August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

Catching up from the last couple days.

We went to the lake for kayaking/paddleboarding as a family on Thursday. Always thankful for family time!

Friday, I did a food inventory and then a big shopping trip to stock the freezer & pantry. This is my form of back to school shopping, instead of buying more school clothes. Oh, I also stocked up the bathrooms with our usual toiletries.

Yesterday my husband and I went to the rail trail for a run/walk. Then we headed to my sisters to help them out together their new deck furniture. Family time & being helpful always feels good!

Today we’re sticking with the virtual church service. Then my daughter is getting together with some friends at the lake as a belated birthday party. The rest of us are going to a neighbors for pool & bbq.

Have a wonderful day everyone!:grouphug:
Sounds like a perfect summer weekend! We bought inflatable kayaks last year and love them!
Here’s a picture of my son in law and grandson in one of them-

It’s another beautiful day so will enjoy the deck with a book in between loads of laundry. Getting ready to pack up for the beach again to celebrate my grandson’s birthday and a last long stay for them before school starts.

Our covid tests all came back negative, so very relieved. We all agreed no more Florida trips until C. can be vaccinated.
Self care today is laundry and some cleaning. This morning I did the bathroom with Resort TV streaming from Animal Kingdom on my phone, kind of made it fun. Right now I’m getting my favorite avocado toast for lunch, then it’s back home to clean out the fridge so I ca go grocery shopping later.
Yesterday I did get the headache from the adrenal support stuff, which is sad because it did pick me up a bit.
It’s another beautiful day so will enjoy the deck with a book in between loads of laundry. Getting ready to pack up for the beach again to celebrate my grandson’s birthday and a last long stay for them before school starts.

Our covid tests all came back negative, so very relieved. We all agreed no more Florida trips until C. can be vaccinated.
So glad to hear your tests came back negative. I was thinking about you when I decided to rebook my trip.
So glad to hear your tests came back negative. I was thinking about you when I decided to rebook my trip.
We had a wonderful time, but I have to admit once we got home and caught up on the news I was like “what were we thinking??!” We were careful-wearing our masks in crowds even before the mandate, but I think we just got lucky. Hopefully by March things will have improved. We’ll probably qualify for booster shots by then as well.
We had a wonderful time, but I have to admit once we got home and caught up on the news I was like “what were we thinking??!” We were careful-wearing our masks in crowds even before the mandate, but I think we just got lucky. Hopefully by March things will have improved. We’ll probably qualify for booster shots by then as well.
If my trip had been the same time as yours I would have gone too, it seems like that was the week when things really took a turn.
We had a wonderful time, but I have to admit once we got home and caught up on the news I was like “what were we thinking??!” We were careful-wearing our masks in crowds even before the mandate, but I think we just got lucky. Hopefully by March things will have improved. We’ll probably qualify for booster shots by then as well.
I was definitely feeling like we also got lucky. We were religious about wearing masks inside, but so many were not.
Small steps - I really need to get moving on the decluttering, even if it's just 15 minutes a day. My challenge is to find a place in the day when I can consistently work on it so it becomes a routine, instead of something I plan to squeeze it in around other things.
My small steps for this week...

I also need to get re-energized around the decluttering. I didn't get to GW in July so I have two trips to make this month and need to get going with it.

I also need to figure out the adrenal support thing because I definitely need it but need to find something I can tolerate.

It is going to get hot here again this week, so need to make use of what might be the last blast of summer and get outside. I'm particularly interested in enjoying the "golden hour" in the evening, the hour before sunset when the light changes and things slow down.

I did my grocery shopping with two things in mind: cantaloupe and prosciutto salads for lunch and person pizzas made with Greek pitas for dinner, and some protein drinks mixed in during the days.
I don't have much motivation today. I need to find it. I am very frustrated today. On top of insurance denying the ER visit, they have denied a CT scan for me and my new prescription. It is just so frustrating. The CT scan they say I don't need and they want me to take other medications first before taking the one that was prescribed. I am just frustrated.

On top of this and the kids schedules we think DD has a concussion. I am taking this afternoon to get checked. She got hit in the head on Friday with the soccer ball. Friday wasn't bad but Saturday though today she has had a migraine with light sensitivity and was sick to her stomach on Saturday. It can be just a migraine. There is really no way of knowing.
Small steps: walking at lunch whenever I can. Drinking more water. Smaller portion snacks.

Just found out the buyer for my parent's house backed out boo! So back to square one there.

Still planning on vaca next week. Fingers crossed that will happen. We probably wont spend as much time in the parks as originally planned but that's ok. Any break from reality would be welcome. I know A LOT of you feel me with that one.
For me, I notice that good sleep helps me to be more productive and reduces my anxiety. But interestingly, the main thing that messes with my sleep is anxiety. It causes me to wake up and not be able to go back to sleep! Ugh.

Things I’ve noticed that help me get a good nights sleep are routine - going to bed & waking up at the same times each day.
Sleep is sooooo important!

I'm lucky in that I'm a natural early bird. That whole "early to bed, early to rise..." thing definitely helps! It's hard for me to watch my DS struggle with getting to bed early when he needs to be up early. (He's currently a night owl, as adolescents and young adults tend to be.) And DH has a lot of sleep issues, which I think have played a big part in some of the health problems he's had over the years. Lack of sleep definitely contributes to a vicious cycle.

I was a mess when DS was little, and I was consistently up in the middle of the night (and for us that was years, not months 🙁 ). I didn't even realize how much of a fog I was living in at the time, until I started getting fairly decent sleep again and looked back.

Now I have pretty good routines, but I definitely notice the difference when I stay up that extra hour or have trouble falling back to sleep after waking to use the bathroom. Out of the list above, I also like to read in bed before going to sleep.

If anyone is interested in reading a little more, I highly recommend the book The Power of When, by Michael Breus. It talks about chronotypes, and I think I may even have mentioned it on here before.

Carpe Dormio!!
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