Aussies beat the heat and escape to a Winter Wonderland! 01/06 COMPLETE!

Loving the report-I love the fact that on this forum we get to read about trips broader than just Disney-I love Dis but most of us take in some extra sights if we're travelling that far and these reports are so wonderfully detailed and have pics!! We leave in 1.5 weeks (ash cloud permitting) and including some sightseeing in LA (daughter quote "it'd be nice to see something of LA rather than just the inside of LAX airport or Disneyland") as well as DLR then over to the east coast to New York and Washington. I thought flying back why not hop off in Phoenix, hire a car and pop up to the Grand Canyon then drive on to Las Vegas. From there we fly home via LAX- so really looking forward to reading the rest of your report. Your experiences at the safari park made me wonder if you ever been to Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo? Can really recommend it. As for winter travel-yes its so different from here-we had a fantastic winter trip to UK and Europe when my daughter was young-she still remembers it as the best Xmas ever. At the opposite end of the spectrum of course we will be there mid summer.
Is it wrong that I got a little excited when I thought there was a new update on this TR :lmao:.

Wendy, would love to hear a little about your winter Europe trip, even if only in a private message. Something I am thinking about, that's all.
Loving the report-I love the fact that on this forum we get to read about trips broader than just Disney-I love Dis but most of us take in some extra sights if we're travelling that far and these reports are so wonderfully detailed and have pics!! We leave in 1.5 weeks (ash cloud permitting) and including some sightseeing in LA (daughter quote "it'd be nice to see something of LA rather than just the inside of LAX airport or Disneyland") as well as DLR then over to the east coast to New York and Washington. I thought flying back why not hop off in Phoenix, hire a car and pop up to the Grand Canyon then drive on to Las Vegas. From there we fly home via LAX- so really looking forward to reading the rest of your report. Your experiences at the safari park made me wonder if you ever been to Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo? Can really recommend it. As for winter travel-yes its so different from here-we had a fantastic winter trip to UK and Europe when my daughter was young-she still remembers it as the best Xmas ever. At the opposite end of the spectrum of course we will be there mid summer.

Your trip sounds fantastic! I'd love to see more of LA some day - I"m guilty of really only seeing LAX and DL so far.. The other places you mentioned were some of my very favourites of our trip and definitely must-do's for next time; New York, Washington, Vegas and Arizona (in fact I bought the Lonely Planet Arizona guide book last night!) Hopefully you'll actually make it to the Grand Canyon though!

I haven't been to the Western Plains Zoo but I just checked out their website and it looks awesome, definitely something we would enjoy. It's paritcularly cool that you can stay overnight there. We're members of the Perth Zoo and I think that gives us free entry to the Taronga zoos, I'll try and convince DF we should go!

Is it wrong that I got a little excited when I thought there was a new update on this TR :lmao:.

Wendy, would love to hear a little about your winter Europe trip, even if only in a private message. Something I am thinking about, that's all.

:laughing: Thank you, I'm so glad people are enjoying my report! Update coming now (I'd be a lot faster if Photobucket was easier to use!)
Day Four – Sedona to Vegas

We both woke early after a pretty bad night’s sleep, eager to get on the road as soon as possible. It had obviously snowed pretty heavily in the night and our car was covered in snow, which was very novel and exciting for us! We had no idea how to get the snow off the windscreen and made use of the tools we could find much to the amusement of the hotel receptionist.


A postcard.. I'm scraping so fast I'm a blur!


A sign..

We had another drive around Sedona before we left, the red rock is so striking during the day, we didn’t realise just how beautiful it was when we arrived in the semi-dark the night before! Here are some more photos down the main street which don’t really do it justice.



In case my amateur photography isn't inspiring you, here’s a better example I found on Google..

We hit the road about 7:30am, knowing that we had a long drive ahead of us, as we needed to head south back towards Phoenix before we could go north to Vegas due to the snow and road closures. The guy we met at dinner the night before suggested we try diverting through a town called Wickenburg and taking the back road to join up with the I40 as this would be a lot faster than going all the way to Phoenix and going via the main roads. He wasn’t familiar with the Wickenburg route though and warned us that it could be pretty deserted, which worried us, and also that the interstate could be closed due to snow anyway when we reached it, meaning we’d need to double back. We were in two minds about what to do at this stage and just keep driving south..


