At MK now.....half of Main Street stores are closed

You aren't seeing my comment the way I meant it.

I might, if I knew what was wrong, leave the park. It isn't that I think I should be allowed in the store. It is that if it is a security issue, I might want to get further away.
I know what you mean, but I believe that before you get info, the circumstances need to be evaluated, and honestly, you are not in a position to do that in WDW. They pay people to do that who are who are knowledgeable about what occur in their environment. I do nto diminish your expertise, but you must know that once one person hears something and it travels through a place the size of the MK, the last person to hear gets an entiely different story. Best to wait until there is something that should be shared. IMO. If you see a wall of CM's and think that means security threat, then you need to leave. If you trust that in the event there is risk you will be told to leave, then you stay. It really is on you.

I come out on the other side of this. If there is an issue that could in any way impact me or my family, then I have the right to make an informed decision as to how I want to deal with the situation. I don't need, nor do I want, some corporate monolith making decisions for me, telling me that "it's nothing". More information, as long as it is honest, is always better than less information, or deceit. And if the issue really has nothing to do with me, then a simple: "A guest fell ill and we need to keep this area clear" is all I need to send me on my way. But: "It's nothing. Have a zip-a-dee-doo-dah-day" doesn't cut it.

But if the info is not available or is being evaluated it is best not to start a panic.

This discussion makes me think of that article with CM interview which was posted a few days ago. One of the topics was 'international guests are more grateful than American guests. American guests feel entitled to everything'.

You have the right to ask and question everything, but it doesn't mean the other person is obliged to answer in a way you find satisfactory. You aren't entitled to an answer. To me it's the same with politicians, police officers, teachers or CMs who probably follow the instructions of Disney security.

If Disney security would think it was a bomb or something life threatening, they wouldn't let their own staff guard the grounds. Because if then something happened the court cases from the CM or next of kin would be much worse than when it's a guest. Also don't think it was a celebrity on a shopping expedition. They have plaids and sometimes their own security for that.

I put my money on medical / physical incident.
When we were visiting earlier this month one day walking into AK we saw an ambulance and the EMT walked out with a stretcher. There was a woman sitting on a bench (just outside of security/bag check) panting and looking all red faced. There were a couple EMTs evaluating/talking to her and a couple cast members standing off to the side (with a clipboard in hand...maybe making an incident report) but there was no effort whatsoever to block whatever was going on or keep the people from knowing someone was leaving WDW in an ambulance.

We assumed it was a heat issue.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. I cannot decide to stay or go unless I have some information upon which to base that decision. Yes, a decision always has to be an informed one. Otherwise, it devolves into nothing more than a guess. Your statements fail every test of logic or game theory. One cannot do what is "best" unless one knows what the alternatives are so as to weigh and balance the possible outcomes and order them from "worst" to "best". You seem to be advocating making the "best" decision based on no information. I certainly wouldn't want you in charge of our foreign policy. On the other hand, I'd love to play poker with you.

Since I have no desire to be in charge of foreign policy, nor do I have any desire to play poker, your veiled insults bounced. I base my choices out of instinct, not game theory.

If it happens in a school where my child is, then yep. I am notified. Every time. And if there was a security squad trying to disarm a suspected bomb in a Main Street shop on the other side of a wall, then yes, I would want Disney to tell me that too. Now, do I think that that was what was going on? No. I suspect they would evacuate the area completely. But with what went on in Orlando a short time ago, I want more information than a "wall" of college students smiling, telling me to enjoy Main Street leaving me with no information whatsoever from which to make an informed decision. There is rarely a time when telling the truth is a bad idea. We tell our children that every day. Adults should do a better job of practicing what they preach.

Smiling college students - let's see, my guess is that nothing life threatening to the general public is going on behind them. Easy peasy. What else do people have to know, compared to want to know?

I hate to burst yours, but I actually know quite a lot. I am simply in a position to know a lot of what happens around my town.

But of course the FBI or the president doesn't call me. Although for a year or so, I did know when the FBI was doing an undercover investigation in my town.

