We only go once a year and do not buy annual passes, so DDE is not really an option for us. We are a family of four - 2 adults and 2 preschoolers. We stayed for 5 nights last January and did not use the DDP, but I saved all of our food related receipts. The total of our food related expenditures was roughly equivalent to the cost of the DDP - we spent nearly $300 on 3 meals (Boma, Crystal Palace and Cinderella's Royal Table) when tip was factored into the equation (and I don't even think we were charged for our youngest at CP and Boma b/c she was 2 at the time). I think we will try DDP for our next trip.
For us the DDP with our 4 yo and 2 yo (free even at buffets) is great. We would end up at far more CS restaurants, but with the littles, the TS gives us a little more time to relax and unwind for a while. When they get a little older and we go commando on the parks I am guessing CS will be how we roll.

We do get a lot of food, but we don't feel obligated to order everything each meal, like desserts at lunch. We also order as much as we can that is portable for snacks later. I also like not having to check prices on the menu since I have already paid.

The planning can be a lot of fun, but it adds some structure to our vacation, but I doubt it changes how we visit the parks, we just need to decide 6 months in advance where we are visiting, rather than two weeks before.

We are not AP holders so we can't do DDE. This trip (just 2 adults) we are doing the DDP. It seems very economical. Next trip 7 of us 4 real adults, 2 pseudo-adults (ages 10&11) and 1 child it will not be cost effective. We wil pay as we go- but we will try to plan dining at places with a DVC discount when possible.

2 pseudo-adults (ages 10&11) :rotfl2: , I have one of those too(11 in Aug) and for us the DDP doesn't work. He just can't handle an adult size entree just yet(unless it's a cheesburger).
We used DDP last year and thought it was very economical, but I agree, we ate too much. That's not the plan's fault, but ours!! With a kitchen, etc, we thought we wouldn't get it this year. But we are.

What really made it worth it (IMO) is that tax and gratuity (18% I think?) are included. When you factor those two in, all of a sudden, your $27.99 Liberty Tree dinner is about $33-35. Add in a CS lunch, a couple of bottled waters, a muffin or yogurt for breakfast, and we found we're better off financially. Or split one dessert among us, and take the rest back to the room for later on. Also, we don't HAVE to get the biggest steak, etc. We can get a really great seafood dish, skip appetizers, etc.

For us, it is kinda like the DVC. You can certainly eat cheaper (or find cheaper lodging), but we feel like we'll be eating better (and lodging better).
I :love: the DDP! I think if you are a dessert lover, it is great. I would never order dessert because the costs are so high, this way I get it. I like knowing in advance how much we pay for food too. We have the DDE card too, for DH's beer and sometimes an extra breakfast. My DH didn't love that we were stuck with the "rules" of the DDP, but he doesn't make the disney decisions :rotfl: I also am a total planner, so the DDP works well with my personality :woohoo:

You are EXACTLY like me. We have the DDE card, but we LOVE the DDP! The desserts are to die for and I LOVE planning for each of our TS service meals
We only go once a year and do not buy annual passes, so DDE is not really an option for us. We are a family of four - 2 adults and 2 preschoolers. We stayed for 5 nights last January and did not use the DDP, but I saved all of our food related receipts. The total of our food related expenditures was roughly equivalent to the cost of the DDP - we spent nearly $300 on 3 meals (Boma, Crystal Palace and Cinderella's Royal Table) when tip was factored into the equation (and I don't even think we were charged for our youngest at CP and Boma b/c she was 2 at the time). I think we will try DDP for our next trip.
These are not the type of meals that fit well for DDP to get value. Remember there are other discounts besides DDE. For some, it's worth buying the passes and DDE with the main goal being the dining discount, for others it does not make sense. It does not make sense buying the DDP to break even unless your using it to get things you would not normally order.
For our upcoming trip in October the DDP just makes the most sense, 7 adults going and a 1 y.o. My dad and my DBIL are both skinflints, while my mom and DSis love to really enjoy themselves at restaurants. We always do at least one TS a day for dinner and usually a CS lunch. So this way they can get what they want without the husbands rolling their eyes and being wet blankets, because it's already paid for. I'll just be using DDE to help cut the cost of alcoholic beverages, which with 7 adults can get pricey fast.

On the other hand my trip in January is going to be very short, and we'll probably only do 2 TS meals in 4 days. Mix that with the fact that my travelling companions are light eaters and the DDP makes no sense.

So it really depends on the circumstances.
We use the DDP probably once out of every three trip we take. It works great for us on shorter trips and if on that particular trip we plan on eating at Table Service resturants or not.

We also have the DDE card that we use too.

It really comes down to planning and your eating habits. The one nice thing in figuring your overall cost, is that the DDP includes taxes and tips. We tip extra for above average service though.
I am a new DVC I dont have the DDE...

but i love DDP....It feels like my vacation is "all inclusive"....
besides booze....with the food prepaid....i dont spend much money.. much is a DDE card....where do you get it?....
how long does it last?

