August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer

I must admit I’m expecting kind of a rough weekend. DS leaves Sunday to back to college, and I’m really feeling the difference from last year.

Of course I expected to miss him then, but I was also super excited for him. We enjoyed the mini-vaca of going up to help him settle in, and I had a solid plan for handling the empty nest feelings.

Everything is different with the pandemic, and I’m just not as “on top of my own head” as I was last year.
I must admit I’m expecting kind of a rough weekend. DS leaves Sunday to back to college, and I’m really feeling the difference from last year.

Of course I expected to miss him then, but I was also super excited for him. We enjoyed the mini-vaca of going up to help him settle in, and I had a solid plan for handling the empty nest feelings.

Everything is different with the pandemic, and I’m just not as “on top of my own head” as I was last year.
Is he excited to be going back? I have heard from my teacher friends how happy the high school kids are to be back, even on a modified schedule. Maybe once you’ve there you will feel better about it. :hug:
Quiet weekend planned-making MickeyMom76’s chicken chili today. Still have leftovers from previous night’s dinners, so just need to get corn sometime over the weekend.
Planning to see family now that they have gotten their test results-haven’t seen them since end of July. Hoping for a nice day to walk on the trail together.

Sending Summer2018 calming thoughts!
Is he excited to be going back? I have heard from my teacher friends how happy the high school kids are to be back, even on a modified schedule. Maybe once you’ve there you will feel better about it. :hug:

He alternates between being excited and lamenting how much of the traditional experience they’ll be missing out on.

I think he’ll end up being fine, as will I, but both of us are better when settled into a routine than during transition periods. He’s more flexible than I am, but neither of us really like not knowing what to expect...and unfortunately there’s a lot of that around lately.
Thanks everyone for your support. My blood pressure was normal!!!!!!!!! She was happy with my weight loss. She said all of her patients have gained the "Covid 15," and it is nice to see someone that lost weight. I admitted to gaining, but between Noom and all of you, I managed to lose weight. I got the shingles shot it the first time over a year ago, then when I returned for the second booster, they were out, and the shot couldn't be found anywhere. So, hoping this protects me.
Glad to see you had a good appointment @Summer2018 !
Its Friday. The chiropractor sort of helped yesterday so the radiating pain is gone but there is still a sharp pain lingering. So a little better but not a ton. Unfortunately think this was brought on by hitting the workouts hard so have to rethink that.
Otherwise doing ok. Last night was a school committee meeting to debate is pre-k, k and special needs students should be in person while the rest of the district is distance learning. I fell asleep but last I heard K is still up for discussion but specials needs may be in person. We'll see what happens there. As much as I want my K DS in person I dont want him frightened by a masked teacher who cannot offer the comfort and physical reassurance K teacher's typically can.
And as much as I am not a fan of having to spend a lot of money on fees I must say instacart has been a lifesaver this week. Being able to get tylenol and magnesium gel delivered to me and groceries to my homebound parents (which I normally do) is huge.
Well, another sugary week is in the books. Arggg... when I've used up the groceries currently on hand, I think I'm going to try a three day reset with smoothies I make myself, so I can control what is in them, and some simple protein for dinner. I just don't know how else to get back on track, even tho that's pretty drastic.

I was thinking I wanted to do something different this weekend, but haven't come up with any brilliant ideas. I really do need to stick around home and get a couple projects done, and that does feel the most restorative.

I got handed an extra work assignment yesterday, I could have said no but you know how that goes. All of the areas I manage have been active the past weeks, so it is going to be a challenge to spread into a new work space... I need to be very intentional about how I approach it, and getting off sugar has to be part of the plan. I think doing some yoga on a regular basis also needs to happen, and getting out for walks, even if they have to be short ones. And getting my house is order will also help, so there you go, it's household chores for me.

Hope all have a restful weekend.
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Our countertops are in! The truck arrived right around 8:30 this morning. Got my workout in before that. And we’re just about to head to my parents (I go there on Fridays when I have faculty meetings if I think the work on our kitchen will be noisy). Barely made it to my parents in time to log in to the meeting. Our school has been renovated and a huge 2-story addition out on...but it’s not finished and won’t be for the start of school Sept 14. They are closing the one wing off and will finish it after school starts. So their focus is on the wings with classrooms (the other wing has the library, reading room, music room, art room, etc...which we won’t exactly be using with Live kids at the start of this year). But the office and entryway aren’t even finished. I’m getting really nervous that we are going to move in the day before orientation...which I just found out will hopefully be live by staggered appointments. So much still I know about this year.