A mini “avalanche”!


Snow plough hard at work..

We stopped for coffee along the way in a town called Anthem and interrupted some more friendly locals who were quietly enjoying their breakfast (until we came along). Luckily they were more than happy to help us out and give their advice. They told us their daughter was also travelling to Vegas for New Years and had left very early that morning. She’d just phoned them and told them that the back route was fine and she hadn’t encountered any problems at all, which was just what we needed to hear and we finally made the decision to take the short cut.

It took us about 7 hours in total to reach Vegas from memory. The so called “back road” was actually really busy, but traffic flowed freely. We passed through several small towns and were able to re-fuel the car and ask for weather updates along the way. The scenery was absolutely beautiful and I really fell in love with Arizona (sorry I can't help saying it!) it really felt like we were out in the wild west at times.. We could see dark clouds approaching from our west along the way and were reluctant to stop for food or breaks in case the weather overtook us and we got caught out again.


Dark clouds on the move..

So we raided the snacks we bought from the organic supermarket at Escondido for lunch. Fortunately we made it across the Nevada border without any problems, although we did pass a very long line of stranded cars heading the other direction when we made it to the interstate. Apparently people had to sleep in their cars the night before and we were grateful we weren’t one of them and were diverted to Sedona when we were. It must have been freezing out there overnight.


Countryside changing as we approach Nevada, damn that car for ruining my shot

Since we were passing the Hoover Dam on our way, we decided to stop and check it out. I’d seen photos before but was blown away by just how big it is!


Can you see the tiny people looking over the top of the dam?



The beautiful overpass bridge. We wanted to walk over it but the car park was blocked off on our way out and we had to keep driving..

After finishing at the dam we drove straight to Vegas. It was a relief seeing the strip from the distance and knowing we were really going to make it after all

After arriving in LV we checked into our hotel, the Monte Carlo. We booked a strip view room and I would highly recommend this, there’s always something happening outside to look at, all the neon lights at night are really cool and we had an awesome view of the New Years Eve fireworks from our room the next night. Our room was on a high enough floor so that we didn’t hear any noise from outside. The Monte Carlo was great, very classy, fairly mid-way on the strip so easy to get to everything, and not as busy as some of the other casinos.


Our room


The view from our room

One of my favourite things about the hotel was The Cupcakery.


This was the first time I’d tasted red velvet cake and I’ve been in love ever since! (the cake on the right is a vanilla cupcake filled with chocolate ganache… and I’m embarrassed to say how many other flavours I sampled over our stay)


After settling into our room it was time to explore! It was very cold in Vegas, it dropped to below 0 Celsius on our first night (lower with the wind chill) and I broke out my thermals for the first time. We didn’t spend a lot of time outdoors, except from walking between casinos, as it was bitterly cold.

We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, which probably wasn’t a great decision given that it was pretty overpriced, but it was right opposite our hotel and we’d skipped lunch so we gave it a go. It was also my first opportunity to try ribs on the trip, I also had a great (and super expensive) cocktail.


After dinner we headed north on the strip and had fun checking out the shops and casinos/hotels along the way. Neither of us gambles and we’re not huge drinkers (but I loved the slushy cocktails they had in most of the hotels, yum!) but we still found there was plenty to keep us occupied and didn’t really find Vegas “seedy” at all.


The M&Ms shop, 4 levels of chocolatey goodness!


M&Ms Nascar vehicle


New York, New York


Jelly Belly Statue of Liberty




Monte Carlo


Keeping my wedding options open in case a DFTW doesn’t work out..

Eventually the cold drove us back to the Monte Carlo and we got a good night’s rest knowing that we had a huge night ahead of us the following day.


View from our room of the strip at night, pretty bad shot but it gives you the general idea (the lights were a lot brighter in real life I promise!)

Next up – Best. New Years. Ever!
Another great update. Loving your down jacket and how you had a woollen dressier jacket for evenings. The view from your room is awesome.

The scenery on your drive to Vegas definitely likes very "wild west" like.

Cant' wait to hear about the best NYC ever :)
Do you realize how hungry I am right now?!?!?!?!? :rotfl: Starving and that vanilla cupcake filled with chocolate would go down really really well.

