August 2021: Florida has more new Covid cases than ever before

Why wouldn’t you want to share the information you have on the insurance? It may help other people.
I didn’t say I was not willing to share, I was trying to share actually... I read our coverage page and it does say: medical coverage in destination due to covid is included, emergency flight home due to covid is included.
Pretty sure that flight would be in an actual emergency (not just testing positive) but really that’s what we were looking for.
The plan is through Manulife and I believe I also mentioned this on a different thread.
I am definitely willing to share. While I can’t advise someone on what insurance they should purchase, I shared the basics of what I know.
edited to add: ok yes I can see what you mean, I said I don’t want to discuss our insurance. What I was trying to say, I didn’t want to go back and forth with what our coverage includes or doesn’t, and have the thread be shut down. I think insurance is one of those things that is hard to advise on as well. What may be enough coverage for us, may not work for others’ situations and everyone should review and look to see what their package covers.
Actually, tomorrow I’m going to take another closer look and perhaps call Manulife with more questions.
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Was booked for the last week of August, have rescheduled now for mid November.

Had 1 cancelled and 2 rescheduled trips last year, was hoping August would be good by now.
Ironically, we are scheduled mid November and we are already looking at cancelling. Maybe I’m too much of a pessimist. Even my Feb 2022 trip feels like a long shot…..
It's hard not to feel that way, I know. We will not cancel though, as ours is an extended family trip with my parents, sisters, and all our families, and we have an off-site house rented. So we may cut back on park time and just enjoy the house and pool if we don't feel great about the crowds and situation in the parks. As of right now we are only doing one day at Universal and 2 days at Disney....but we'll see.
It's hard not to feel that way, I know. We will not cancel though, as ours is an extended family trip with my parents, sisters, and all our families, and we have an off-site house rented. So we may cut back on park time and just enjoy the house and pool if we don't feel great about the crowds and situation in the parks. As of right now we are only doing one day at Universal and 2 days at Disney....but we'll see.
Sounds like you have a good plan. I’m really put off by all the testing. Very worried about a positive test and not being able to get home. Haven’t cancelled yet, but I have put my November reservation up for rent (dvc). I’ll be relieved if it rents and I can get those points used up.
Ironically, we are scheduled mid November and we are already looking at cancelling. Maybe I’m too much of a pessimist. Even my Feb 2022 trip feels like a long shot…..
I hear you on that one. I'm hoping for something in 2022 but this winter will be the real tell I guess. Not even thinking about planning anything until February 2022 at this point. Too many unknowns...
I hear you on that one. I'm hoping for something in 2022 but this winter will be the real tell I guess. Not even thinking about planning anything until February 2022 at this point. Too many unknowns...
We have Feb 2022 booked (Dvc), dd grad trip. Will assess shortly and put points on the rental market.
Sounds like you have a good plan. I’m really put off by all the testing. Very worried about a positive test and not being able to get home. Haven’t cancelled yet, but I have put my November reservation up for rent (dvc). I’ll be relieved if it rents and I can get those points used up.
The testing would concern me as well. Fortunately we are driving so that lessens our risk. I'm guessing your points will rent as there are still plenty of folks who want to be there for the 50th.

At this point I'm more concerned about our March '22 cruise o_O
The testing would concern me as well. Fortunately we are driving so that lessens our risk. I'm guessing your points will rent as there are still plenty of folks who want to be there for the 50th.

At this point I'm more concerned about our March '22 cruise o_O

I'm worried about my March '22 cruises, mostly because I'm mixed vaccinated. Man do I need a vacation though! I'm sure we all do :) I keep hoping things will get better.
I'm worried about my March '22 cruises, mostly because I'm mixed vaccinated. Man do I need a vacation though! I'm sure we all do :) I keep hoping things will get better.
Agreed about needing a vacation. Not getting away from the day to day at home is finally wearing on me. This has been the most difficult summer of my 49 years. Heading back to homeschooling in September seems daunting when I don’t feel any sense of rejuvenation. We are headed to Newfoundland at the end of the summer and I’m hoping to get that reset I need while there. I hope you get your much needed break.
To sort of follow up on my previous post, allow me to draw attention to the best possible scenario given these circumstances. Look at the data in Georgia. The other day they recorded more than 20 times the number of infections than a month earlier. Their rolling seven day average is up ten fold. BUT - deaths have not budged at all.