Our district is doing hybrid or virtual to start. But students with IEPs or identified ESL will have live 4 days a week instead of 2. I’m hoping they will re-evaluate and allow my kindergarten kiddos to come 4 days a week too. Mine are identified as the neediest kindergartners and my class size is small enough to accommodate 100% live. But it will be nice to “ease” into the year with only 5-6 students live to establish routines.
@Summer2018 -- I am glad things went good this morning. I am waiting to be able to get the Shingles shot. I am too young yet. I would would have to pay full price for it if I got it. I had shingles when I was 29 and I do not want it again.

This morning I got a text from my mom. My aunt, the one that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer, passed away last night. They got the call at 3am. Luckily they were able to see her last night. They had been told that the cancer was not going to kill her but that an infection would. We found out yesterday that she had an UTI and things were not looking good. My aunt that lives in California was not able to make it in time though. Those two were very close. These two aunts are my step dads sisters and they are like 10-20 years older then him so they weren't always close. My aunt didn't want any type of funeral. She just wanted to be cremated. So my parents are following her wishes. So there is no real goodbye for me. I told the kids this morning and they are handling it pretty good. Though they never spent much time with her. They were always off playing at get togethers.
@Summer2018 -- I am glad things went good this morning. I am waiting to be able to get the Shingles shot. I am too young yet. I would would have to pay full price for it if I got it. I had shingles when I was 29 and I do not want it again.

This morning I got a text from my mom. My aunt, the one that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer, passed away last night. They got the call at 3am. Luckily they were able to see her last night. They had been told that the cancer was not going to kill her but that an infection would. We found out yesterday that she had an UTI and things were not looking good. My aunt that lives in California was not able to make it in time though. Those two were very close. These two aunts are my step dads sisters and they are like 10-20 years older then him so they weren't always close. My aunt didn't want any type of funeral. She just wanted to be cremated. So my parents are following her wishes. So there is no real goodbye for me. I told the kids this morning and they are handling it pretty good. Though they never spent much time with her. They were always off playing at get togethers.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
@Summer2018 -- I am glad things went good this morning. I am waiting to be able to get the Shingles shot. I am too young yet. I would would have to pay full price for it if I got it. I had shingles when I was 29 and I do not want it again.