I have to say that I've never been interested in going to Las Vegas, but your pics have made me a little more curious.
:thumbsup2 loving the detail of your trip report. Interesting that you loved Vegas we found it disappointing the kids only want to go back to stay at the same hotel and to go eat at Hash house a go go (twisted farm food) again other than that we found Vegas very over rated but we did have 4 kids with us :rotfl:
We kind of felt the same way about Vegas, Jacs and WAMUM. We had 2 kids with us too. You really can't do Vegas the way Vegas should be done with kids in tow :rotfl2:. It truly was not a thing like the Hangover for us.

With that said, the kids loved it, and would love to go back. DH and I are like, meh, not really, but I know I would probably enjoy it okay if we went back but in the scheme of things, it's down the list now.

Many more cities in US that I haven't seen that I would want to like New Orleans, Nashville, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, Charleston, I could go on and on so I guess Vegas will have to wait for many more trips to go by before we venture back. I didn't find it tacky though, just not the same with kidlets.
Loving reading the updates, the pictures just get me more and more excited for my trip.

Hearing about the Monte Carlo is great as that is where I have booked to stay as well, those cupcakes look amazing and I can see myself trying many many flavours whilst there .... baking is a weakness.

The photos of you getting the snow off the car made me giggle, I would have been totally lost.

Can't wait to hear about NYE
Another great update with that very brief glimpse of Sedona. DH and I love Arizona too...and a great road trip involves a few of the NP in Arizona and heading back across the Southern Utah NP. I figure I'm a couple of years off being able to take DS on a roadie like that....;)
Lulu - I don't often venture into the Aussie forum, but thought I'd pop in this evening.... anyway, wanted to reply and say what a fabulous holiday you guys had ! I've been seriously contemplating changing our April/May trip next year to a post-Christmas 5 week holiday so that I'm not having to take DD1 out of school half-way through year 10.

I'll be reading voraciously now ! You've got me all inspired :thumbsup2

Sally :)
Another great update. Loving your down jacket and how you had a woollen dressier jacket for evenings. The view from your room is awesome.

The scenery on your drive to Vegas definitely likes very "wild west" like.

Cant' wait to hear about the best NYC ever :)

Thank you! I"m definitely glad I bought two jackets, the dressier one wasn't as warm but I would have felt out of place in the down jacket at times (and like I was very obviously a tourist!)

Hopefully I'll get the NYE update up now, the text is all done (I may or may not have written it during a quiet time at work last week..) it's just the photos that need uploading.

Do you realize how hungry I am right now?!?!?!?!? :rotfl: Starving and that vanilla cupcake filled with chocolate would go down really really well.

I have to say that I've never been interested in going to Las Vegas, but your pics have made me a little more curious.

:laughing: They were extremely yummy cupcakes! I've considered emailing them and asking for the red velvet recipe..

I think Vegas is one of those places people either love or hate, and I was definitely sceptical before we went but I really enjoyed it. And not for the gambling or drinking side.. I just loved checking out the different casinos (it's amazing how well themed some of them are and it's like you can visit Paris, Venice, Rome and Monaco in one night), restaurants and shops (like the M&Ms and Coca Cola themed shops). I could also spend a lot of time just people watching I think!

:thumbsup2 loving the detail of your trip report. Interesting that you loved Vegas we found it disappointing the kids only want to go back to stay at the same hotel and to go eat at Hash house a go go (twisted farm food) again other than that we found Vegas very over rated but we did have 4 kids with us :rotfl:

I definitely take my hat of to you for doing Vegas with 4 kids, we found it overwhelming enough as adults!

We kind of felt the same way about Vegas, Jacs and WAMUM. We had 2 kids with us too. You really can't do Vegas the way Vegas should be done with kids in tow :rotfl2:. It truly was not a thing like the Hangover for us.

With that said, the kids loved it, and would love to go back. DH and I are like, meh, not really, but I know I would probably enjoy it okay if we went back but in the scheme of things, it's down the list now.

Many more cities in US that I haven't seen that I would want to like New Orleans, Nashville, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, Charleston, I could go on and on so I guess Vegas will have to wait for many more trips to go by before we venture back. I didn't find it tacky though, just not the same with kidlets.

I like your bucket list of cities to visit. We met a lovely couple from Charleston later on in our trip and it sounds beautiful.. I think Vegas is definitely more of an indulgent, let your hair down kind of place than the opportunity to experience any culture..