Nor do I expect Disney to tell me everything.

That doesn't mean that I abdicate my security when I go there. It is actually quite sad to think that so many people do.

So, just because I don't expect Disney to tell me everything, doesn't mean that I don't want them to.

Abdicating security - every time you wake up in the morning, you're abdicating your security before you step out the door of your house. Oh, and you don't know what's happening until after it happens - unless you are right there when it occurs. Otherwise, you're just in on the gossip.
If it was a major safety issue, random CMs would almost certainly not have been the ones holding the perimeter - security and police would be doing it.

Since it was cleared up by the time I got to MK yesterday, which was about an hour after this thread was posted, I'm guessing it was something fairly simple and not worth worrying about.
Someone posted on the Main St Electrical parade thread that there was a medical situation.
I find it odd they "pounded on him" instead of performed the Heimlich Manuver. I assumed all restaurant employees (especially Disney) were taught that.

They actually did both but to be honest I didn't want to butcher the spelling of Heimlich maneuver. My point was that it was a very serious condition but they didn't try to empty the place. I am always surprised how critical people are sometimes on these boards!
My BF is a CM, and said that something was going on that day. But no one was allowed to talk about it.

There is a thread about the main st. parade being delayed last night. Someone on that thread said a medical situation was the cause. I wondered if the two things are related? Probably not since the parade was later and the OP's situation was in the afternoon.
If it were a medical emergency, and I were the patient, I would hope the CMs would tell inquiring guests...
There just could be a doctor in the crowd while waiting for EMS.


While that sounds great in theory, in application it could go very wrong. Someone could "claim" to be a nurse, doctor, EMT, etc. and if Disney let them in and the person made the situation even worse, Disney would be in big trouble. If someone was standing right by me when the medical emergency happened and immediately took steps to help me, I think that would be different than Disney giving permission to a random person in the crowd when EMT is on the way. And my guess is that it doesn't take a super-long time for medical personnel to arrive.
I hate to burst your bubble but people are deciding those things for you all the time. Do the police call you every time they get a bomb threat in your town?
Does the POTUS call you every time there is a terrorist threat?
Do the police give you a special call before they embark on a high speed chase on the highway you are driving on?
Does the FBI give you a heads up whenever they are doing an undercover investigation in your area?

FWIW, my local police department did an active shooter drill at the high school near my house during spring break about eight years ago. The high school is just at the edge of a large residential area. However, the PD didn't tell anyone in the local area that they were going to be holding a drill. So, when roads get blocked, people hear lights and sirens, and see a large police presence and a helicopter hovering overhead, as you can guess many the folks who live in that area majorly freaked out. After that, the PD started notifying EVERYONE that they were going to be holding a drill.

So sometimes its better to tell people what is going on to prevent a panic.
I would assume that if it was a bomb threat, the CM's wouldn't be allowed to stand right there where the bomb could go off....I would also assume that they wouldn't let guests continue walking right by. More than likely, all of Mainstreet would of been shut down....or at least I hope it would of.
Abdicating security - every time you wake up in the morning, you're abdicating your security before you step out the door of your house. Oh, and you don't know what's happening until after it happens - unless you are right there when it occurs. Otherwise, you're just in on the gossip.
You seem very good at making assumptions about my life. They're wrong, but you are good at making them.
So a little :offtopic:, but still along the lines of trusting places you're at with your safety. A few years ago, we stayed at a Westin Hotel. After the first night, we're riding the elevator with a lady from the floor above us. She starts talking about the evacuation the night before & we had no clue what she was talking about. Apparently, the smoke alarms had went off & they evaluated the top three floors but didn't notify anyone below. :scared::sad1::sad2: Needless to say this freaked us out. That's a situation where I'd like to be given the option to leave on my own rather wait then be told to evacuate after they find a raging fire. All ended well, we were alive & without a clue to it all til talking to that lady. But really! We won't be staying there again & what's sad is now our DD is always worried staying in hotels because of it.


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