Back to School during the pandemic ...a discussion thread

Dropped him off for day 2 this morning, we'll see if it goes better! He has asked to do online learning instead of in class, or to switch to the non-immersion class since his friends are all there (at least the ones he plays with now). I don't think they will let him switch like that though, and I worry the teacher for French in that class (they do still get one block of French) is one he has had in the past and not done well with. It's so hard...I had sent a message to the principal before school started about his nemesis, and his friends, but because they split them along the immersion/non line, it wouldn't have mattered. He has 20 kids in his class, which is only a few less than last year, and surprised me since I know of at least 4 or 5 who are doing the at home version instead. I told him to give it to the weekend and we can have a conversation about it when he's not so tired.

I am very glad the boy he always gets into it with is in the other class, but they have recess together as the two classes mix then. So the cohort is 40 I guess? both classes together.

He went out with a friend yesterday evening, they got stuck in a rain storm and ended up at the other boy's house. He had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the time with his friend. Who is in the other class. I am just glad he has one friend he enjoys spending time with.
Yeah ok...good point.

On this end of things, class lists have changed so many times (not a normal thing at my school) so while friendship groupings were likely a consideration in June or whenever the initial lists were made, things have changed with families choosing remote (or homeschool) and classes collapsed and/or needing to even out numbers. Sometimes the person rejigging the classes wasn't even familiar with the kids and aware of friendships.
Medical experts are now saying that the risk of transmission through surfaces is actually very low. Because your child should be the only one touching their binders it shouldn’t be an issue.

Also I know everyone I has to do what makes them comfy, but I heard an interesting interview yesterday. It had to do around kids being anxious about going back to school. And it was mentioned that yes it’s a good idea to have them remove their shoes and wash their hands as soon as they get home. But they brought up about how we should be careful about doing things like having a child have a shower as soon as they get home. For a lot of kids it could lead to more anxiety because it would be like telling them everyday that they are in an unsafe place full of germs that need to be washed away as soon as they get home. It could cause more anxiety about spending time in the class room. I had not thought of this before. But it makes sense. Even if we are nervous about how safe it is for our kids, we need to be careful with what we share with our kids. If we tell them school will be safe they will be more relaxed. If we talk about how unsafe it is, it could stress them out.
I think it’s probably all in the way we present it . We don’t have to be alarmist and weird about it but the reality is that we are sending them back to school in a pandemic. It’s still serious stuff. Scare them ? No way. But saying “it’s a good idea if we shower right after school ” or something equally boring. They are going to hear about it at school . Control the message at home , because there will be parents scaring their kids and they will need to hear our thoughts from our mouths to make sense of it. I’m pretty sure “ewwwww you have Covid !!” will be the new school yard insult this year . So I would choose to use plain language and age appropriate info. But asking them to shower will probably be just one of a million messages they get about this stuff in a day unfortunately.
DS had his first day yesterday, although it was really just a 90 minute assembly with only other grade 10's. Today is the first full day and he is all kitted out in his #1 dress uniform! This morning's tie tying session made me glad we decided to wake up a bit early today! :rotfl2:
For washing of the masks in regular laundry, I use a lingerie mesh bag and put them in there so they don't get all tangled with everything else. I wash them in the delicate cycle with clothes that go in there too.

For quick washes during the week, I use a tupperware-type container and fill it with laundry soap water and let them soak for an hour, rinse and then air dry.
I think it’s probably all in the way we present it . We don’t have to be alarmist and weird about it but the reality is that we are sending them back to school in a pandemic. It’s still serious stuff. Scare them ? No way. But saying “it’s a good idea if we shower right after school ” or something equally boring. They are going to hear about it at school . Control the message at home , because there will be parents scaring their kids and they will need to hear our thoughts from our mouths to make sense of it. I’m pretty sure “ewwwww you have Covid !!” will be the new school yard insult this year . So I would choose to use plain language and age appropriate info. But asking them to shower will probably be just one of a million messages they get about this stuff in a day unfortunately.

Agree!! And every kid is different. I don’t think my son would take being told to go have a shower in any way (except it would interrupt Xbox time lol). But I could see how some kids could, especially depending on how it’s presented to the kids. I haven’t decided what we will do, but if we want him to have a shower I would probably frame it around being sweaty from wearing a mask all day, and would make everyone “feel” better. He already sees his sister go have a shower as soon she gets home from work. So its kind of “normal”.
Anyone have kids in the school band?