Loving reading the updates, the pictures just get me more and more excited for my trip.

Hearing about the Monte Carlo is great as that is where I have booked to stay as well, those cupcakes look amazing and I can see myself trying many many flavours whilst there .... baking is a weakness.

The photos of you getting the snow off the car made me giggle, I would have been totally lost.

Can't wait to hear about NYE

You will love the Monte Carlo! It's such a great base for seeing all of the strip. My advice is to head straight to the Cupcakery once you arrive :rotfl:

Another great update with that very brief glimpse of Sedona. DH and I love Arizona too...and a great road trip involves a few of the NP in Arizona and heading back across the Southern Utah NP. I figure I'm a couple of years off being able to take DS on a roadie like that....;)

We can't wait to do another US road trip - we're thinking of maybe incorporating part of Route 66, and there's a section on that in our Arizona book. I think we'd take a leaf out of your book as well next time and not over-plan so much (e.g. have accommodation booked in advance) so we can just enjoy and see where the road takes us!

Lulu - I don't often venture into the Aussie forum, but thought I'd pop in this evening.... anyway, wanted to reply and say what a fabulous holiday you guys had ! I've been seriously contemplating changing our April/May trip next year to a post-Christmas 5 week holiday so that I'm not having to take DD1 out of school half-way through year 10.

I'll be reading voraciously now ! You've got me all inspired :thumbsup2

Sally :)

Thank you! We loved our winter trip, and going just after Christmas meant we could enjoy the decorations that were still up in most places. Year 10 is an important year for your DD too, lots of big decisions to make..
Day Five – Vegas!

The morning of our first full day in Vegas we decided to take a drive and check out the famous sign, followed by a trip to the outlet mall.

A few of the hotels we passed along the way (Vegas is definitely prettier by night!)



It was a bit surreal to see the sign in real life!


And I was surprised to learn there is another side..


There is an airport opposite the sign, and we saw a private jet arrive and some people be ferried away in gold limousines. Probably some celebrity arriving for NYE? Unfortunately we couldn’t work out who it was..


Walking back to the car DF drooled over this in the car park.


The owner noticed and encouraged DF to sit in the car. He asked if DF could drive a “standard”, and we had no idea what he was talking about until we realised he meant what we would call a “manual”. DF does have his manual license so he told him to turn the engine on and give it a rev. I think DF is still dreaming about this car..


Our next stop was the outlet mall. Sadly I don’t have any photos but I’m sure everyone knows what a mall looks like. This was the only outlet mall we visited on our trip so I can’t really compare it to anything else, but it impressed me!

I was actually quite restrained with my shopping for some strange reason. We both stocked up on Levi jeans (some were as cheap as $20 a pair!) I really wanted to buy some Sketchers shoes but they didn’t have anything in my size (what can I say.. I have big feet) I also really wanted to buy a Kitchen Aid mixer because they were so incredibly cheap (like $169 compared to $800 here!) but thankfully DF noticed that they are a different wattage to our power points here.

After we finished shopping we headed back to the Monte Carlo. We had cupcakes for afternoon tea (strictly to replenish our energy of course) and then got ready for our night out. We were lucky enough to get tickets to the Cirque du Soleil show “Love” (which is a Beatles tribute)

Before the show we explored parts of the strip that we hadn’t seen the night before. There was such a great festive atmosphere in the air. The actual street was blocked off by barriers and there were police everywhere.


Lion enclosure at the MGM Grand, with no lions inside?


Once you get past the exteriors everything pretty much looks like this!


I was very excited at the prospect of seeing flamingos..


The beautiful flock of flamingos at The Flamingo! I have day time photos to follow..


The Venetian


Canals at The Venetian


Madame Tussauds (we didn’t go in)


Paris – this hotel was so beautiful, I’d love to stay here some day..

We finally made our way to the Mirage for the show, which was awesome and I’d highly recommend to everyone! We bought the CD afterwards.


After the show we were pretty starving so we ate at the Mirage buffet. There was such an amazing variety of food, definitely the most impressive buffet I’ve ever been to! I was impressed with the amount of healthy options too.


DF after the buffet..