This morning I got a text from my mom. My aunt, the one that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer, passed away last night. They got the call at 3am. Luckily they were able to see her last night. They had been told that the cancer was not going to kill her but that an infection would. We found out yesterday that she had an UTI and things were not looking good. My aunt that lives in California was not able to make it in time though. Those two were very close. These two aunts are my step dads sisters and they are like 10-20 years older then him so they weren't always close. My aunt didn't want any type of funeral. She just wanted to be cremated. So my parents are following her wishes. So there is no real goodbye for me. I told the kids this morning and they are handling it pretty good. Though they never spent much time with her. They were always off playing at get togethers.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
Stopping in to say hello really quick. Fair was interesting this year and very short for us. 15 year old and 12 year old participated in the non livestock judging day. Which went well other than since they had a lot of things out for sneak a peak for the past few weekends everyone had to park in the lower parking lot and walk in. This met that we could not get a spot fairly close to the ticket booth and the gate we had to use.
} Luckily we were fairly organized with having everything that we needed for each judging table in a seperate box, though we did combine 15 year old's items into one as she only took 4 items consisting of a cat grooming kit, a homemade scratching stump that she made at the last minute (literally doing it the night before when it could have been done at least a week prior as we did stop by a store and get some large appliance boxes for her to use for the cardboard needed, earlier if she had wanted to use some of the boxes we had around already but whatever), a latchhook wall hanging, and some very open fingerless gloves. She got a blue on the grooming kit and the gloves and a red on the wall hanging due to rushing finishing up the back, and the cat scratch stump. She ended up scratching a poster on what plants are safe to have around cats and her edible art. This was on top of her scratching her cat show entries back in July after we lost our Joker Edmund when he had to be put down due to uterine tract blockage from cysts. She also had Quiz Bowl canceled but that was because that was one of the events that was canceled due to the fair being a very social distanced affair. She did do her table setting which she got a blue ribbon on so that was in a seperate box especially since she used some of the really nice dishes we found in a complete set at the thrift shop. All she still needs is some silverware and maybe a table cloth or a table runner and placemats and she has a nice table setting for when she moves out on her own that will seat 8 people. We are talking the dinner plates, the salad plates, the bowls, the saucers and the tea/coffee cups along with a serving platter and the sugar and creamer bowls and a gravy bowl. OK she would also need some water glasses and maybe some smaller beverage ones but still it's a nice set for her to own at only 15 and it was a great deal and came with a basket for storing it all in which when she does get her own place I am going to recommend she use to put her table linens in as the dishes could go in a cupboard.
12 year old ended up taking a leather bracelet, a distressed style natural wall hanging, a painted rock, a larger beaded bracelet, a horse sand art, and a clay heart tinted with water colors for her open crafts. She got all blue ribbons.
In her project level photography she got red ribbons on her 3 photos showing getting close to the subject (one of them was slightly blurry and out of focus), and her two black and white photos (again slightly blurry and out of focus). She got blue ribbons on her set of photos showing good and poor composition, her photo story, and her album of general photos taken throughout the year. She ended up scratching her 4 pictures showing lighting from different angles and her trick photography.
In the general photography she got red ribbons on her colored flowers (she needed to focus more in on them instead of the background as well), her colored natural scenic which could not contain any manmade objects (it was too centered between the mountains and the sky dividing the picture in half horizontally but was in good focus), her colored lanscape photo which could contain manmade objects (it was too busy and too much going on in the photo), and her colored domestic animals (it was slightly blurry and out of focus). She got blue ribbons on her black and white scenic natural, her black and white landscapes, her black and white domestic animal, her black and white wild animal, and her colored wild animal. She got a best of class nomination on her colored people portrait. Which because it was a picture of 15 year old she did not put up for the sale.
She got a blue ribbon on her table setting. She ended up scratching her 4 items from microwave cooking, her open foods baked item, and her edible arts. She had her county and fair demonstration canceled, hospitality, quiz bowl, and all class judging canceled as well due to those events being canceled.
She got the club scrabbook done and presented that as well along with 15 year old's help. 15 year old's best friend who is the club treasurer helped with the scrapbook as well. Originally we were going to have Best Friend go with 12 year old to present it but she didn't come to judging day as she did not get her project completed.
They got t-shirts, lanyards, and stickers that said said Montana Fair 2020 vision Past Present and Future The Year We Just Rolled With It complete with a pair of sunglasses and you got it a toilet paper roll partially unrolled.
15 year old and I went down a couple days after judging and picked up 12 year old's best of class nominated photo since she was not selling it. The only items that were exhibited during the fair were the best of class items and the nominated items that were put up for sale. Any of those items that either were not put up for the sale or that did not sell had to be picked up the last Saturday.
They did get two tickets each that would get them in the gate we normally use for fair that we could then take to the 4-H livestock office and exchange for vochers that would get us into the public area of the fair. DH and I made the decision that we were not going to do that, if 12 year old had gotten a best of class we would have used those tickets to get in and pick up her photo on the last day of the fair.
I got a report from 15 year old's best friend's aunt that in order to go onto the grounds using the passes you had to go out and around in order to come through the one gate so they could keep a number of attendance for social distancing. There was no in and out privledges and instead of opening at 10 with the rides opening at 12 nothing opened until 2. Normally some food booths are open between 10:30 and 11. Those exhibiting livestock were allowed to go on the grounds once a day though because of the hassle most did not. They did not have the food booth open in the livestock areas that are normally open which met everyone bought food from home. Pens were by family and each had a sitting area near their pen, stall or in the case of animals like the rabbits and poultry tables with the cages on them (except for the bigger ones like turkeys they get mini yards). Each family was given 4 tickets per day in addition to the wrist bands for the exhibitors and livestock leaders. On days that they had animals there but didn't have shows they could not bring different people in for the afternoon than they had in the morning so that they knew who was there for contract tracing. The tickets had to be used even for children under the age of 6 that in normal years would not need a ticket. They did have a video link for all the shows so I was able to watch 15 yeaar old's best Friend in the sheep show and Best Friend's cousin and 12 year old's Friend (we are not letting them be unsupervised because friend comes up with ideas and 12 year old has the physical strength to carry out a lot of the ideas) in the sheep show as well as in the poultry show. Having the shows on a video feed is something that I hope they continue in the future as then family and friends outside the area can still watch.

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What was your dream job when you were a child? Did it influence what you ultimately ended up choosing? If you had the opportunity, would you do that job now?

When I was really little, I wanted to be a secretary. I liked to organize things, and they always seemed to be the one to save the day on TV.:rotfl2:

It did not influence my decision as an adult, once I learned more about various jobs. I studied math in college, and worked in mutual fund banking for several years before I had DS. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t really a calling.

By the time I went back to work, DH had a very good job, and I could put other factors ahead of money. Flexibility was key, and I went into substitute teaching, which I loved! - Thinking back, I did play school quite a bit as a kid, so the beginnings were there.


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