We've done the DDP on our last 3 trips and think it works out great for our family. My 2 year old doesn't get charged for anything so she pretty much will eat off of our plates at the buffets and CS meals. I always bring a small cooler bag with me wherever I go so I am used to having yogurts, Uncrustables and applesauce available when the menu isn't so great. DH and I love to eat and are generally health conscious at home so eating all of that food is a treat to us. And, believe me, we look forward to those delicious CS brownies with the icing every chance we get. The real beauty of the DDP is never having to put your hand in your pocket for food. It adds to the "magical" experience. You do feel like it's free for some strange reason even though you know you'll get the bill sooner or later down the road back home in reality land.
My DH LOVES being on the DDP! LOL!! He loves sampling all that food! We love to do a TS a day anyway so planning is no problem. We've done one trip with DDP and most recently we did without b/c we were on an AP rate at the FW cabins. DH missed it and has repeatedly asked me if we would be on the DDP for November - which we will. I think it is alot of food. However with a family of four the price works well and we get our money's worth. We are able to cover all meals and snacks on the DDP with sharing CS credits and using some snack credits for breakfast. I like that it is already paid for and no one has to figure out the tip at the end of the meal! ALthough it is alot of food I really enjoy since it is alreday paid for I do not have to be price consience when ordering which when off DDP I automatically take price into consideration when ordering. I sample everything but never come close to finishing my meals.
Our next trip will be 9 nights with the kids leaving one year from tomorrow! The kids will be 6, almost 4 and nearly 2. We are definitely going for the DDP!

1) It works well with my obsessive planning nature

2) I did the math - looked at all the menus for the places that I want to eat next year, guessed at what we would order, added tax and tip and totalled it and it looks like we will save $. It would be close, but there are some nice dinners we want to try next time (Coral Reef, Yachtsman maybe) and then there are character meals and then there is the little guy who won't be on a dining plan but will be picking off of everyone else's plates, so I think it will be good for us.

3) After reading that I already know what I want to order for dinner next year - see #1 again.
For those that think the DDP is too much food, what do you normally eat at Disney?

Is it because there is one TS per day. I can't see one CS and one TS per day as being much. Especially if you do any Signature then you don't have a TS for each day.

Just curious for those that consistently say it is too much food what do you eat when you eat TS, just the entree?

To the OP, we did the DDP we will do it again and we did not gain an ounce. We ate lots of salads as our appetizers and as to the desserts we ate them when we wanted to and did not order them when we didn't want them. Just because the food was available we felt no need to eat every bite, any more than when we do buffets.

Our snacks we used for water and fruit. We did not spend any money out of pocket for food except beverages not on the DDP and we had at least one signature meal during the week.
We will ALWAYS get it if its available for us. We just don't use all the CS's. Or we will buy the "older cute couple behind or in front of us their meals. ( We loving seeing couples in there 70's 80's enjoying Disney) Our dinners are usually around 120$ with tax,tip. I get a snack CS and our dinner for 80$ a day. I like having it already paided for so I don't really care what we get. If its to much food DON'T EAT IT ALL.:confused3 No one said you HAVE to clean your plate.
For us it's DDE all the way. We never eat snacks, never do CS, almost never eat lunch, never do buffets, always eat dinner at 2TS credit restaurants, and always have drinks with our dinners. Oh--and always have dinner at V&A.
That one meal alone covers the cost of the card and we purchase it so we can use it 3 times before expiration.
For those that think the DDP is too much food, what do you normally eat at Disney?

Is it because there is one TS per day. I can't see one CS and one TS per day as being much. Especially if you do any Signature then you don't have a TS for each day.
It was too much food for us last time- we normally eat only 1 or 2 TS meals in a trip- almost never get apps or dessert- and we definately don't get dessert with our counter service meals. Normally we eat cereal in the room for breakfast, sandwiches or burgers for lunch (and often I split with my DD) and then usually for dinner we would have CS. At wdw I eat kids meals a lot also- I can't usually eat a regular sized CS portion- and I do not eat like a bird.
Family of 4 all considered adults and I cannot feed my family including taxes and tip for $160.00 per day so I go withthe DDP. For us the DDE was worth it when it was the only discount available to us, but hte 40%+ on DDP works better for us. We do not alwyas order what we are entitled to and I still manage a fair savings. We do a few signature dining expereinces so that we are not running to the ADR's. For us it fits how we have always toured anyway, breakfast in the room, lunch at a CS wherever we are and a later evening meal that is planned.
We will be using the DDP for the first time in July....we are so happy it is now available to DVC. We have a split stay, 6 nights at BCV and 2 at VWL, as we've been wanting to try the VWL out and was not able to add the extra 2 nights at the BCV once we finalized our vaca days. So, we decided to get the DDP for the 6 nights and wing it the last 2. We are a family of 2A and 1C, so looking at $90/day....we typically eat 1 CS + 1 TS per day anyhow, spending an avaerage $100/day. So we feel as if this is saving us money. No I'm not a big eater, actaully my DS9 eats more than I do....but DH can be. He doesn't eat desserts, I do...we all love appy's but typically have to decide on one together, this way we can order whatever our hearts desire and not feel guilty about it. I'm sure we will have a lot of 'wasted' food, but hey we're on vacation....and again, it's not like we're wasting money!


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