Inside the Mirage

After dinner we basically just soaked in the atmosphere and headed back in the general direction of the Monte Carlo, enjoying a few drinks and checking out various parties along the way. Every hotel seemed to have a different big event going on. We didn’t want to be locked into staying in the same place all night so we didn’t buy tickets to any one big event. The strip was crazy busy, like one massive party, and there were people everywhere, but everyone was generally pretty well behaved; there were mainly just a lot of happy drunks around!


Kim Kardashian hosted the party at The Venetian


These guys weren’t having such a happy time..

It was pretty cold, but didn’t feel as cold as the previous night, perhaps because of the crush of people? We were glad we’d worn thermals under our clothes, as well as bringing our beanies and gloves. The next morning we discovered the high temperature the evening (3 deg Celcius, with a low of -2) was a record low for a New Years Eve.

At midnight on NYE several of the hotels launch fireworks from their roofs. We’d asked people during the day where they thought the best view would be, and most people said the strip itself, but that it would be pretty packed and rowdy. So we decided to watch from our hotel room since we were high up with a strip view. We made it back right before 12 and had an awesome view of the show! We couldn’t see every hotel obviously, but we had a great view of the MGM Grand. Plus we were nice and warm!

The rest of the night after midnight is a bit of a blur.. but it was definitely a huge night overall and we slept very well when we eventually got into bed!

Since we weren’t able to take a lot of photos on the strip (it was just too crowded to get the camera out) here are a few from Google to give you an idea of the atmosphere




Next Up: One more morning in Vegas then back to LA to begin our Pacific Coast Highway road trip
:thumbsup2 I must say those fireworks looked awesome:woohoo:
I would even consider going to Vegas on New Years to see that:)

We went to the outlet malls everywhere we went and Vegas was the cheapest we certainly left the Nike and Oshkosh store with less cash in our pockets:rotfl:
We brought electrical things home with us and just use an adapter and have had no problems with any of it!
Day Six – Vegas to LA

We had a sleep in on New Years Day, and then woke to another cold Vegas day (4 deg. Celcius maximum temp). We decided to spend most of the day in Vegas and arrive in LA in the evening. I was amazed how clean the streets were, there must have been cleaning crews working throughout the night to clear up the aftermath of NYE, it just looked like any other morning, even the security barriers were gone.

After cupcakes for breakfast :rolleyes1 we spent the morning and early afternoon wandering the strip and checking out the interiors/foyers/shops of some of the hotels. Despite the cold it was a beautiful sunny day and we were obviously starting to acclimatise as it didn’t actually feel so cold anymore.


Monorail connecting the hotels next to the Monte Carlo

The Bellagio was just beautiful and had an amazing Christmas display, including animals made out of flowers.




They also have an art gallery inside, which was very nice. The Bellagio definitely had more of a “classy” feel about it than a lot of the other hotels. And of course the famous fountain show out the front was great to see.


Bellagio foyer

A nice couple took our photo in front of the Eiffel tower (it doesn’t look like a 4 degree day does it!)


We spent quite a while inside Caesar’s Palace which is just massive, and I would guess is probably the single biggest complex on the strip? The actual hotel part alone is broken up into several different buildings.


Caesar’s Palace foyer


Fountain out the front

The shopping complex is huge and we ended up eating lunch at an Italian restaurant next to the “Trevi Fountain” (unfortunately I can’t remember the name, maybe Trevi?). This was one of the fancier meals we had so far, and the setting was lovely. The roof was designed like the sky, and the lighting changed throughout our meal as the sun rose and set.


”Sky” roof

We had beautiful pasta for lunch and I enjoyed one of their signature cocktails (some kind of Limoncello based slushy). After lunch we ended up getting a bit lost inside the shopping complex and couldn’t find an exit anywhere! I think that’s a common ploy to keep people inside the casinos!


I want her job!

Eventually we made it out and I had to say goodbye to my beautiful flamingo friends. I actually felt a little sorry for them being stuck on an island in the middle of a busy hotel, having hordes of people come past every day. Likewise I felt a bit funny seeing the lion complex at the MGM Grand. Apparently the enclosure is sound proof and they can’t see through the glass to the crowds, but it just seems like a sad existence for a lion to me.


