At MK now.....half of Main Street stores are closed

I would think though, if it comes to blocking off stores that make lots and lots of money on a consistent basis during the day, if they block it off it must be for a very good reason and something they don't feel should be decided by people on an individual basis. To me, if I see this, there must be a reason and it's done with my safety in mind. I wouldn't stand there saying "It bothers me that they're trying to decide if that situation is safe for me to enter, it should be my choice." If they did do that, and then something happened to someone because the area was truly unsafe, it would be a mess of an issue. Just trust that these people are doing the right thing to keep you and your family safe.
You aren't seeing my comment the way I meant it.

I might, if I knew what was wrong, leave the park. It isn't that I think I should be allowed in the store. It is that if it is a security issue, I might want to get further away.
It's really not anyone's business what happened, even an unattended backpack.

It's not really our business why they'd block off an area,
I come out on the other side of this. If there is an issue that could in any way impact me or my family, then I have the right to make an informed decision as to how I want to deal with the situation. I don't need, nor do I want, some corporate monolith making decisions for me, telling me that "it's nothing". More information, as long as it is honest, is always better than less information, or deceit. And if the issue really has nothing to do with me, then a simple: "A guest fell ill and we need to keep this area clear" is all I need to send me on my way. But: "It's nothing. Have a zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day" doesn't cut it.
I can't imagine they'd close all those stores for someone famous. To be honest, I would not even recognize the Queen of England herself in the parks, if she was dressed like other park goers [thinking granny in capris on a scooter ;)], without all the bodyguards. Maybe I'm not that observant.
I saw a wall of CMs in April blocking guests from coming within 25-30 feet of the entrance to a pair of restrooms in Tomorrowland. I didn't ask...
You aren't seeing my comment the way I meant it.

I might, if I knew what was wrong, leave the park. It isn't that I think I should be allowed in the store. It is that if it is a security issue, I might want to get further away.
If it was a security issue and you needed to be further away they would make you move further away. They will err on the side of caution and move you even further back than you'd do yourself.
I'd be happy if it was an unscheduled safety/security drill of some the lifeguards at the pool do periodically.
If it was a security issue and you needed to be further away they would make you move further away. They will err on the side of caution and move you even further back than you'd do yourself.
What it really comes to, is that if they think I need to move further away, they will do it.

But if I don't know what the problem is, I get no say in my own safety.

I have no problem if they say, "sorry, medical emergency." Heck, I will say a prayer for the person and those attending.
If it was a security issue and you needed to be further away they would make you move further away. They will err on the side of caution and move you even further back than you'd do yourself.

Yeah - I was at MK late one night just before Christmas a few years back and somebody called in a bomb threat - They quietly closed Tomorrowland and escorted us out and I didn't figure out what was going on until the news the day after. Especially after the last couple of weeks Disney is going to err on the side of caution rather than risk another high profile incident.

I'm leaning towards a medical crisis or maybe a domestic dispute that got out of hand (but that's a lot of stores to close for that) -
What it really comes to, is that if they think I need to move further away, they will do it.

But if I don't know what the problem is, I get no say in my own safety.

I have no problem if they say, "sorry, medical emergency." Heck, I will say a prayer for the person and those attending.

You'd be ok with that but there are too many nosy people who would want to know what kind, people involved, trying to catch a peek, etc; (How many people do you see rubber necking on road accidents and holding up the rest of traffic on a highway?) A non-descriptive answer is the "best" one here.

(Still, if it was all inside you'd think they'd just close the doors...)
You'd be ok with that but there are too many nosy people who would want to know what kind, people involved, trying to catch a peek, etc; (How many people do you see rubber necking on road accidents and holding up the rest of traffic on a highway?) A non-descriptive answer is the "best" one here.

(Still, if it was all inside you'd think they'd just close the doors...)

This is the reason they don't say anything. As soon as some people hear medical emergency they become experts in everything. They'll try and take over even if 911 and Reedy Creek EMS are saying to do the exact opposite. It is easiest for all involved if only those who need to know what is up know.
It could be, what if it was more than that though? saying an unattended backpack after they dealt with it would ease my mind but disney isn't talking.. what if it was more, we should know something more serious just happened in those shops...

and I hope it wasn't some major cast member accident. there is some pretty hefty appliances in there that could really hurt someone working..

I feel something that would cause a wall of cast members to block everyone to be my business. you may not.. but with everything going on right now, for the safety of my family and I. I'd like to know what was so important that more than 1 castmember at each door was needed on main street...

Disney has no requirement to let the average joe on the internet know about anything. And if you were there, you'd get the choice to stay or go. That's your choice, and you don't need to know what was going on. You just get to decide to stay or go. See security, CMs lined up, don't like it? Leave. Trust that they have it under control? Stay. Simple.

I come out on the other side of this. If there is an issue that could in any way impact me or my family, then I have the right to make an informed decision as to how I want to deal with the situation. I don't need, nor do I want, some corporate monolith making decisions for me, telling me that "it's nothing". More information, as long as it is honest, is always better than less information, or deceit. And if the issue really has nothing to do with me, then a simple: "A guest fell ill and we need to keep this area clear" is all I need to send me on my way. But: "It's nothing. Have a zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day" doesn't cut it.