DD's teacher sent an email that the woodwind instruments (i.e., Saxophone, Clarinet) need to have a bag cover for the whole instrument. You can make them from a pillow case, but I just said eff it and bought one LOL:
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DS is taking band this year as his arts elective and we just got a long email about this! Copy/paste of the relevant bits from the email:


In order to reduce the number of students using any of our spaces, we are taking full advantage of the space provided by the Music Centre. Mr. T will be teaching his classes in the main downstairs Band Room, while Mr. G’s classes will take place in the upstairs Rehearsal Room. Entrance and exit pathways have been clearly marked to ensure a safe flow of traffic. Individual instrument storage spaces will be provided in each room - students are asked to store their instruments in the Music Centre at all times, rather than in their lockers or homeforms. Instruments can be picked up at the end of the day for practicing as needed.

Physical Distancing

While students will be playing with others in their own learning group, the size of the Band Room also allows for each student to remain at least 2m from others while playing their instruments. All students will face the same direction.

Plexiglass Partitions

Our amazing Maintenance Team has built a number of rolling plexiglass barriers, which are installed between teachers and students.

Face Masks

We are asking each Band student who plays a brass or woodwind instrument to provide a second face mask, in addition to the one they have been asked to wear in hallways and common areas at school.* **

This “band mask” will have a small vertical slit cut at mouth level for inserting the mouthpiece, and is for use during Band class only. Please ensure that this mask is laundered regularly.

*Bass and percussion students may wear their regular school face masks, as mouthpiece slits are not required.

**Specialized face masks will be provided by GNS for flute players

Bell Covers

We have purchased a set of bell covers to mitigate emissions from brass and woodwind instruments (except flutes). Each student will receive a bell cover to be installed on their instrument, which can stay in place while not in use. Please ensure that this bell cover is laundered regularly.

Absorbent Pads

At the beginning of each class, students who play an instrument with a water key (“spit valve”) will be provided with a disposable absorbent pad on which to collect any droplets or excess moisture. These pads are to be discarded after each use.

DS is switching from Viola to Bass so none of this really applies to us, but yeah it is a lot to take in! :)
Anyone have kids in the school band?

DD's teacher sent an email that the woodwind instruments (i.e., Saxophone, Clarinet) need to have a bag cover for the whole instrument. You can make them from a pillow case, but I just said eff it and bought one LOL:
Yeah. DS took an extra credit that usually is after school band for the year. So now it's turned to theory (no playing for him). Too bad as those classes are not what they signed up for.
kids were using their chromebooks yesterday.
I'm surprised you have Chromebooks to use! The board sent all of DW's class set home with students last year; it took several years to requisition the full class set she had. This year she is starting with her own Chromebook and the one other unit that was actually returned to the school. Unfortunately there is more than one student in her class on an IEP with accommodation for laptop. One more issue to deal with.
I'm surprised you have Chromebooks to use! The board sent all of DW's class set home with students last year; it took several years to requisition the full class set she had. This year she is starting with her own Chromebook and the one other unit that was actually returned to the school. Unfortunately there is more than one student in her class on an IEP with accommodation for laptop. One more issue to deal with.

I know it was always an issue for my son to be able to use one in class and he had begged me to buy him one last year, my parent's caved and got him one for Christmas. I guess he's lucky he has it then, he brings it back and forth each day as they don't have enough places to charge them up in the class room. I know they got sent home in April/May for kids to use, they tried to give us one. I would assume people sent them back! Unless they are doing online learning, but that isn't everyone!
I'm surprised you have Chromebooks to use! The board sent all of DW's class set home with students last year; it took several years to requisition the full class set she had. This year she is starting with her own Chromebook and the one other unit that was actually returned to the school. Unfortunately there is more than one student in her class on an IEP with accommodation for laptop. One more issue to deal with.

We are a 1:1 school for grade 4-8 meaning that every student in those grades has a chromebook. When they were sent home, almost all were returned as required in June. Because we have lower numbers in the building we still have enough for all the kids. Fortunate I know as I've heard many other stories like your wife's. We have been directed to work ASAP on having the kids able to use the tech they will need if we end up virtual again.
We are a 1:1 school for grade 4-8 meaning that every student in those grades has a chromebook. When they were sent home, almost all were returned as required in June. Because we have lower numbers in the building we still have enough for all the kids. Fortunate I know as I've heard many other stories like your wife's. We have been directed to work ASAP on having the kids able to use the tech they will need if we end up virtual again.

Our school system ended up getting a grant to go 1:1 tech a while back, we were SO lucky that they had implemented chromebooks for every student (K-5 had access to them in school only, 6-12 brought them home each day) two years ago. Other schools in our area are having huge issues getting orders delivered right now.
You must be with the same garbage school board as I am (WRDSB). I agree with what you say about their emails containing no actual information. All I know so far is that DD's backpack should contain only lunch and 2 water bottles. Not much reason to inspire confidence in parents.