Before I finish up with Vegas I have to mention the people on the street corners (mainly Mexicans) handing out cards for strippers and other “adult entertainment”. They are pretty much everywhere and push these little cards at any man passing by (they don’t care if he’s with a woman or not, DF got offered them all the time!), and when they’re not doing that they’re flipping the cards together making this really distinctive noise. I don’t remember them being pushy if we said no, and I can’t remember them actually talking to us. Most people end up throwing the cards away and the sidewalks end up covered in them. I personally found this pretty amusing and just laughed about it, but I have had other friends go to Vegas and find this offensive or intimidating. I think I would be a bit more concerned if I had children as I wouldn’t want them seeing all the semi-naked photos (I certainly didn’t see any being handed out to children, but it would be very easy for them to get hold of them/pick them off the floor). Just thought I’d mention this as something to be aware of, but like I said it didn’t bother us at all.

We left Vegas in the afternoon, and I was sad we didn’t have one more night there. There were so many hotels we didn’t get a chance to explore, but I suppose at least we’ll have something to do if we go back!

We drove straight back to LA, and had a pretty uneventful drive. We had some kind of take away for dinner at a town we passed along the way called Victorville (obviously nothing memorable because I can’t remember what or where we ate!). The lady who served us was really friendly; very interested in our accents and asked us a few questions about Australia and our holiday. We were really surprised to learn that she’d never been to LA before, which is only about 140km away. We came across this quite a few times on our trip; people who had never really been outside the city they grew up in, and found it surprising. Perhaps it was just the people we encountered?


Goodbye Vegas!


Hello California!

Once we arrived at our hotel we had a pretty early night and feel asleep watching TV.

Up Next: Our road trip to San Francisco begins!
Day Seven and Eight – LA to San Francisco via the Pacific Coast Highway

We were very excited about driving the famous Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) which some say is one of the world’s greatest road trips (apparently best done in a convertible, but the Nissan had to do for us!). The full highway goes from San Diego to the redwood forests north of San Francisco, but we did an abridged version from LA to San Francisco. The PCH is not a true “highway”, in the sense that it’s actually several different roads (e.g. Highway 1, which joins with Highway 101 and also the interstate at times), so the PCH itself is not always well marked at times, which meant we unwittingly detoured off the route a few times! The section we did takes about 16 or so hours in total, so we decided to split it into two so we could take our time and enjoy the sights along the way. Wikipedia recommends 2 weeks for the entire drive so obviously it could be done a lot more leisurely than we took it! We were pretty relaxed about this drive, and didn’t have a map of the route. We just used the GPS and road signs to make sure we were headed in the right general direction so unfortunately I’m going to be pretty vague with names of places we passed, or roads we used.

It was grey and raining when we left LA in the morning, in good spirits and looking forward to the road trip ahead. Unfortunately after about 45 minutes we came across a road closure due to flooding!


Saying goodbye to the coast as we detour inland!

So we took a detour through the hills, which was absolutely beautiful and made up for missing out on the coast view.


We had a bit of trouble finding our way back to the PCH though and ended up on one of the interstates and a bit lost. I was a bit disheartened by then, but was cheered up when we passed a shopping complex and a store called PetCo. We have two very spoilt pets (a budgie and a dog) so I made DF make a quick stop off so we could buy our boys a souvenir. I had a really great time here; they had a fantastic range of things, both for pets and people. We bought a toy each for the dog and the bird and a key ring for me then hit the road again.

Finally we rejoined the PCH and enjoyed the beautiful coastal scenery and watching the weather and rain clouds come in over the ocean.


There were lots of rabbits at one of the lookouts we stopped at

We made a stop in lovely Santa Barbara and had a wander around.


Eventually we decided to spend the night in San Luis Obispo, as it was dark by this time and we were missing the scenery anyway. This is pretty much the midway point of the route we were taking and halfway between LA and San Fran.

This was the only night I hadn’t booked accommodation for and we stopped at the Peach Tree Inn, which is recommended in Lonely Planet, and were able to get a room for a good price. This was such a lovely little place to stay, really homely, and the people were so friendly and helpful. We didn’t realise how pretty it was until daylight the next morning.


After unpacking we headed into the main street for dinner. We decided to eat at a Mexican place that was really busy and full of college students and had our first real burritos. They were so delicious and like nothing we’d ever had before, a lot more fresh and wholesome with yummy things like black beans compared to anything I’ve tasted here! They were also enormous and I didn’t get anywhere near to finishing mine.

