Australian Karen's Countdown

Nice job Karen! :worship: Is it any wonder that I look up to you so much?! You're organised, have easy to style hair - AND you can name 19 different types of meat.......truly inspirational. :littleangel:

I have the bags out, almost everything in a couple of washing baskets - clean all ready to be ironed and packed (and for some items - culled)! Tomorrow night (Monday) is my night to iron and pack the clothes. Looking forward to ironing in a weird way - because it's great when it's done and it gets me closer to the airport!! :yay:

PS......please don't make the mistake of thinking that I look forward to ironing at ANY other time in my life!! ;)
Nice job Karen! :worship: Is it any wonder that I look up to you so much?! You're organised, have easy to style hair - AND you can name 19 different types of meat.......truly inspirational. :littleangel:

I have the bags out, almost everything in a couple of washing baskets - clean all ready to be ironed and packed (and for some items - culled)! Tomorrow night (Monday) is my night to iron and pack the clothes. Looking forward to ironing in a weird way - because it's great when it's done and it gets me closer to the airport!! :yay:

PS......please don't make the mistake of thinking that I look forward to ironing at ANY other time in my life!! ;)

thank you thank you :grouphug:.........this year I am majorly organised.
I just found my journal for last years trip and I had written that I started packing the night wonder I took most of my wardrobe and some of the kitchen appliances.:rolleyes1

i was going to iron but thought "bugger this, I will iron as I need to.....I'm now making a coffee":surfweb:

so last things for me to do:
monday: buy my Mexican peso's cause I forgot to last week
tuesday: beautification at salon
wed: pedicure and sleepless night
thurs: up at 5am, out by 6am, back home at 6.05am because DH forgot something :headache:, leave home again 6.10 am, airport 7am ish,check in 7.20 ish :dance3:

enjoy your evening...........and let the ironing be damned !!!!
Lets recite the Disney creed together shall we???

Let the ensuing panic wash over me like a tide......
whilst my lists become larger and my time to do them diminish like my bank account
let my friends mock me
my family reject me & think I am nuts.

May my DTA email me that the resort of my choice is now full & I need to rethink my accommodation and she needs the answer now
whilst the dog swallows a tennis ball needing emergency surgery $$$$$
the kids get [insert awkward injury/ies here]
and the washer and/or dryer gives up the ghost halfway thru washing/drying delicate princess outfit thus shrinking/ dying/ ripping it beyond repair.

Oh Disney, why do you mock me
Why do you torment me with free dining and magic hours
Knowing my family turn into geeks/ freaks/ bogans after dark???

Do not turn from me, Oh Disney World
Turn a blind eye to my fashion fopa's and deliver me into the empty Space Mountain lines I so desire.

I have travelled far, planed much and annoyed many with my tales of clever 180 days +10 dining reservations.
Deliver me to the promised Dining reservation time + 10 with a nice table, awesome service and complimentary glow cube in my drink.

Finally, We accept the things we cannot change,
the courage to change the reservations when we have to,
and the wisdom to keep the really hard to come by reservations even when the family vote to stay in the pool .......

****listening to Disney internet radio while at work at the moment......just think this time next week I'll be knee deep in Disney ************:woohoo: countdown is nearly at its end....this time in 2 days i will be enjoying my post departure drink whilst reading my George W Bush biography sitting in 12H premium economy V australia.......whilst snuggling with the sexy man in 12K.....:hug:

2 more sleeps:dance3:
Yeah Karen, have a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear what you have been up to.

Catch a around.
Oh yes Karen, just in case I don't get on here again before your countdown finishes (unlikely I know :lmao:), I want to wish you a wonderful trip!! :cheer2: I'll miss your frequent posts on here and it will seem very quiet without you :worship::rotfl2:
I just read out the creed to my DH, he laughed (although I think that on the inside he is slightly terrified!)

I loved it, it incorporates everything that we are all feeling at the moment, excited, overwhelmed, frustrated.....and all of those in the next 10 seconds!

3 sleeps! :banana:
Hey Karen, I hope that today is nice and calm! :lmao:

Just think, this time tomorrow you'll be enjoying looking through the gorgeous shops on the other side of customs, claiming your GST, grabbing one last magazine for the flight...and feeling the eyes in your back when they announce that the premium economy passengers can board :rolleyes1. You deserve that welcome aboard champagne!

Then, one day after you do all of that - I get to do it too!!! :cool1:
Oooh, Premium Economy..... oooohhhhh.

This time tomorrow. Relax and enjoy.

yep this time tomorrow i will be enjoying my pre-flight glass of something, whilst trying to stop DH's pre-flight hyperventilation [he's a shocking flyer].

So all I need to do now is try to keep my mind on my job today and not start counting the hours........

chat to traumatise yr 8 boys:thumbsup2
Are you working the day before you leave?!?!?!? You should have taken it off. I hope you enjoy your pedicure and have everthing you need packed. I LOVED that creed. Did you make that up?
Have a great trip Karen! Very excited for you and for everyone else who is leaving before us!

Are you working the day before you leave?!?!?!? You should have taken it off.

Leave is previous!!!! That day off is better spent at DIsney than at home...
Hi lady......I hope that you are asleep (although you're probably not)! Have an amazing flight and don't suck up all of the fun in premium economy - leave a little bit for us on Friday!! :goodvibes

I hope that hubs handles things OK on the flights, wow, he must really love you to fly such a lot with you when he hates it so much......and then to think about how you pay that love forward to all of the teenage boys that are in your library every day - what a humanitarian you are! :rolleyes1

Safe travels and may the glow cubes be with you! :love:
Have a great flight- soooo jealous of that premium economy!!!
Be nice to the peasants up the back!!!

We may see you around the world!! I will look for the bleached hair and aussie lanyards !!
Oh you're so totally there already!!!!!! I hope you're having fun! We expect ALOT of pictures.:lovestruc


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