Again, most optimistic reading of this is infections are no longer the metric of value, and we can largely stop basing public health measures on them. But of course only time will tell. Waiting is truly the hardest part.
Without trying to sound too morbid, it generally takes time to die from Covid. Weeks or a month(s) in the hospital. Hospital metrics are the number to watch in my view. Not only because it tells you how many ppl are really really sick, but also tells you that ppl with other problems will have a harder time getting a bed at a hospital.
Agreed about needing a vacation. Not getting away from the day to day at home is finally wearing on me. This has been the most difficult summer of my 49 years. Heading back to homeschooling in September seems daunting when I don’t feel any sense of rejuvenation. We are headed to Newfoundland at the end of the summer and I’m hoping to get that reset I need while there. I hope you get your much needed break.

We are headed to Toronto for a few days, which will be lovely, but not nearly the vacation I need. It's funny because we have been together, in this house, for so long now, and he still wants to be near me all the time. I need a break, introvert by nature I just want everyone to leave me alone for a day! Vacation doesn't really allow for that but it's not me having to cook and clean and entertain all day long. We did homeschooling for the past year, but he wants to go back to classes for grade 7, and while I loved how he learned and the improvement in him, I kind of want him out of the house... I have this feeling in school won't last (for him) but even a few weeks will be a nice break, and hopefully allow him to reconnect with friends so he has someone to go play basketball or whatever with.

Sadly, I don't think we'll be heading to Florida in December as planned, and even March looks iffy, so I'm not sure what to do. I'd like him fully vaccinated (should be by mid-January, two shots plus two week wait) so maybe early February an AI or something. If I feel Florida is still not an option. Though we do miss Disney...
Ironically, we are scheduled mid November and we are already looking at cancelling. Maybe I’m too much of a pessimist. Even my Feb 2022 trip feels like a long shot…..

We cancelled a couple of trips last year as well. And I thought I was just being overly cautious when I thought it's best to wait until Dec to travel. I thought I wouldn't be worried and was almost sure I wouldn't need to cancel. And here I am, reconciling with the fact that I need to have multiple alternative plans for a trip I thought was going to be no issue.
I have a trip booked in a few weeks- rented DVC points, purchased Boo Bash tickets, and right now if I could get a refund for both I would cancel in a heartbeat. Case counts in Florida are terrifying.

I would cancel refund or not, but that is of course a personal decision. I am not comfortable entering the US until they get their **** together - and they seem to be a pretty far way from that at this point.
Without trying to sound too morbid, it generally takes time to die from Covid. Weeks or a month(s) in the hospital. Hospital metrics are the number to watch in my view. Not only because it tells you how many ppl are really really sick, but also tells you that ppl with other problems will have a harder time getting a bed at a hospital.

Of course you're right. My point is those numbers - hospitalizations and deaths - are at this point the only ones that really matter. And it is clear that here, in the US and places like the UK with similar vaccine uptake the "death rate" has broken away from the "case rate" - as a result of the vast majority of vulnerable people getting vaccinated. In the UK they were averaging about 50,000 cases and 1,000 deaths a day at the beginning of the year. If you look at the graphs starting in Wave Two (in Wave One testing was not yet widely rolled out, so deaths were very disproportionate), deaths and cases actually track very close to each other, with not much of a lag. Until vaccines. In wave three deaths stayed down, and in the recent UK "Delta wave" cases were again up well past 40,000 a day - but daily deaths topped 100 only once, about a week ago - and have already begun to fall.

We also know that nearly everyone being infected and getting sick are those that have refused the vaccines. The tiny tiny percentage of those who get significantly ill from breakthrough cases are overwhelmingly elderly with comorbidities.

Something else to keep an eye on is the history of the Delta wave in other countries. In the UK it lasted six weeks, in India, seven. In fact, daily cases in the UK are almost half of what they were just two weeks ago (they starting dropping the day AFTER the country opened up completely, and have been declining since). Now, past history is not a guarantee of future events, but if the US follows a similar pattern things should peak in mid-August and start to fall rapidly after that.

Again, maybe things in the US will completely fall apart, but I sure hope not ...
Just my food for thought. Even though we are double vaccinated and might not require hospitalization if we catch Covid - we do not know the long term effects of this virus. Viruses are tricky things. Post-polio syndrome and shingles are examples of a virus that you may have thought you were over and done with coming back to ferociously bite you in the *** even decades later. There is thoughts that MS and rheumatoid arthritis (and probably many other diseases) are actually from a virus we had earlier in life.

So, death is not the only bad thing that can happen to someone. We do not know what this virus might do to the people who think they have gotten it "mildly".


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