WRDSB is driving me nuts. I have 4 kids in 3 different WRDSB schools. Emails are useless. MDS went to class today (he's in a congregated special ed class for gifted students). They forgot that his bus isn't a special bus (the class is in our home school). Until I contacted them, they didn't realize that there wasn't a bus for him. He's my 3rd kid in that class - they know that some of the kids aren't out of area! Fortunately we can get him to school, but if we hadn't been able to, he'd have been out of luck. Especially because they didn't tell us he'd be starting before the other kids in the school until Monday night.

DD just found out her classes today (she starts tomorrow). One of them (her ONLY optional class this year, she's IB) isn't one of the choices she gave last year. They put her in Business. She had Music, World History or Physics as her choices. They told her that her only other option is a Fast Forward class (not really an option for an IB kid).

The bathroom procedure at my ODS school (Preston HS) is nuts. The kids have to wash their hands before they leave the classroom. Then when they get into the bathroom. Then after they use the bathroom. And again when they get back to their classroom.

Does that seem excessive to anyone else? Or am I just a germy gross person?
The bathroom procedure at my ODS school (Preston HS) is nuts. The kids have to wash their hands before they leave the classroom. Then when they get into the bathroom. Then after they use the bathroom. And again when they get back to their classroom.

Does that seem excessive to anyone else? Or am I just a germy gross person?
This doesn't seem obsessive to me because each child is touching their desk with their hands. The same desk where they eat snacks and lunch without a mask on.

When they go to the bathroom they first need to lock the stall and then unlock it afterwards so touching it at least twice. Also, depending on the school the door to the bathroom may or may not be propped open so each child may need to touch that on the way in and the way out. If a child is the type of person who puts their hands near their face, they are breathing on their hands even through their mask. These same hands touch the doors mentioned above.

For these reasons i'm happy kids are required to sanitize their hands on the way out of the classroom and then again on the way in. It's for their safety as well as their schoolmates.

In my DD's school bathroom breaks are allowed during certain times each hour. In her case the teacher has placed a piece of blue celophane on their clock between the '6 and the 9' ;) as my daughter described it. If the long hand is in the blue they may ask to go to the bathroom. This will be fine for her as she doesn't need to go often but I'm guessing could be a challenge for others. Makes sense though. Not complaining, just sharing how things are being done at her school.
WRDSB is driving me nuts. I have 4 kids in 3 different WRDSB schools. Emails are useless. MDS went to class today (he's in a congregated special ed class for gifted students). They forgot that his bus isn't a special bus (the class is in our home school). Until I contacted them, they didn't realize that there wasn't a bus for him. He's my 3rd kid in that class - they know that some of the kids aren't out of area! Fortunately we can get him to school, but if we hadn't been able to, he'd have been out of luck. Especially because they didn't tell us he'd be starting before the other kids in the school until Monday night.

DD just found out her classes today (she starts tomorrow). One of them (her ONLY optional class this year, she's IB) isn't one of the choices she gave last year. They put her in Business. She had Music, World History or Physics as her choices. They told her that her only other option is a Fast Forward class (not really an option for an IB kid).

The bathroom procedure at my ODS school (Preston HS) is nuts. The kids have to wash their hands before they leave the classroom. Then when they get into the bathroom. Then after they use the bathroom. And again when they get back to their classroom.

Does that seem excessive to anyone else? Or am I just a germy gross person?

One of my DDs friends foind our they only enrolled her in 4 university level courses. She needs 6 to go to University next year and her guidance is not being helpful. Also another friend didn’t get put in gr12 English which she needs to graduate 🙄.
One of my DDs friends foind our they only enrolled her in 4 university level courses. She needs 6 to go to University next year and her guidance is not being helpful. Also another friend didn’t get put in gr12 English which she needs to graduate 🙄.
Ask for e learning through the Ontario e learning consortium. It’s called Prism. If the school can’t fill her timetable, they must, by law allow her to pursue studies another way. There is also the Independent Learning Centre through TVO. The school MUST accommodate her. Have the student demand service tomorrow. This is crazy. We are mid September.
Ask for e learning through the Ontario e learning consortium. It’s called Prism. If the school can’t fill her timetable, they must, by law allow her to pursue studies another way. There is also the Independent Learning Centre through TVO. The school MUST accommodate her. Have the student demand service tomorrow. This is crazy. We are mid September.

Well it’s not my kid. I’m going to assume her parents are dealing with it. But I did mention if it was her I would be on the phone to the principal and if they didn’t get it figured out my next call would be the school board.

Tou are right it’s crazy it’s mid September. And I don’t like ford, but you can’t blame the mess in high schools on them. The Boards have known about a hybrid model for a couple months that is plenty of time to figure this stuff out. Lots of businesses including my own work had to adapt and change things with zero notice. The fact that schools still can’t figure things out if disgusting.


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