After dinner we had a brief wander around, huddled under our umbrella, and I discovered my first Barnes and Noble, which was happily open until 10pm. I am a huge book lover and was so excited to discover how much cheaper books are in the US! My book purchases probably explain most of the 23kg of extra baggage we came home with.

Driving back to our hotel we had our first and only sickness experience of the trip. I developed a bad allergic reaction to something and broke out in a bad rash/welts, developed a congested nose, shortness of breath, runny eyes etc. (I never found out what the problem was – it wasn’t dinner because I safely ate Mexican several times later with no problems) I always carry my antihistamines and inhalers on me, but had forgotten my steroid creams, which would help with the rash. I tried to reassure DF I’d be okay with what I had, and that it was unlikely I’d be able to get what I needed without a prescription anyway, but he became very overprotective and insisted we find a pharmacy so we spent about half an hour driving around in the pouring rain trying to find a pharmacy that was open using the GPS to locate them. Eventually after about four tries we found one that was 15 minutes away from closing and were pleased to find that I didn’t need a prescription for my cortisone cream in the US! DF was happy after this and oddly enough talks about that drive as being one of his favourite memories of the trip?

After a great antihistamine induced sleep I woke up the next morning feeling much better and we enjoyed a nice breakfast in the motel foyer. It was no longer raining and the weather forecast was for sun.

The coastal scenery today was just stunning and my photos really don’t do it any justice. We kept stopping along the way for photos and just to admire the view.




Along the way we stopped at Hearst Castle (which is the former home of newspaper magnate William Hearst). You can take a tour of the castle, but we were enjoying the scenery too much to stop for long enough to do this.


We were also lucky enough to see elephant seals, which were on land for their birthing season. There is a great lookout where you can look down at the beach below and watch the seals safely without disturbing them, with volunteers available to talk to you about them. We didn’t see an actual birth, but we saw plenty of seal pups and their poor mothers who looked exhausted.




After seeing the seals we continued along on our way and eventually hit Big Sur and stopped at the Bixby Bridge.



Next we hit the beautiful redwood forests where we had a stop for lunch and to admire the amazing trees (oddly I can’t seem to find any photos!)


Except for this one which was our view at lunch

Our next stop was Monterey, a lovely coastal town.


Friends that had travelled before us had told us about the great aquarium here and it lived up to our expectations!



A cuttlefish




I was super excited that they had a special exhibition of.. beautiful flamingos!



We spent quite a few hours at the aquarium and then had fish and chips for dinner, as we had to try some of the famous local seafood.


It was dark by the time we left Monterey and we still had several hours of driving ahead of us. We joined the Interstate since we knew we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the scenery of the coast, but unfortunately this meant bypassing a few other places that would have been nice to see (e.g. Santa Cruz).

Eventually we arrived in San Francisco and checked into our hotel. We were both invigorated by arriving at our destination and decided it would be a waste to go to bed right away. So we decided to walk to Ghirardelli Square for dessert where we shared this:


After dessert we headed back to our hotel and called it a night.

Up Next –San Francisco
Love your Vegas shots and that was a very quick drive up the PCH. got to the main bits.

I've drive Route 66 between Flagstaff and Needles. It is a reasonable drive and there are bits that I found sad because it just seemed so run down. I'd love to do it again...and Kingman and Oatman is where I consider the best experiences of the drive to be. Both towns were great, too. If you do the drive, there was a town....I can't remember where....might be Seligman or one of the other smaller stops....that offers a 4-wheel drive out to the Colorado River i.e., the base of the Grand Canyon without the need for donkeys! I really wanted to do that tour but we didn't have time to do it on that trip.
Awesome update. The Vegas shots actually made me want to go back to see some things I missed.

The coastline you drove along looks beautiful, and the seals are adorable.
Wow, just finished reading. Great photos and great report! Just wondering how you and the car coped with the snow? Did you need to use chains?!?!? We will be travelling through Montana right about when the snow should start arriving so I am a bit worried about driving in the snow!
Generally the US and Canada simply have proper 'snow' tyres on their vehicles (the rental depot should have them on all their cars but it is worth checking). As long as you have these driving with snow or even on snow should be fine (although as the navigator, whilst I have a front seat view I do not have to actually do the drining). However California seems to insist on chains, probably because of the dominance of cars that would never venture into areas prone to snow (just like vehicles in Australia:rotfl:).

Lulu83, I appreciate you posting the trip report and look forward to more.


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