It doesn't have to 'cut it'. You decide to stay or go. If someone says it's nothing, then you get to stay or go. You don't have to make an informed decision. You just do what you think is best for your family.
You decide to stay or go. If someone says it's nothing, then you get to stay or go. You don't have to make an informed decision. You just do what you think is best for your family.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. I cannot decide to stay or go unless I have some information upon which to base that decision. Yes, a decision always has to be an informed one. Otherwise, it devolves into nothing more than a guess. Your statements fail every test of logic or game theory. One cannot do what is "best" unless one knows what the alternatives are so as to weigh and balance the possible outcomes and order them from "worst" to "best". You seem to be advocating making the "best" decision based on no information. I certainly wouldn't want you in charge of our foreign policy. On the other hand, I'd love to play poker with you.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. I cannot decide to stay or go unless I have some information upon which to base that decision. Yes, a decision always has to be an informed one. Otherwise, it devolves into nothing more than a guess. Your statements fail every test of logic or game theory. One cannot do what is "best" unless one knows what the alternatives are so as to weigh and balance the possible outcomes and order them from "worst" to "best". You seem to be advocating making the "best" decision based on no information. I certainly wouldn't want you in charge of our foreign policy. On the other hand, I'd love to play poker with you.

Maybe it was something personal, and it was a myob kind of thing. If they had said the power was out, they would be inundated with "Well, when is it coming back on? What do you mean you don't know? Why can I just run in and grab what I want and have them ring it up across the street? You are all one business, right?" If it was a medical emergency it is truly no ones business. If it was a celebrity that wanted to do a bit of shopping they would have to deal with fans, and trying to keep people away from them.

If you don't trust them with your safety, and don't trust them enough that if you were indeed at risk for imminent harm they would do something, then how do you trust that they maintain the rides enough that they are safe? How do you trust them to launch fireworks and not have them rain down on you? How do you trust them to feed you without you getting sick?

If there was a reason for everyone to know why the shops were closed, they would say.
I agree that its smart of Disney not to come out and say what the issue is. One person is smart, a mass of people is stupid. Disney obviously doesn't want a hoard of crazy masses running out of the park, for something they may not even have an answer to yet. So maybe it was a bag that was abandoned, maybe it was a called in bomb threat, maybe its some crazy ISIS guy with a gun to a CM head (unlikely). If you feel unsafe as a PP mentioned, THEN LEAVE, simple as that.

Maybe it was something personal, and it was a myob kind of thing. If they had said the power was out, they would be inundated with "Well, when is it coming back on? What do you mean you don't know? Why can I just run in and grab what I want and have them ring it up across the street? You are all one business, right?" If it was a medical emergency it is truly no ones business. If it was a celebrity that wanted to do a bit of shopping they would have to deal with fans, and trying to keep people away from them.

If you don't trust them with your safety, and don't trust them enough that if you were indeed at risk for imminent harm they would do something, then how do you trust that they maintain the rides enough that they are safe? How do you trust them to launch fireworks and not have them rain down on you? How do you trust them to feed you without you getting sick?

If there was a reason for everyone to know why the shops were closed, they would say.

I think this is a pretty good answer. If you trust them to be there in the first place, then they make the best decision if you should be there now.
You aren't seeing my comment the way I meant it.

I might, if I knew what was wrong, leave the park. It isn't that I think I should be allowed in the store. It is that if it is a security issue, I might want to get further away.
If it was a security issue that could potentially harm people, I doubt they'd line up a bunch of employees in front of it. That would get them in a heap of trouble with those CMs families if they got injured or killed being the "human hedge".

Most likely it was meant to keep guests from SEEING something that wasn't harmful to them, but would not be a medical emergency. And if I was the guest or family of the guest having the emergency, I wouldn't want CMs telling every nosy guest that asks what is happening to me or my loved one.

ETA: Or if I was a celebrity who didn't want to be mobbed by guests, I'd appreciate the CMs keeping my presence on the DL.
If it was a security issue that could potentially harm people, I doubt they'd line up a bunch of employees in front of it. That would get them in a heap of trouble with those CMs families if they got injured or killed being the "human hedge".

Most likely it was meant to keep guests from SEEING something that wasn't harmful to them, but would not be a medical emergency. And if I was the guest or family of the guest having the emergency, I wouldn't want CMs telling every nosy guest that asks what is happening to me or my loved one.

ETA: Or if I was a celebrity who didn't want to be mobbed by guests, I'd appreciate the CMs keeping my presence on the DL.
Saying " a medical emergency" isn't telling every nosy guest what is happening to you or your family.

I'm not asking for them to tell me the name and hometown of the injured. Or even what happened to them.

Simply say, "medical emergency." And simply keep repeating it, if they get questions. "How long will it take." "I'm sorry, there is a medical emergency." "What happened?" "A medical emergency."


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